
検索結果 24 件

Alexandra von Fragstein<Z22-B259>岐阜大学地域科学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Regional Studies, Gifu University / 岐阜大学地域科学部総務委員会 編(20) 2007p.59~68
  • 著者標目Alexandra von Fragstein
  • 要約等論文(Article)
  • 掲載誌(NCID)AA11187587
  • 著者標目von FRAGSTEIN, Alexandra
James Fordyce . John Gregory ; with an introduction by Janet ToddPickering & Chatto1996
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA27601821
  • 件名Young women -- Early works to 1800 Women -- ......ct of life -- Early works to 1800 Sex role -- Early works to 1800 Femininit......sychology) -- Early works to 1800
  • 件名(識別子)Young women -- Early works to 1800 Women -- ......ct of life -- Early works to 1800 Sex role -- Early works to 1800 Femininit......sychology) -- Early works to 1800
2019-03-31Orient54 0p.41-53
  • 要約等<p>This paper examines the <i>waqf</i> (religio......ment) deed of Tatarkhān (Cairo, Wizārat al-Awqāf, no. q913), the daughter of the Mamluk amir Ṭashtamur and explains the process...... which the testamentary <i>waqf</i>, which was a <i>waqf</i> established based on a <i>waṣiyya</i> (will and testament) was established and enlarged during a forty-eight-year period. It de......cribes the situation of a female founder/administrator of a <i>waqf</i> in late fourteenth-c......gypt.</p><p>In his last will and testament, made on his deathbed, Amir Ṭashtamur directed his will’s executors to buy assets with one-third of his legacy to create an endowed <...
  • 件名testamentary <i>waqf</i> <i>waqf</i> deed Mamluk Egypt <i>waṣiyya</i> <i>awlād al-nās</i>
  • 参照...ucture of the Mamluk Army—II Women and Waqf: Toward a Reconsideration of Women's Place in the Mamluk Household Gendered Limitations on Women ......hree Women of Early Modern Cairo From Concubines to Capitalists: Women, Property, and Power in Eig......eenth-Century Cairo The monetary history of Egypt, 642–1517 The Maliki Family Endowment: Legal Norms and Social Practices Till God Inherits the Earth 'Every Soul Shall Taste Death': Dealing with Death and the Afterlife in Eig......enth-Century Ottoman Salonica Memoria and Endowments in Islam
岐阜大学地域科学部総務委員会 編岐阜大学地域科学部1997-2022<Z22-B259>
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)AA11187587
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Bulletin of the Faculty of Regional Studies, Gifu University
  • 並列タイトル等Bulletin of the Faculty of Regional Studies, Gifu University
Kevin Young, editorThe Library of America[2020]<KS184-D22>
  • 要約等Across a turbulent history, Black poets created a rich and multifaceted tradition that has been both a reckoning with American realities and an imaginative response to them. One of the great American art forms, African American poetry encompasses many kinds of verse: formal, experimental, vernacular, lyric, and protest. The anthology opens ......ith moving testaments to the power of poetry as a means of self-assertion, as enslaved people voice their passionate resistance to slavery. This volume captures the power and beauty of this diverse tradition and its challenge to American poetry and culture. The volume also features biographies of ea...
  • 内容細目...ung Bury me in a free land: 1770-1899 L......1900-1918 The dark tower: 1919-1936 Ballads of remembrance: 1936-1959 Ideas of ancestry: 1959-1......Blue light sutras: 1976-1989 Praise songs for the day: 1990-2008 After the hurricane: 2009-2020 ONE: BURY ME IN A FREE LAND 1770-1899. On imagination ; On Recol......ion ; On the Death of the Rev. ......efield. 1770 ; To S. M. a young African Painter, on seeing his Works ; To His Excellency General Washington / Phillis Wheatley An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatly, Ethiopian Poetess, in Boston / Jupiter Hammon [Bars Fight] / Lucy Terry A Mathematical Problem in Verse / Benjamin ...
