Charles Perrault, Retold by Kayang Gagiano, Illustated by Chi Chung2012
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Andrew Lang, Retold by J.Kelly Daniels, Illustated by Reggie Holladay2012
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E.T.A Hoffmann, Retold by Kayang Gagino, Illustated by Jiyoon Im2012
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Hans Christian Andersen, Retold by Stephanie Alexander Thacker, Illustated by Danmian Ward2012
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Oscar Wilde, Retold by J.Randolph Lewis, Illustated by Barbara Bjornson2012
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A Norwegian Folk Tale, Retold by Casey Malalrcher, Illustated by Charlotte Cooke2012
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Virgil, Retold by Casey Malarcher, Illustated by Tom Sperling2012
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Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, Retold by Jenna Myers, Illustated by Michelle Todd2012
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Moses, Retold by Liana Robinson, Illustated by Lisa Fox2012
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Chsrles Perrult, Retold by Casey Malarcher, Illustated by Melanie Florian2012
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A Greek Legend, Retold by Liana Robinson, Illustated by Joanna Renaud2012
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Hans Christan Andersen, Retold by Jenna Myers, Illustated by Carol Koeller2012
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James Halliwell-Phillipps, Retold by Casey Malalrcher, Illustated by Jacqueline East2012
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An Iroquois Legend, Retold by Kelly Daniels, Illustated by Daniela Dogliani2012
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A Parable, Retold by J.Randolph Lewis, Illustated by Graham Ross2012
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Aesop, Retold by Stephanie Alexander Thacker, Illustated by David Schimmell2012
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Wilhelem and Jacob Grimm, Retold by J.Randolph Lewis, Illustated by Janet Samuel2012
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Joseph Jacobs, Retold by Kelly Daniels, Illustated by Marcin Piwowarski2012
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A Cherokee Legend, Retold by Kelly Daniels, Illustated by Ron Lieser2012
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Aesop, Retold by Randolph Lewis, Illustated by Christina Forshay2012
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