
19th century English drama


19th century English drama



Garrick's jubilee外部サイトHubert's pride外部サイトHal, the highwayman外部サイトWapping old stairs!外部サイトAlfonso, king of castile : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe marriage day; or, the life Chase外部サイトGlitter外部サイトGodefroi and Yolande外部サイトTake that girl away!外部サイトThe storm fiend of the Appennines and the Arcadian bowers; or, harlequin prince of the blood red plume外部サイトRookwood外部サイトThe gay deceivers: or, more laugh than love外部サイトFast friends外部サイトFennel外部サイトBeau Austin外部サイトTwice killed外部サイトGordon the Gypsey : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトMiss in her teens; or, the medley of Lovers外部サイトMiriam's crime外部サイトGeorgette外部サイトDeath and the lawyer外部サイトBrand外部サイトThe widow bewitch'd; or, love at fault外部サイトLe troisième mari外部サイトThe end of the tether; or, a legend of the patent office外部サイトThe Bastile外部サイトThe original外部サイトHorace et Lydie外部サイトThe snowball外部サイトOld heads and young hearts外部サイトHarlequin and the white moose; or, a Frog in an opera hat外部サイトMonsieur et madame Galochard外部サイトMadeline外部サイトThe grecian daughter外部サイトThe contract; or, the fête at versailles and from carnival games外部サイトFaute de s'entendre外部サイトThe boy of Santillane; or, Gil Blas and the Robbers of Asturia外部サイトOld heads and young hearts外部サイトBorough politics外部サイトEugénie; or, a sister's vow外部サイトChanging servants外部サイトLove ; The surrender of Calais ; Therese ; The foundling of the forest ; Love's labour's lost ; How to die for love ; The delinquent ; The invisible girl ; The peasant boy ; Catch him who can外部サイトRural felicity外部サイトYou can't marry your grandmother外部サイトThe turf外部サイトMusic mad外部サイトDealings with the firm of Gamp and Harris外部サイトThe milliner's holiday外部サイトThe enchanted beauties of the golden castle; or, harlequin and the one eyed ogre外部サイトThe minute gun at sea!外部サイトBlue beard; or, female curiosity! and male atrocity!外部サイトThe forty thieves : operatical romance, 2 acts外部サイトI riti d'efeso : opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトLe 66!外部サイトNothing to nurse外部サイトSuzanne外部サイトMy own twin brothers外部サイトLestelle; or, the wrecker's bride外部サイトLa gazza ladra : opera (Italian and English), 2 acts外部サイトWalker, London外部サイトArion; or, the story of a lyre外部サイトLove in a blaze外部サイトSink or swim外部サイトThe children in the wood ; The rendezvous ; Barbarossa ; The gambler's fate ; Giovanni in London ; The school of reform ; The lovers' vows外部サイトThe hen-pecked husband外部サイトMonti the poisoner外部サイトDreams of the heart外部サイトRobinson Crusoe外部サイトBlack domino外部サイトBlue Devils外部サイトThe miser's daughter外部サイトGood news! good news! [and] Mr. Boney's reception in Paris外部サイトParis and London外部サイトHagar外部サイトLove's martyrdom外部サイトThe house dog外部サイトMarigold外部サイトThe letter外部サイトThe Venetian outlaw: his country's friend外部サイトBe civil外部サイトAmateurs and actors外部サイトThe life of a woman; or, the curate's daughter外部サイトThe lady of the lions外部サイトThe turf外部サイトPaula Lazaro; or, the ladrone's daughter外部サイトThe railroad station外部サイトThe governor's wife外部サイトIl faut qu'une porte soit ouverte; ou, fermée外部サイトMari qui prend du ventre外部サイトTelemachus外部サイトA familiar friend外部サイトBrown, Jones and Robinson, a legend of the Hackney Load外部サイトThe fairy lake; or, the magic veil!外部サイトThe rift within the lute外部サイトA white elephant外部サイトZarah ; The miser ; The iron chest ; The romp ; The mountaineers ; The lottery ticket ; Nottlewig hall ; Quit at home ; Make your wills ; My husband's ghost!外部サイトThe knight and the sprite! or, the cold water cure外部サイトThe mistakes of marriage外部サイトThe invisible girl外部サイトThe spectre bridegroom; or, a ghost in spite of himself外部サイトAdoption外部サイトEdwin, heir of Cressingham : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトDiogenes and his lantern; or, hue and cry after honesty外部サイトBertrand and Burkenstaff or the conspiracy of Copenhagen外部サイトIphigenia at Aulis外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトBeauty外部サイトMonsieur Tonson外部サイトThe pas de fascination; or, the prince of horses外部サイトMrs Caudle's curtain lectures外部サイトBeauty and the beast外部サイトAlice May; or, the last appeal外部サイトLife in the trenches外部サイトThe deserts of Arabia外部サイトAlcestis外部サイトLucille; or, the story of a heart外部サイトA honeymoon tragedy外部サイトColumbus外部サイトWhy did I marry; or, city intrigue : farce, 2 acts外部サイトSeparate maintenance外部サイトThe recruit外部サイトEurope, Asia, Africa, and America or harlequin mercury外部サイトA new way to pay old debts外部サイトLeonara外部サイトNaval engagements外部サイトThe Irish tutor; or, new lights外部サイトThe Danicheffs; or, married by force外部サイトThe queen of brilliants外部サイトThree wives for one husband外部サイトRule a wife and have a wife外部サイトRuth of Rosedale, the poor man's daughter; or, the maid, wife and widow外部サイトThe old man of the mountains; or, a tale of the eleventh ...外部サイトThe devil's opera外部サイトReparation; or, the savoyards外部サイトRun for your life : musical burletta, 1 act外部サイトWanted--a widow, with immediate possession外部サイトIn town外部サイトOtello; or, the Moor of Venice外部サイトBorough reform and city deformity外部サイトLove's dream外部サイトThe magic horn外部サイトThe humpbacked lover外部サイトThe Highgate tunnel; or, the secret arch外部サイトAll in a bustle外部サイトThe devil on two sticks外部サイトGrimalkin; or, the cat wife外部サイトTacticians外部サイトThe country gentleman; or, the force of gratitude外部サイトHarlequin and Good Queen Bess; or, merry England in the old time外部サイトSpirit rappings and table movings外部サイトThe little captive king外部サイトThe game of life外部サイトLittle Bidette; or, good for evil外部サイトBrazen mask; or, Alberto and Rosabella外部サイトEllen Wareham外部サイトFrancisco, the avenger外部サイトYankee peddler; or, old times in Virginia外部サイトThe nabob for an hour外部サイトDhu blanche外部サイトEnquire within : farcical sketch, 1 act外部サイトThe sleep-walker; or, which is the lady?外部サイトDinner for two外部サイトPrince Prettypet and the butterfly外部サイトA practical man外部サイトThe beauty stone外部サイトThe juggler; or, father and daughter外部サイトA husband at sight外部サイトMa mie Rosette外部サイトYou must be married外部サイトLa stella del Nord外部サイトRetired from business外部サイトEsmeralda; or, the deformed to Notre Dame外部サイトA nice firm外部サイトMonsieur Tonson : farce, 2 acts外部サイトFraud and its victims外部サイトAdelaide; or, the fatal seduction外部サイトCadijah; or, the black palace外部サイトIon外部サイトCamille; or, the fate of a coquette外部サイトThe wizard of the wave; or, the ship of the avenger外部サイトLove's resurrection; or, the two docotr Hobbs's : frace, 2 acts外部サイトThe boarding school外部サイトAristodemus; or, the spectre外部サイトBo-peep and bonnie boy blue外部サイトThe corsair; or, the Italian nuptials外部サイトHow to pay the rent外部サイトKafrah Kasabush chief of the eagle tribe外部サイトHelpless animals; or, bachelors' fare外部サイトThe chase; or, life on the turf外部サイトThe great millionaire外部サイトThe Corsican brothers; or, the troublesome twins外部サイトLes brigands des Alpes外部サイトWellington and Waterloo外部サイトFaith, hope and charity; or, the railway of life外部サイトThe doubtful son; or, secrets of palace : play, 5 acts外部サイトThe white maid外部サイトA bachelor of arts外部サイトBartholomew fair外部サイトThe male and female serenaders; or, native talent's best外部サイトThe three bachelors外部サイトMy girl外部サイトThe Lambton worm外部サイトStradella外部サイトRalph Royster Doyster外部サイトMidnight; or, the thirteenth chime; or, Old Saint Paul's外部サイトThe daughter of St. Mark外部サイトThe falls of Clyde外部サイトMr. Simpson & Co. : farce, 2 acts外部サイトPhilistines外部サイトThe bronze horse; or, the spell of the cloud king外部サイトCharade dramas for the drawing-room外部サイトTrue unto death外部サイトOn guard外部サイトThe wheel of fortune外部サイトLizzie Leigh外部サイトSarah's young man外部サイトThe school for orators: or, a peep at the forum外部サイトA lie; or, there are tricks in all trades but ours外部サイトAriel外部サイトA queen's messenger外部サイトFire and spirit; or, a holiday harlequin外部サイトFaust外部サイトThe barons of Elbenbergh外部サイトFeudal times; or, the court of James III外部サイトThe Irish ambassador外部サイトA budget of blunders外部サイトThe captain of the watch外部サイトOthello, the Duenna, the rivals, the Belle's stratagem, cymbeline, venice preserved, and the West Indian外部サイトHamlet, prince of Denmark外部サイトLe portefeuille外部サイトThe fair fugitives : opera, 3 acts外部サイトThe phrenologists外部サイトDante外部サイトThe moral philosopher外部サイトVirginius; or, the fall of the decemviri : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトPeter Smink; or, which is the Miller外部サイトAndreas外部サイトThe wedding day外部サイトThe mountaineers外部サイトMy son Diana外部サイトMasaniello; or, the dumb girl of Portici外部サイトLéontine外部サイトJeanie Deans外部サイトMarmion! or, the battle of Floodden Field : romantic opera, 2 acts外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトThe chimes, a goblin story of some bells that rang an old year out a new year in外部サイトWild oats; or, the strolling gentleman外部サイトMy old woman外部サイトLustspiele外部サイトSylvana ; Tom Bowling ; Innkeeper Abbeville ; Lady of the lake ; Billy Taylor ; Two Gregories ; Wandering boys ; Paris and London ; A day after the fair外部サイトLa part du diable外部サイトThe bugle call外部サイトThe Naiad queen; or, the revolt of the Naiades外部サイトThe bride of the Nile外部サイトCinderella, and the little glass slipper外部サイトFrench Polish外部サイトThe banks of the Elbe : comic opera, 2 acts外部サイトThe country squire; or, two days at the hall外部サイトAn old offender外部サイトThe pawnbroker's daughter or the reprieved man外部サイトHarlequin and the Tom Thumb; or, gog ...外部サイトMy wife's father's sister外部サイトThe wolf and the lamb外部サイトBought外部サイトForty winks外部サイトThe blossom of Churnington Green; or, love, rivalry, and revenge外部サイトLa rose de Saint-Flour外部サイトThe vicar to Wakefield外部サイトThe title deeds外部サイトA gray mare外部サイトFaust外部サイトThe Saracen's head; [or, not at home] : comic sketch (interlude), 1 act外部サイトThe chapter of accidents外部サイトFound in a four-wheeler!外部サイトTwo loves and a life外部サイトPuss in a new pair of boots外部サイトZangarno's cave; or, harlequin, queen of the crystal grot外部サイトNibelung's ring外部サイトThe school for tigers; or, the shilling hop外部サイトVenoni; or, the novice of St. Mark's : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトThe fashionable friends外部サイトOliver Cromwell; or, the scotch regalia [and] imitation tea外部サイトLilian Gervais外部サイトAcis and Galatea外部サイトTears外部サイトThe brigand's daughter外部サイトThe Irish girl外部サイトA night at Notting Hill外部サイトDearest Elizabeth外部サイトGeoffry Kurdiston; or, the blacksmith's daughter and the mock marriage外部サイトKing Atlas and the seven princesses of the stars; or, the fays of the fountain of jewels外部サイトThe woman of the world外部サイトPierre the foundling外部サイトBluebeard; or, fickle Fatima nad the fatal key!外部サイトCromwell外部サイトThe dragon knight; or, the queen of beauty!外部サイトWhite-hands外部サイトThe midnight hour外部サイトThe golden waters; or, harlequin and the talking bird and singing tree外部サイトRoger Bontemps外部サイトThe animated effigy : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトLove外部サイトBell pantomime外部サイトSons and systems外部サイトThe broken-hearted club外部サイトA race for a wife : farce, 2 acs外部サイトBothwell外部サイトHarlequin King Pepin; or, Valentine and Orson外部サイトOrnano外部サイトH.M.S. Pinafore; or, the lass that loved a sailor外部サイトHarliquin [sic] from the shades外部サイトRobert the devil外部サイトLove in humble life : comic melodrama sketch, 1 act外部サイトThe sexton of Cologne or the burgomaster's daughter外部サイトThe rear admiral [and] new inventions外部サイトThe murder house; or, the cheats of Chick Lane外部サイトPaul Pry外部サイトLe roi des halles外部サイトMy Poll and my partner Joe外部サイトThe casket外部サイトValshi外部サイトDescriptive programmes, etc., of dramatic pieces for Messrs. Maffey's puppets外部サイトLe diplomate外部サイトThe area belle外部サイトThe sea-captain; or, the birthright外部サイトA wonderful woman外部サイトTwelfth night; or, what you will外部サイトMy great aunt外部サイトMore free than welcome外部サイトOur neighbours外部サイトTiberius外部サイトCato外部サイトRotherh[i]the in ...外部サイトDoctor Dilworth外部サイトCinderella and the little glass slipper; or, harlequin prince peerless ...外部サイトThe lily of St. Leonard's外部サイトLittle Ned; or, the streetsinger, the sailor and the noble外部サイトSocial life in Germany, illustrated in the acted dramas of her royal highness the Princess Amelia of Saxony, II外部サイトThe wreck ashore外部サイトHarlequin Dick Whittington and his king of pussy cats, who ate up all the wicked rats外部サイトMillitary movements; or, the young colonel外部サイトThe ladies' club外部サイトThe sentinel外部サイトTaken by surprise外部サイトUncles and aunts外部サイトLes petites Danaïdes ou quatre-vingt-dix-neuf victimes外部サイトThe trial of ignorance; or, the boy that wouldn't learn外部サイトA Boro' bench外部サイトHarlequin prince happy-go-lucky; or, princess beauty and the demon dwarf外部サイトHop O'my Thumb and his brothers or harlequin and the ogre外部サイトMy heart's in the Highlands外部サイトAbsent without leave外部サイトThe school reform; or, how to rule a husband外部サイトBirds of prey外部サイトThe woodman's hut外部サイトSweethearts and wives外部サイトThe old love and the new外部サイトBritish born外部サイトCaelina; or, a tale of mystery外部サイトThe man with the iron mask外部サイトThe love tests外部サイトThe critic; or, a tragedy rehearsed外部サイトThe magistrate外部サイトWoman's will--a riddle!外部サイトThe Earl of Warwick外部サイトConfounded foreigners外部サイトPrince Prettypet and the butterfly外部サイトZarah外部サイトMy grandfather's will; or, the man of straw外部サイトCaracalla外部サイトThe pilgrim : opera (Italian), 3 acts外部サイトThe actress of all work; or, my country cousin : comic sketch, 1 act外部サイトThe London banker; or, the profligate外部サイトThe hobby-horse外部サイトThe new planet; or, the harlequin out of place外部サイトPull devil, pull Baker; or, harlequin and Spitemandeatem and the fairy queen of the sylvan bowers外部サイトSt. Pierre, the refugee外部サイトCarlyon Sahib外部サイトSix of one and half-a-dozen of the other外部サイトThe mystic cavern; or, the progress of ambition : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトFamily peculiarities外部サイトCourting by Proxy; or, Miss Wright外部サイトThe Spanish husband; or, first and last love外部サイトThe strange intruder外部サイトThe mother and child are doing well外部サイトThe Agamemnon of Aeschylus外部サイトThe traveller's room外部サイトThe schoolfellow外部サイトPaul Pry外部サイトSt. Ronan's well外部サイトCe que femme veut ...外部サイトI'll be your second外部サイトSecond thoughts外部サイトThe English fleet in 1342 : historical comic opera, 3 acts外部サイトThe students of Bonn外部サイトSymptoms外部サイトDramatic sketches外部サイトThe two violettas : opera, 3 acts外部サイトZerlina; o, il cesto d'arancj外部サイトBy Royal command外部サイトWhat will they say at Brompton?外部サイトIt runs in the family外部サイトLa favolita外部サイトLucrezia Borgia at home and all abroad外部サイトLady fortune外部サイトThe 40 thieves外部サイトHans of Iceland外部サイトThe elixir of life; or, revelations of London外部サイトThe queen of the hills, a tale of the wilds of Corsica外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra; or, his-tory and her-story in a modern Nilo-metre外部サイトSummer and winter外部サイトJack the giant killer外部サイトWreckage外部サイトMary Queen of Scots外部サイトA cure for coxcombs : operetta, 1 act外部サイトPaddy Carey; or, the boy of Clogheen外部サイトThe yeomen of the guard, or, the merryman and his maid外部サイトThe old friends外部サイトJinks, the man that can't help it!外部サイトThe spirit of the fountain外部サイトThe widow's frolic外部サイトTom and Jerry : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトEvadne; or, the statue外部サイトThe magic mirror; or, the ninth statue外部サイトClairvoyance! or, double delusions外部サイトOld parr外部サイトBabiole et Joblot外部サイトLouise de Lignerolles外部サイトSongs from the loves of the butterflies外部サイトWallace外部サイトThe ghetto外部サイトWhy did he die?外部サイトEvadne; or, the statue外部サイトKildrostan外部サイトThe house of Morville : play, 5 acts外部サイトClaude Lorraine; or, the peasant, libertine, and brigand外部サイトLittle red riding hood; or, the fiend ...外部サイトThe chimney piece; or, natural magic外部サイトMy aunt's secret . All abroad外部サイトThe victim of St. Vincent外部サイトSensation dramas for the back drawing room外部サイトDramas, in two volumes外部サイトThe Corsican brothers外部サイトManfred外部サイトThe pupil of Da Vinci外部サイトLa juive外部サイトThe blind boy : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトThe battle of life外部サイトWhere is Eliza? or, have you seen my sister外部サイトKing Henry I外部サイトShe wants a guardian or they took the will for the deed外部サイトThe female Bluebeard; or, the adventures of polyphemus amador de Croustillac外部サイトThe mountain hut; or, the tinker and his son : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトThe marchioness of Brinvilliers外部サイトPetrach and Laura外部サイトDisguises; or, two stages from Gretna外部サイトHints for husbands外部サイトVirginius外部サイトFor papa's sake外部サイトThe lass of Gowrie外部サイトA chain of events外部サイトSweethearts and wives外部サイトGillette de Narbonne ou le Mari malgré lui外部サイトSong, Wae is my heart外部サイトJohn Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside外部サイトCinderella外部サイトIdeals外部サイトA pretty piece of business外部サイトThe dog of Montargis; or, the forest of Bondy外部サイトLaugh when you can外部サイトAddress, by D.W. Jerrold, in aid of an asylum for aged and decayed Freemasons外部サイトWallace外部サイトLa mauvaise langue de village外部サイトArminius; or, the champion of liberty外部サイトWoman's will[--a riddle]! : opera, 3 acts外部サイトThe earthquake; or, the spectre of the Nile外部サイトThe chalet; or, caught not won外部サイトOliver Twist; or, the parish boy's progress外部サイトJupiter's decree and the fall of Phaeton外部サイトLa fiancée du fleuve外部サイトThe state secret外部サイトA night's frolic: or, once in a hundred years外部サイトJack Brag; or, a chandler's chances外部サイトAn ugly customer外部サイトA number one; or, a hero in spite of himself外部サイトValentine and Orson外部サイトA young lad from the country外部サイトThe golden plough外部サイトTake care of little charley外部サイトDross; or, the root of evil外部サイトFrench Polish外部サイトRogues all!; or, three generations : farce, 2 acts外部サイトWaverley外部サイトCivilization外部サイトThe courier of Lyons外部サイトPunch's pantomime; or, harlequin and Magna Charta外部サイトRattlin the reefer; or, the tiger of the sea!外部サイトMissing!外部サイトElopement外部サイトThe stout gentleman外部サイトEnchanted wives and the dream spirits外部サイトXerxes : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe fortunate youth; or, the force of credulity! : historical anecdote, 2 pts外部サイトThe Bohemian外部サイトElectra外部サイトDramas translations and occasional poems外部サイトThe serious family外部サイトBertrand and Suzette; or, the marriage of reason外部サイトSunshine and shade外部サイトThe heart of mid-lothian : opera, 3 acts外部サイトPaul Clifford; or, the highwayman of 1735外部サイトOn the jury外部サイトAnthony Babington外部サイトThe Spitalfields weaver外部サイトHumpty Dumpty; or, harlequin, the yellow dwarf, and the fair one with the golden locks外部サイトHook and eye外部サイトHow do you manage?外部サイトRobinson Crusoe外部サイトAdventures of Charley Wag who eat ye Pudding and stole ye Bag, Ye外部サイトThe waltz : opera, 3 acts外部サイトSong in ... the bronze horse外部サイトCatiline外部サイトJoe in London外部サイトMark the end on't : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトNorma外部サイトMoney外部サイトA pantomime rehearsal外部サイトThe black madonna外部サイトCaswallon; or, the Briton chief外部サイトUne heure de mariage外部サイトThe bending of the bough外部サイトGoing to see the fireworks外部サイトThe tiger at large; or, the cad of the buss外部サイトThe busy body外部サイトThe wicked duke外部サイトBroken toys外部サイトThe woman I adore外部サイトThe fisherman : opera (musical drama), 3 acts外部サイトGringoire the ballad-monger外部サイトThe valet de sham外部サイトOld Gooseberry外部サイトGiovanni in London; or, the libertine reclaimed外部サイトMonologue, table-talk! or, odd sayings and queer doings外部サイトCharles the second; or, the merry monarch外部サイトJoseph and his brethren外部サイトDeath of life in London; or, Tom and Jerry's funeral外部サイトThe sorcerer [and] trial by Jury外部サイトThe catspaw外部サイトThe man-trap外部サイトNext of kin外部サイトHis Highness外部サイトPeace at any price外部サイトThe maid of Orleans外部サイトSocrates外部サイトLuck's all外部サイトBarnaby rudge外部サイトA soldier's courtship外部サイトThe Hecuba of Euripides外部サイトPrincess fair star外部サイトThe lion of the jungle; or, yaldo the remorseless外部サイトThe wolf and the lamb外部サイトIngomar, the son of the wilderness外部サイトAdelgitha: or, the fruits of a single error外部サイトMy sister from India外部サイトThat Rascal Pat外部サイトAmbrose Gwinett; or, a sea-side story外部サイトMarcus Manlius外部サイトIolanthe; or, the peer and the peri外部サイトBeauty and the beast外部サイトThe love charm; or, the village coquette外部サイトRichard III外部サイトGrieving's a folly外部サイトFalse delicacy外部サイトThe death of Don Giovanni : burlesque, 1 act外部サイトPopping the question外部サイトThe provisional government外部サイトDelicate ground; or, Paris in 1793外部サイトHarlequin and Humpo; or, columbine by candlelight!外部サイトThe rabbi of York外部サイトBarrak Johnson; or, the blind witness外部サイトHarold外部サイトThe liar外部サイトEliza Fenning外部サイトThe violet外部サイトThe queen of spades外部サイトMadeline外部サイトThe emerald heart; or, a poor man's honour外部サイトThe blind girl; or, a receipt for beauty外部サイトChiselling外部サイトThe grand duchess of Gerolstein外部サイトBox and cox外部サイトThe maid of the Oaks外部サイトWorse than ever外部サイトThe Irish tiger外部サイトAnne Boleyn外部サイトOberon; or, the charmed horn外部サイトA legal impediment外部サイトA London fog外部サイトThe demon oof bird外部サイトThe Mutiny at the Nore外部サイトThe drama of a life外部サイトThe warlock of the glen外部サイトThe travelled monkey; or, the newcastle rider外部サイトTimour, the cream of Tartar外部サイトThe barber bravo外部サイトBehind the curtain外部サイトThe married bachelor; or, master and man外部サイトThe battle of life; or, the heart of a sister外部サイトMonologue, Webster's wallet of whims and waggaries外部サイトThe white horse of the peppers外部サイトIzaak Walton外部サイトOld parr and the magic pills; or, harlequin and the wizard of ashdale外部サイトThe loan of a lover外部サイトPromotion; or, a morning at Versailles外部サイトMan and wife; or, more secrets than one外部サイトMithridate外部サイトPhilip外部サイトIreland as it is外部サイトMademoiselle Nichon外部サイトThe brides of Venice外部サイトThe English fleet in 1342外部サイトBianca di molino; or, the marriage and divorce外部サイトOld maids外部サイトA bachelor of arts外部サイトThe man without a head外部サイトThe mendicant son! or, the Jew of Southwark外部サイトRetaliation; or, an hour and half in Paris外部サイトSam Weller's tour; or, the Pickwickians in France外部サイトAnimal magnetism外部サイトMy friend the captain外部サイトPhillis; or, the nightingale外部サイトGilded youth外部サイトSpectacle à la cour外部サイトThe merchant of bruges ; or, beggar's bush外部サイトThe glove and fan; or, a signal engagement外部サイトSir John Barleycorn; or, harlequin champagne and fairies of the ...