  • 件名American poetry / African American authors Social problems / Poetry Social problems Poetry
笹生 美貴子<Z71-J213>物語研究(11) 2011.3p.141~161
  • 要約等As is widely rec......esented by the Legacy of Ubara Otome are giving the major influences to the Ukifune Story. The Legacy of Ubara Otome was composed as the Japanese poem, waka, by such poets like Tanabe no Fukumaro, Takahashi no Mushimaro and Otomo no Yakamochi. Among the three poets, only Takahashi no Mushimaro was characterizing his poem by closing father's absence up. There were many issues in the background of Mushimaro's waka, such as parents having made no conscious attempt to stop their maiden daughter's committing a suicide, which had long been generally inviting the attention of all concerned. In this writing, the writer tried to ...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Mother as featured in the Ukifune story: redemption of the mother as generated by the Legacy of Ubara Otome
  • 並列タイトル等Mother as featured in the Ukifune story: redemption of the mother as generated by the Legacy of Ubara Otome
Pickering & Chatto1996
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA27603317
  • 関連情報... women, 1766 . A father's legacy to his daughters, 1774 Letters ......e mind, 1773 . An enquiry into the duties of the female sex, 1797 Letters on education, 1790 Letters to a young lady, 1811
笹生 美貴子2011物語研究11 0p.141-161
  • 要約等As is widely rec......esented by the Legacy of Ubara Otome are giving the major influences to the Ukifune Story. The Legacy of Ubara Otome was composed as the Japanese poem, waka, by such poets like Tanabe no Fukumaro, Takahashi no Mushimaro and Otomo no Yakamochi. Among the three poets, only Takahashi no Mushimaro was characterizing his poem by closing father's absence up. There were many issues in the background of Mushimaro's waka, such as parents having made no conscious attempt to stop their maiden daughter's committing a suicide, which had long been generally inviting the attention of all concerned. In this writing, the writer tried to ...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Mother as featured in the Ukifune Story : Redemption of the mother as generated by the Legacy of Ubara Otome
  • 並列タイトル等Mother as featured in the Ukifune Story : Redemption of the mother as generated by the Legacy of Ubara Otome
by the late Dr. Gregory of EdinburghPrinted for T. Cadell, W. Davies1808
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA68310273
  • 著者標目(識別子)DA08402653 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/author/DA08402653#entity https://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/NII%7CDA08402653
by John Gregory, M.D. F.R.S. ... ; to which is prefixed An account of the life of the authorPrinted for A. Strahan, and T. Cadell, London; and W. Creech, Edinburgh1788
  • 件名Young women -- Early works to 1800
  • 件名(識別子)Young women -- Early works to 1800
  • 一般注記With a half-title References: ESTC T754...
by the late Dr. Gregory of EdinburghPrinted for W. Strahan, T. Cadell, W. Creech1775
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA31982795
  • 著者標目(識別子)DA08402653 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/author/DA08402653#entity https://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/NII%7CDA08402653
by the late Dr. Gregory, of EdinburghPrinted for W. Strahan; T. Cadell ... and W. Creech ...1774
  • 一般注記稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成 Signatures: A[6](-A1) B-I[8] K[2] Head piece Not in ESTC Without a half-title
  • 著者標目(識別子)DA08402653 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/author/DA08402653#entity https://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/NII%7CDA08402653
Printed for A. Strahan, and T. Cadell, London, and W. Creech, Edinburgh
  • 関連情報Lectures on the duties and qualifications of a physician A father's legacy to his daughters A comparative view of the state and faculties of man with those of the animal world Elements of the practice of physic
Belser Wissenschaftlicher Dienst
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA2673776X
  • 一般注記Originally published: Stuttgart: Belser Verlag
  • 関連情報Edward Bellamira, or, The fall of Tunis : a tragedy, in five acts : as performed at the theatre royal, Covent-Garden Frascati's The castle of Villero......ess The guilty tongue Travels of my nightcap, or, Reveries...... : with scenes at the congress of Verona Ben Nazir, the Saracen : a tragedy, in five acts : represented at the theatre royal, Drury Lane, on Monday, 21. May, 1827 The Hebrew : a sketch in the ......y, with The dream of Saint Kenya Winter tales, or, European nights' entertainments The new Gil Blas The Arabs : a tale, in four cantos The gentleman : a satire, written during the years 1812, 1813, 1814, and 1815 ...
