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- ContentsHobbesian neopatrimonialism / Jesse ......authoritarian conflict managemen......2015 / John Heathershaw and Parviz Mullojonov From Moscow ......ity threats beyond Tajikistan's / Edward Lemon Tajikistan's m......eign policy : constructing relations with Russia, China, and the United States ......quite far : deconcentrated agrar......rnance in Khatlon, Tajikistan / ......ommercio Oblivion, ambivalence a...... : remembering the civil war in T......r migrants and the families and communities they leave behind ......ious Muslims : the paradox of bazaar workers from Tajikistan / Sophie Roch...
- Subject Heading...-Foreign relations--1991- Tajikistan--Social conditions--1991- Institution building--Taji......ikistan--Relations extérieures-......esign institutionnel--Tadjikista......plomatic relations. Institution building. Poli......hange. Social conditions. Tajikistan.
- Note (Content)The southernmost and poorest state of the Eurasian space...... immediately upon the fall of the Soviet Union and plunged half a million displaced. After the 1997 Peace Agr...... out for being the only post-Soviet ...... Islamic party-the Islamic Renais......a key actor in the civil war as w...... in postwar reconstruction and democratization. Tajikistan's ......twithstanding, the balance of powers over the country remain......with Russia as the major security......l investor.0Another specificity o......e labor migration flows toward R......t of a population of eight million, about one million work abroa...
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingCariño, Benjamin V., 1942- MOST (Program : Unesco) Philippine Migration Research Network.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."This is the story of what the most vulnerabl......e earners--gig workers, restaurant st......orers--do when the economy suddenly co......venelle builds on interviews wit......and precarious workers, conducted during the height of the pandemic, to uncover the unique challenges they faced in unpr......his book tells the stories of the 'officially Unemployed' and the 'forgotten job......nd reveals how they fared. CARES ......haps transform their lives. However, gig workers and those invo......loyment' found themselves at the mercy of argues that the rise of the gig economy, partnered ......ployment and economic instability, has increase...
- Contents...tten jobless?" The side hustle sa......ore and moving on up Strategies of survival Stu...
- Genre/Form TermsInformational works. Documents d'information.
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingOccupational mobility -- European Union countries -- C......ope -- Emigration and immigration -- Case studies. EU-landen.
- Author HeadingEuropean Commission. Directorate-General for Empl...
National Diet Library
- Authority(Subject Heading/altLabel)Labor unions 労働者 (外国人) 移民 Foreign workers 海外移住 植民 Emigration and immigration
- Note (General)原タイトル: Workers and unions on the move
- Additional TitleWorkers and unions on the move
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- ContentsThe camp and refug......Aung Combating the trafficking of......ecting victims on their return / Nit......-urban transitions in Kyaw Town ......yunt Nyunt Win The determinants of Shan migration from Northern Shan State t......Phyoe Zin Aung The impacts of migration on socioeconomic life in Ka......isting relocation / Stephen Zau for migrant workers returning due to COVID-19 in ...
- Genre/Form TermsConference papers and proceedings
- Subject HeadingMigrant labor--Burma--Congresses. Return......rants--Burma--Congresses. Burma--Emigration and immigration--Congresses. COVID-......pects--Burma--Congresses. COVID-......emic, 2020---Economic aspects--Burma--Congresses. Migration, Internal--Burma. Migration intérieure--Birmanie. Economics Emigration and immigration Migrant labor Return migrants...
National Diet Library
- Contents...ppines, migration turning points......itical evaluation of the migrant workers' situation in Taiwan in light of the Catholic social tradition / Lou Aldrich ......losophical and theological exploration / Agnes M. Bra......about to each other, as you walk along?" (Lk 24:17), migration in the Bible and our ......iovanni Zevola The church as "ima......communities" among differentiate......les of all nations, migration and mission / William LaRousse Migration and Christian ......ogical reflections on migration / Anselm Kyongsuk Min Global...... in Asia / Anthony Rogers Living......e land, migration and interreligious dialogue /...