外部サイトMusic hath charms外部サイトPandora外部サイトThe mascotte外部サイトThe shaughraun外部サイトThe wreck a-shore or the bridegroom from the sea外部サイトLove's victory; or, the dead woman's secret外部サイトThe miller of Mansfield外部サイトFuribond; or, harlequin Negro外部サイトGermanicus外部サイトThe mast and the ploughshare; or, Britain's best bulwarks : farce, 1 act外部サイトA marriage noose!外部サイトLeft in a Cab外部サイトRomeo and Juliet as the law directs外部サイトNot at home : farce, 2 acts外部サイトThe battle of life, a love story!外部サイトThe merchant of Guadeloupe : play, 3 acts外部サイトSimpson and Co.外部サイトOld Mother Hubbard and her comical dog外部サイトOut to nurse外部サイトZitella; or, the Geurilla boy ...外部サイトWon at last!外部サイトCinderella外部サイトThe baffled spinster外部サイトSigesmar : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトBeauty and the beast外部サイトThe masque of Hymen; or, royal nuptials : masque, 1 act外部サイトMrs. Hilary regrets外部サイトIsaure外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトDearer than life外部サイトThe lady from the sea外部サイトThe major domo外部サイトNicholas Nickelby外部サイトWe fly by night; or, long stories外部サイトNeither of them外部サイトThe rogue's comedy外部サイトThe midnight watch外部サイトLa vivandière; or, true to the corps!外部サイトThe king's wager; or, the cottage and the court外部サイトReformation外部サイトPapillonetta; or, the prince, the butterfly, and the beetle外部サイトThe attic story外部サイトThe lady of Lyons; or, love and pride外部サイトFather and son; or, the rock of charbonniere外部サイトThe flowers of the forest: a Gypsy story外部サイトThe Lancashire witches; or, the lass of dewberry hill外部サイトHelping hands外部サイトThe lone house; or, a legend of Mont Blanc外部サイトTemptation; or, the Irish emigrant外部サイトDon Pasquale外部サイトTom Thumb外部サイトThe avenging storm; or, the fate of Malcolm外部サイトReleasing a man外部サイトThe minerali; or, the betrothed外部サイトChildhood's dreams外部サイトMay; or, Dolly's delusion外部サイトThe note forger外部サイトFifteen years of drunkard's life!外部サイトRobson's academy外部サイトThe Paphian bower or Venus and Adonis外部サイトThe rent-day外部サイトThe conquest of Mysore外部サイトThe pink of politeness外部サイトThe poacher's doom; or, the murder of the five field's copse外部サイトDon't lend your umbrella外部サイトA bit of old Chelsea外部サイトHis first champagne外部サイトFive miles off; or, the finger post : comedy, 3 acts外部サイトA change of system外部サイトAlmoran and Hamet : drama, 2 acts外部サイトHobbs, Dobbs and Stubbs; or, the three grocers外部サイトFive pounds reward外部サイトOne hundred thousand pounds外部サイトClandestine marriage外部サイトMémoires d'un colonel de hussards外部サイトFree and easy : comic opera, 2 acts外部サイトThe Chaplain of the Regiment外部サイトA blighted being外部サイトOurs外部サイトThe cataract of the Ganges; or, the rajah's daughter外部サイトA fast train! high pressure!! express!!!外部サイトThe counterfeit外部サイトLe bas-bleu; or, the fall of the leaf外部サイトLe châlet外部サイトFriends of foes?外部サイトAcis and Galatea burlesqued外部サイトEsmeralda; or, the deformed to Notre Dame外部サイトBroken hearts外部サイトTrue colours外部サイトLost and found: a fragment外部サイトLa clemenza di Tito : opera (Iatlian), 2 acts外部サイトThe dumb man of Manchester外部サイトKing zany's daughter; or, the princess who was blind of one ...外部サイトVoces academicae外部サイトHotel charges; or, how to cook a biffin外部サイトThe widow; or, my uncle's will外部サイトJack the giant killer外部サイトThérèse; or, the orphan of Geneva外部サイトHamlet外部サイトThat blessed baby外部サイトThe girl from Paris外部サイト'Tis she! or, the maid, the wife and the widow外部サイトThrough fire and water外部サイトDouble dummy外部サイトJack and the bean stalk and Margery Daw; or, harlequin man-in-the-moon, the giant ...外部サイトComfortable lodgings外部サイトDaddy O'Dowd外部サイトThe queen's horse外部サイトThe red crow; or, the Archers of Islington and the Fayre Mayde of West cheap外部サイトOur new lady's maid外部サイトThe blue-jackets; or, Her Majesty's Service外部サイトWolsey! or, the secret witness!外部サイトWho do they take me for?外部サイトAsk no questions外部サイトTrelawny of the Wells外部サイトMarco Spada外部サイトLeoni外部サイトAmor patriae外部サイトHarlequin and the swans; or, the bath of beauty : pantomime, 17 scenes外部サイトIllusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad外部サイトOnly a clod外部サイトScarlet mantle; or, the robbers' hold and the bandit's bride外部サイトWorth a struggle外部サイトBrian Boroihme; or, the maid of Erin外部サイトAll's fair in love外部サイトPride外部サイトThe marriage of pride外部サイトThe slave sale; or, nature, bondage, and liberty外部サイトSongs and choruses in the brazen mask : ballet外部サイトVermont wool dealer外部サイトTouch and take; or, the law of the kiss外部サイトThe passing cloud外部サイトAladdin; or, the wonderful scamp!外部サイトStage struck; or, the loves of Augustus Portarlington and Celestina Beverley外部サイト[A] mother and son : drama, 3 acts外部サイトNo followers外部サイトThe Scottish chiefs (not Miss Porter's )外部サイトJephthah外部サイトThe fallen spirit; or, Leon of Marana外部サイトClandestine marriage外部サイトGretchen外部サイトHélois̈e ou la nouvelle somnambule外部サイトValsha; or, the slave queen外部サイトThe rosebud of Stingingnettle Farm; or the villanous ...外部サイトMartin Chuzzlewit; or, his wills and his ways, what he did and what ...外部サイトThe village coquettes外部サイトThe scornful lady外部サイトBetting boys career from the counting house ...外部サイトThe title deeds外部サイトColberg; or, the bridal外部サイトThe rubber of life; or, St. James's and St. Giles's外部サイトCosmo, duke of Tuscany外部サイトHarlequin Tom, the piper's son外部サイトThe rule of three; or, harlequin arithmetic外部サイトMarie, a tale of the Pont Neuf外部サイトBathing外部サイトMirandola : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトBeau Nash, the king of Bath外部サイトHaroun Alraschid; or, wants and superfluities外部サイトThe Assurance Company or the boarding school of Montereau外部サイトJuvenile dramas外部サイトBorn to good luck; or, the Irishman's fortune外部サイトParsifal外部サイトThe witch-wife: a tale of Malkin tower外部サイトDick Whittington and his cat外部サイトA bold strike for a wife外部サイトThe law of Java : musical play, 3 acts外部サイトThe rightful heir外部サイトStage struck!外部サイトThe wife: a tale of Mantua外部サイトAnimal magnetism外部サイトThe talisman : a tale of the crusaders外部サイトLove in a village外部サイトOur village; or, lost and found外部サイトThe peri of the mist; or, harlequin and the captive of the marble halls外部サイトIsabel Bertrand; or, the wife's tragedy外部サイトValentine and Orson外部サイトHurra for the road; or, the gallant high toby man外部サイトThe life guardsman外部サイトFlighty Faust and Flirty Marguerite外部サイトThe rising sun外部サイトHarlequin and buttercups and daisies; or, great A, little A, bouncing B, the cat's in the cupboard and she can't see外部サイトDon Juan外部サイトThe sealed sentence!外部サイトThe enchantress外部サイトThe Eton boy外部サイトTrial of suits at the brewster sessions of Sotville; or, laugh ...外部サイトHarlequin and Good Queen Bess; or, merry England in the olden time外部サイトGame and game; or, who's the winner外部サイトAline; or, the rose of Killarney外部サイトAladdin and the wonderful lamp; or, new lamps for old ones外部サイトThe wedding march外部サイトThe window curtain外部サイトThe pirate : musical drama, 3 acts外部サイトSecond thoughts外部サイトThe dream外部サイトDon Giovanni ; Paul Jones ; Luke the labourer ; Crazy Jane ; Flying Dutchman ; "Yes!" ; The forrest oracle ; Ivanhoe ; Floating beacon外部サイトPhilip Quarll; or, the English hermit外部サイトThe Sergeant's wedding外部サイトL'impresario外部サイトLe cabaret de lustucru外部サイトA silent woman外部サイトOlivia [or] the vicar of Wakefield外部サイトFortune's frolic外部サイトHelping hands外部サイトWhich is my love; or, a night at Vauxhall外部サイトThe younger brother外部サイトKilligrew! or, King Charles at Tunbridge wells外部サイトConstantine Paleologus : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe two thumbs; or, multum in parvo外部サイトYour likeness--one shilling!外部サイトKing Charles II外部サイトThe Turkish lovers; or, the faithful indidel外部サイトEden外部サイトZopyrus, the hero of Persia外部サイトWithout incumbrances外部サイトThe dice of death外部サイトGustavus III.外部サイトThe bride of Messina; or, the hostile brothers外部サイトMoney外部サイトThe will for the deed外部サイトThe cricket on the hearth外部サイトThe cripple of the clink; or, London in 1640外部サイトThe Egyptian外部サイトThe runaway husbands外部サイトBlue beard外部サイトNow or never外部サイトFra Diavolo外部サイトLittle Joey; or, the poacher and his son外部サイトSpeed the plough外部サイトThe gamblers外部サイトThe Troubodours; or, jealousy outwitted外部サイトAtonement! or, the god-daughter外部サイトThe magic bracelet; or, chi cho ali the charmed pirate外部サイトThe haunted tower外部サイトNo Irish need apply外部サイトThe king's seal外部サイトThe devil and Dr. Faustus外部サイトJack Sheppard外部サイトSatanas and the spirit of beauty外部サイトThree to one; or, the forget-me-not外部サイトThe lady of the locket外部サイトThe culprit外部サイトA bit of old Chelsea外部サイトLife : founded on the drunkard's children外部サイトUp at the hills外部サイトCustom's fallacy外部サイトOur nurse Dorothy外部サイトThe humpback'd lover外部サイトThe Canadian war外部サイトThe poor gentleman外部サイトTwo more slaves; or, the escape from Brixton : burlesque parody, 1 act外部サイトNorah Creina外部サイトThe yellow husband外部サイトCaesar, the watch dog of the castle外部サイトTrue to the core; or, a story of the Armada外部サイトDavy Crockett外部サイトThe good for nothing外部サイトThe fortune hunter; or, a morning at margate外部サイトHusbands and wives; or, the debt and duel : farce, 2 acts外部サイトEyes and no eyes; or, the art of seeing外部サイトIs he jealous?外部サイトHamlet外部サイトJohn Wopps; or, from information I received外部サイトSent to the tower!外部サイトCastle of Andalusia ; One o'clock ; Julian ; Comus ; Fontainbleau ; English fleet ; The widow; or, who wins? ; The camp ; Personation外部サイトLa traviata外部サイトA friend at Court外部サイトThe snapping turtles; or, matrimonial masquerading外部サイトThe heart and the key; or, the haunted grange外部サイトI'll stay where I am : farce, 1 actr外部サイトEmilia Galotti外部サイトYoung hussar; or, love and mercy外部サイトThe orphan外部サイトDon Juan of Austria外部サイトLa camaraderie外部サイトThe little minister外部サイトRule a wife and have a wife外部サイトAlma mater; or, a cure for coquettes外部サイトBlue beard外部サイトThe climbing boy外部サイトThe wars of the Jews; or, the fall of Jrusalem the doomed city外部サイトA legend of Florence外部サイトThe happy man外部サイトWerner外部サイトThe mayor's relations外部サイトTherese; or, the orphan of Geneva外部サイトConrad and Medora; or, harlequin ...外部サイトRumplestiltskin; or, the woman at the wheel!外部サイトThe rover's bride; or, the bittern's swamp外部サイトThe old willow brook; or, a murder committed in a dream外部サイトGustavus of Sweden; or, the masked ball外部サイトPaddy Carey; or, the boy of Clogheen外部サイトHenry the Fifth外部サイトBlind man's bluff外部サイトThe coiners; soldier's oath外部サイトNo grumbling外部サイトReflections of King Hezekiah in his sickness外部サイトSecrets worth knowing外部サイトMabel Gray; or, the eagle's chiff外部サイトThe prude's progress外部サイト[Collected works] the tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri外部サイトA very serious affair外部サイトTheory and practice外部サイトMiss Eily O'Connor (introductions and alterations)外部サイトSunshine外部サイトThe Belle's stratagem外部サイトLe capitaine roland外部サイトThe mysterious family外部サイトThe crown brilliants外部サイトBy special appointment外部サイトLove外部サイトMy maiden aunts外部サイトThe delusion; or, is she mad?外部サイトRemember the grotto外部サイトThe fay o' fire外部サイトThe duke of Mantua外部サイトThe chimney corner外部サイトThe fond uncle外部サイトMy neighbor's wife外部サイトThe Shark of the Atlantic! or, the fight for the beacon外部サイトPast ten o'clock and a rainy night : farce, 2 acts外部サイトNone but the brave deserve the fair外部サイトTartarus外部サイトSerenading; or, the two greens外部サイトDownfall and death of King Oedipus外部サイトFulvius valens; or, the martyr of Caesarea外部サイトOscar the bandit外部サイトMan is not perfect, nor woman neither外部サイトLove in a maze外部サイトPunctured外部サイトChivalry in humble life外部サイトJarvis the honest man; or, the merchant's daughter外部サイトThe flower of lucerne外部サイトJolly Jack, the Roscius of the fleet; or, the haunted villa and the Thespian tar外部サイトA Greek slave外部サイトCircumstantial evidence!外部サイトBlue beard; or, something curious外部サイトThe taint in the blood外部サイト[Collected works] social life in Germany外部サイトElizabeth, Queen of England外部サイトOliver Twist外部サイトZaira : opera (Italian and English), 2 acts外部サイトThis house to be sold (the property of the late Wiliam ...)外部サイトGisippus; or, the forgotten friend外部サイトMaritana外部サイトLittle daisy外部サイトThe maid of Croissey; or, theresa's vow外部サイトLiving in London外部サイトShylock; or, the merchant of Venice preserved外部サイトThe trials and troubles of an aspiring publican外部サイトBears not beasts; or, four legs better than two外部サイトHarlequin and the dragon of Wantley or fire and water外部サイトJessie, the flower of Dumblaine; or, weel may the keel row!外部サイトCariboo; or, the prude外部サイトThe hippopotamus外部サイトSadak and Kalasrade; or, the waters of oblivion : drama, 2 acts外部サイトA lyrical lover外部サイトPrologue for Mary A. Keeley外部サイトThe gamester外部サイトOur Helen外部サイトThe harvest storm外部サイトOld heads and young hearts外部サイトThe desert外部サイトA blighted being外部サイトThe domestic hearthstone; or, the virgin maiden's vengeance外部サイトThe tipperary legacy外部サイトThe bottle of champagne外部サイトL'ultimo giorno di Pompei外部サイトFive miles off; or, the finger post外部サイトCatiline; or, the roman conspiracy外部サイトWarlock of the glen外部サイトThe miser of Shoreditch外部サイトMirette外部サイトDiadeste; or, the veiled lady外部サイトThe schoolfellows外部サイトCissy's engagement外部サイトMax and Wonders; or, madame T's at twelve外部サイトLook before you leap外部サイトThe wife! a tale of a mantua maker!外部サイトTwo eyes between two外部サイトMy wife; or, my place!外部サイトHarlequin and little Thumb; or, the seven leagued boots外部サイトThe bold dragoons外部サイトThe artful dodge!外部サイトJaphet in search of a father外部サイトThe 'prentice pillar外部サイトA Roland for an Oliver外部サイトThe deuce is in her!外部サイトA brace of partridges外部サイトA lady and gentleman in a peculiarly perplexing predicament!外部サイトToo many cooks spoil the broth外部サイトHippolytus the Wreathbearer外部サイトKing liberty; or, the devil in the heart外部サイトThree cheers for charity; or, a night's ...外部サイトThe two Mr. Browns!外部サイトThe man of war and the merchantman; or, scenes in both services外部サイトThe golden farmer; or, Jemmy Twitcher in England外部サイトA night at the widow's外部サイトDer Freischütz外部サイトTurandot, princess of China外部サイトWild Gipsy girl; or, dark shadows ...外部サイトWealth and want; or, the Barnburners外部サイトOur Mary Anne; and mischief-making外部サイトThe gondoliers; or, the king of Barataria外部サイトDramatic scenes外部サイトHe lies like truth外部サイトGlencoe; or, the fate of the MacDonalds外部サイトErminie外部サイトDon Caesar de Bazan外部サイトThe maid and the blackbird; or, sing a song of sixpence外部サイトLife in London; [or, the day and night adventures of logic, Tom and Jerry] : burletta, 3 acts外部サイトCent per cent; or, the masquerade : farce, 2 acts外部サイトWapping old stairs外部サイトThe devil in London外部サイトGiovanni in London; or, the libertine reclaimed外部サイトThe stepmother外部サイトMabel's holy day外部サイトThe maid and the magpie外部サイトDouglas外部サイトLand and love外部サイトThe Roman brother外部サイトA royal family外部サイトGuy Mannering; or, the gipsey's prophecy外部サイトThe lone star! or, a seaman's destiny外部サイトPlot and passion外部サイトMont St. Michel; or, the fairy of the sands外部サイトThe compliments of the season外部サイトLove laughs at locksmiths外部サイトParadise外部サイトThe barber of Bagdad外部サイトLe bon juge外部サイトThe charmed harp外部サイトThe pretty girls of Stilberg外部サイトThe phantom外部サイトMy uncle's suit; or, in prossession外部サイトThe wandering Jew外部サイトThe profligate外部サイトEdgar the socialist外部サイトKnife, fork and spoon; or, harlequin breakfast, dinner, tea and supper外部サイトJohn Smith外部サイトThe wonderful water cure外部サイトThe barrack room外部サイトThe cardinal's daughter外部サイトL'etoile du nord外部サイトThe chimney piece外部サイトMignon外部サイトHow's your uncle外部サイトLa sonnambula外部サイトPeer and heiress外部サイトMoney makes the man外部サイトLa petite cendrillon ...外部サイトSergeant snap's stratagem; or, the evils of "Penny dreadfuls"外部サイトThe bride of song外部サイトPity外部サイトTemptation; or, the vale od Sarnem外部サイトThe Harvest Queen外部サイトLady Belle Belle; or, Fortunio and his seven magic men外部サイトThe Arab and his steed; or, right conquers might外部サイトOff to the diggings外部サイトGeorge Geith; or, romance of a city life外部サイトThe nervous man外部サイトA most unwarrantable intrusion外部サイトThe genii外部サイトThe death of falstaff外部サイトOlympic devils; or, Orpheus and Eurydice外部サイトThe printer's devil外部サイトOne fault外部サイトThe muleteer of Toledo; or, king, queen, and knave外部サイトThe reform deformed; or, the fate of his majesty's good ship "The state"外部サイトThe three wives of Madrid; or, the diamond ring外部サイトUp all night; or, the smuggler's cave外部サイトThe schoolfellows外部サイトThe bloomer costume外部サイトThe vicar of Wakefield; or, the pastor's fireside外部サイトThe law-suit : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe Basoche; or, king of the students外部サイトOcean Queen and sleeping beauty of the deep外部サイトFaust外部サイトThe Jew of Arragon; or, the Hebrew Queen外部サイトRiches; or, the wife and brother外部サイトDinorah外部サイトRob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne外部サイトOld Jed Prouty外部サイトEnoch Arden外部サイトThe princess fair star; or, the singing apple & the dancing waters外部サイトForgive and forget外部サイトThe first born外部サイトSongs, duets, etc., in peccadilloes外部サイトJessie Grey外部サイトThe assembly; or, scotch reformation外部サイトMy missing spectacles外部サイトPlaymates外部サイトThe happy man外部サイトFamily secrets; or, how to make home happy外部サイトThe court guide外部サイトMothers and daughters外部サイトLa gazza ladra外部サイトMy sister from India外部サイトI've written to Browne; or, a needless stratagem外部サイトDiviser pour régner外部サイトThe bridals of Messina; or, John of Procida外部サイトGiralda; or, the mysterious husband外部サイトThree deep; or, all on the wing外部サイトZembuca; or, the net-maker and his wife外部サイトGuy Mannering; or, the gipsey's prophecy外部サイトLa tour de Nesle外部サイトHarlequin and George Barnewell of the London 'Prentice外部サイトSpare the rod and spoil the child外部サイトThe lancers外部サイトThe magician's daughter; or, the cursed and the cause外部サイトPoor relations; or, who's to inherit?外部サイトKenilworth外部サイトThe dumb boy of Manchester外部サイトThe bells外部サイトWelcome, little stranger外部サイトThe innkeeper of Ab[b]eville; [or, the ostler and the robber] : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトThe serious family外部サイトStolen--£20 reward!外部サイトThe heart of London; or, the sharper's progress外部サイトThe man of two lives!外部サイトThe promissory note外部サイトA breach of promise外部サイトPeerless pool!外部サイトElphi Bey; or, Arab's faith外部サイトA prince for a hour外部サイトThe wonder: a woman keeps a secret外部サイトThe miller and his men外部サイトProof of the pudding外部サイトOf age to-morrow外部サイトThe haunted room; or, the boarders' little ruse外部サイトA life's trial外部サイトTurn out!外部サイトThe female Bluebeard外部サイトLa niaise de Saint-Flour外部サイトThe idiot witness; or, a tale of blood外部サイトLucia di Lammermoor外部サイトThe three grocers ; or, Hobbs, Dobbs, and Stubbs外部サイトThe skeleton witness; or, the murder of the mount外部サイトCésar; ou, le chien du château外部サイトWell played; or, the major's dilemma外部サイトFaust and Gretchen外部サイトTemptation; or, the fatal brand外部サイトAlexis ou l'erreur d'un bon père外部サイトWild oats外部サイトThe secret mine : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトWildfire外部サイトThe census外部サイトTorquato Tasso外部サイトDialogues of the day外部サイトThe drunkard's doom; or, the last nail外部サイトThe maid of honor外部サイトBillee Taylor; or, the reward of virtue外部サイトThe courier of Lyons外部サイトThe stout gentleman外部サイトA dream in Venice外部サイトMy uncle's suit外部サイトGuido Fawkes外部サイトThe ocean of life; or, every inch a sailor外部サイトDon Juan外部サイトAlberto della Scala外部サイトCharity外部サイトLe parisien à londres ou une loi anglaise外部サイトMary Melvyn; or, the marriage of interest外部サイトVortigern外部サイトThe king and I外部サイトPaillasse外部サイトDeaf as post外部サイトThe maid of cachmere外部サイトOrestes in Argos外部サイトHundred thousand pounds外部サイトThe red man; or, the legend of the ravenstone外部サイトMary Lester; or, the betrayed one外部サイトThe double dealer外部サイトA widow hunt外部サイトThe released convict; or, a long lane ...外部サイトTorquato Tasso外部サイトPetticoat government外部サイトA lady and gentleman in a peculiary perplexing predicament!外部サイトThe tempter外部サイトThe young couple外部サイトThe course of true love外部サイトThe wild Indian girl : comedy, 3 acts外部サイトRotherhithe in ...外部サイトCaptain Sabertash; or under arrest外部サイトThe golden regions of California and the Geni of light; or, harlequin and the little fairy of the silver ladder外部サイトThe twelve labours of Hercules外部サイトThe constant couple; or, a trip to the jubilee外部サイトBroad grins; or, Whackham and Windham, the wrangling lawyers : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトLove, debt, and fun外部サイトThe Siamese twins外部サイトHe with the hump; or, King Dick and harlequin and the Cruel Tyrant that killed the Babbies外部サイトThe soldier's oath; or, the dowry of despair外部サイトA spanking legacy; or, the Corsican vendetta外部サイトAladdin外部サイトGoing out to service外部サイトThe sleeping hare外部サイトThe lady of Lyons; or, love and pride外部サイトThe gay lothario外部サイトScenes from an unfinished drama外部サイトThe heir at law外部サイトAll that glitters is not gold外部サイトManfred外部サイトThe warning dream; or, constancy unto death外部サイトPease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, pease porridge in the pot nine days old; or, harlequin honeysuckle and the demon of the toadstool fen外部サイトAn induction外部サイトHarlequin and Cinderella; or, the little glass slipper, dialogue and chorusses in : pantomime, 14 scenes外部サイトLawyers and clients; or, love suits外部サイトThe son of the navy外部サイトCat's castle; or, harlequin and the king of the rats外部サイトMurtzoufle外部サイトThe Sikh spy; or, British valour in India外部サイトJoanna of Montfaucon外部サイトCalderon's dramas外部サイトLittle sins and pretty sinners外部サイトTitle外部サイトThe battle of alma外部サイトAn April Fool外部サイトPeter Wilkins; or, the loadstone rock ...