A.A. Knopf
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00666702
  • 一般注記"A Borzoi book" means a publication published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
  • 関連情報The great cat : poems about cats De Kooning : an American master The world of apples A little maid of Virginia Mating Please take me for a walk A flag for sunrise : a novel Instructor's manual for Jacob Drachler and Virginia R. Terris The many worlds of po......ry Remembered laughter : the life of Noel Coward So love returns A pagan place The wonderful Wizard of Oz Absolutely on music : conversations Lisa in the jungle An era of total war and uncertain peace, 1938-1980 The best of Archy and Mehitabel France and Algeria : complementary enemies Franklin street The Great Northwest : a history The Camerons : a novel The idiot The...
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA56409974
  • 関連情報Canonicus The devil's dance Rosemi Shell; or, my daughter! oh! my daughter Rookwood The podesta's daughter Smith, s......erd of the Wissahickon The old wayside inn Favorite authors A game of chance; or, alotting the bri......inette's birthday Giorgione, the painter of Venice......My uncle, the captain Oleomargarine A masque et culture......purposes Two dramas of brandy A case for divorce Valentine's wager Haunted house Hélène de la Seiglière A fool for luck Mammy Crittie and baby Suzon Deaf in a horn Azon, the invader of Eden; or, immortality snatched from tree of life Matilda di Shabran and Corradino; or, the triumph of beaut...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Nineteenth century American drama
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA59219625
  • 関連情報Garrick's jubilee......ubert's pride Hal, the highwayman Wapping old stairs! Alfonso, king of castile : tragedy, 5 acts The marriage day; or, the life Chase Glitter Godefroi and Yolande Take that girl away! The storm fiend of the Appennines and the Arcadian bowers; or, harlequin prince ...... Rookwood The gay deceivers: or, more laugh than love Fast friends Fennel Beau Austin Twice kil......Gypsey : melodrama, 2 acts Miss in her...... of Lovers Miriam's crime Georgette Death and the lawyer Brand The widow be......ch'd; or, love at fault Le troisième mari The end of the tether; or, a legend of the patent office The Bastile The or...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Nineteenth century English drama
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA07487461
  • 関連情報Blame me on history Brighton rock Arrival and departure The pastures of heaven Look homeward, angel : the story of the buried life Cakes and ale, or, The skeleton in the cupboard The labyrinth of soli......elected short stories Kangaroo The day of the locust ; The dream life of Balso Snell Main street In favour of the sensitive man, and other essays The moon is down Helena The comedians The tenants But gentlemen marry brunettes : the illuminating diary of a professional lady The life to come, and other stories The cardboard crown Mrs Craddock The intelligent woman's guide to socialism, capitalism, Sovietism and fascism : definitive text u...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Penguin twentieth century classics Penguin 20th-century classics Penguin classics
  • NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)BA00548998
  • 関連情報Mexico City blues The sea of fertility M......es of the Ford administration : a novel Light in August Shooting an elephant and other essays Meetings with remarkable men Babette's feast ; and other stories The outsid......ourney In the making : the story of a childhood Near to the wild heart The samurai The room : a novel The philosophy of Andy Warhol : from A to B and back again The waves The Pat Hobby stories Fever pitch Charlie and the chocolate factory The trial The green child Nostromo : a tale of the seaboard Go down, Moses, and other stories Shadows on the grass The home and the world The unvanquished South wind Nineteen e...
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Modern classics