- Subject HeadingAsians -- Migrations. Return migration -- Asia. Asia -- Emigration and immigration.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."The shift in the labour force f......agriculture to the manufacturing ......cess. Although the manufacturing employment, the share of the manufacturing ......ral areas are continuing to endu......sters, Migrant Workers, and Labour Ma......India examines the evident mismatch between the supply and demand in the labour force through the prism of; employment conditions for migrant workers, the impact of industrialization as part of ind......ial clusters upon surrounding an...... villages, and the labour market ......this book uses the cases of two n...... Its findings conclude that unat......s and working conditions are the main reasons f...
- ContentsMachine generated contents note 1. Introduction: Development o......l Clusters and the Labour Force; ......kawa2. Migrant Workers in Ludhiana; J......3. Knitted Together: The Life of Migran......ods in Punjab: The Role of Indust......a5. Impact of Non-Farm Employment on Landholding St......unjab: Comparison of Three Villa...... Labour Market on the Move: An Examination of Its Industrial Relations with Special Focus on the Institutional Actors in the Apparel Indust....... Structure of the Steel Industry......l clusters and the labour force S......hikawa Migrant workers in Ludhiana Je......mi Knitted together Muniandi Jegadeesan and Koic...
- Subject Heading.... BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Labor. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Urban & Regional. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Development / Economic Developmen....... BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economics / General. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industr......luster. Migration. Indien.
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."In the early twentiet......industrialization upended long-entrenched notions of gender and......n Meyer charts the complex vagari......manhood in response. Their ideas of mas......f mass production, workers created a whit...... turf against other racial went far beyond the shop floor. At the same time, they recast unionization battles as man......system killing their very selves. Drawing on a wealth of ar......unning detail- the mean labor and......len pleasures, the battles on the street and in the soul, and a ma...... wellspring of the fortitude nece......ry to maintain one's dignity while doing hard w...
- ContentsPreface Introduction: forms and mea......: mass production and auto worke...... industrial unionism, and the derogation of women, 1920...... and stool pigeons" : the disreputable m......ctory spies in the 1920s and 1930......g to provide : the battle to organize the Ford River Rou......1930-1945 Fashioning dense mascu...... industrial unionism and altered......op-floor relations, 1935-1960s The female "invasion" : women and the male workplace, 1940-1945 The challenge to w...... men and women move to white male, 1940-1945 Conclusion: the more things change, the more they stay the same Abbreviations Notes Index.
- Subject Heading...obile industry workers--United States....... Sexual division of labor--Unit......s. Discrimination in employment-......obile industry workers. Discrimination in employment. Sexual division of labor. Women employees. Wo...
National Diet Library
- Subject HeadingEmployees -- Relocation -- Great Brita......ustries -- Personnel -- Effects of relocation of industries ......fred Bird and Sons Limited.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....rican history, The Unknown Great illuminates the diversity of the Nikkei experience from the turn of the twentieth century to the present day. Greg Robinson delves into a range of themes from race a......erracial relationships to, and national identity. In......columns, Robinson examines the longstanding interactions between Afric......ese Americans, the history of LGB......ericans, religion in Japanese Am....... This collection is sure to ent...... and centering the lives of unher......gures who left their mark on American life"
- ContentsIntroduction/Reshaping Japa......y A note from Jonathan van Harme....... Harris/Champion of equality Ja...... Americans and the Macbeth friend of the Nisei Howard T......ericans/Toward the blessed commun......o Kenji Murase/The journey of a N......Michener/Champion of civil right......d supporter of the arts Way down ......hi Ohta Seeger/The power behind the music – Chapte...... Stepping over the color line/Nik......ican scratches on a Nikkei Brian Niiya The Japanese American press and the history of the N-word / with Jonathan van Harme......n – Chapter 4. The Queer heritage......hashi/Transnational writer and activist Not jus...