外部サイトThe rose of Arragon外部サイトYouth's love-lore外部サイトL'Ebrea外部サイトThe king's rival外部サイトLouisette; ou, la chanteuse des rues外部サイトRuy Blas外部サイトFaust外部サイトDorine外部サイトThe goose girl外部サイトA Christmas carol外部サイトAlcestis travestie外部サイトThe maid of Artois外部サイトThe streets of New York外部サイトBe guarded外部サイトSalome外部サイトA clerical error外部サイトThe lady of the lake外部サイトThe High Street mystery外部サイトDone on both sides外部サイトEgypt 3000 years ago; or, queen ...外部サイトThe heiress外部サイトThe romance of a day外部サイトThe portrait of Cervantes : farce, 2 acts外部サイトThe country squire; or, two days at the hall外部サイトThe string of pearls; or, the fiend of Fleet Street外部サイトThe mendicant son; or, the Jew of Southwark外部サイトAges ago外部サイトLove the greatest ... [and] the sorceries ... [and] the devotion ...外部サイトThe birds of Aristophanes外部サイトThe Gleaners; or, harvest frolic : pastoral burletta, 1 act外部サイトThe talisman外部サイトLove and war外部サイトWilhelm Tell外部サイトLa maison du rempart外部サイトPopping the question外部サイトThe bells and ring外部サイトThe Goldsmith外部サイトWerter外部サイトFroggee would a wooing go; or, the pretty princess and the ...外部サイトThe point of honor外部サイトGwen外部サイトOur bottle; or, a drunkard's progress外部サイトHarlequin and mother red cap; or, merlin and fairy snowdrop外部サイトThe king's gardener; or, nipped in the bud外部サイトThe greek boy外部サイトDeath at the stake; or, the Jew of East Chepe外部サイトFalse conclusions外部サイトBilly Taylor; or, the gay young fellow外部サイトThe £100 note外部サイトDunbar, the king's advocate外部サイトThe hope of the family外部サイトAbove and below外部サイトHarlequin and poonoowingkeewangflibeedeeflobeedeebuskeebang; or, the king of the cannibal Islands外部サイトThe Colleen Bawn settled at last外部サイトPuss in boots, the enchanted cat; or, the king of the gold mines and the great king rat外部サイトMadeleine外部サイトThe libertine外部サイトCousin Campell's courtship; or, all fair in fair time!外部サイトDeaf and dumb; or, the Abbé de l'Epée外部サイトThe place-hunter外部サイトLovers' vows外部サイトElena Uberti外部サイトThe little nun! a bit of scandal!外部サイトMaritana外部サイトMatilde di Shabran外部サイトL'appartement garni外部サイトThe man who follows the ladies外部サイトCaptain Thérèse外部サイトGoing to the derby!外部サイトSugar and spice and all things that's nice; or, harlequin, march of intellect and the fairy queen of blissful realms外部サイトL'anneau magique外部サイトThe love spell; or, the mountebank of Ravenna外部サイトWilliam Tell外部サイトThe gladiator of Ravenna外部サイトA Greek slave外部サイトDer Alchymist外部サイトRobinson Crusoe; or, the good Friday that came before Saturday外部サイトThe mysteries of Paris外部サイトThe tower of Nesle; or, the dark gondola外部サイトUne chaîne外部サイトSam's arrival外部サイトThe poor gentleman外部サイトI puritani e i cavaliere [i.e. cavalieri]; or, the puritans and the knights外部サイトThe balloon外部サイトThe slanderer外部サイトDeborah; or, the Jewish maiden's wrong!外部サイトMurder will out; or, the dog of Montargis : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトIl pirata外部サイトSolyman外部サイトThe beauty of lyons外部サイトNo. 20; or, the Bastille of Calvados外部サイトNew brooms sweep clean; or, servants and mistresses外部サイトThe last hour; or, harlequin victim : comic pantomime, 1 act外部サイトDeux filles a marier外部サイトMeg Murnock, the hag of the glen外部サイトPizarro: a Spanish rolla-king Peruvian drama外部サイトMy wife's bonnet外部サイトThe milliners; or, les trois fêtes de bois外部サイトMary Queen of Scots; or, the escape from Loch Leven外部サイトThe village outcast外部サイトLucre-land; or, harlequin Sir Bruno the brave and the fairy casket ...外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトVenus and Adonis; or, the two rivals and the small boar外部サイトThe cornet; or, orders from head quarters外部サイトIn the wrong box外部サイトA night's adventure; or, highways and byeways外部サイトHis Excellency外部サイトThe conscript外部サイトIl trionfo di cesare sopra i Galli外部サイトThe original外部サイトHinds & Noble's new dialogues & plays外部サイトThe queen and the Mogul外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトOut of sight外部サイトThe Poor Soldier外部サイトMistaken identity外部サイトWilliam Tell! told over again外部サイトMy wife's maid!外部サイトNice young ladies; or, home service外部サイトThe king of the castle; or, harlequin in the land of dreams外部サイトThe school for wives外部サイトThe golden footed steed; or, the charmed horse of the black valley外部サイトHyder Ali; or, the lions of Mysore外部サイトThe intrigues of a day外部サイトAtalanta in Calydon外部サイトThe barber's bravo; or, the inventor of powder外部サイトThe golden fleece外部サイトQuasimodo外部サイトHarlequin Jack Sheppard; or, the blossom of Tyburn Tree外部サイトHarlequin and the ratcatcher's ...外部サイトThat odious captain cutter!外部サイトOtto of Wittelsbach外部サイトÉtienne et Robert外部サイトStratagems and spoils外部サイトBluebeard re-paired; or, a worn out subject done up anew外部サイトThe pierrot of the minute外部サイトHamlet, prince of Denmark外部サイトThe housekeeper外部サイトThe miser outwitted外部サイトGoing! going! gone!外部サイトPascal Bruno, the brigand chief外部サイトThe barbers at court外部サイトHarlequin Columbus; or, the old world ...外部サイトHarlequin hoax; or, a pantomime proposed外部サイトAsmodeus; or, the little devil's share外部サイトAlways intended外部サイトPimple, the pirate; or, the baronet and the bandit外部サイトThe brewer of Preston; or, malt and hops外部サイトHellas外部サイトThe maid of Honfleur外部サイトComedies and dramas外部サイトThe counterfeit : farce, 2 acts外部サイトVampire Giovanni : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトThe alumni play外部サイトLorenzo : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトLe code et l'amour外部サイトThe rag picker of Paris and the dress maker of St. Antonine外部サイトWanted a brigand; or, a visit from Fra-Diavolo外部サイトWorld and stage外部サイトFive in one外部サイトOndine; or, the Naiad外部サイトTwo roses外部サイトLe roi des Frontins外部サイトThe giant & the dwarf; or, hop-o-my-thumb外部サイトThe crystal-gazer外部サイトLes moralistes外部サイトYankee peddler; or, old times in Virginia外部サイトThe bachelor's bedroom; or, two in the morning外部サイトMusical dramas外部サイトGabrielle the Girondist外部サイトI'm not meself at all外部サイトWhittington and his cat外部サイトThe caitiff of Corsica; or, the universal Banditto外部サイトThe steward; or, fashion and feeling外部サイトThe student's dream; or, the fiend of the fountain外部サイトWhen the wheels run down外部サイトSunset外部サイトThe ferryman; or, the translated escutcheon外部サイトThe world of dreams外部サイトMaster Clarke外部サイトPresumptive evidence ; Wild oats ; Hit of miss ; Ambition ; The Jew and the doctor ; The knights of the cross ; Is he jealous? ; The hundred pound note ; Rugantino ; The steward外部サイトUrgent private affairs外部サイトFaded flowers外部サイトSarah the Jewess; or, a maiden's dream外部サイトMarry in haste and repent at leisure外部サイトThe old curiosity shop外部サイトThe happy family外部サイトOut of luck; or, His Grace the Duke外部サイトGlencoe; or, the fate of the MacDonalds外部サイトHow to pay your taxes : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトVictorine; or, I'll sleep on it!外部サイトMethinks I see my father外部サイトMonseigneur; or, Paris robbers外部サイトTartuffe外部サイトThe Bayadere外部サイトSweet lavender外部サイトRanelagh外部サイトGertrude's money box外部サイトThe pilot外部サイトThe follies of a night外部サイトHogmanay (New Year's eve)外部サイトLe prophète外部サイトThe dragon's gift外部サイトThe memoirs of the D---l; or, the mystic bell of moon外部サイトThe daughter外部サイトWife and no wife; or, the citizen countess外部サイトCaswallon, king of Britain外部サイトGaffer Grey's legacy外部サイトThe Earl of Essex外部サイトWhang Fong; or, how remarkable : operatic drama, 2 acts外部サイトHarlequin and world of flowers外部サイトVamba外部サイトUn mousquetaire gris外部サイトCyril's success外部サイトThe knights of the cross; or, the hermit's prophecy外部サイトElla Rosenberg外部サイトAt sixes and sevens外部サイトThe Italian in Algiers外部サイトThe marriage of Figaro外部サイトCent per cent; or, the masquerade外部サイトGycia外部サイトThe scapegoat外部サイトTrue friends外部サイトIdalia; or, the adventuress外部サイトThe noble troubadour外部サイトTwo wives! or, a hint to a cross husband : dramatic sketch, 1 act外部サイトDon Giovanni外部サイトMonsieur et madame Pinchon外部サイトThe devil's share外部サイトMoon queen and king night; or, harlequin twilight外部サイトThe end of June外部サイトAurora Floyd外部サイトThe groves of blarney外部サイトUnder the thumb外部サイトA rainy day外部サイトThe miser's daughter外部サイトTwelve dramatic sketches外部サイトCreatures of impulse外部サイトWho's the composer?外部サイトThe executioner; or, Vanrick of Voorn外部サイトBook the third, chapter the first外部サイトLondon stars; or, 'twas time to counterfeit : interlude, 1 act外部サイトWhittington and his cat外部サイトIsabella; or, the fatal marriage外部サイトNumber 49外部サイトRip Van Winkle外部サイトKenilworth : historical romance, 3 acts外部サイトCreatures of impulse外部サイトThe steward; or, fashion and feeling外部サイトDeath and the doctor外部サイトWittikind and his brothers外部サイトBeauty and the beast外部サイトThe gold fiend of California; or, the victim of wealth外部サイトGoody two shoes; or, harlequin alabaster外部サイトThe Gipsy farmer; or, Jack and Jack's brother外部サイトOriginal plays & duologues外部サイトSure aim; or, the Norfolk sharp shooter : interlude, 1 act外部サイトThe ninth statue外部サイトAmilie; or, the love test外部サイトThe Stern Resolve外部サイトThe woman in mauve外部サイトThe miser's daughter外部サイトAdelgitha: or, the fruits of a single error : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイト[Collected works] the extravaganzas外部サイトGood intentions外部サイトA woman's reason外部サイトYoung love and old love外部サイトLochinvar; or, the bridal of Netherby外部サイトBlack adder; or, the devil of the Dardanelles外部サイトWerner外部サイトThe maid of Saragossa; or, the Spanish Joan of Arc外部サイトMy wife's cousin; or, domestic tiffs外部サイトThe busy-body外部サイトThe wife's secret外部サイトThe phantom breakfast!外部サイトA cure for the fidgets外部サイトThe romance of a poor young man外部サイトFortunio, and his seven gifted servants外部サイトThe letter box; or, the Jailor's daughter外部サイトThe poor gentleman外部サイトMarco Spada外部サイトScan. mag.; or, the village gossip外部サイトEliza Fenning, the victim of circumstances外部サイトThe seducer外部サイトThe paying guest外部サイトThe travelling companions外部サイトDrenched and dried; or, water and fire外部サイトScene in the life of an unprotected female!外部サイトA masque of dead Florentines外部サイトDewdrop and Glorio; or, the sleeping beauty in the wood外部サイトThe happy land外部サイトDon pasquale外部サイトBluff King Hal; or, harlequin Anne Boleyn anf the Jolly Miller of the River Dee外部サイトThe bridal of Armagnac外部サイトPascal et Chambord外部サイトPast, present and future; or, harlequin yesterday, today, and tomorrow, shewing all that has been, all that is and all that will be外部サイトMatch making外部サイトMr Greenfinch外部サイトThe elephants of the pagoda外部サイトHannibal外部サイトThe tower of Babel外部サイトThe devil's elixir; or, the shadowless man外部サイトThe painter of Antwerp外部サイトA house divided外部サイトBritons to arms! or, the consul in England外部サイトSam Slithervick's baby; or, a fish out of water外部サイトThe civil war of poetry外部サイトJack Brag外部サイトCharles the second; or, the merry monarch外部サイトThe fire-eater!外部サイトLove in a village外部サイトA sailor's legacy; or, the child of a tar外部サイトThe brown devil; or, Chi Chue Ali the Charmed Pirate外部サイトPoisoned外部サイトThe old house on the Thames; or, Lambeth in the olden time外部サイトLa femme de l'avoué外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトHe lies like truth外部サイトAnne Boleyn外部サイトA desperate game外部サイトThe Romany Rye外部サイトOnly a clod外部サイトFifteen years of a soldier's life; or, scenes at home and abroad外部サイトThe Cossacks; or, vive la France!外部サイトLe jeune mari外部サイトOne o'clock; or, harlequin and Hardyknute, the knight and the wood demon外部サイトUne faute外部サイトThe wallachian; or, the passage of the Danube外部サイトThe first floor外部サイトThe hunter of the Alps : musical drama, 2 acts外部サイトThe bird of paradise外部サイトThe knights Templars; or, the maid of Judah外部サイトAminta, the coquette; or, a match for a magistrate外部サイトThe careful servant and careless master : comic interlude, 1 act外部サイトGiselle; or, the phantom night dancers外部サイトSparrow shooting; or, goose green外部サイトJealous on all sides; or, the landlord in jeopardy外部サイトThe American in England外部サイトThe love birds; or, the birds of paradise外部サイトMerry wives of Windsor外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトThe dream at sea外部サイトThe spirit of gold外部サイトThe sealed sentence!外部サイトThe wandering boys; or, the castle of Olival [bound with] Michael and Christine外部サイトThe court of Old Fritz外部サイトWho's to win him?外部サイトPietro il Grande外部サイトBible tragedies外部サイトThe siege of Damascus外部サイトElsie's rival外部サイトRosalie Mortimer; or, fate and its victims外部サイトDamon and Pythias外部サイトMohawk Minstrels' eighth book of dramas, dialogues ...外部サイトCharley Wag, the modern Jack Sheppard外部サイトThe amber witch外部サイトThe pilot; or, a storm at sea外部サイトLodgings for single gentlemen外部サイトPetticoat perfidy外部サイトThe snowdrift; or, the cross on the boot外部サイトThe little laundress; or, false colours外部サイトFriendship, love, and duty; or, the Prussian soldiers : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトHarlequin and fancy; or, the poet's last shilling : pantomime, 21 scenes外部サイトThe snow helped外部サイトGenevra, the scourged one; or, woman's vengeance外部サイトOberon; or, the charmed horn外部サイトThe middy ashore!外部サイトThe noble heart外部サイトThe scamps of London; or, the cross roads of life!外部サイトThe Bayadère外部サイトThe rape of the lock外部サイトHänsel and Gretel外部サイトThe good-natured man外部サイトThe witch of Windermere外部サイトTweedleton's tail-coat外部サイトA pleasant courtship外部サイトIndiana外部サイトA sister's penance外部サイトAmbition-competence and riches外部サイトThe cadi's daughter外部サイトA lesson for the ladies外部サイトMont Blanc; or, the witch of the Alps外部サイトThe bells of Haslemere外部サイトAladdin and the wonderful lamp; or, harlequin and the flying palace外部サイトGunpowder Tom; or, a seaman's duty; or, the gipsey mother and her sailor son外部サイトThe marriage of Figaro外部サイトShe would and she would not; or, the king imposter外部サイトLucie de Lammermoor外部サイトThe wraith of lake! or, the brownie's brig!外部サイトThe area sylph; or, a foot-boy's dream外部サイトThe lawyer's clerk; or, the lottery ticket外部サイトWoman and her master外部サイトThe hand of cards: game, life--stakes, death!外部サイトThe river god外部サイトThe printer's devil外部サイトSimon the tanner; or, the maid ...外部サイトForbidden fruit; or what will my aunt say?外部サイトThe bear hunter; or, the fatal ravine外部サイトMrs. Harris's baby外部サイトMary, Queen of Scotland : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe two queens外部サイトThe modern Ingomar; or, palaces and peeresses外部サイトThe heart of London or sharper's progress外部サイトIrma外部サイトRicciardo e Zoraide : opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトGustavus the Third; or, the masked ball!外部サイトThe school for arrogance外部サイトA nine days' wonder外部サイトThe humours of an evening; or, ventriloguism execution外部サイトHarlequin Tom, the piper's son stole a pig and away he ran [run] : comic pantomime, 13 scenes外部サイトMonsieur Tonson外部サイトAbel Drake外部サイトShin Fain; or, ourselves alone外部サイトLa figlia del reggimento外部サイトFaint heart never won fair lady外部サイトIb and little Christina: the story of a hearth外部サイトThe green room : interlude外部サイトWilfrid and Mary; or, father and Daughter外部サイトLe réveil du lion外部サイトThe rise of the Rotheschildes; or, the honest Jew of Frankfort外部サイトLittle Annie's birthday外部サイトThe blind boy外部サイトForgery; or, Mary and Henry le Roy外部サイトThe Bravo's son外部サイトLove's vagaries; [or, how to draw a long bow] : farce, 3 acts外部サイトThe Irish Attorney; or, 'tis fifty years since外部サイトFast and slow外部サイトNothing superfluous外部サイトThe Spanish barber; or, fruitless precaution外部サイトA thouch at the times外部サイトHarlequin Puss in boots外部サイトThe Elfin-Queen; or, the battle of the fairies外部サイトNicholas Nickleby外部サイトKeeping up appearances : comedy, 3 acts外部サイトHawkwood Hall外部サイトMont Blanc; or, the ice fiend of the Alps外部サイトCabman no. 93; or, found in a four wheeler外部サイトHey diddle diddle; or, harlequin king nonsense, and the seven ...外部サイトRienzi外部サイトThe angel of the attic外部サイトThe assignation : musical farce, 2 acts外部サイトHermesianax外部サイトLe Beau Nicolas外部サイトThe battle of Inkerman外部サイト£500 reward外部サイトThe rival pages外部サイトKilling no murder ; Mr. and Mrs. Pringle ; The antiquary ; Agreeable surprise ; Son-in-law ; Open house ; Falls of Clyde ; 1, 2., 3, 4, 5; by Advertisement ; Peeping Tom of Coventry外部サイトWho won?外部サイトJane Annie; or, the good conduct prize外部サイトLadies beware!外部サイトA lucky sixpence外部サイトThe house that Jack built; or, harlequin Jack, the three witches ...外部サイトThe love and dentistry外部サイトThe Sicilian bride外部サイトThe rough diamond外部サイトLe bougeoir外部サイトGin and water; or, the times we live in外部サイトJérome; ou, les deux époques外部サイトZamoski; or, the fortress and the mine : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトLa fille du tambour-major外部サイトAn old offender外部サイトMatilda外部サイトConquest of Tartary; or, the eagle steed of Circassia外部サイトOrpheus and Eurydice; or, the young gentleman who charmed the rocks外部サイトMy wife's lodgings; or, landed from in China外部サイトThe brothers of Valencia外部サイトLa reine de Chypre外部サイトThe ways of London; or, honesty the best policy外部サイトLot 49外部サイトThe Irish dragoon; or, wards in chancery外部サイトA trip to Bengal外部サイトThe corporal's daughter外部サイトRuth Oakley外部サイトCousin Cherry外部サイトLife in New York外部サイトLeola Colomba, the Corsican maid外部サイトThe William Simpson外部サイトThe Swiss swains外部サイトThe mountain sylph外部サイトHarlequin and little one eye ...外部サイトHamlet travestie外部サイトThe innkeeper's daughter : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトJudah外部サイトA home fairy外部サイトTit for tat外部サイトBrother Ben外部サイトThe winterbottoms or my aunts the dowagers外部サイトKing Richard the Third; or, the battle of Bosworth Field外部サイトOld love and new fortune外部サイトThe open gate外部サイトA day in Paris外部サイトThe spirit of the haunted room外部サイトGrimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw外部サイトDisguises : operetta, 1 act外部サイトThe day after the wedding; or, a wife's first lesson : interlude, 1 act外部サイトThe agreeable surprise外部サイトSt. George and the dragon!外部サイトMarmion! a tale of Flodden Field!外部サイトVarley the vulture; or, a race for life外部サイトThe Jew of Constantine; or, the veiled victim!外部サイトA simple sweep外部サイトFlorinda; or, the moors in Spain外部サイトThe robbers外部サイトThe pet lamb外部サイトHearts and Homes; or, the emigrant ship外部サイトFirmilian外部サイトFaith's fraud外部サイトJocko外部サイトLes demoiselles de Saint-Cyr外部サイトGrandfather whitehead外部サイトPygmalion; or, the statue fair外部サイトThe nymph of the Lurleyburg; or, the knight and the naiads外部サイトThe lying valet外部サイトThe lady of S. Tropez; or, the death deed外部サイトThe freebooters外部サイトThe mission of Mercury外部サイトBardell v. Pickwick外部サイトThe Beggar's opera外部サイトAladdin and the wonderful lamp外部サイトThe jealous wife外部サイトFaust; or, the fiend of the volcano外部サイトRosamund, queen of the Lombards外部サイトA strange history外部サイトThe spirits of the night外部サイトHarlequin and the Childe of Hale; or, the king of red noses ...外部サイトThe beggar student外部サイトThe tasting order外部サイトThe two Misses Ibbetson外部サイトWin and wear her; or, race for a wife! : comic burletta, 3 acts外部サイトThe party wall!外部サイトSylvana外部サイトNo!!!外部サイトUncle Zachary外部サイトThe round of intrigue; or, which is the right one?外部サイトAgatha外部サイトThe mayor of Rochester外部サイトJohn Bull外部サイトEleanor the Amazon, queen of the France and England外部サイトBuonaparte; or, the free-booter外部サイトHarlequin Gulliver, [dialogue and song in] : pantomime, 18 scenes外部サイトSt. George and the dragon外部サイトThe signal外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor; or, harlequib and Sir Joha Falstaff and the fairys of the enchanted dell外部サイトA glass of water; or, great events from trifling causes spring外部サイトMacbeth travestie外部サイトLionel and Clarissa外部サイトLuke the labourer; or, the lost son外部サイトAnna Bolena外部サイトThe man in the street外部サイトJack and the beanstalk; or, the lad who knew how many beans made five外部サイトDecember and May : musical entertainments, 2 acts外部サイトLittle red riding hood外部サイトThe fairy page外部サイトUp and down; or, the road of life外部サイトMaria stuarda regina di Scozia外部サイトThe mandarin's daughter; or, the willow-pattern plate外部サイトThe lady burglar外部サイトKing's gardener; or, nipped in the bud外部サイトThe lady and the convict外部サイトLife in America; the flight, the pursuite, the voyage外部サイトWatch and ward外部サイトJessy Vere; or, the return of the wanderer外部サイトThe wealthy widow; or, they're both to blame外部サイトFatal dowry ; The shepherd of Derwent Vale ; Father and son ; Wives as they were ; Lofty projects ; Every man in his humour ; The two galley slaves外部サイトFair Rosamond; or, harlequin and the magic rose外部サイトThirty-three next birthday外部サイトThe life of a ship from its cradle to its grave外部サイトJack Sheppard外部サイトEngaged外部サイトThe sisters外部サイトEugene Aram外部サイトThe heart of mid-lothian外部サイトThe crown prince; or, the buckle of brilliants外部サイトThe Swiss cottage; or, why don't she marry?外部サイトThe castellan's oath外部サイトHard times but wait a little longer外部サイトThe cozeners外部サイトNina外部サイトOld and young外部サイトA compromising case外部サイトI will have an uncle外部サイトMackintosh and Co.外部サイトOur Nelly外部サイトThe Roebuck : comedy, 2 acts外部サイトDissolving views外部サイトLos bandos de Verona: Montescos y Capeletes外部サイトThe siege of Rochelle外部サイトMabel Whyte, the maid of Stratford外部サイトJack and the bean-stalk; or, Jack the giant killer, Merry Jill and the gnome fairies of Number Nip外部サイトThe muleteer of Toledo外部サイトJeanne d'Arc外部サイトSugar and cream外部サイトBrother Tom; or, dear relations外部サイトKishun Koovur外部サイトGentil-Bernard ou l'art d'aimer外部サイトA day at an inn外部サイトPrincess Primrose and the four pretty princes外部サイトBraganza外部サイトThe vampire bride; or, wake not the dead外部サイトKing John with the benefit of the act外部サイトDramas for the drawing room; or, Charade for Christmas, part 1外部サイトRomulus and Remus外部サイトThe post of honor外部サイトDone on both sides外部サイトThe youthful days of Frederick the Great外部サイトYou must be buried外部サイトThe faro table; or, the guardians外部サイトThe secret mine外部サイトRobert Burns外部サイトThe round robin : comic opera, 2 acts外部サイトFortunatus and his sons; or, the magic purse and wishing-cap : grand dramatic spectacle, 2 acts外部サイトMem. VII外部サイトA novel idea外部サイトAn object of interest!