Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1954-1965.<Y141-FAO-55>
National Diet Library
Crop Production and Improvement Branch, Plant Production and Protection Division1961-<633.16-F686w>
National Diet Library
- Title HeadingWorld catalogue of genetic stocks. Barley.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1959-1961.<Y141-FAO-57>
National Diet Library
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1954-1961.<Y141-FAO-56>
National Diet Library
Plant Industry Branch, Agriculture Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1950.<633.18-F686wr>
National Diet Library
- Note (General)"FAO/53/3/2156." "1 January, 1950." Cover title: World catalogue of genetic stocks: rice.
- Alternative TitleWorld catalogue of genetic stocks: rice. Rice.
- Alternative TitleWorld catalogue of genetic stocks: rice. Rice.
National Diet Library
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1957
Other Libraries in Japan
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsPlant Industry Branch, Agriculture Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1950
Other Libraries in Japan
Crop Production and Improvement Branch, Plant Production and Protection Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1959
Other Libraries in Japan
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations1955
Other Libraries in Japan
- Alternative TitleWorld catalogue of genetic stocks of wheat Catalogue mondial de...
- Alternative TitleWorld catalogue of genetic stocks of wheat Catalogue mondial de...