- Subject Heading...s d'origine japonaise--États-Un......s d'origine japonaise--États-Unis--Histoire
National Diet Library
- Contents...: tomatl meets the corporate toma......s and filters: theoretical and me......ver stop at McDonald's You can count on us: scanning c......s Supermarkets On the move for food: truc......s and transnational migrants Pic......nd packing for the north: agricultural workers at Empaque taking action for justice and sustainabilit...
- Subject HeadingWomen in the food industry ......aten. Internationalisatie. Mexico. Noord-Amerik...
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc....evelopments in the youth mobility and migration research field......cific emphasis on movement for education, work and exchanges sponsored by institutions, governments and international agencies, and free movement. The collection features over 30 theoretically and ......-based discussions of the meaning and ke...... practiced in contemporary societies, and concludes with an exploration of the costs and a time when the viability of free circulation is being called into question. The geographical scope of the book covers Eu...... Australia and the Americas, and ......ccount socio-economic and regional inequalities...
- Contents1. Introduction: The Intermittency ......f Youth Migration Part I 2. Intr......ity And Migration 3. Mobility Becoming Migration: Understanding...... Spatiality In The Twenty-First C......tury 4. Migration Decision-Making, Mobili......ted Dreams Of "The West" : Easter......k 6. Unpacking The Mobility Capac......Imperatives Of The "Global Generation" 7. Why Studen......nding: Reflections On The Concept Of II 8. Free Movement In Education 9. Youth Educational Mobility: The Start Of Intellectual Migration 10. Understanding Educational Migration From Greece To The UK In Times Of......s 11. Transnational Mobility, Education And Soc...
- Alternative TitleYouth mobility and educational migration
National Diet Library
- ContentsThe health effects......f social and economic policy : the promise and al.] Education and health : evaluating theories and evide......eating and Sharon Z. Simonton Income support......s and health among the elderly / Pame......F. Schoeni Did the introduction of food gates, lengthening lives : di......licies improve the health of Afri......rican women in the 1960s and 1970......Burgard Macroeconomic conditions, health, and ......topher J. Ruhm The new employment contract and worker health in the United States impacts on health / Maria......lary W. Hoynes The effects of welfare and child ...
- Subject Heading...ited States. Economic policy -- ......ic health -- Economic aspects --......States. Socioeconomic Factors --......dheit. Washington. USA.
- Author HeadingSchoeni, Robert F. Russell Sage Foundation.
National Diet Library
- ContentsIntroduction Confronting realities ...... of globalization : the move of people and ...... : identifying the global normati......twork International law and the forgotten reality of migrant workers Refugees and the changing pattern of international protection Internally displaced persons and the new challenges...... forced migration.
- Subject HeadingEmigration and immigration law.
- Title HeadingResearch handbooks in international law.
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc."This contributed volume reflects on the collective wisdom and ongoing efforts of the social work profession that has been in the forefront of the global pandemic of COVID-19. The contributors are seasoned social work ......emics, practitioners, administra......chers. Working on the frontlines with pat...... and families, these social workers have garnered ......ys to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus on the psychosocial well-being of their clients and themselves. The 36 reflections, experiences,......urated collection address the behavioral,, socioeconomic, and other repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic ...
- ContentsChapter 1. Introduction Part I. On the Frontlines of the COVID-19 Pande....../Moral Anguish Therapeutic Suppor......for Healthcare Workers in Acute Chapter 4. On the Frontlines of the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pande...... in a COVID-19-Only Hospital: A ......cialty Populations Impacted by the COVID-19 Pande...... Values During The COVID-19 Pande......OVID-19 Shifts the Focus Chapter 8.Reflections on COVID-19, Dome......ring in Place: The Experiences of Coercive Control for Colleg......nd Harm Reduction in the Time of COVID-...... Trauma During the COVID-19 Clients and the Impact on the Clinician Chapt...