外部サイトThe gambler's fate; or, a lapse of twenty years外部サイトLove's frailties; or, passion and repentance外部サイトNewspaper nuptials外部サイトHigh life in the city: a picture of London : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe ship of glass外部サイトThe amateur phrenologist外部サイトPoor Pillicoddy外部サイトThe parricide外部サイトMontalto : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe family party外部サイトThe family legend外部サイトLord Bateman at home外部サイトPaul's return外部サイトThe marriage of Figaro外部サイトThe National Guard; or, bride and no bride外部サイトVivia Perpetua外部サイトThe barber; or, the mill of Bagdad外部サイトThe widow's victim外部サイトLoretta, a tale of Seville外部サイトLe mari de ma femme外部サイトRobinson Crusoe; [or, the bold bucaniers] : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトJudas外部サイトThe temperance volunteers外部サイトRiches; or, the wife and brother外部サイトThe maid of Croissey; or, theresa's vow外部サイトKind to a fault外部サイトThe beggar's petition外部サイトThe three strangers外部サイトYe fair one with ye golden locks外部サイトLes extrêmes me touchent外部サイトAladdin; or, the very wonderful lamp!外部サイトA friend in need外部サイトSpanish gallants; or, a trip to Madrid : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトLe hochet d'une coquette外部サイトThe stolen sheep and the distressed peasants; or, the pauper's curse外部サイトThe Rapparee; or, the treaty of Limerick外部サイトTarnation strange外部サイトGlasgow in 1300外部サイトThe land of heart's desire外部サイトTeetotalism triumphant外部サイトIvanhoe外部サイトMonsieur Malbrouk; or, intrigues on the Housetop外部サイトThe Druid's oak! or, the phantom king外部サイトA row in the house外部サイトHow its to be done外部サイトTown favourites外部サイトHarlequin Hudibras! or, Old Dame Durden and the droll days ...外部サイトThe three crumps; [or, the crooked brothers of Damascus], with a prelude, the fortunate youth : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトThe convict brother外部サイトThe cricket on the hearth外部サイトRobespierre; or, the fête day and the fail外部サイトMme Gibou et Mme Pochet ou le thé chez la ravaudeuse外部サイトFireside diplomacy外部サイトThe flying Dutchman; or, the spectral ship外部サイトThe sleeping beauty外部サイトThe portfolio; or, the anglade family外部サイトGiovanni in Ireland : piece, 3 acts外部サイトThe Cadi; or, amours among Moors外部サイトThe red buoy!; or, the tar of Trinidad of the spirit of the ocean外部サイトFausta外部サイトThe maid and the magpie; or, the fatal spoon!外部サイトClemenza; or, the Tuscan orphan : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトAgnes de vere; or, the wife's revenge外部サイトOld Adam; or, a father's dream外部サイトJack Royal; or, father, mother and sue外部サイトThe Bohemian Bandit; or, the shrine of Saint Madaline外部サイトWho can I be? : farce, 2 acts外部サイトEriphile : opera (Italian and English), 2 acts外部サイトThe little innocent外部サイトWho is who? or, all in fog外部サイトLocked in外部サイトThe confounded foreigners外部サイトBlanche de Nevers外部サイトMichael Erle: the maniac lover; or, the fayre lass of Lichfield外部サイトThe great sensation trial外部サイトHarlequin prince of Thebes; or, the star talisman of the elements and the compact of the enchanted castle of the silver lake外部サイトThe bengal tiger外部サイトCarmen up to data外部サイトBen Bolt外部サイトThe savage and the maiden外部サイトTwo to one; or, the Irish footman外部サイトThe blue anchor; or, a tar for all weathers外部サイトThe foundling of the forest; or, twice the dagger struck : plays, 3 acts外部サイトRevenge外部サイトPia des Tolomei外部サイトThe wicked world外部サイトThe bride of Ludgate外部サイトThe house on the bridge of Notre Dame外部サイトBlood royal; or, the State Jewels外部サイトLodoiska外部サイトThe hop pickers外部サイトLa polka; or, dancing for the million!外部サイトHarlequin and Humpo; or, columbine by candlelight : pantomime, 15 scenes外部サイトTerrors of conscience : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトVisconti外部サイトThe headsman of Paris; or, the light of life外部サイトWallace ; King Henry V ; Much ado about nothing ; Gamester ; Chapter of accidents外部サイトBabes in the wood, Robin Hood and his merry men, and harlequin ...外部サイトThe emigrant's progress外部サイトThe irresistibles外部サイトRienzi外部サイトYankee notes for English circulation外部サイトThe wanderer; or, the rights of hospitalit : drama, 3 acts外部サイトPuss in boots外部サイトOur volunteers; or, England's defenders外部サイトThe two friends; or, the Liverpool merchant外部サイトVery suspicious!外部サイトThe cries of London外部サイトLa corde sencible外部サイトExtravagant folly外部サイトModern collegians; or, over the bridge外部サイトAmakosa; or, scences of Kaffir warfare外部サイトThe rivals外部サイトI selvaggi : opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトFidelio外部サイトMy uncle's will外部サイトBoadicea外部サイトPatrician and parvenu; or, confusion worse confounded外部サイトThe veteran of 102 years; or, five generations外部サイトThe wreck of the Golden Mary外部サイトWhittington and his wonderful cat; or, harlequin Johnny Gilpin and the ride to Edmonton外部サイトPlaying first fiddle; or, follow my leader外部サイトHarlequin hoax; or, a pantomime proposed : comic extravaganza, 8 scenes外部サイトA match in the dark外部サイトDick Whittington and his cat; or, harlequin gog, magog, and the demon rat; ignorance, idlemess, and vice; and good fairies, intelligence, industry, and virtue外部サイトCircumstances alter cases外部サイトLittle red riding hood外部サイトA new Don Juan!外部サイトThe tyrant and parrasite : musical entertainment, 2 acts外部サイトMacbeth travestie外部サイトThe four quarters of the Globe外部サイトMy first and last courtship外部サイトA love suit外部サイトGiralda; or, the miller's wife外部サイトMy sister Kate外部サイトRichard III外部サイトThe Bohemians! or, the thieves of Paris外部サイトKatty from Connaught外部サイトLove, law, and physic外部サイトWanted, a wife; or, a cheque on my banker : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe merchant's clerk外部サイトA conjugal lesson外部サイトThe paradise of birds外部サイトUp all night; or, the smuggler's cave外部サイトRaffaelle the reprobate; or, the secret mission and the signet ring外部サイトTitus and Lysander外部サイトThe water carrier外部サイトOrder of procession in the fifth act of Rowley's revived comedy of a woman never vext; or, the widow of Cornhill外部サイトThe chimney corner外部サイトIntrigue; or, the Bath Road外部サイトLike father, like son外部サイトCinderella外部サイトLa principessa filosofa : comic opera (Italian), 1 act外部サイトA husband wanted外部サイトThe Irish emigrant外部サイトBetsy Baker外部サイトThe guardian angel外部サイトThe princess and the butterfly; or, the fantastics外部サイトEccentricities; or, the mistakes of Madrid; or, the witch of the Village : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトRule Britannia外部サイトMutius Scaevola; or, the roman patriot外部サイトThe devil's horse; or, the charmed bit外部サイトSpartacus; or, the Roman gladiator外部サイトThe wedding breakfast外部サイトUn mari qui se dérange外部サイトLeo the terrible外部サイトThe three guardsmen; or, the queen, the cardinal, and the adventurer外部サイトThe maid of Switzerland外部サイトThe poor gentlemen外部サイトThe man with the red beard; or, friends ...外部サイトGood night Signor Pantaloon, good night sir, and pleasant drams外部サイトLittle Robin Hood; or, quite a new Beau!外部サイトLes ressources de Jonathas外部サイトA squib for the day, entitled the fifth of November外部サイトTaming a Tartar; or, matrimony, magic and mazourkaphobia外部サイトThe mayor and the monkey外部サイトIls amores de Gileso Scroggini è Molli Brownini外部サイトNelson's ring外部サイトCharity's love外部サイトHarlequin Bluebeard; or, the fairy of the silver crescent外部サイトThe red brigade; or, vice ...外部サイトCymon外部サイトThe preux chevalier; or, the peer and the peasant外部サイトThe wood daemon; or, the clock has struck外部サイトTom Thumb the great; or, harlequin King Arthur and the knights ...外部サイトThe cottage of love外部サイトClemenza; or, the Tuscan orphan外部サイトLe souper du diable外部サイトThe heart and the world外部サイトA southerner--just arrived外部サイトDidone abbandonata外部サイトThe green bushes; or, a hundred years ago外部サイトDombey and son外部サイトNarensky; or, the road to Yaroslaf外部サイトDinorah : the pilgrimage to Ploërmel外部サイトNina Sforza外部サイトA melologue外部サイトCrusaders外部サイトThe witch finder and his mother外部サイトSongs ... in Adelaide; or, the Royal William外部サイトThe carbonari; or, the bride of Parma外部サイトPaolo and Francesca外部サイトVoyage to margate; or, sea bathing a cure for roguery外部サイトAlice Grey, the suspected one; or, the moral brand外部サイトAn act of folly外部サイトAarbert外部サイトLe pré aux clercs外部サイトThe captain's ghost外部サイトThe children wood : or, harlequin Queen Mab and world of dreams外部サイトFortunio, and his seven gifted servants外部サイトMore blunders than one or the Irish valet外部サイトLeap year; or, the ladies' privilege外部サイトNell Gwynne外部サイトNo cards外部サイトThe ticket-of-leave man外部サイトThe pic-nic party; or, husbands, wives, and lovers外部サイトThe rose of Ettrick Vale; or, the bridal of the borders外部サイトHide and seek外部サイトA perfect cure外部サイトScotch marriage laws; or, the deacon and her deputy : farce, 2 acts外部サイトLe prisonnier; ou, la ressemblance外部サイトCatherine of Russia; or, the child of the storm外部サイトHogarth's apprentices; or, industry and idleness外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin外部サイトHome again! or, the lieutenant's daughters外部サイトPersonation; or, fairly taken in外部サイトRaymond & Agnes; or, the bleeding nun of the castle of Lindenburg外部サイトBertha the broom-girl; or, the astrologer's star外部サイト[Collected works] dramatic scenes外部サイトThe two Foscari外部サイトThe dowager外部サイトThe enemy's note book外部サイトJulio Romano; or, the force of the passions外部サイトHarlequin and magick rose; or, beauty and the beast外部サイトThe maiden aunt外部サイトHold your tongue!外部サイトPeter Monk's dream of the marble heart; or, the little glass man and fiend of the Pineknoll外部サイトCent. per cent.; or, the masquerade外部サイトHis first peccadillo外部サイトVirginius; or, the trials of a fond papa!外部サイトMan traps外部サイトThe village nightingale; or, the spider, the fly and the butterfly外部サイトThe parole of Honor!外部サイトMalek Adhel, the champion of the Crescent外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe astrologer; or, harlequin and Moore's Almanack外部サイトThe haunted inn外部サイトNumber one, round the corner外部サイトGood Queen Bess外部サイトA charming pair外部サイトMarguerite外部サイトA masque外部サイトThe red rover; or, the mutiny of the dolphin外部サイトClarissa Harlowe外部サイトBecket外部サイトFaustus外部サイトThe rifle volunteers外部サイトThe illustrious traveller; or, the forges of Kanzell : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトThe king incog外部サイトLe vicomte giroflée; ou, celui que j'ai rêvé外部サイトThe Irish absentee外部サイトLe village外部サイトThe veteran tar; or, a chip off the old block : comic opera, 2 acts外部サイトThe church in danger外部サイトLove in wrinkles外部サイトBreach of promise外部サイトJealous on all sides; or, the landlord in jeopardy : comic opera, 2 acts外部サイトTrachiniae外部サイトThe barber of Seville外部サイトThe mogul tale; or, the descent of the balloon外部サイトThe vintagers外部サイトThecia外部サイトLie of a day外部サイトOne hour; or, the carnival ball外部サイトA lesson in life; or, the lace maker of Lisle外部サイトThe rose of the Alhambra or the enchanted lute外部サイトCherry and fair star外部サイトCount Koenigsmark外部サイトThe cricket match外部サイトAcis and Galatea外部サイトThe Euston Hotel外部サイトLudibria lunae; or, the wars of the women and the gods外部サイトThe Chimney piece; or, the married maid外部サイトErrors excepted : comedy, 3 acts外部サイトThe wife: a tale of Mantua外部サイトThe triumph of the Philistines外部サイトHighways and byways; or, the two husbands外部サイトThe fairy; or, Britannia's triumph外部サイトValsha; or, the slave queen外部サイトHarlequin and St George and the dragon外部サイトThe laughing hyena外部サイトHome again; or, the lieutenant's daughters外部サイトGood Queen Bess外部サイトThe Carmelites!外部サイトWoman's revenge外部サイトCaptain Therese外部サイトHis Majesty's sloop speedy, in the year 1790外部サイトLes deaux petits savoyards外部サイトThe gamester father外部サイトMy heart's idol; or, a desperate remedy外部サイトLisle Wilton; or, the convict steward外部サイトIvanhoe! or, the Jewess外部サイトEustache Baudin外部サイトThe Jacobite外部サイトA lady in search of an heiress外部サイトA wife to be lett; or, the miser cured外部サイトJezebel; or, the dead reckoning外部サイトA romantic idea外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin; or, the Negro slave外部サイトSatan; or, the devil in Paris外部サイトThe prince of Sauerkrautenberg外部サイトA sheep in wolf's clothing外部サイトThe hoaxer; or, Vive la Bagatelle : opera, 1 act外部サイトThe fortress : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトLatin, love and war; or, if the cap fits ye, wear it外部サイトBubbles of the day外部サイトOn the brink外部サイトThe slave外部サイトThe Italian sisters; or, the brigands of Albano外部サイトThe coming of peace; or, the old order changeth外部サイトOnce upon a time there were two kings外部サイトMiss pop外部サイトMuch ado about a merchant of Venice外部サイトHarlequin and little great Britain; or, Jack and beanstalk and the ogre's wife外部サイトPenelope Anne外部サイトFalse colours; or, the free-trader外部サイトMagdalena and her faithful dog : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトAmy Robsart外部サイトThe devil on two sticks外部サイトBrand外部サイトThe Duchess of Bayswater and Co.外部サイトLove and jealousy外部サイトInez de Castro外部サイトL'ingiusta gelosia : opera (Italian), 1 act外部サイトThe Weller family外部サイトSt. Ronan's well : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトWho wants a guinea?外部サイトRichard III travestie外部サイトLes deux ânes外部サイトThe woman in red外部サイトThe white cockade外部サイトA merry meeting外部サイトClari; or, the Milanese peasant girl : opera, 3 acts外部サイトCullen, king of Scotland外部サイトTime's a tell-tale外部サイトIs he alive? [or, all puzzled] : comic farce, 2 acts外部サイトMrs. Willis's will外部サイトLéonide; ou, la vielle de suresne外部サイトHarlequin Vulcan and Venus; or, who kill'd Cock Robin?外部サイトOmala; or, the settlers of America外部サイトHalf way to Arcady外部サイトWoman's secret; or, Richelieu's wager外部サイトA white stocking外部サイトHyde Park in an uproar; or, the Don Cossack in London : dramatic sketch, 1 act外部サイトAslog外部サイトThe muse and the merchant外部サイトTwo in the morning外部サイトThe ragged school外部サイトMonologue, etchings and stechings or table talk外部サイトThe days of Hogarth; or, marriage ala mode ...外部サイトMy precious Betsy!外部サイトThe sailor of France; or, the republicans of Brest外部サイトThe old curiosity shop; or, one hour from master Humphrey's clock外部サイトThe great gun trick外部サイトThe daughter of the stars外部サイトThe reigning favourite外部サイトLady bountiful: a story of years外部サイトThe good natured Irishman; or, the corporal bewitch'd外部サイトThe Bould Soger Boy外部サイトThe guardian外部サイトReturned killed外部サイトMarried life外部サイトA ticket-of-leave外部サイトRobinson Crusoe: a Christmas story of a good Friday; or, harlequin pretty Polly Perkins and the cruise of "Sancy Sarah"外部サイトFoul deeds will rise外部サイトThe cook of Kennington; or, no followers allowed外部サイトDoves in a cage外部サイトRumfustian inamorato外部サイトShakspere and company外部サイトThe deformed transformed外部サイトThe siege of Cuzco外部サイトThe white feather!外部サイトJeffreys; or, the wife's vengeance外部サイトContradictions外部サイトThe woman hater外部サイトThe wilful ward外部サイトMy aunt外部サイトLa vicomtesse Lolotte外部サイトThe black thief外部サイトRuy Blas外部サイトA king in disguise外部サイトFaust; or, the fate of Margaret外部サイトTwo foster brothers外部サイトLe barbier du roi d'Aragon外部サイトSummer moths外部サイトThe idiot of the mountain外部サイトDominique外部サイトPunch外部サイトUnmasked外部サイトSongs, duets, trios, and choruses, in the gipsey prince外部サイトDaniel O'Rourke; or, rhymes of a pantomime外部サイトAddress for Madame Vestris外部サイトRuy Blas外部サイトRed Robin; or, rats of rats' of castle外部サイトWithered leaves外部サイトGuy Mannering; or, the gipsey's prophecy外部サイトPunch!/ C. Selby外部サイトThe sailor's daughter外部サイトClara, songs, duets, glees, & choruses in : burletta spectacle, 1 act外部サイトHonour among thieves; or, a desperate game外部サイトFollow my leader外部サイトJane Shore外部サイトThree black cloaks外部サイトIl barbiere外部サイトThe Basoche; or, king of the students外部サイトThe mountebanks外部サイトRedgauntlet外部サイトElena Uberti外部サイトThe review外部サイトThe queen of hearts and wonderful tarts外部サイトBeau Nash, the king of Bath外部サイトSomebody else外部サイトThe mystery of Muddlewitz外部サイトKalitzka; or, the siege of Dresden外部サイトPride must have a fall外部サイトThe widow of Cornhill; or, fortune's favorite外部サイトDavid Copperfield外部サイトLeoline; or, life's trials外部サイトThe teacher taught外部サイトThe handsome husband外部サイトThe maid of Palaiseau外部サイトL'art de payer ses dettes外部サイトAll's fair in love外部サイトFairly taken in外部サイトChapter of accidents外部サイトThe blind wife; or, the student of Bonn外部サイトA figure of fun; or, the bloomer costume外部サイトThe elephants of the pagoda外部サイトPantomine taste and fancy外部サイトMothers and daughters外部サイトLittle toddlekins外部サイトOn the dark road; or, the trail of the serpent外部サイトI briganti外部サイトKate Kearney; or, the fairy of the lakes外部サイトAcis and Galatea外部サイトBarbara外部サイトBreakfast for two外部サイトA morning call外部サイトKing Richard III travestie外部サイトLes trois beaux-freres外部サイトObi; or, three-fingered Jack外部サイトLook on this picture, and on that外部サイトAladdin and the wonderful lamp; or, harlequin and the genie of the ring外部サイトThe biter bit; or, maid or wife外部サイトKing John外部サイトBy Royal command外部サイトUrania; or, the illuminé : comedy, 2 acts外部サイトMabel; or, the gypsy's vengeance外部サイトBelshazzar外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor外部サイトThe woodman's hut; or, the burning forest外部サイトThe rent day外部サイトA trip to California; or, the true test of gold外部サイトLe capitaine roquefinette外部サイトDonna Diana外部サイトTeresa外部サイトGaspardo the gondolier外部サイトJack and the beanstalk; or, harlequin, Old Mother Hubbard, little bo-peep, and the old woman who lived in her shoe外部サイトI puritani外部サイトThe man with the carpet bag外部サイトPetticoat perfidy外部サイトPatter v. Clatter外部サイトThe whistler; or, the fate of the lily of St Leonard's外部サイトThe ladies in Parliament外部サイトCourt favour; or, private and confidential外部サイトThe city of pleasure外部サイトJack Sheppard; or, the house-breaker of the last century外部サイトSongs for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden外部サイトThe eldest外部サイトBorn to good luck; or, the Irishman's fortune外部サイトThe marble bride; or, the elves of the forest外部サイトThe brown man : operatic drama, 2 acts外部サイトLe duel par procuration外部サイトAllaooddeen外部サイトA pleasant neighbour外部サイトCateran's son; or, the dread of military runishment外部サイトHis Highness; or, the exchange, no robbery外部サイトBarney buntline ashore; or, the sailor's home外部サイトHelvellyn外部サイトAgnes Sorel外部サイトThe Swiss cottage; or, why don't she marry?外部サイトThe foreign prince外部サイトThe wonder: a woman keeps a secret外部サイトPunch in Italy外部サイト£20 a year-all found; or, out of a situation refusing twenty ...外部サイト[Norma] the Adelphi Norma外部サイト[Collected works]外部サイトFaint heart never won fair lady外部サイトJack and the beanstalk外部サイトTopsyturvydom外部サイトShocking events外部サイトRienzi, the last of the tribunes外部サイトThe two Greens外部サイトThe robber sister; or, the forge in the forest外部サイトMonologue, table talk or whims and wonders, M. Henry's entertainment, 1827外部サイトThe yellow dwarf外部サイトThe chimney-corner外部サイトHearts are trumps外部サイトThe sleepless woman; or, the spectre bat外部サイトFrancesca di Faenza外部サイトSix months ago外部サイトTwenty years ago!外部サイトDone Brown! or, between two stools etc.外部サイトTrick for trick; or, the admiral's daughter外部サイトSomething forgotten外部サイトThe card for lady Roedale外部サイトDick Whittington and his cat外部サイトCavaliers and roundheads外部サイトCloud and sunshine外部サイトArden of Feversham外部サイトBarmecide; or, the fatal offspring外部サイトHarlequin and Fortunio; or, treasures of China : pantomime, 17 scenes外部サイトMontalto外部サイトLondon assurance外部サイトMan and wife外部サイトGuy Earl of Warwick; or, harlequin and the dun cow外部サイトTwo wives! or, a hint to a cross husbands外部サイトÉchec et mat外部サイトThe demon gift; or, visions of the future外部サイトThe loan of a lover外部サイトThe shaughraun外部サイトAladdin; or, the wonderful lamp外部サイトThe catspaw外部サイトNot so bad as we seem外部サイトTimoleon外部サイトDon't jump at conclusions外部サイトPhilip of France and Marie de Méranie外部サイトOut-law外部サイトHector外部サイトChinese junk; or, the maid and the Mandarin外部サイトHarlequin and world of flowers; or, the fairy of the rose ...外部サイトLyieushee Lovel; or, the Gipsy of Ashburnham Dell!外部サイトThe enemy's camp外部サイトThe struggles of the poor外部サイトMr. and Mrs. Muffett; or, a domestic experiment外部サイトLe gardien外部サイトZelina; or, the Triumph of the Greeks外部サイトHaste to the wedding外部サイトA woman never vext; or, the widow of Cornhill外部サイトBellamira; or, the fall of Tunis外部サイトHarlequin Valentine and Orson; or, harlequin wild man of the woods, the green ...外部サイトLove laughs at lock-smiths外部サイトMatrimonial prospectuses!外部サイトHalloween; or, the castles of Athlin and Dunbayne外部サイトThe holidays; or, just broke up : interlude, 1 act外部サイトOakleaves and emeralds外部サイトRuy Blas外部サイトGertrude's cherries; or, Waterloo in 1835外部サイトKing Charles the First外部サイトLiving in glass houses外部サイトProcris外部サイトPie crust promises; or, gudgeons and sharks外部サイトMerchant of Venice外部サイトThe yellow kids外部サイトGod save the queen外部サイトTom Cringle; or, mat of the iron hand外部サイトThe Irish post外部サイトAndrea of Hungary [and] Giovanna of Naples外部サイトThe dumb girl of Genoa; or, the bandit merchant外部サイトHassan Pasha外部サイトA night with punch外部サイトBertha gray, the pauper's child; or, the death fetch外部サイトIsabella Aldobrandi外部サイトPeter Wilkins; or, the flying islanders外部サイトLe nouveau pourceaugnac外部サイトMother Shipton; or, harlequin ...