Search results 9
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingWar -- Religious aspects -- Christianity. Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 -- Mor...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ld War 1. Bush and the American f......audit 5. Iraq: Vietnam in the sand? 6. The Middle......reformation or Armageddon 7. Friends and foes after Bus......sensus at home and abroad Conclusion: The case f...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Subject HeadingWar -- Religious aspects -- Christianity Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 -- Mor...
- Subject Heading (ID)War -- Religious aspects -- Christianity Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 -- Mor...
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc....ical advances, and combative enco......ritain, Japan, and Germany) markets and empire, using their battleshi...
- Contents...d von Tirpitz, and John "Jacky" F......the red, white and blue Rush to conflict Standoff, 1914-1915 Jutland Terror at sea,...... the submarine and its consequenc...... Preparing for Armageddon : Germany Preparing for Armageddon : Japan Americ......e, 1946-2006 Grand strategy Going......s :" the sixth and seventh fleets......-frame fractor and other frustrations: Korea and Vietnam Crisis and consequence : ...... fortune Rocks and shoals Navy imperial.
- Subject Heading...- History. War and society.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...promise Murder and the wanton bri......r image Fourth and long gone The : the small and powerful world......ree blind mice and other stories) The once and future king Co......s Dr. Spock on Vietnam The Kennedy pr......n : the legend and the man With t......e boys in the band Spycatcher : the candid autobiograph......f a native son Armageddon 6000 names for......four : my life and hard times thr......g man Bad luck and trouble : a Re......y Innocent bystander Going after ......he Golden Ball and other stories ......h knell Before and after The diab......ish : complete and unabridled The unknown quanti...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related MaterialMao's China and the Cold War C......hower doctrine and the Middle East China and the Vietnam wars 1950-1975......llende's Chile and the Inter-Amer......ternationalism and paramilitary w...... War Imagining Vietnam and America : the ......f postcolonial Vietnam, 1919-1950 U.S......gton, Pretoria and the struggle f......ns, Americans, and the making of ...... United States and the communists in France and Italy The stru......hail Gorbachev and the collapse o......achev The rise and fall of the Br......ington, Hanoi, and the making of ...... between China and Vietnam, 1979-1991 The......tional history Armageddon insurance : civil defense in ...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...eaning, truth, and reference in h......uality, state, and civil society ...... between faith and reason : the death and return of God ......Supreme Court, and free speech Lo......scaling cities and migrants The university and military resea......e, technology, and ideologies of ......s : literature and cultural ident...... United States and Brazil, 1830-1......pts : literary and visual approac......Europe Winners and losers : how s......o Putin Understanding Wittgenstein Racism and philosophy Pos......tics in Russia and Eastern : astrology and authority in t......ity : founders and the founding American industr...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...zz : its roots and musical develo......history of Ireland The Middle Age......--race, crime, and punishment in ...... how they feel and why people tak...... Brown, Jones, and Robinson European vision and the South Paci......history of art and ideas will happen and what it will m......still see love and commitment so ......n interwar England : medieval modernism and the London und......n, enterprise, and ethnicity The ......tory : slavery and the Civil War ...... Satan, Cantor and infinity : and other mind-bog......letar : lyrics and ballads after ......fe in literary and theatrical Lon......medieval verse and prose War stories and poems A...
Other Libraries in Japan
- Related Material...r : arming for Armageddon A devil in par......vel of Abigail and John Adams Nei...... form The city and the pillar Eas......gia boy Wizard and glass The Blac......Existential errands The Complete handbook of the Oly......1980 The eagle and the raven Lyndon Johnson and the American d......Lives of girls and women World enough and time : a roman......rens The naked and the dead The N......tood, misused, and mispronounced ...... : Akio Morita and Sony Insomnia's TV movies and video guide age The sandbox ; The ; with, Fam and Yam The great ......dicare program and Social Security benefits The ...