- Author HeadingTosone, Carol
National Diet Library
- ContentsForeword / by Leon W. Chestang Pr......ents Introduction: moving beyond the controversy of the transracial adoption of black and b......, great grandmother and matriarch W. Wilson Goode Sr., fir......and former national football lea......I, great grandson of W. E. B. du......d advocate for the preservation of cultural he......Lora Kay (pseudonym), principal ......ool in Washington, D.C Chester Jackson, professional adoption worker and adoptive father Henry Allen, ...... Hughes, adoption attorney and adoptive mother Mahisha Delli......n Post, CEO of the post institute......amily-centered therapy and adopte......d cofounder of the DN|BE Apparel Conclusion Afte...
- Subject HeadingInterracial adoption--United States......--Family relationships--United States. African ...
- Author HeadingRoorda, Rhonda M., 1969-
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc.The 2004 reunification of Eastern and......ern Europe and the subsequent economic crisis cau......erns of migration in Europe. Whi......opean integration brought very m......ows of labour, the past decade has engendered the largest European movements of labour......h. In a situation of record high......s has sparked controversy about the very notion of free movement, one of the basic foundations of the European Commu...... debates about the conditions, causes, and consequences of la...... labour migration for receiving ......Research will contribute to impr......derstanding of the drivers, mecha......and effects of the past decade's surge in cross-...
- ContentsList of contributors Preface Introduction: transnational labour for social convergence or div...... in Europe? / Jon Erik Dølvik Ne...... labour migration from Central a......and its impact on labour markets and institutions in Norway: reviewing the evidence / Jon Horgen Friberg Policy response to emigration from the Baltics: confronting "the European elephant in the room" / Indre ......ectoral variation in consequences of in...... labour migration: how unions and structural conditions matter / Bjar......adian immigration model for Euro......nty and migration policy in Cana......lmo Meardi, Antonio Martín Artiles and Axel van...
- Subject HeadingLabor mobility--European Union countries. Mig......r--European Union countries. Emigration and immigration. Labor mobilit......e--European Union countries.
Philosophy in the Islamic world First edition. (A history of philosophy without any gaps ; volume 3)
National Diet Library
- Summary, etc."Philosophy in the Islamic world is the third of a ser......ich Peter Adamson aims ultimatel......tailed look at the emergence of philosophy with the Presocratics, the probing questions of Socrates, and the first full flo......hilosophy with the dialogues of Plato and the treatises of Aristotle. The story is told ......discussing not only such major f...... also less commonly discussed topics like the Hippocratic Corpus, the Platonic Academy, and the role of women ......osophy. Within the thought of Pla......and Aristotle, the reader will fi......epth introductions to major works, such as the Republic and the Nicomachean Ethics, which are...
- ContentsPart I. The formative period The straight path ...... Islam All for one - the Mu'tazillites ......ed in translation - from Greek t......Philosopher of the Arabs - al-Kindi The chosen ones - philosophy......nd Judaism Reasoned belief - Saadia Gaon High five - al......lian society - the Baghdad school The second master - al-F......- al-Fārābī on religion and politics Eye of the beholder - theories of vision Strings attach...... Undercover brothers - philosophy in the Būyid age God willing - the Ash'arites The self-made man ......e and works By the time I get to ......nix - Avicenna on existence By a......ary - Avicenna on god Into thin air - Avicenna ...
- Author HeadingAdamson, Peter, 1972-
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Summary, etc.Profiles the world's most than 100 of their biggest idea...... human rights; the effects of globalization; the role of institutions; and the rise of urban living in moder...
- ContentsFoundations of sociology.......s never marked the end of a nation / Ibn Khaldun ......s / Adam Ferguson Science can be...... Auguste Comte The Declaration of Independenc......bears no relation to half the human race / H......riet Martineau The fall of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat ar...... Society, like the human body, ha......eds, and functions / Émile Durkheim The iron cage of rationality / Max Weber Many personal troubles mus......t Mills Pay to the most commonplace activities the attention accorded extra......arfinkel Where there is power there is resistanc......kind of imitation for which there is no origina...