外部サイトClimene : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトThe Jew of Arragon; or, the Hebrew Queen外部サイトJeames; or, the railroad footman of Berkeley squ外部サイトCritic ; Rosina ; Honest thieves ; Mayor of garratt ; Three weeks after marriage ; Shipwreck ; Rugantino外部サイトHarlequin and Poor Robin; or, the house that Jack built : pantomime, 22 scenes外部サイトThe crown prince; or, the buckle of brilliants外部サイトFrancis the first外部サイトThe bride of the Nile外部サイトEsmeralda外部サイトForgiven外部サイトWho kill'd the dog; or, harlequin's Triumph : comic pantomine, 15 scenes外部サイトA man about town外部サイトThe bloomer costume; or, a figure of fun外部サイトThe militia muster外部サイトNitrocris外部サイトThe bronze horse外部サイトPeter and Paul外部サイトUncle Tom's crib! or, nigger life in London!外部サイトFrederick of Prussia; or, the monarch and the mimic外部サイトThe other man外部サイトFazio外部サイトA day in Turkey; or, the Russian slaves外部サイトFine old British veterans; or, the shamrock of Chelsea外部サイトThe betting boy's career外部サイトDoing banting外部サイトFirst impressions; [or, trade in the West] : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトUnlimited confidence外部サイトMy husband's ghost外部サイトA touch at the times; or, an attempt to please外部サイトSongs, duets, trois, chorusses ... in harlequin and the ogress; or, the sleeping beauty of the wood外部サイトMy lord's warming pan : comic burletta, 2 acts外部サイトThe felon son; or, woman's wrongs外部サイトThe magic mirror; or, the hall of statues外部サイトShe wou'd & she wou'd not外部サイトThe crusaders外部サイトWilliam the conqueror; or, harlequin Harold and the sack of the Saxons外部サイト(Correspondence of )外部サイトThe shrinking shoe外部サイトThe fairy lady; or, the cabinet of bronze外部サイトWaiting for the train外部サイトCinderella; or, the fairy-queen and the glass slipper外部サイトCountry quarters外部サイトThe little back parlour外部サイトHis novice外部サイトThe poor gentleman : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe flowers of the forest外部サイトBlechington外部サイトA squeeze to the coronation外部サイトThe two faces under a hood外部サイトA life on the ocean wave; or, the doomed sailor外部サイトIvan de Bassenvelt; or, the green rider外部サイトThe Jewess!外部サイトMrs. Caudle's curtain lecture!外部サイトThe happy man外部サイトLove's livery外部サイトThe village outcast! or, the poacher's wife!外部サイトThe royal vagrants; or, a story of conscientious objection外部サイトTom Cobb; or, fortune's toy外部サイトAntiochus外部サイトAccusation; or, the family of d'anglade : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトLife in Dublin; or, Tom, Jerry and logic on their travels外部サイトThe pearl of the ocean; or, the prince and mermaiden外部サイトThe wigwam; or, the men of the wilderness外部サイトThe ball next door外部サイトVictorine; or, I'll sleep on it外部サイトProcrastination; or, the late Mr. M.外部サイトLurline外部サイトThe hen and chickens; or, a sign of affection外部サイトHow we live; or, London labour ...外部サイトThe Jewess外部サイトLuke Sommerton the English renegade; or, Louisa the renegade's daughter外部サイトFaust外部サイトLe maçon外部サイトHarlequin and a happy new year! or, the white cat and the king and his three sons外部サイトThe victor vanquished外部サイトMontrose; or, the children of the mist : opera, 3 acts外部サイトThe actress of all work; or, my country cousin外部サイトAnne Blake外部サイトRollicking Robinson Crusoe; or, harlequin good man Friday who kept the house tidy and pretty Polly of wapping old stairs外部サイトWet weather : farce, 2 acts外部サイトLouison, the angel of the attic; or, the recompense外部サイトHans Waldman外部サイトAline; or, the rose of Killarney外部サイトThe miller's maid外部サイトThe perils of Pippins or the man who couldit help it外部サイトJohn Brown外部サイトGriselda; or, la virtu in cimento外部サイトCounter attraction; or, strolling and stratagem外部サイトThe green man : comedy, 3 acts外部サイトQuentin Durward外部サイトMiss impudence外部サイト102; or, the veteran and his progeny外部サイトCupid's messenger外部サイトThe sleep-walker; or, which is the lady?外部サイトOur boys外部サイトThe wife's journal外部サイトMy uncle : farce, 2 acts外部サイトThe hoax; or, who's drowned?外部サイトLady Audley's secret外部サイトThe game of love外部サイトMadonna Pia外部サイトThe lady and the devil外部サイトDine at my villa : musical farce, 2 acts外部サイトThe love-chase外部サイトWife and child外部サイトA dead shot!外部サイトPizarro; or, the Peruvian mother外部サイトA brother's revenge! or, the rose of Ireland ...外部サイトThe forced marriage; or, the murder in the marsh外部サイトA house out at windows外部サイト'Twas I!外部サイトThe sylphide外部サイトDeclined--with thanks外部サイトNina Sforza外部サイトNot to be done外部サイトThe barrack room外部サイトCaius Toranius外部サイトObi; or, three-fingered Jack外部サイトA very lame dog外部サイトShelah from cork; or, a spy ...外部サイトAli Baba外部サイトAn unegual match外部サイトMokanna; or, the veiled prophet of Khorassan外部サイトSongs, duets, chorusses ... in diadeste; or, the veiled lady外部サイトAffectation外部サイトTom, Jerry, and Logic; or, life in London外部サイトThe Idol's birthday外部サイトPiperman's predicaments外部サイトThe ambassadress外部サイトThe seasons外部サイトMary, Queen of Scots外部サイトPygmalion; or, the statue fair外部サイトThe free knights; or, the edict of Charlemagne外部サイトThe fugitive外部サイトThe crown prince; or, the buckle of brilliants外部サイトPrince Carouso!外部サイトBrutus; or, the fall of tarquin外部サイトFrom king to king外部サイトLocked out外部サイトHarlequin Sinbad the sailor; or, the white gnome and the valley of diamonds外部サイトPeter the Great外部サイトPaul's return外部サイトLilly Labernem; or, the blue above and the blue below外部サイトEvadne; or, the statue外部サイトAn hour at Seville外部サイトGentleman Jim外部サイトThe blind father or the peasant marchioness外部サイトHamlet外部サイトColumbus; or, the original pitch in a-merry-key外部サイトFamily jars外部サイトMay-day night外部サイトA figure of fun外部サイトFowl play; or, a story of Chikkin Hazard外部サイトThe Howlet's haunt; or, story of the scull外部サイトMohammed外部サイトThe fast coach外部サイトCourt favour; or, private and confidential外部サイトLeontine; or, sixteen years ago!外部サイトThe silver arrow : pantomime, 14 scenes外部サイトMy first fit of the gout外部サイトNew wags of Windsor外部サイトLove in Algiers外部サイトThe rencontre; or, love will find out the way外部サイトAdrienne Lecouvreur外部サイトChacun chez soi外部サイトHumphrey Clinker ; Mischief-making ; Joan of Arc ; The ruffian boy ; Fortunes of Nigel ; The Wreck ; Every-body's husband ; Banks of the Hudson ; Guy Faux外部サイトAlma; or, the daughter of fire外部サイトIsaac Comnenus外部サイトAn address for the Theatre Royal Drury Lane外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトThe two T.J'S外部サイトA lesson in love外部サイトMy lover外部サイトThe printer's devil外部サイトJohn Jones外部サイトLeap year; or, the ladies' privilege外部サイトMaria外部サイトMatilda of Hungary外部サイトLying made easy外部サイトThe golden lily; or, the three brothers of Bagdad外部サイトThe silver king外部サイトUndine; or, the spirit of the waters外部サイトThe tender chord; or, how to touch ...外部サイトThe North West Passage; or, harlequin Esquimaux : pantomime, 13 scenes外部サイトThe fountain of youth外部サイトLe mari à la ville et la femme à la campagne外部サイトLaying a ghost外部サイトThe merchant and his clerks外部サイトThe liberal candidate外部サイトWallace the brave; or, the siege of Perth外部サイトRed riding hood外部サイトBristol diamonds外部サイトCalaynos外部サイトHarlequin, the wizard, and the wolf or little red riding hood外部サイトThe skeleton lover外部サイトAdelaide外部サイトBumble's courtship外部サイトRoses and thorns; or, two houses under one roof外部サイトCompletely successful; or, the undutiful fother外部サイトLeocadea外部サイトTommy外部サイトA romance of love外部サイトFaust外部サイトVenus in Arms ; Earl of proverty ; Siames twins ; Austerlitz ; Payable at Sight ; The bull-fighter ; Rich man of Frankfort ; Richard plantagenet ; Don Quixote ; Black-eyed Sukey ; The great devil外部サイトState secrets; or, the tailor of Tamworth外部サイトWinning a wife外部サイトRasselas; or, the happy valley外部サイトThe first of September; or, cockney sportsmen外部サイトA beggar on horseback外部サイトMarried or not? or, the married bachelor : burletta, 1 act外部サイトPlace-hunters : farce, 2 acts外部サイトMy friend from Leatherhead外部サイトThe Spanish patriots, a thousand years ago外部サイトAngelina : comic opera (Italian and English), 2 acts外部サイトThe flying Dutchman; or, the spectral ship外部サイトFollies of fashion外部サイトBringing home the bride外部サイトOne way of love外部サイトAunt Charlotte's maid外部サイトLeading strings外部サイトMrs and Mr Squaretoes外部サイトThe babes in the wood外部サイトThe fast family外部サイトThe tourists; or, a supper for three!外部サイトThe watch dog of the Walsinghams外部サイトThe manoeuvres of Jane外部サイトImogen's new cook外部サイトChristine; or, the mysterious protectress外部サイトL'article 213; ou, le mari doit reotection ...外部サイトWhen Greek meets Greek外部サイトMrs Caudle's curtain lectures外部サイトMerchant of London外部サイトPaul and Virginia外部サイトTwo in the morning外部サイトLord Darnley; or, the keep of castle hill!外部サイトThe child of the wreck外部サイトBrutus; or, the fall of tarquin外部サイトBehind and scenes; or, actors by lamplight外部サイトEnglish etiquette外部サイトRaby Rattler外部サイトAnne Blake外部サイトMacbeth, king of Scotland外部サイトP.S.--come to dinner!外部サイトOld heads and young hearts外部サイトThe Syren外部サイトThe mind's magnet; or, the school for arrogance : play, 5 acts外部サイトHumbug外部サイトHarlequin and mother red cap; or, merlin and the fairy queen外部サイトBertram外部サイトA cure for love外部サイトThe naughty forty thieves; or, harlequin merry Morgiana and the magic cave外部サイトBlodwen (white-flower)外部サイトThe court of Tuscany [and] the heir of Innes外部サイトUlf, the minstrel; or, the player, the princess and the prophecy外部サイトRobin Hood and his merry little men外部サイトThe kiss; or, Bertha's bridal外部サイトMy son in law外部サイトMarie ducange外部サイトThe review; or, the wags of Windsor外部サイトWilliam Tell外部サイトDreams; or, my lady Clara外部サイトA character外部サイトThe poor gentleman外部サイトThe hazard of the die外部サイトFaust外部サイトBlighted love外部サイトThe military Billy Taylor; or, the war in Carriboo外部サイトPrometheus unbound外部サイトCarline, the female brigand外部サイトDaddy Gray外部サイトThe worship of Bacchus外部サイトThe British legion外部サイトThe clerk of Clerkenwell; or, the three black bottles外部サイトThe thieves' house!外部サイトRob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne外部サイトGregory VII外部サイトThe pirates of Penzance; or, the slave of duty外部サイトThe foundlings外部サイトMoyra; or, the malediction of the dead外部サイトThe black doctor外部サイトWho speaks first?外部サイトOld and young : farce, 1 act外部サイトDamp beds!外部サイトThe poem外部サイトThe musard ball; or, love at the academy外部サイトThe gentleman opposite外部サイトThe monopolizer outwitted!外部サイトThe old oak chest; or, the smuggler's sons and the robber's daughter : melodramatic romance, 2 acts外部サイトThe old chateau; or, a night ...外部サイトThe obstinate family外部サイトSecretary, a tale of old Winchester Castle外部サイトThe whole hog外部サイトSuch things are外部サイトMary Price; or, the adventures of a servant girl外部サイトThe hazard of the die外部サイトGetting up in the world; or, the young pretender外部サイトWest end; or, the Irish heiress外部サイトThe witch of Derncleugh : drama, 3 acts外部サイトThe gamester's son; or, the last of his race外部サイトFriend Waggles外部サイトThe Tobit's dog外部サイトLurline; or, the revolt of the Naiades外部サイトDid I dream it?外部サイトKing Charles the First外部サイトThe prisoner of war外部サイトThe dark diamond外部サイトGraciosa and percinet外部サイトMarried and single; or, belles and bailiffs外部サイトThe duke's daughter; or, the hunchback of Paris外部サイトThe long Finn! or, the treasure Sceker's dream外部サイトThe London carrier or the poacher's gun外部サイトLofty projects; or, arts in an attic外部サイトThe death guard; or, the rustic banditti外部サイトThe daemon; or, the mystic branch外部サイトPerfection外部サイトThe siege of Seringapatam; or, the maiden of Mesopotamia外部サイトHenri IV en famille外部サイトDavid Rizzio外部サイトRich and poor; or, the uphill game of life外部サイトAjax外部サイトSylvester Daggerwood; or, new hay at the old market外部サイトNight and the soul外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトBeauty and the beast外部サイトPanthea; or, the Susan captive外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトLes deux brigadiers外部サイトSpring and Autumn; or, the bride at fifty外部サイトThe minute gun at sea!外部サイトRuy Blas外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトThe carnival at Naples外部サイトCatherine Grey外部サイトMarino Faliero外部サイトApril showers外部サイトOld Gooseberry!外部サイトCockneys in California外部サイトThe Huguenot captain外部サイトKing Richard the Second外部サイトThe castle of Paluzzi; or, the extorted oath外部サイトThe water-witches外部サイトForget-me-not外部サイトThe momentous question外部サイトThe scales of justice; or, merit ...外部サイトThe postman's knock外部サイトKnobs and noses; or, Gaul versus Lavater : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトA military marriage; or, the roll of the drum外部サイトThe two prisoners of Lyons; or, the duplicate keys外部サイトThe green bushes; or, a hundred years ago外部サイトIl barbiere di Siviglia = The barber of Seville外部サイトThe love ladder外部サイトLove's dream外部サイトLurline; or, the water nymphs' revolt外部サイトDon Carlos, infant of Spain外部サイトThe maniac; or, the Swiss banditti外部サイトCinderella; or, the fairy and little glass slipper外部サイトKate Carraway外部サイトLove and murder外部サイトScenes from the rejected comedies外部サイトThe unfinished gentleman外部サイトA most unwarrantable intrusion外部サイトFaint heart never won fair lady外部サイトWhy don't you marry?外部サイトKing Henry IV外部サイトHe would be an actor外部サイトArtaxerxes外部サイトA sister's wrongs; or, the dark hours ...外部サイトLes mille et une nuits外部サイトA county parliament; or, ought there to be a law to compel ...外部サイトVery suspicious!外部サイトYelva; ou, l'orpheline russe外部サイトAbroad and at home外部サイトMaximian外部サイトAladdin!外部サイトGood for evil; or, a wife's trial外部サイトThe Affghans' captive; or, the triumph of the British flag外部サイトThe orphan of the frozen sea外部サイトJolly boy blue外部サイトSavonarola外部サイトTom Pinch外部サイトLurline外部サイトThe four cousins外部サイトOur wife; or, the rose of Amiens外部サイトThe death token外部サイトThe house of ladies外部サイトRomeo and Giulietta外部サイトBlue beard外部サイトThe old school外部サイトA cozy couple外部サイトSophia's supper外部サイトPolkamania外部サイトRandall's thumb外部サイトThe rising of the tide外部サイトBowl'd out; or, a bit of brummagem外部サイトTwo flats and a sharp外部サイトThe wisdom of the wise外部サイトThe bride of Abydos外部サイトThe Aethiop; or, the child of the desart : drama, 3 acts外部サイトThe dogs of the grange外部サイトMary Stuart外部サイトThe jolly beggars外部サイトSeven dials; or, the beggars of London外部サイトLost diamonds外部サイトBamboozling外部サイトBattle of alma ...外部サイトCumberland Mary; or, the star-walkers of the mills外部サイトM.P.外部サイトParisina外部サイトThe outlaw外部サイトFunnibone's fix外部サイトNot guilty外部サイトNational gratitude; or, Nelson's funeral : grand burletta spectacle外部サイトMy neighbour's wife外部サイトThe unconscious counterfeit : farce, 2 acts外部サイトMidas外部サイトThe magpie : melodramatic entertainment, 3 acts外部サイトEmpedocles on Etna外部サイトThe Mikado; or, the town of Titipu外部サイトTannhauser外部サイトOn the brain [and] the walter; or, all comes to him who waits外部サイトNative land; or, the return from slavery外部サイトMammon and gammon外部サイトJane Annie; or, the good conduct prize外部サイトMonkeyana; or, the dumb Savoyard外部サイトDoing for the best外部サイトJessie the flower of Dunblane外部サイトChampagne外部サイトRetaliation : musical entertainment, 2 acts外部サイトHop o' my thumb and the eleven brothers ...外部サイトLiberta; or, the last of the magicians外部サイトThe will for the deed : comedy, 3 acts外部サイトA rough diamond外部サイトMr. Midshipman Easy!外部サイトThe babes in the wood and bold Robin Hood外部サイトPuss in boots外部サイトBrantinghame Hall外部サイトDid I dream it?外部サイトLe mari de la veuve外部サイトSettling day外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトHenri Quatre; or, Paris in the olden time外部サイトHarlequin King Pepin; or, Valentine and Orson外部サイトPopularity外部サイトThe little Sentinel外部サイトMy friend the governor外部サイトThe railroad station外部サイトAli Baba; or, the forty thieves外部サイトThe Jewess外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトA sheep in wolf's clothing外部サイトThe two thorns外部サイトUgolino外部サイトLe piano de Berthe外部サイトThe seven clerks; or, the three thieves and the denouncer外部サイトMy uncle's pet外部サイトHow stout you're getting外部サイトReady-money外部サイトDante外部サイトThe fate of war!外部サイトA show of hands外部サイトThe seven ages of man; or, the end of crime外部サイトPetticoat government外部サイトState secrets! or, the tailor of Tamworth!外部サイトWhere shall I dine? : dramatic sketch, 1 act外部サイトLittle Jack the giant killer外部サイトFire, fire, burn stick; or, harlequin ...外部サイトOld trusty外部サイトDross; or, the root of evil外部サイトThe boarding house : musical entertainment, 2 acts外部サイトThe Jew外部サイトMarian; or, the prisoner of Elville castle外部サイトThe mountain king; or, the castle burners!外部サイトYellow roses外部サイトAddress for J. Liston外部サイトThe murder on the Thames外部サイトHarlequin cherry and fair star; or, the green bird, the dancing waters ...外部サイトHenrique; or, the love pilgrim外部サイトRosalie; or, the deserted child : drama, 2 acts外部サイトSongs ... in King charming; or, the blue bird of paradise!外部サイトOf noble birth!外部サイトThe Irish heiress外部サイトWhittington, junior, and his sensation cat外部サイトStrolling country actors or the Manager's son外部サイトTromb-al-ca-zar; or, the adventures of an operatic troupe外部サイトTo oblige Benson外部サイトThe French spy; or, the siege of Constantina外部サイトWhich is which?外部サイトMy friend the major外部サイトBeau Blandish the rake外部サイトSlight mistakes!外部サイトThe importance of being earnest外部サイトThe love-trap; or, hearts are trumps外部サイトIvanhoe in accordance with the spirit of the times外部サイトValentine and Orson; or, harlequin and the magic shield外部サイトCharles O'Malley外部サイトDavid Rizzio : comic opera, 3 acts外部サイトFolbert; ou, le mari de la cantatrice外部サイトOberon外部サイトThe king of the Danube and the water lily外部サイトStratagems; or, the lost treasure : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトThe house that Jack built; or, Old Mother Hubbard, Mother Goose, dane trot and their comical dog, cat, and gose外部サイトPhilip of France and marie de méraine外部サイトThe wandering boys; or, the castle of Olival外部サイトBentivoglio外部サイトLady Huntworth's experiment外部サイトMasaniello; or, the dumb girl of Portici外部サイトI'll write to the times外部サイトThe fool's revenge外部サイトParis; or, vive Lemprière外部サイトThe house out at windows : piece (music farce), 1 act外部サイトWill watch! or, the black phantom!外部サイトThe fall of the Mogul外部サイトThe nervous man and the man of nerve外部サイトCome if you can外部サイトCinderella; or, harlequin and the fairy slipper外部サイトEngaged外部サイトKing Henry the Fourth (the first part)外部サイトThe Grand Mogul外部サイトSongs ... in ... the devil's bridge外部サイトUn de plus外部サイトMarried life外部サイトMy wife's second floor外部サイトKing Arthur外部サイトLove and rain外部サイトLizzie Lyle; or, the flower makers of Finsbury外部サイトThe silver lining外部サイトThe bell ringer of St. Paul's; or, London in 1665外部サイトEily O'Connor外部サイトDon't judge by appearances外部サイトThe good for nothing!外部サイトPassé minuit外部サイトUn chateau de cartes外部サイトLocked in with a lady外部サイトA winter in London; or, a devilish good friend外部サイトLa Camargo; ou, l'opéra en 1750外部サイトGuidone外部サイトThe pirate's bride : burletta, 3 acts外部サイトThe forty thieves外部サイトLestocq; or, the fete of the Hermitage外部サイトThe magpie; or, the maid of Palaiseau外部サイトThe soldier's daughter外部サイトIngomar; or, the noble savage外部サイトCarrots外部サイトPuss-in-boots外部サイトThe old Geyser外部サイトPerouse; or, the desolate island外部サイトThe village bane; or, two high roads of life外部サイトMelmoth, the wanderer外部サイトJones, the avenger外部サイトKeep your temper; or, know whom you marry外部サイトLe petit homme gris外部サイトMrs. Bunbury's spoons外部サイトThe guerillas; or, the storming of of St. Sabestian!外部サイトDamon and Pythias外部サイトThe school for scandal外部サイトA roving companion外部サイトToussaint L'Ouverture; or, the black Spartacus外部サイトThe old mint of Southwark外部サイトA narrow escape外部サイトThe world外部サイトThe deserts of Arabia : romance, 2 acts外部サイトEverybody's friend外部サイトA prior claim : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe trumpeter's wedding外部サイト[Collected works]外部サイトThe sorcerer外部サイトNew neighbours; or, Miss Chatwell's blunder外部サイトFlorence Montauban; or, the Robbers ...外部サイトThe pride of the market外部サイトBermecides : dramatic romance, 3 acts外部サイトEthwald外部サイトThe mendicant外部サイトA hunt for a husband外部サイトForty thieves外部サイトA dramatic legend外部サイトSmoke外部サイトThe votary of wealth外部サイトRich and poor外部サイトMeet me by moonlight外部サイトPuss in boots; or, harlequin the millers son ...外部サイトIl matrimonio segreto; or, the secret marriage外部サイトThe Sicilian huzzars; or, the black bottle外部サイトThe test of truth; or, it's a long lane that has no turning外部サイトThe spy of Venice外部サイトThe maid with the milking pail外部サイトThe crown diamonds外部サイトNext door外部サイトFashionable life; or, a season at Cheltenham外部サイトMary Stewart, Queen of Scots外部サイトSnap-apple night!; or, a kick-up in Kerry外部サイトKing O'Neil, or, the Irish brigade外部サイトParted外部サイトMarie Stuart外部サイトThe Artizan's daughter; or, the broken home外部サイトA cure for love外部サイトMaid or wife; or, the deceiver deceived外部サイトDavid copperfield the younger of blunderstone rookery外部サイトThe Irish diamond外部サイトThe maid of Artois外部サイトAny thing new外部サイトGenevieve; or, the reign of terror外部サイトOld parr外部サイトQuiet apartments; or, Prof. Jinks in search of peace外部サイトIf it takes place, I shall keep my seat, and get a peep : inrerlude, 1 act外部サイトAesop; or. the golden calf!外部サイトLewis Arundel外部サイトJean qui pleure et Jean qui rit外部サイトDouble faced people外部サイトSowing the wind外部サイトJohn Jones; or, I'm haunted by a fiend!外部サイトThe lady of Lyons; or, love and pride外部サイトThe mysterious lady外部サイトThe good looking fellow外部サイトThe lady of Lyons外部サイトRomulus and Remus; or, Rome was not built in a day外部サイトMarriage外部サイトGood husbands make good wives外部サイトMadelon friquet外部サイトThe P.L.外部サイトGood husbands make good wives外部サイトUpstairs and downstairs; or, the great per-centage question外部サイトMurtzoufle外部サイトA man-servant外部サイトThe lady of Lyons外部サイトRameses II外部サイトIl barbiere di Siviglia外部サイトThe merchant pirate外部サイトEsmeralda; or, the deformed to Notre Dame外部サイトBorn with a caul外部サイトLa dame blanche; or, the white lady of Avenel外部サイトMaid, or, wife? ; Castle of Sorrento ; Faustus ; All at Coventry ; Tom and Jerry ; Robert the devil ; Lestocq ; Cataract of the Ganges ; Old regimentals外部サイトThe village doctor外部サイトQuentin Matys; or, the maid of Antwerp外部サイトDaniel day; or, the forest child, the oak and the coffin外部サイトThe Irishman in London外部サイトA fairy's father外部サイトPrince of pearls; or, harlequin ...外部サイトAu printemps外部サイトA quiet family外部サイトColombine外部サイトMy wife's come!外部サイトHis last legs外部サイトSatanella; or, the power of love外部サイトAdeline; or, the grave of the forsaken外部サイトThe man for the ladies外部サイトSeparate maintenance外部サイトPresented at Court外部サイトThe times外部サイトThe weaker sex外部サイトWayfarers外部サイトL'enfant de quelqu'un外部サイトRob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne外部サイトCrosby Ravensworth; or, the curate's son and the sexton's daughter外部サイトThe late lamented外部サイトWho's your hatter?外部サイトAbou Hassan; or, the sleeper awake : burletta, 12 scenes外部サイトDon Caesar de Bazan; or, the Holy Week外部サイトThe green man外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトEsmeralda外部サイトHighways and by-ways外部サイトDick Whittington外部サイトThe silver wedding; or, keep your tempers外部サイトCato外部サイトThe Belle's stratagem外部サイトThe travellers benighted : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトChristmas Eve in a watchhouse外部サイトWhich is the uncle; or, the errors of a night外部サイトMay Brierly外部サイトChaos is come again; or, the race-ball!外部サイトThe ambassadress外部サイトThe storm visitor外部サイトThe trial of love; or, self devotion外部サイトCaste外部サイトMohawk minstrel's ninth book of dramas, stump speeches ...外部サイトLohengrin外部サイトHarlequin bluecap and the king of the golden waters; or, the three ...外部サイトThe fall of Jerusalem外部サイトThe Lancashire lass; or, tempted, tried, and true外部サイトJedbury junior外部サイトSelim and Zuleika外部サイトWooing in Jest and loving in Earnest外部サイトThe practical man外部サイトBombastes furioso外部サイトAmarynthus the nympholept外部サイトPage 21! or, a leaf missing外部サイトThe foresters; or, Robin Hood and Maid Marian外部サイトDer Freischutz外部サイトCuriosity cured; or, powder for peeping外部サイトThe trumpeter's daughter外部サイトThe battle of Luncarty; or, the valiant Hays外部サイトTwo gentlemen in a fix外部サイトThe liar外部サイトNettlewig hall; or, ten to one外部サイトThe Walpurgis night!; or, the wolf-hunters of Hartzberg and the sprites of the waste and wild!外部サイトAthalie, Phedre, and Britannicus外部サイトThomas and Sally: or, the sailor's return外部サイトRobert Emmet外部サイトPaul the persecuted外部サイトThe corsair外部サイトThe Chelsea pensioner外部サイトMaid Marian; or, the huntress of Arlingford外部サイトSchemes and counter-schemes外部サイトThe bridal外部サイトPeter the Great; or, the wooden walls外部サイトProsper et Vincent外部サイトJack of Paddington; or, the omnibus conductor, the performer and felon外部サイトVera; or, the nihilists外部サイトThe queen of Bohemia; or, the London in the reign of Charles 2nd外部サイトThe regent外部サイトThe young waterman's society; or, the Ran-Dan Club外部サイトSinbad the sailor; or, harlequin and the fairies ...外部サイトBlanche of Jersey外部サイトDown the area! or, mistress and maid! : comic farce, 2 acts外部サイトNone but the brave deserve the fair外部サイトThe puritans and the cavaliers外部サイトLover's resolutions : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトCinderella and the fairy queen; or, harlequin and the little glass slipper外部サイトThe dumb guide of the Tyrol外部サイトWild oats; or, the strolling gentlemen外部サイトOlympic games; or, the major, the miner, and the cock-a-doodle-doo外部サイトCousin Cherry外部サイトSongs ... in the haymarket [s]pring meeting外部サイトHearts and diamonds外部サイトThe prisoner of Toulon外部サイトMy son Diana外部サイトUn bas bleu外部サイトPeacock's feathers外部サイトWhich is the king外部サイトFallen among thieves外部サイトThe foundling外部サイトLouis XI外部サイトWaverley; or, sixty years since外部サイトThe passing of Lilith外部サイトNo!外部サイトThe black domino; or, a night's adventure外部サイトThe eve of battle; or, a woman's nerve外部サイトThe rival beauties外部サイトThe fox and the grapes外部サイトA trip to Scarborough外部サイトHis first champagne外部サイトThe dream spectre外部サイトThe wealthy widow; or, they're both to blame外部サイトThe miller's maid外部サイトThe rajah外部サイトThe beacon外部サイトSixteen-string Jack外部サイトSongs ... in the siege of Corinth!外部サイトArt and love外部サイトThe last glass; or, Lilian Locke, the widow of the Mill外部サイトThe lottery ticket and lawyer's clerk外部サイトMazeppa; or, the wild horse of Tartary外部サイトUse or ornament?外部サイトHarlequin Puss in Boots; or, Old Mother Hubbard & her comical dog外部サイトValentine's day; or, the amorous knight, and the Belle widow外部サイトHernando Cortez; or, the conquest of Mexico : opera, 3 acts外部サイトThe accusing spirit; or, the three travellers of the Tyrol外部サイトThe silent system外部サイトCount Tremolio外部サイトArajoon; or, the conquest of Mysore外部サイトThe bric-a-brac will外部サイトFish out of water外部サイトLe quaker et la danseuse外部サイトThe ladies' man外部サイトAguilhar外部サイトFanchette外部サイトMystery; or, the monk of St. Nicholas外部サイトThe enchanted island外部サイトThe three secrets外部サイトWoodcock's little game外部サイトPickwickians外部サイトThe Lilly of the valley; or, the dumb boy of the Mill外部サイトSt. Patrick's Eve; or, the order of the day外部サイトMary Stuart外部サイトHarlequin's salutation, recitations, songs, choruses, etc., in : pantomime, 3 scenes外部サイトCupboard love外部サイトHarlequin Lincoln Lucky of Lambeth; or, three fairy sisters of witch willow dell外部サイトAurora Floyd; or, the banker's daughter外部サイトDan'l Druce, blacksmith外部サイトCourtship a-la-mode外部サイトUnited Service; or, the fortune of war外部サイトLe lait d'ânesse外部サイトTrapper of the Hills; or, the strong man of the West外部サイトHarlequin Sinbad the sailor; or, the great roc ...外部サイトThe science of advertisement外部サイトMy neighbor's wife外部サイトWho wants a guinea? or, the Irish Yorkshireman : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe smoked miser; or, the benefit of hanging外部サイトThe dream at sea外部サイトJessy Lea外部サイトThe woodman's hut外部サイトA cleft stick外部サイトWanted, a situation外部サイトThe force of nature外部サイトThe pretty girls of Stillberg外部サイトThe orphan of China外部サイトFlying scud; or, a four-legged fortune外部サイトGastone e Bajardo : opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトLittle goody two shoes外部サイトTwenty minutes under an umbrella外部サイトKing zany's daughter; or, the princess who was blind of one eye and could not see out of the other外部サイトThat blessed baby外部サイトThe shepherd of Derwent Vale; or, the innocent culprit外部サイトThe minerali; or, the dying gift外部サイトElectra外部サイトRoland the rider外部サイトMidsummer-eve; an idyll of sherwood forest外部サイトThe black cat外部サイトLes cuisinières外部サイトThe serf外部サイトThe love gift; or, the trials of poverty外部サイト'Twould puzzle a conjuror!外部サイトThe fatal brand; or, the fall of the inquisition外部サイトGiovanni in London; or, the libertine reclaimed外部サイトSixteen string jack外部サイトThe step-sister外部サイトStage struck外部サイトPourquoi?外部サイトThe castle of Andalusia外部サイトIvor; or, the sighs of Ulla外部サイトThe face in the moonlight外部サイトPresumptive evidence; or, murder will out外部サイトLove's errors; or, the child of chance : comedy, 2 acts外部サイトThe days of Jezebel外部サイトThe Lowther Arcade外部サイトThe man in the moon; or, tumble down nap外部サイトIt's only my aunt!外部サイトWanted 1000 spirited young milliners of the gold diggings外部サイトOrange blossoms外部サイトThe maid of Warsaw外部サイトManfredi; or, the mysterious hermit外部サイトOur boys外部サイトBelshazzar's feast外部サイトGlin Gath; or, the man in the cleft外部サイトAll at coventry; or, love and laugh : farcical burletta, 2 acts外部サイトMartin Hayward, the Biggleswade Carrier; or, the victim of perjury外部サイトThe Duenna外部サイトClarence Clevedon, his struggle for life and death!外部サイトHarlequin Robin Hood and Little John; or, merrie England in olden time外部サイトThe young scamp; or, the my grandmother's pet外部サイトA family likeness外部サイトThalaba the destroyer or the burning sword外部サイトAzaël the Arab; or, the profligate of Memphis外部サイトThe boarding school外部サイトA duel in the dark外部サイトNine to one; or, he is sure to be done外部サイトElizabeth, Queen of England外部サイトThe tower of Nesle外部サイトA cheap excursion外部サイトLucia di Lammermoor外部サイトTramp's adventure; or, true to the last外部サイトSongs from the maid of Artois外部サイトHamlet travestie外部サイトCherry and fair star; or, the children of Cyprus外部サイトThe old gentleman外部サイトAlice in Wonderland外部サイトLe Mari de la dame de choeurs外部サイトTufelhausen; or, the lawyer's legend外部サイトThe bag of gold外部サイトMilky white外部サイトSong, meet me by moolight外部サイトJoan the maid外部サイトThe beggar's petition; or, a father's love and a mother's care外部サイトThe post captain; or, wife, husband, and friend外部サイトClarisse; or, the merchant's daughter外部サイトA golden wedding外部サイトLa slumbernambula外部サイトArkwright's wife外部サイトDramas of the ancient world外部サイトThe seven champions of Christendom and the storm demon; or, harlequin and the fiery flying dragon, the terror of the land外部サイトBallynavogue; or, the lilly of Lismore : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトThe vision of the bard外部サイトNine points of the law外部サイトA walk for a wager! or, a bailiff's bet外部サイトLiving at ease外部サイトThe blackamoor's head : farce, 2 acts外部サイトMarmion; or, Floddon field外部サイトCamillus and Columna; or, the sleeping beauty外部サイトThe West Indian外部サイトThe white milliner外部サイトOccasional address for the opening of the Hay Market Theatre外部サイトThe breach of promise; or, second thoughts are best外部サイトAn act in the life of Garrick外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin外部サイトThe teatotallers外部サイトThe Chevalier de St. George外部サイトMr and Mrs Caudle外部サイトThe vicar of Wakefield外部サイトBetty Martin外部サイトThe Irish girl; or, Cossack and no Cossack外部サイトBold Robin Hood; or, the pretty white horse and the enchanted princess of sherwood forest外部サイトThe two bloomers外部サイトHearts of oak外部サイトBrothers外部サイトState secrets; or, public men in private life : historical drama, 1 act外部サイトMarriage in May Fair外部サイトWon at last!外部サイトMithridates, King of Pontus外部サイトBarnaby Rudge外部サイトLe cappriciosa penita : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトLe protégé外部サイトHer Royal Highness外部サイトThe physician外部サイトThe maid of Bristol外部サイトA Chinese honeymoon外部サイトThe right-fall heir; or, the sea-rover and the fall over外部サイトA dun a-day : operetta, 1 act外部サイトA good run for it外部サイトLivre III, chapitre I外部サイトThe bottle imp外部サイトHis Excellency外部サイトThe red rag外部サイトVasco外部サイトThe gold mine; or, the miller of Grenoble外部サイトThe last nail; or, the drunkard's doom外部サイトCheckmate外部サイトThe seasons外部サイトThe volunteer review; or, the little man in Green!外部サイトWilliam of Normandy, king of England外部サイトThe three musket-dears and a little one in外部サイトRosmer of Rosmersholm外部サイトWine does wonders外部サイトThe white sergeants; or, the buttermilk volunteers外部サイトMonseigneur and the jeweller's apprentice外部サイトFabian; or, the misalliance外部サイトPygmalion and Galatea外部サイトMrs Jane shore; or, the king's mistress外部サイトAs London lives外部サイトRobert le Diable, the devil's son外部サイトThe spirit of vengeance外部サイトSelf accusation; or, a brother's love外部サイトHeads or tails?外部サイトFortune mends外部サイトFra Diavolo; or, the beauty and the brigands外部サイトBroken ties外部サイトSullivan外部サイトLe caleb外部サイトThe minister and the Mercer外部サイトGreencloth; a story of Monte Carlo外部サイトOpen house; or, the twin sisters外部サイトCamaralzaman; or, the peri that loved the prince外部サイトMarriage projects : dramatic piece, 1 act外部サイトAzael the prodigal外部サイトMothers and daughters外部サイトRobin Hood; or, the forester's fate!外部サイトKeeley worried by Buckstone外部サイトMary of Manchester; or, the spirit of the loom外部サイトThe gnome king and the good fairy of the silver mine外部サイトThree of his dramatic pieces外部サイトThe secret foe外部サイトHaddon Hall外部サイトThe garland of truth; or, integrity proved : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトA soldier of fortune外部サイトProof presumptive; or, the secret marriage : drama, 3 acts外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra; or, his-tory and her-story in a modern Nilo-metre外部サイトIs he alive? or, all puzzled!外部サイトThe notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith外部サイトChastelard外部サイトHeaven and hell外部サイトMy wife's diary外部サイトThus runs the world away : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトSketches in India外部サイトThe last feast of the Fianna外部サイトThe white pilgrim外部サイトAlcestis外部サイトCount Benyowsky; or, the conspiracy of Kamtschatka外部サイトBits of burlesque外部サイトB.B.外部サイトStrafford外部サイトHamlet外部サイトEileen Oge; or, Dark's the hour before the dawn外部サイトBlack-ey'd Susan; or, all in the downs外部サイトPerfection; or, the maid of Munster外部サイトRumfuskin, king of the North Pole; or, treason rewarded外部サイトThe warden of Galway外部サイトThe lady of Lyons; or, love and pride外部サイトLes cloches de Corneville; or, the bells of Corneville外部サイトBiographical notice of West Digges, actor (1720-1786), 1786-1787外部サイトLittle Thumb and the ogre; or, the fairy boots, songs, etc., in : pantomimical ballet外部サイトThe armourer's daughter外部サイトSongs for the Olympic Theatre外部サイトThe right fellow; or, the wrong felon and the felo' d'ye see?外部サイトWatch and ward外部サイトGiselle; or, the phantom night dancers外部サイトSherwood forest; or, the merry archers : burletta, 3 acts外部サイトLove's victory; or, the school for pride外部サイトThe prodigal daughter外部サイトLe deux soeurs; ou, le mentor外部サイトA pair of spectacles外部サイトThe Christmas log外部サイトLe marin ou les deux ingénues外部サイトEllen Wareham the wife of two husbands外部サイトNaval engagements外部サイトObservation and flirtation外部サイトWhich is which? or, the fire of London外部サイトHannibal外部サイトGrace Darling; or, the wreck at sea外部サイトWhat greater love?外部サイトTimson's little holiday外部サイトComic dramas in three acts外部サイトThe mayor of garratt外部サイトSketches in India外部サイトThe lord of the isles; or, the gathering of the clans外部サイトWatch and wait外部サイトThe Gaiety Gulliver外部サイトGodfrida外部サイトPortugeuze national hymn adapted [for] the return of Prince Don Miguel外部サイトThéobald: ou, le retour de Russie外部サイトCosi fan' tutte; o sia, la scuola degli amanti : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトAugusta; or, the blind girl : drama, 3 acts外部サイトBrutus ; Ali Pacha ; Twelfth night ; Henry the Fifth ; Love in humble life ; Child of nature ; Sleep-walker外部サイトEast Lynne外部サイトThe Jewess! or, the Council of Constance!外部サイトMr. and Mrs. Pringle外部サイトDamon and Pythias外部サイトMatilde di Shabran e Corradino; ossia, la [b]eltà in Trionfo : melodrama (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトDick fly by night and dare devil Dan外部サイトFaust外部サイトAlive and Merry外部サイトThe lifeness of the night外部サイトThe honey moon : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトCoriolanus; or, the Roman matron外部サイトThe world外部サイトSongs, the light guitar外部サイトThe town before you外部サイトThe rival valets外部サイトLa douleureuse外部サイトThe sleeping draught外部サイトGrimaldi; or, the life of an actress外部サイトForty thieves and the court barber; or, harlequin and the five tiny pigs, the sad little prigs, and the fairies of the laburnum lake外部サイトOliver Twist外部サイトIvanhoe; [or, the knight templar] : musical drama, 3 acts外部サイトLe loterie a la mode外部サイトI martiri外部サイトSafe and sound外部サイトFaust, count of Aurana; or, satan's own外部サイトThe Huguenots; or, the massacre of St. Bartholomew外部サイトA deserter in a fix外部サイトThe lottery chance; or, the drunkard reclaimed外部サイトSt. John in Patmos外部サイトThe man of many friends外部サイトLeap year; or, the ladies privilege外部サイトUncle John外部サイトSt. Margaret's cave : play, 5 acts外部サイトDisagreeable surprise ; The stranger ; The village lawyer ; School for scandal ; The spoiled child ; Animal magnetism ; Wheel of fortune外部サイトThe siege of Isca; or, the battles of the West外部サイトPeter Wilkins; or, the flying islanders外部サイトCinderella; or, harlequin & the little slipper, the magic pumpkin and the butterflies ball and grasshopper's feast外部サイトCrossed love外部サイトThe law of Java外部サイトRichards play外部サイトKilling no murder : farce, 2 acts外部サイトThe cape mail外部サイトDid you ever send your wife to Brooklyn?外部サイトMoll pitcher; or the fortune teller of Lynn外部サイトVenus in arms外部サイトThe bride of Ludgate外部サイトThe lost wife; or, a husband's confession外部サイトMatrimony by advertisement外部サイトA terrible secret外部サイトThe journey's end外部サイトA deed without a name外部サイトMr Weller's watch外部サイトThe angel of midnight: a legend of terror外部サイトThe Venetian outlaw外部サイトHarlequin demon; or, moonlight enchantress外部サイトAll's fair in love; or, a match for the lawyer : farce, 2 acts外部サイトThe yellow admiral; or, the perils of the battle and the breeze外部サイトThe black doctor外部サイトThe rats of the seine外部サイトThe emissary外部サイトBelphegor; or, the mountebank and his wife外部サイトThe devil and Dr Faustus外部サイトNiobe, all smiles外部サイトThe little jockey; or, love and folly外部サイトThe force of nature外部サイトThe impostures of Scapin外部サイトDick Turpin & Tom King外部サイトIvanhoe外部サイトNothing superfluous外部サイトThe slave of wealth; or, the gnome of the gold mines外部サイトIl barbiere di Siviglia外部サイトFlodden Field : piece, 3 acts外部サイトFamily arrangements外部サイトDeux maitresses外部サイトWrath's whirlwind; or, the neglected child ...外部サイトMinnigrey外部サイトThe Irish tutor; or, new lights外部サイトThe blacksmith of Ghent外部サイトTurko the Terrible; or, the great princess show外部サイトAlive od dead! or, the lover's signal外部サイトCarlo外部サイトBoots at the swan外部サイトWeeds外部サイトThe marriage of Figaro外部サイトThe honey-moon外部サイトCarmilhan; or, the drowned crew!外部サイトThe mariner's compass外部サイトLe rêve du mari ou le manteau外部サイトLa vergine de l sole : opra (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトBamboozling; or, my wife Polly!外部サイトSilvester daggerwood外部サイトThe dawn外部サイトA maiden's fame! or, a legend of Lisbon!外部サイトThe review; or, the wags of Windsor外部サイトThe vampire; or, the bride of the isles外部サイトAttendre et courir外部サイトThe young widow; or, a lesson for lovers外部サイトThe plot of Potzentausend外部サイトA false alarm外部サイトH.M.S. Missfire; or, the Honest Tar and the Wicked First Luff外部サイトEach for himself外部サイトNo song, no supper外部サイトHugo bambino外部サイトWillikind and hys Dinah外部サイトHenry the Eighth外部サイトMr. and Mrs. Daventry外部サイトSpecial performances外部サイトThe doom of Devorgoil [and] Auchindrane外部サイトSulieman外部サイトCinderella and the fairy glass slipper外部サイトMischievous eyes外部サイトMarried and single外部サイトSequin the scalp hunter外部サイトL'homme et la mode外部サイトA lad in a thousand外部サイトSir Roger de Coverley; or, the English gentlemen外部サイトThe road to ruin外部サイトThe deformed transformed外部サイトAgrippa posthumus外部サイトKing John (with the benefit of the act)外部サイトGrist to mill外部サイトThe Egyptian festival外部サイトFrou-frou外部サイトAndy Blake; or, the Irish diamond外部サイトHunting a turtle外部サイトJoan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans : melodrama, 3 acts外部サイトAnother glass外部サイトThe bed-room window外部サイトGonzalo, the Spanish bandit外部サイトThe Belle's stratagem外部サイトHow would you manage her?外部サイトVirginius外部サイトThe students of Bonn外部サイトYoung husbands外部サイトCherry bounce!外部サイトAfter dark外部サイトThe life of a woman; or, the curate's daughter外部サイトCent. per cent; or, the masquerade外部サイトZodaiya; or, the rose of Gurgistan : opera, 3 acts外部サイトWallace: the hero of Scotland外部サイトThe white boys外部サイトPrinter's squabbles外部サイトThe crinoline question外部サイトClavigo外部サイトAmericans abroad; or, notes and notions外部サイトThe Gipsey of Derncleugh外部サイトThe wonder外部サイトRobin Hood; or, the merry outlaws of Sherwood外部サイトAn idyll外部サイトFemme qui a une jambe de bois外部サイトLe roi boit外部サイトThe robber's wife ; The magpie, or the maid? ; Shakspeare's early days ; The point of honour ; Hight ways and by ways ; The ice witch ; St. Patrick's Day ; The blind bargain ; Robinson Crusoe外部サイトThe bride of Golconda; or, the genius of the ring外部サイトEsther, the royal Jewess; or, the death of Haman!外部サイトThe Christian外部サイトThe old forge外部サイトA fascinating individual外部サイトThe yellow kids外部サイトMy aunt外部サイトBertram外部サイトKenilworth外部サイトBrouille et le raccommodement外部サイトWar外部サイトThe sentence外部サイトCuriosity外部サイトA charming pair外部サイトA nice firm外部サイトCalled there and back外部サイトThe wide wide world外部サイトThe willow copes外部サイトFor the old love's sake外部サイトMerchant of Venice ; Merry wives of Windsor ; Virginius ; Caius Gracchus ; All in the wrong ; King Lear ; Cato外部サイトThe Colleen Bawn; or, the brides of Garryowen外部サイトLegacy hunting; or, an uncle from India外部サイトThe dark hour before dawn外部サイトThe Italian gamester; or, the wife and mistress : recitations, songs, etc., melodramatic spectacle, 9 scenes外部サイトPrejudice; or, a bachelor's vow外部サイトPerdita; or, the royal milkmaid外部サイトBlack and red galleys外部サイトMonsieur jacques外部サイトHarlequin Tom Tittlemouse and the eleven dancing princesses; or, Deedle Deedle Dumplin and the silver frog外部サイトOne o'clock; [or, the knight and the wood demon] : grand musical romance, 3 acts外部サイトPaul Clifford; or, the highwayman of 1770外部サイトThe tutor's assistant!外部サイトGisippus外部サイトThe vampire外部サイトMr. Yates' new entertainment外部サイトWoman's will外部サイトMy cousin外部サイトA breezy morning外部サイトGiovanni in Paris外部サイトMargate sands外部サイトEducation外部サイトRiquet with the tuft外部サイトLa buona figliuola : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトThe printer's devil; or, a type of the old one外部サイトThe last edition of Ivanhoe with all the newest improvements外部サイトThe Azamoglan外部サイトFeudal times; or, the court of James the Third外部サイトDr. D.外部サイトThe bashful Irishman外部サイトHenry of Richmond外部サイトThe miller's maid外部サイトMischief-making外部サイトAn organic affection外部サイトA girl graduate外部サイトBuondelmonte [and] Zingari [and] Cleanthes [and ] court ...外部サイトPaul Pry外部サイトThe Bayaderes外部サイトRape of the lock外部サイトThe duchess transformed外部サイトFaust; or, the demon of the Drachenfels外部サイトThe Bill Sticker or an old house in the city外部サイトThe dandy fifth外部サイトVandyke brown外部サイトEsmeralda; or, the sensation goat!外部サイトIn quarantine外部サイトGalatea; or, Pygmalion re-versed外部サイトThe captain of the watch外部サイトThe life and death of Guy Fawkes; or, gunpowder treason外部サイトChopstick and Spikins外部サイトMoths外部サイトThe three princes外部サイトMrs. Willis's will外部サイトHarlequin and the red dwarf; or, the amamant rock, songs, etc., in : pantomime, 18 scenes外部サイトTancrede外部サイトUncle Tom and Lucy Neal; or, harlequin liberty ...外部サイトThe devil's delight; or, a row in Elysium外部サイトThe sixty-third letter外部サイトThe duel; or, my two nephews外部サイトThe husband of my heart外部サイトThe impostors外部サイトJeffreys; or, the wife's vengeance外部サイトLe mariage d'argent外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトBelphegor the buffoon; or, the robbers of the revolution外部サイトL'extase外部サイトThe Montem外部サイトThe vicar of Wakefield外部サイトThe forty thieves; or, harlequin and the Robber's cave外部サイトThe red mask外部サイトThe Star-Spangled Banner; or, the Far West外部サイトThe black doctor外部サイトClaribel; or, love and friendship外部サイトThe fatal snow storm; or, Lowina of Tobolski!外部サイトTost in a blanket; or, law without study : comic burletta, 2 acts外部サイトI've eaten my friend外部サイトMy fellow-clerk外部サイトThe Colleen Bawn; or, the brides ...外部サイトThe wife! a tale of a mantua-maker外部サイトThe little devil外部サイトDemetrius外部サイトThe needle of agony; or, the persecuted wife外部サイトStrange coincidences外部サイトThe jealous wife外部サイトThe force of friendship : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトPresumptive evidence; or, murder will out外部サイトAriadne外部サイトCount Julian外部サイトFrankenstein; or, the man and monster!外部サイトThe railroad station外部サイトEgmont外部サイトThe spoiled child外部サイトDon Giovanni; or, a spectre on horseback! : extravaganza, 2 acts外部サイトCupid in Brighton; or, a visit from the celestials外部サイトRuy Blas外部サイトSatanella; or, the power of love外部サイトThe yellow dwarf; or, the king of gold mines外部サイトPreciosa the Spanish Gypsey外部サイトDick Whittington and his cat外部サイトThe battle of Pultawa; or, the king and the czar外部サイトBound 'prentice to a waterman; or, the flower of Woolwich外部サイトSongs, duets, chorusses, etc., in the sleeping beauty外部サイトArt and artifice; or, woman's love外部サイトLa grand'mère; ou, les trois amours外部サイトThe iron chest外部サイトCherry and fair star; or, harlequin the dancing waters the singing apple, & the little green talking bird外部サイトFire and water; or, a critical hour : operetta, 1 act外部サイトMarried lovers外部サイトThe guardian sylph! or, the magic rose!外部サイトThe Corsicans; or, the brothers Saluccaio外部サイトThe serpent of the Nile; or, the battle of Actium外部サイトThe seven poor travellers外部サイトTwo gentlemen of Verona ; Tempest ; Cato ; George Barnwell ; The travellers外部サイトCornelia外部サイトThe sentinel外部サイトThe lady of Belleisle; or, a night in the Bastille外部サイトFun and fright; or, how to gain consent : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトHigh life in the city!外部サイトSongs for J. Braham's benefit外部サイトThe new boy外部サイトManfredi外部サイトDon Carlos外部サイトPlucking a pair of pigeons; or, fooled by flattery外部サイトMiss Cleopatra外部サイトWho is who; or, the double imposture : farce, 2 acts外部サイトMarried life外部サイトThe fitting day; or, the farmer's daughter外部サイトJack and the bean-stalk; or, the good little people of pixie's grotto and the fairy of the magic harp外部サイトThe mummy外部サイトThe condé's wife外部サイトConscience外部サイトAll in the wrong外部サイトBinks the bagman外部サイトThe love-chase ; The young hussar ; The secret ; The first floor ; The broken sword ; The travellers ; Plot and counterplot ; Lodoiska ; My spouse an I ; Chrononhotonthologos外部サイトQuadroona; or, the man of crime外部サイトThe master passion外部サイトDramatic romances外部サイトThe wedding at the mill外部サイトA home of one's own外部サイトAurora Floyd; or, the dark deed in the wood外部サイトLa favorita外部サイトThe great gun tricks外部サイトBlood money; or, brought to bay外部サイトThe marriage promise外部サイトPink dominos外部サイトThe highland widow外部サイト[The virgin unmatched] the virgin unmasked外部サイトThe housekeeper; or, the white rose外部サイトPrabodha chandrodaya; or Rise of the moon ... [and] Atma bodin [i.e. bodha]外部サイトAmong the relics外部サイトLinda of Chamouni; or, not Formosa外部サイトRob Roy; or, the traveller's Portmanteau : seriocomic melodramatic romance, 2 acts外部サイトDouglas外部サイトAs like as two peas外部サイトThe mayor of garratt外部サイトSympathy外部サイトTheodora外部サイトThe winter's tale ; The man of the world ; The inconstant ; Love in a village ; Jane Shore ; King Henry VIII ; Julius Cæsar外部サイトTo oblige Benson外部サイトNature and philosophy; or, the youth who never saw a woman外部サイトJohn de Procida外部サイトCaptain Cuttle外部サイトPaul Jones; or, the Solway mariner外部サイトPeace at any price外部サイトThe Hebrew son; or, the child of Babylon外部サイトThe bridal外部サイトA school for grown children外部サイトThe rich man of Frankfort; or, the poisoned crown外部サイトReal and ideal外部サイトHarlequin Billy Taylor; or, the flying Dutchman and the king ...外部サイトGiralda; or, which is my husband?外部サイトSweeney Todd, the Barber of Fleet Street; or, the string ...外部サイトThe contrivances外部サイトUnder the rose; or, the great gentleman in the little parlour外部サイトIrène; ou, le magnétisme外部サイトBad Lady Betty外部サイトThe consultation : farce, 2 acts外部サイトSenior wranglers外部サイトFancy's sketch; or, look before you leap : musical burletta, 2 acts外部サイトKing's favorite外部サイトHarlequin and Queen Mab外部サイトCruel to be kind外部サイトTancredi : melodrama (opera, Italinan), 2 acts外部サイトThe jilt外部サイトThe solicitor外部サイトRosencrantz and Guildenstern外部サイトMinnigrey外部サイトThe missing witness外部サイトLe poltron外部サイトThe usurer's son外部サイトThe fairy lake; or, the magic veil外部サイトJulian the Apostate外部サイトThe roused lion外部サイトBrave Scottish hearts外部サイトWashington外部サイトManteaux noirs外部サイトLife外部サイトÀ qui le Moutard; ou, Endymion外部サイトEvadne; or, the statue外部サイトThe Elshie; or, the wizard of the moor外部サイトA Merry Christmas外部サイトRomance and reality外部サイトAll for love外部サイトCromwell外部サイトThe wager外部サイトArt de ne pas monter sa garde外部サイトKeep your temper外部サイトThe organ of order外部サイトHarlequin eyes nose and mouth外部サイトLucianus redivivus外部サイトThe test of guilt; or, traits of antient superstition外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin外部サイトRide a cock horse to Banbury Bross; or, harlequin & the silver Amazons外部サイトHis head's in peril外部サイトThe Mutiny at the Nore外部サイトThe lost son found外部サイトSongs ... in fairlop fair; or, the genie of the oak外部サイトBleak house外部サイトThe three red men; or, the brothers of Bluthaupt外部サイトThe bridal promise外部サイトCousin Letty外部サイトPunch's pantomime; or, harlequin King John and Magna Charta外部サイトThe deserted village外部サイトAnchor of hope; or, the seaman's star外部サイトSongs, some printed外部サイトThe rake's progress外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin外部サイトIda of the cottage : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトSpeed the plough外部サイトBroken faith外部サイトThe duke's daughter; or, the hunchback of Paris外部サイトThe village coquettes外部サイトBeautiful for ever外部サイトHot and cold; or, bath waters外部サイトKensington Gardens外部サイトTwo heads are better than one外部サイトEvery body's widow外部サイトThe love-knot外部サイトThe wager; or, how to furnish a house without money外部サイトAngels and Lucifers; or, courtship and congreves外部サイトPeveril of the peak; or, the days of King Charles II : melodramatic romance, 3 acts外部サイトCaught in his own trap外部サイトAeneas; or, Dido done!外部サイトJohn Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside外部サイトBianca, the bravo's bride外部サイトGale Breezely外部サイトHarlequin Alfred the Great; or, the magic banjo and the mystic raven外部サイトCharity begins at home外部サイトLestock; or, the fête of the Harmitage外部サイトThe black domino!外部サイトRobinson Crusoe外部サイトDomestic bliss外部サイトManagement; or, the prompter puzzled外部サイトThe light troop of St James's外部サイトWallace : historical tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトSleeping beauty外部サイトKing René's daughter外部サイトDon Giovanni外部サイトThe poor of New York外部サイトI'll tell your wife外部サイトThe secret mine外部サイトThe crystal-hunter of Mont Blanc; or, the hut of the haunted gorge and the tourists' dogs!外部サイトThe Gipsy farmer; or, Jack and Jack's brother外部サイトAn eligible situation外部サイトRed-riding hood and her sister, little bo-peep外部サイトCupid and Psyche外部サイトThe blank cartridge : musical entertainment, 2 acts外部サイトThe Beggar of Bethnal Green外部サイトHis Excellency外部サイトThe colonel; or, female travellers外部サイトThe cab-driver外部サイトIl flauto magico外部サイトThe hunter of the Alps外部サイトPeacock's holiday外部サイトGiovanni in botany! or, the libertine transported! : extravaganza, 1 act外部サイトThe pet of the petticoats外部サイトThe king of the mist!外部サイトLa contre-lettre; ou, le jésuite外部サイトFatality外部サイトVarious dramatic works外部サイトBeauty and the beast外部サイトThe death of Wallenstein外部サイトThe evil May Day!; or, the London 'Prentices of 1517外部サイトMorning, noon, and night; or, the romance of a day : opera, 3 acts外部サイトNurseryrhymia; or, the party, the prince, and the pie外部サイトA hundred thousand pounds外部サイトRichelieu; or, the conspiracy外部サイトThe married unmarried外部サイトRichelieu; or, the conspiracy外部サイトThe galley od St. Nicholas外部サイトPicking up the pieces外部サイトFenella; or, peveril of the peak外部サイトThe dance of the shirt; or, the sempstress's ball外部サイトThe mock doctor外部サイトAll at sixes and sevens; or, call between 3 and 5外部サイトDora外部サイトThe humpback外部サイトA house to be sold : musical piece, 2 acts外部サイト'Twas I; or, the truth a lie外部サイトThe rendezvous外部サイトThe hunchback ; Court and city ; Free and easy ; Cobbler of Perston ; Five miles off ; Devil's bridge ; Uncle rip ; Love's sacrifice ; Attic story ; Mogul tale外部サイトA railway adventure外部サイトIl fanatico di Berlino : opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトThe late Mr. Castello外部サイトTo parents and guardians! at Jubilee House establishment, Clapham, young ...外部サイトThe princesses in the tower; or, a match for Lucifer外部サイトIgnacio, the demon monk of Tuscany; or, the convent, the cavern and the castle外部サイトThe secret; or, the hole in the wall外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトKing winter and princess summer; or, harlequin prince spring and the good ...外部サイトThe bravo; or, the bridge of sighs外部サイトA lesson for the ladies外部サイトThe young sculptor外部サイトThe gentleman whip外部サイトLe val d'Andorre外部サイトLinda, the pearl of Savoy外部サイトThe water party外部サイトThe nursery maid, misteress; or, the butler in the suds : musical piece, 2 acts外部サイトThe favorite外部サイトLucrezia Borgia外部サイトFair play : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトThe wife: a tale of Mantua外部サイトThe iron chest外部サイトThe prophet外部サイトSadak and Kalasrade; or, the waters of oblivion外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトIsalda外部サイトChange alley外部サイトA loan of a wife外部サイトJohn Bull; or, an Englishman's fire-side外部サイトThe soldier's daughter外部サイトBirds in their little nests agree外部サイトOn the tiles外部サイトOur gal外部サイトThe libertine外部サイトThe British lion外部サイトLogroño外部サイトThe roll of the drum外部サイトIl demonio外部サイトThe rover's secret; or, the bridge of St. Martin外部サイトBraganza外部サイトThe queen's secret; or, the iron mask外部サイトThe red house; or, a crack shot外部サイトDiogenes and his lantern; or, hue and cry after honesty外部サイトQueer street外部サイトSlighted treasures外部サイトWho's afraid! ha! ha! ha! : piece, 1 act外部サイトA fair pretender外部サイトFazio外部サイトThe merry maidens外部サイトThe Druid; or, the vision of Fingal外部サイトThe templar and Jewess外部サイトOur domestics外部サイトVillario外部サイトMeted out外部サイトLeap year; or, the ladies' privilege外部サイトWife or widow外部サイトBirds, beasts and fishes外部サイトThe married rake外部サイトLife's highway; or, sharps and dupes外部サイトMy lord! : farce, 2 acts外部サイトMy uncle's will外部サイトThe little performers外部サイトUne petite fille de la Grande Armée外部サイトÉcarté; or, the salons of Paris外部サイトThe lottery ticket and lawyer's clerk外部サイトDon Pedro, king of castille外部サイトThe wedding march外部サイトThe maid of the mill外部サイトBritish Amazons; or, army without reserve外部サイトTiberius外部サイトCottage dialogues among the Irish peasantry外部サイトThe blind boy外部サイトJohn Dobbs外部サイトGale Breezely; or, the tale of a tar外部サイトErnestine and georgette; or, a lover lent外部サイトLe moineau de Lesbie外部サイトYork and Lancaster; or, a school without scholars外部サイトOrlando and Seraphina; or, the funeral pile : play (heroric drama), 5 acts外部サイトThe rear admiral外部サイトThe media; or, table moving外部サイトThe commencement of a bad farce外部サイトAlhamar the Moor ;or, the brother of Valench外部サイトLe domino noir外部サイトBirds of prey; or, a duel in the dark外部サイトLittle boy blue and red riding hood外部サイトThe alderman's gown; or, a trip to Paris外部サイトLa petite folle外部サイトCarlin à Rome ou les amis de collège外部サイトThe master of Ballantrae外部サイトLucifer matches外部サイトMy wife's mother外部サイトSweethearts and wives外部サイトThe ferry and mill外部サイトCherry and fair star; or, the singing apple, the talking bird ...外部サイトJolliboy's Woes外部サイトMarino Faliero外部サイトThe prince of happy land外部サイトA trip to Scarborough外部サイトPrison and palace外部サイトPeter Wilkins; or, harlequin and the flying women ...外部サイトMr. and Mrs. Dove; or, our domestic affairs外部サイトDid you ever send your wife to Camberwell?外部サイトLiving statues; or, short cut and returns外部サイトThe Earl of Gowrie外部サイトDoves in a cage外部サイトThe wild dog of the Cape外部サイトThe golden fleece; or, Jason in Colchis, and Medea in Corinth外部サイトPaddy Bull; or, a cure for the gout外部サイトThe farm house外部サイトL'oncle d'Amerique外部サイトThe lottery of life外部サイトIl trovatore外部サイトFeudal times; or, the court of James the Third外部サイトCommodus外部サイトFazio外部サイトKing Jupiter; or, the freaks of the graces外部サイトThe queen's horse; or, the brewer of Preston外部サイトIns and outs外部サイトAdelmorn, the outlaw : romantic drama, 3 acts外部サイトThe hunchback外部サイトThe bride of song外部サイトDreams外部サイトThe omnibus外部サイトMatrimony外部サイトThe Bohemians of Paris; or, the mysteries of crime外部サイトHe's a lunatic外部サイトThe heir of Vironi; [or, honesty the best policy] : opera, 2 acts外部サイトCinderella外部サイトThe buried Titan外部サイトThe pirates of the savannah; or, the tiger hunter of the prairies外部サイトThe renegade外部サイトPlays pleasant and unpleasant外部サイトHis wife's little bill外部サイトUsed up外部サイトAladdin and his wonderful lamp外部サイトOn the sly!外部サイトPitcairn's Island : melodramatic ballet, 2 acts外部サイトMarriage a lottery外部サイトThe anatomist; or, the sham doctor外部サイトThe suspicious husband外部サイトThe pride of the market外部サイトA new way to pay old debts外部サイトThe man and the marquis; or, the three spectres of the castle ...外部サイトI will have a wife : musical farce, 2 acts外部サイトMiracle plays: our Lord's coming and childhood外部サイトVicar外部サイトThe grecian daughter ; Charles the Twelfth ; Teddy the tiler ; Popping the question ; The mind of Judah ; X.Y.Z. ; Oroonoko ; The honest thieves ; The blind boy外部サイトPedrillo; or, a search for two fathers外部サイトThe whitefriars外部サイトThe wife; or, a tale of Mantua外部サイトRecitations, rhymes, and ridiculosities外部サイトThe ring外部サイトThe devil in London外部サイトSongs, etc., in the brown man外部サイトThe swell mob's man; or, the housebreaker ...外部サイトL.S.D.; or, harlequin pounds, shillings and pence外部サイトOff duty外部サイトThe camp at the Olympic外部サイトWilliam Thompson; or, which is he?外部サイトFra-Diavolo; ou, l'hotellerie de terracine外部サイトThe royal oak外部サイトForty and fifty外部サイトTrick for trick; or, the merchant's wedding外部サイトDot外部サイトWhite magic外部サイトThe law of the land; or, London in the last century外部サイトA friend in need : musical entertainment, 2 acts外部サイトLes huguenots外部サイトThe king of the commons外部サイトForgive and forget外部サイトSelf disinherited; or, the home blight外部サイトSixteen string jack外部サイトRobin Hood and Richard Coeur de Lion外部サイトThe fool's revenge外部サイトDick and his double外部サイトThe mysterious husband外部サイトThe wigwam; or, in the woods外部サイトAdèle; or, the lone farm外部サイトThe floating beacon; or, the wild woman of the wreck外部サイトRoberto il diavolo外部サイトLe tre sultane; or, the three sultans : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトBird in hand外部サイトSir John Falstaff外部サイトNell Gwynn外部サイトBeethoven外部サイトThe greek boy外部サイトThe plain dealer外部サイトThe gaberlunzie man外部サイトWilliam Tell外部サイトRobinson Crusoe; or, the bold buccaniers外部サイトShe wou'd & she wou'd not外部サイトOur Court外部サイトGrimalkin the great; or, harlequin Puss in boots and the miller's son外部サイトJeannette and Jeannot; or, the village pride外部サイトNigel; or, the crown jewels外部サイトHarlequin King Lud of Ludgate and his two songs; or, the genius of the city and the fairy pleasure外部サイトThe lancers外部サイトEin Arzt外部サイトThe Corsican brothers外部サイトSongs, duets, trois, chorusses, etc., in Scaramuccia; or, the villagers of San Quintino外部サイトAdrian and Orrila; or, a mother's vengeance外部サイトMérope [and] Alziré; ou, les américains外部サイトCastles in the air外部サイトMy husband's secret外部サイトLondon assurance外部サイトGrimaldi外部サイトThe inchcape bell外部サイトAzàèl; or, the prodigal of Memphis外部サイトThe second Mrs. Tanqueray外部サイトPeter the Great外部サイトToo much the way of the world外部サイトSemiramide外部サイトHigh life below stairs外部サイトThe brides' tragedy外部サイトUn veuvage外部サイトOrestes外部サイトChristmas boxes外部サイトThe bride of Abydos : tragedy play, 3 acts外部サイトMarie: a tale of the Pont Neuf!外部サイトThe baronet abroad and the rustic prima donna外部サイトMonteo Cristo外部サイトThe three beauties of Dresden外部サイトTheseus and Ariadne; or, the marriage of Bacchus外部サイトThe Alcade; or, the secrets of office外部サイトThe king of the Peacocks外部サイトThe flying Dutchman外部サイトOur lady of the broken heart外部サイトMy lover the captain外部サイトA medical man外部サイトAn April Fool : musical farce, 1 act外部サイトJohn Bull; or, the comedy of 1854外部サイトThanatos Athanatou外部サイトThe violet外部サイトTom Thumb外部サイトIllusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad外部サイトKit Marlowe外部サイトJoan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans外部サイトOthello travestie外部サイトThe tame tigers外部サイトAdela外部サイトThe frozen heart; or, the snow queen外部サイトThe Irish Poleander; or, love and loyalty : burletta, 2 acts外部サイトBlue beard; or, fatal curiosity外部サイトLove and murder外部サイトDischarge your tiger外部サイトFarmer's story外部サイトThe actress of all work; or, my country cousin : comic sketch, 1 act外部サイトLord Tom Noddy外部サイトPaganini en allemagne外部サイトLouison外部サイトThe contested election外部サイトMy first client外部サイトNinetta; or, the maid of Palaiseau外部サイトThe fortunes of Nigel; or, King James I and his times外部サイトOnce upon a time; or, a midsummer night's dream in Merrie Sherwood外部サイトThe two murderers; or, the auberge des adrets外部サイトIf the cap fits外部サイトThe last man; or, the miser of Eltham Green外部サイトFaust外部サイトThe treasurers外部サイトSongs, duets ...in the bee and the orange tree; or, the four wishes外部サイトThe Gipsy's vengeance外部サイトThe Frenchman in London; or, where's my daughter?外部サイトHorace at the University of Athens外部サイトThe beauty of Bruges外部サイトMontaleoni the Italian brigand外部サイトThe withered daisies; or, a midnight marriage外部サイトBertrand et Raton; ou, l'art de conspirer外部サイトWho's your friend? or, the Queensberry fête外部サイトOrpheus外部サイトThe lucky Friday外部サイトRobert Macaire; the two murderers外部サイトThe black domino; or, the masked ball外部サイトThe coming of the prince外部サイトForbidden fruit外部サイトThe devil of Marseilles; or, the spirit of avarice外部サイトMy husband's secret外部サイトLa demoiselle et la dame ou avant et après外部サイトRobespierre外部サイトThe bell ringer of St. Paul's; or, the huntsman and the spy!外部サイトLe hussard de Felsheim外部サイトTurned up外部サイトA dramatic fragment外部サイトThe people's lawyer外部サイトWhat a blunder!外部サイトLes Trois Sultanes外部サイトThe upper classes外部サイトSpirits and water; or, the rising of the rivers外部サイトLittle offsprings! or babes out of the wood外部サイトThe Bastile外部サイトMontague外部サイトThe hero of the North外部サイトThe drapery question; or, who's for India?外部サイトLegerdemain; or, the conjurer's wife外部サイトOne snowy night外部サイトThe emigre's daughter外部サイトLa grand'mère imprudente, song外部サイトWest end; or, the Irish heiress外部サイトThe Duenna外部サイトVelasco外部サイトThe baron's wager外部サイトWho stole the tarts?外部サイトThe secret agent外部サイトA crimeless criminal外部サイトLady Clancarty; or, wedded and wooed外部サイトThe sign manuel; or, the court of Berlin外部サイトThe enchanted wood; or, the three transformed princes外部サイトThe fire king; or, Albert and Rosalie外部サイトThe mother and child are doing well外部サイトWriting a farce : farce, 2 acts外部サイトAnna Ruina外部サイトLondon assurance外部サイトThe scapegrace; or, I've been roaming外部サイトInfatuation外部サイトCash versus credit外部サイトLady Godiva and Peeping Tom of Coventry; or, clearing the toll外部サイトPocahontas; or, the Indian princess : melodrama. 3 acts外部サイトFleur de genêt外部サイトHarlequin fortunatus; or, the magic cap and the three lucky wishes外部サイトThe unfinished gentleman外部サイトThe poor gentleman外部サイトBirds without feathers外部サイトHonour first; the rest nowhere外部サイトMy unknown friend外部サイトThe sheriff of the country外部サイトRobinson Crusoe外部サイトKitty外部サイトThe dancing girl外部サイトAstolfo外部サイトA dodge for a dinner外部サイトWilliam Tell外部サイトThe drama at the home; or, an evening with Puff外部サイトCaledonia; or, the thistle and the rose : drama, 3 acts外部サイトThe handsel penny外部サイトKit Marlowe's death外部サイトEustache Baudin外部サイトThe votary of wealth外部サイトPolkamania外部サイトThe days of Henry the 4th外部サイトSuil Dhuv the coiner外部サイトThe bridal外部サイトThe sins of the fathers外部サイトThe Spitalfields weaver外部サイトA pastoral epilogue to all the talents外部サイトThe discreet princess; or, the three glass distaffs外部サイトThe Bravo IX!外部サイトA pair of lunatics外部サイトAddress, [on the opening of the theatre royal, drury lane]外部サイトThe rose of Corbeil; or, the forest of Senart!外部サイトBosom friends外部サイトOur legislature: introduction of a bill for the suppression ...外部サイトRue de la lune外部サイトColombe's birthday外部サイトCain外部サイトMichael Erle the maniac lover; or, the fayre lass of Lichfield!外部サイトThe witch of the desert; or, the Chinese pedlar boy外部サイトSurplus population, and poor-law bill外部サイトCourt lovers; or, the sentinel of the king's guard外部サイトEsmeralda and the hunchback of Notre Dame外部サイトThe apostate : tragedy, 5 acts外部サイトJonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the road-side inn外部サイトThe new servant外部サイトThe wizard of the wave; or, the ship of the avenger外部サイトLondon assurance外部サイトRemorse外部サイトThe Cid外部サイトThe gnome king; or, the giant mountains : dramatic legend, 2 acts外部サイトThe Duke of Mercia外部サイトThe daughter of St Mark外部サイトThe favorite外部サイトThe willow grove; or, Gipsy george the outcast外部サイトJack Sheppard外部サイトWait for an answer外部サイトSold again外部サイトThe life of a labourer; or, the emigrant, the smuggler and the bush-ranger外部サイトValentine and Orson : pantomime romantic melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトOliver Twist外部サイトA wrong man in the right place外部サイトBlanche heriot; or, the Chertsey curfew外部サイトAdelgitha: or, the fruits of a single error外部サイトWhat's a man of fashion? or, a match against time : farce, 2 acts外部サイトThe law of Java外部サイトFirst affections外部サイトThe Toodles外部サイトMacbeth travestie外部サイトThe son of the soil外部サイトMetamora; or, the last of the pollywogs外部サイトMasks and faces; or, before and behind the curtain外部サイトThe carpenters of Lambeth; or, the bride of the Thames外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトThe field against the favourite外部サイトGipsy Jack; or, the Napoleon of humble life : an extravaganza, in six divisions外部サイトThe spur of the moment外部サイトSadak and Kalasrade or the waters of oblivion外部サイトWildfire Dick and the dishonour'd bill; or, the black gang of Yarrow外部サイトFire-flies外部サイトThe widow of Frangy; or, the disputed legacy外部サイトClarence Clevedon, his struggle for life and death外部サイトThe electric telegraph外部サイトFoul deeds will rise : serious drama, 2 acts外部サイトSabbaths Mis-spent外部サイトThe coup-de-main; or, love and war in Yankyland外部サイトDamon & Pythias; or, the test of friendship外部サイトDamon and Pythias外部サイトLa laitiére de montfermeil外部サイトLa carotte d'or外部サイトThe voice of love外部サイトBig bodied bill, big Belzebub's boy; or, harlequin and the golden goblin外部サイトWounds heal wounds; or, feeling, and want of feeling, lamentations ...外部サイトLeap year; or, the ladies' privilege外部サイトOccasional attempt to the death and victory of Lord Viscount Nelson : melodramatic piece外部サイトHasty conclusions外部サイトAladdin in another shape外部サイトThe rose and the ring外部サイトThe dumb girl of Genoa; or, the bandit merchant外部サイトEngland's charter; or, the old abbey ruins外部サイトKing John外部サイトChatterboxes外部サイトNeighbours外部サイトGrace Huntley外部サイトAladdin the second, and his still more wonderful lamp外部サイトDick Turpin & Tom King外部サイトRobin Goodfellow外部サイトRemorse外部サイトVillage belles外部サイトCourtship; or, the three caskets外部サイトHard times外部サイトThe lady of Lyons; or, love and pride外部サイトThe wooden-spoon maker外部サイトThe search after Proserpine外部サイトThe babes in the wood; or, Robin Hood, and Merry men of sherwood forest外部サイトRichmond Hill; or, the widow and bailiff al. touch and take or Saturday night and Mondey moning外部サイトSi j'etais roi (If I were king)外部サイトLa dame de Saint-Tropez外部サイトAnne Boleyn; or, harlequin King Harry ...外部サイトHarold外部サイトIvan of the mask; or, the dumb henchman of the isles外部サイトTwo heads better than one外部サイトSong, 'twere vain to tell thee all I feel外部サイトMerchant of Venice (very far indeed) from the text of Shakespeare外部サイトLa fille de Figaro外部サイトAnnie Tyrrell; or, the tempter ...外部サイトGenevieve! or, the maid of Switzerland外部サイトCannonbury; or, the merchant's vow外部サイトThe evil genius外部サイトThe triumph of loyalty外部サイトThe tables turned; or, Nupkins awakened外部サイトThe loves of Lord Bateman and the fair Sophia外部サイトLove and duty; or, my mother, my wife and child外部サイトThe cabinet外部サイトSinbad the sailor, an old tale re-told外部サイトTag in tribulation : interlude, 1 act外部サイトSchool外部サイトThe three princes外部サイトA trip to Kissengen外部サイトLe chevalier du guet外部サイトInes Mendo, part 1; or, prejudice vanquished外部サイトHarlequin Robinson Crusoe and Friday and the fairies; or, the little elf, the sedate fairy and the king of the Caribee Islands外部サイトJuvenile edition of Shakespeare外部サイトLa fiole de cagliostro外部サイトThe sultana; or, the jealous queen外部サイトThe mandarin's daughter, being the simple story of the willow pattern plate外部サイトRavenna; or, Italian love外部サイトByblis外部サイトL'esclave du Camoëns外部サイトFirst love and false hearts外部サイトSarah Blangi外部サイトCaius Marius, the plebeian consul外部サイトThe lyar外部サイトWat Tyler, M.P.外部サイトSong in Jack and Jill; [or, the Clown's disasters] : pantomime外部サイトLucretia外部サイトA cabinet question外部サイトLes bonnes d'enfans ou une soirée aux boulevards-neufs外部サイトA hopeless passion外部サイトThe green hills of Surrey外部サイトHow will they get out of it?外部サイトOur village; or, the lost ship外部サイトThe merry Zingara; or, the Tipsy Gipsy and the Pipsy Wipsy外部サイトFaust外部サイトNight and morning外部サイトHyram Balthazar; or, the maniac jew外部サイトDeaf and dumb; or, the orphan protected外部サイトFashion; or, life in New York外部サイトGustavues III; or, the masqued ball外部サイトOlympia外部サイトThe cricket on the hearth外部サイトA night with Burns外部サイトIon外部サイトA highland legacy外部サイトA phenomenon in a smock frock外部サイトThe British Queen外部サイトFor love外部サイトThe rent day外部サイトMelting moments外部サイトThe young guard外部サイトThe patrician's daughter外部サイトEufemio di Messina外部サイトThe pacha : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトJack and the beanstalk外部サイトThe forgery外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトA fair encounter外部サイトThe dice of death!外部サイトCastle Botherem外部サイトPhiloctetes外部サイトThe painter of Ghent外部サイトPrince Arnanias外部サイトFrom village to court外部サイトLucrezia Borgia外部サイトThe castle of Otranto; or, harlequin and the giant helmet外部サイトThe tyranny of tears外部サイトThe invisible client外部サイトLa gazza ladra; or, the thieving magpie外部サイトThe adopted child外部サイトThe Arabian nights外部サイトThe witch of the waters外部サイトHouse room; or, the dishonored bill外部サイトPedrillo; or, the castle of Andalusia外部サイトA cure for romance外部サイトThe enchantress; or, harliquin Cymon外部サイトCount Julian外部サイトRichelieu; or, the conspiracy外部サイトTwo loves and a life外部サイトNell Gwynne外部サイトGood night Monsieur Pantalon外部サイトDavid Copperfield外部サイトQuack外部サイトMasaniello外部サイトNell Gwynn; or, the prologue外部サイトToo hasty外部サイトThe young king外部サイトRobin Hood and Richard Coeur de Lion外部サイトThe siege of Troy外部サイトSchoolboy frolics外部サイトLe bouffe et le tailleur外部サイトComedy and tragedy外部サイトThe railway king外部サイトAngel or devil外部サイトThe daughter of the regiment; or, the vivandière外部サイトAtonement外部サイトA decided case外部サイトGustavus vasa : plays, 3 acts外部サイトCount Benyowsky; or, the conspiracy of Kamtschatka外部サイトThe bottle外部サイトThe post of honour外部サイトPoor Pillicoddy外部サイトWas I to blame?外部サイトSt. Aubert; or, the hour of retribution外部サイトThe broken sword外部サイトThe thimble rig外部サイトWhich shall I marry?外部サイトThe nondescript外部サイトThe sylphid外部サイトThe misses Pinch; or, the pleasure of doing good外部サイトConrad and Christine外部サイトRobinson Crusoe外部サイトPrince Camaralzaman; or, the fairies' revenge外部サイトThe three cuckoos外部サイトHenpecked外部サイトA troublesome lodger外部サイトEllen Wareham外部サイトThe evil eye: a legend of the Levant外部サイトAdrienne, the actress外部サイトMartinuzzi; or, the patriot外部サイトGuy Fawkes: a gingerbread tragedy : burlesque 1 act外部サイトThe curtain lecture : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトRose; or, love's ransom外部サイトRoberto il diavolo外部サイトThe hunchback外部サイトThree plays for puritans外部サイトStreanshall abbey; or, the Danish invasion外部サイトBlind man's buff; or, who pays the bill外部サイトCamma外部サイトLa petite cousine外部サイトToo careful by half; or, who'd ha' thought it?外部サイトThe siege of Carthage外部サイトAminta, the coquette外部サイトThe princess who was changed into a deer外部サイトUn trait de Paul 1er ou le czar et la vivandière外部サイトHarlequin and the eagle; or, the man in the moon and his wife外部サイトPyramus and Thisbe外部サイトThe bengal tiger外部サイトCourtship a-la-mode外部サイトRichelieu; or, the conspiracy外部サイトKing René's daughter外部サイトAs once in May外部サイトThe spirit's song; or, the village death corps外部サイトThe bungalow外部サイトOne too many for him外部サイトKenilworth外部サイトChrononhotontologos外部サイトPaul Pry外部サイトWoman's wit; or, love's disguises外部サイトAvarice外部サイトDaisy外部サイトKing Edward I外部サイトUne folie外部サイトA holiday; or, Mima and her friends外部サイトChesterfield thinskin外部サイトThe somnambulist; or, the phantom of the village!外部サイトHarmony hall外部サイトMonologue, Williams' random recollections or facts and fancies外部サイトLove's labyrinth外部サイトThe rifle volunteers; "Riflemen! riflemen! riflemen form!"外部サイトThe wheel of fortune外部サイトAn English tragedy外部サイトWhich of the two?外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin外部サイトThe lords of Ellingham外部サイトThe lunatic外部サイトArmadale外部サイトThe Jew of Lubeck; or, the heart of a father : drama, 2 acts外部サイトToo late for dinner外部サイトThe Freyschutz; or, the wild huntsman of Bohemia外部サイトTo let, furnished外部サイトThe uncle外部サイトMarked for life外部サイトThe deep, deep sea or Perseus and Andromeda外部サイトThe respectable man外部サイトNot such a fool as he looks外部サイトSongs, recitatives ... in Mr. & Mrs. Henri Drayton's parlor opers外部サイトPaul Pry外部サイトBertram外部サイトMy grandfather's will; or, the man of straw外部サイトGoing to the dogs!外部サイトThe nabob for an hour外部サイトRomeo and Juliet ; She stoops to conquer ; Macbeth ; Pizarro ; Richard III ; Douglas ; Suspicious husband外部サイトThe children of the castle外部サイトMy cook and housekeeper外部サイトThe devil's violin; or, the revolt of the flowers外部サイトEmpedocles on Etna外部サイトFaust外部サイトThe tower of Lochlain; or, the idiot son外部サイトThe lawyers外部サイトOur cousin German外部サイトThérèse; or, the orphan of Geneva : burletta, 3 acts外部サイトThe Coggeshall volunteer corps外部サイトThe roll of the drum外部サイトLe muet d'Ingouville外部サイトPrince fortune and prince fatal外部サイトThe compact外部サイトLurette外部サイトThe queen's page外部サイトDeeds of dreadful note外部サイトBetsy is found外部サイトThe belles of the village外部サイトA quiet day外部サイトThe whistler; or, the fate of the lily of St Leonard's外部サイトKing Henry III外部サイトMirandola外部サイトUps and downs; or, the heart of a woman : operatic drama, 3 acts外部サイトAminta; or, a match for a magistrate外部サイトRuth's romance外部サイトDon quixote de la Mancha and the sleep ...外部サイトClaude Duval; or, the ladies' highwayman外部サイトA slight mistake外部サイトThe marble bride; or, the nymphs ...外部サイトTekeli; or the siege of Montgatz外部サイトThe mounting sylph外部サイトA domestic Hercules外部サイトThe chimes: a goblin story of some bells that rang ...外部サイトMind your own business外部サイトDe Valencourt外部サイトThe register office外部サイトA Yule log外部サイトNerves外部サイトGaul, king of Ragah外部サイトHarlequin's hour glass; or, time works wonders, songs and recitative in : pantomime, 11 scenes外部サイトComus, a mask外部サイトPolka en provence外部サイトCasanova au fort Saint-Andre外部サイトMichael Erle外部サイトEsmeralda外部サイトThe new marriage act; or, cross purposes外部サイトThe white cockade外部サイトOld heads and young hearts外部サイトNapoleon Buonaparte's invasion of Russia外部サイトWoman's rights外部サイトTaking the census外部サイトThe heart of Mid-lothian; or, the sisters of St. Leondard's外部サイトA terrible tinker!外部サイトWhittington and his cat外部サイトThe double marriage外部サイトThe jubilee外部サイトThe Belle's stratagem外部サイトHoratius外部サイトJohn of Hapsburg外部サイトAbelard and Heloise外部サイトTwelve precisely; or, a night at Dover : interlude, 1 act外部サイトThe youthful Queen外部サイトThe fair maid of Perth; or, the battle of inch外部サイトIn the days of the regent外部サイトThe idiot witness; or, a tale of blood外部サイトAn obstinate woman外部サイトQui se dispute, s'adore外部サイトHome, sweet home; or, the ranz de vaches外部サイトYoung Norval on the Grampian Hills外部サイトThe Iroquois; or, the Canadian basket maker : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトThe married bachelor; or, master and man外部サイトRhyme and reason外部サイトLend me five shillings外部サイトBounce; or, American Indians外部サイトIdela: or, the feuds of Switzerland : play, 5 acts外部サイトComedies外部サイトThe constant couple; or, a trip to the jubilee外部サイトThe Adelphi Academy; or, the march of interllect外部サイトBeauty and the beast外部サイトThe witch's son外部サイトOliver Twist外部サイトThe virgin of the sun : musical drama, 3 acts外部サイトThe miller of New Jersey;, or, the prison-hulk外部サイトOliver Twist; or, the parish boy's progress外部サイトThe broken vow外部サイトThe pleasures of anarchy外部サイトThe blind bargain; or, hear it out外部サイトThe first printer外部サイトI will be a duchess! or, a little flirting!外部サイトHarlequin and the enchanted fish; or, the genie of the brazen bottle!外部サイトGrandfather whitehead外部サイトHe would be a soldier; or, the madcap student外部サイトThe Freres corses; or, the Corsican brothers外部サイトThe dean's daughter外部サイトHarlequin Doctor Syntax and his dapper grey mare外部サイトHush-a-bye baby on the tree-top; or, harlequin Fortunio, king frog ...外部サイトThe round tower; or, the chieftains of Ireland外部サイトThe pride of the market外部サイトThe Yankee pedlar外部サイトThe dragon of Wantley外部サイトThe death of Demosthenes外部サイトThe Queen of Cyprus; or, the bride of Venice外部サイトHigh notions; or, a trip to Exmouth外部サイトBelinda the blind; or, the sufferings of a stepdaughter外部サイトAlberto and Lauretta; or, the orphan of the Alps : melodrama, 2 acts外部サイトThe lamplighter外部サイトCups and saucers外部サイトThe emigrant's daughter外部サイトThe sham doctor外部サイトThe clock on the stairs外部サイトFamily arrangements外部サイトThe boy of Normandy外部サイトOscar; ou, le Mari qui trompe sa femme外部サイトVin Willoughby; or, mutiny of the Isis外部サイトA love game外部サイトFlorodora外部サイトAn adventure of Don Quixote外部サイトThe weathercock外部サイトKhartoum! or, the star of the desert外部サイトThe miseries of human life外部サイトAll that glitters is not gold外部サイトThe last war of the roses外部サイトThe covenanters外部サイトHeureuse comme une princesse外部サイトThe magic of life; or, the youth and the man外部サイトUncle Sam's double外部サイトForty and fifty外部サイトLe pré-aux-clercs外部サイトP.P.; or, the man and the tiger外部サイトThe barber baron; or, the Frankfort lottery外部サイトThe heiress外部サイトThe jovial crew; or, the merry beggars外部サイトMarion Hazelton; or, the child of the wronged!外部サイトLife's seasons! or, hearts and homes外部サイトA thumping legacy外部サイトMy lord is not my lord外部サイトCarpio外部サイトThe devil's opera外部サイトCousin Peter外部サイトTrue unto death外部サイトCinderella; or, harlequin, the wicked ...外部サイトThe magic of British liberty; or, the disgreation of Bonaparte外部サイトThe broken gold外部サイトSongs ... in the exile外部サイトPaul Jones外部サイトLa haine d'une femme外部サイトM.P.: or, the blue stocking : opera, 3 acts外部サイトThe valley of Andorre外部サイトFaces in the fire外部サイトHarold; or, a day in feudal times外部サイトSatan bound外部サイトHarlequin and O'Donoghue; or, the white horse of Killarney外部サイトThe hidden gem外部サイトLa sonnambula; or, the sleep-walker外部サイトThe star of the North外部サイトPizarro外部サイトThe sailor and soldier; or, fashionable amusement : musical farce, 2 acts外部サイトA superior person外部サイトTime flies! or, the importance of punctuality外部サイトMy little adopted外部サイトPizarro; or, the leotard of Peru外部サイトThe adventures of Ulysses; or, the return to Ithaca外部サイトWhat have I done?外部サイトAnother piece of presumption!外部サイトA bird of passage外部サイトA bold stroke for a widow外部サイトLove and avarice外部サイトApollo's choice; or, the contest of the Aonides外部サイトStrafford外部サイトFraud and its victims外部サイトOver the water : farce, 2 acts外部サイトPity; or, Gringoire the ballad-monger外部サイトHenriette et Charlot外部サイトGodolphin, the lion of the North : operatic drama, 3 acts外部サイトThe will and the way; or, the mysteries of Carrow Abbey外部サイトA lad from the country外部サイトNot dined yet; or, Sponge in the country : burletta, 1 act外部サイトOur domestics外部サイトThe bee hive : musical farce, 2 acts外部サイトCharles XII外部サイト[Furibond; or, harlequin Negro] : pantomime, 1 act外部サイトSt. Clair of the Isles; or, the outlaw of Barra外部サイトSongs from Masaniello ou le pecheur de Portici外部サイトThe smuggler's cave; or, up all night : comic opera, 3 acts外部サイトAldgate pump外部サイトThree hats外部サイトBasil外部サイトLes folies amoureuses外部サイトKing Henry the Second外部サイトLove外部サイトCupid in ermine外部サイトShakspere's skull and falstaff's nose外部サイトThe house of ladies外部サイトMy neighbor's wife外部サイトLife in London; or, the larks of logic, Tom, and Jerry外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトCrazy Jane外部サイトThe intimate friend; or, a queer guest at a wedding外部サイトRobert Ryland; or, the poor carpenter and the family外部サイトShattered nerves外部サイトJudas Iscariot外部サイトLe vestale : opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトA shilling day at the great exhibition外部サイトMartinuzzi外部サイトThe wife's trial; or, the intruding widow外部サイトBona fide travellers外部サイトNursery comedies外部サイトThe invasion; or, the Anglo-Saxons外部サイトOff to the diggins外部サイトThe boy king外部サイトThe Limerick boy; or, paddy's mischief外部サイトThe Englishman in Spain外部サイトThe bull-fighter; or, the bridal ring外部サイトA friend in need外部サイトPopocatapetl外部サイトFifteen years of drunkard's life外部サイトRenaudin de Caen外部サイトThe judgment of Paris; or, the pas de Pippins外部サイトWho killed Cock Robin?外部サイトCherry tree farm外部サイトBegone dull care; or, how will it end?外部サイトThe kiss and the rose; or, the love in the nursery grounds外部サイトThe scuttled ship外部サイトA prince for a hour外部サイトThe gunsmith of Orleans; or, the bead woman's secret外部サイトAs you make your bed so you must lie in it外部サイトHome again!外部サイトMarriage in May Fair; or, the comedy of real life外部サイトOvingdean Grange: a tale of the South Downs外部サイトBetting's boys career外部サイトThe delusion; or, is she mad?外部サイトThe spectre knight外部サイトThe marble heart; or, the sculptor's dream外部サイトMaximums and speciments of William Muggins外部サイトThe woodman外部サイトShylock; or, the merchant of Venice preserved外部サイトA garden party外部サイトThe adventurer; or, plots in Spain外部サイトMy wife's dentist外部サイトThe idiot of Heidelburg Castle外部サイトThe gay parisienne外部サイトLove and hate外部サイトChamber comedies外部サイトRiches; or, the wife and brother外部サイトThe Jenkinses or boarded and done far外部サイトThe bride of Lammermoor : drama, 5 acts外部サイトHe's no conjuror!外部サイトThe Huguenots外部サイトWhistle for it : musical entertainment, 2 acts外部サイトGrace Mary外部サイトBorgia外部サイトVoyage to the North, founded on the late polar expedition外部サイトThe mob cap; or, love's disguises外部サイトJack Sheppard外部サイトThe green room外部サイトMiles's boy; or, the miller of Goodwood外部サイトL'Agense : opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトIn possession外部サイトDuke of Milan, address to the revived play外部サイトA morning call外部サイトDavid Garrick外部サイトTurn out!外部サイトWoman's wit; or, love's disguises外部サイトThe smuggler's daughter外部サイトZelina; or, the Triumph of the Greeks外部サイトSarah's young man外部サイトThe strange gentleman外部サイトThe queen of the market外部サイトThe Pacha's pets; or, the bear and the monkey!外部サイトThe spectre bridegroom; or, a ghost in spite of himself外部サイトAdam Buff; or, the man without a ...外部サイトVelvet and rags外部サイトHamet and zelena; or, stratagem for stratagem外部サイトThe lily of the field外部サイトThe valley of diamonds; or, harlequin Sinbad : pantomime, 18 scenes外部サイトRappings and table movings外部サイトThe Corsican brothers; or, la vendetta外部サイトWaltheof外部サイトLeap year外部サイトFan-fan, the tulip; or, a soldier's fortune外部サイトJohn Bull; or, the tradesman's fireside外部サイトSaracen's head removed from snow hill : operetta, 1 act外部サイトThe mystery of the Abbey; or, the murder vision ...外部サイトThe devil's in it外部サイトWoman's wrongs外部サイトDouble dealing; or, the rifle volunteer外部サイトA blot on the 'scutcheon外部サイトThe Irish ambassador外部サイトEthelstan; or, the battle of Brunanburh外部サイトMary's dream; or, far, far at sea!外部サイトThe student of Jena; or, the diamond watch外部サイトLa prima donna ou la soeur de lait外部サイトAristodemus外部サイトThe hunter of the Alps外部サイトBardell versus Pickwick外部サイトWealth and poverty; or, the trials of life外部サイトThe master builder外部サイトThe grey doublet外部サイトGale Breezely; or, the tale of a tar外部サイトThe owl sisters外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトJessy Vere; or, the return of the wanderer外部サイトJack of hearts外部サイトJoan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans外部サイトThe siege of Lynn外部サイトApartments: visitors to the exhibition may be accommodated, etc., etc.外部サイトBinks the bagman!外部サイトHome for the holidays; or, young master外部サイトKate Kearney; or, the fairy of the lakes外部サイトShadows on the water; or, the cleverest lad in China外部サイトSinbad the sailor; or, the valley of diamonds外部サイトLaw and lions外部サイトJack Sheppard外部サイトOrra外部サイトThe vivandiere外部サイトThe innocents外部サイトThe good woman in the wood外部サイトThe silver ticket; or, love in Bloterland外部サイトUne fièvre brûlante外部サイトThe wife of two husbands外部サイトMasks and faces; or, before and behind the curtain外部サイトThe day of tribute : musical drama, 3 acts外部サイトRoley Poley; or, earth, air fire and water, and enchanted umbrella外部サイトAladdin; or, harlequin and the wonderful lamp外部サイトMabel Connell外部サイトThe mayor of garratt外部サイトThe city of the plague外部サイトThe mill of happy valley外部サイトThe pretty Jane! the cruel squire! and Robin the ploughman!外部サイトIn town外部サイトThe peasant countess外部サイトMy uncle Gabriel外部サイトFour plays外部サイトNinetta; or, the maid of Palaiseau外部サイトThe printer's devil外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトCymbeline, king of Britain外部サイトHoop of gold外部サイトTam O'Shanter外部サイトJack of all trades外部サイトFatherless Fanny; or, the orphan's trials外部サイトWar, love and peace; or, harlequin gossip, chat and beauty外部サイトThe brothers in arms or the wolf and the lamb外部サイトA delicate boy外部サイトMischievous Annie外部サイトH.M.S. Pinafore; or, the lass that loved a sailor外部サイトThe lady's dream外部サイトSayings and doings; or, the rule of contrary外部サイトJohn Overy; or, the miser of Southwark ferry外部サイトFrank wildeye! or, the spendthrift husband外部サイトThe tragic Mary外部サイトSt. Clement's eve外部サイトDe Valencourt外部サイトCarlos Gangenelli; or, the bravo of castile外部サイトRoquelaure; ou, l'homme le plus laid de France外部サイトPresumptive evidence; or, murder will out外部サイトMassaniello; or, the dumb girl of Portici外部サイトThe dwarf of Naples外部サイトSardanapalus外部サイトLost husband外部サイトThe Suliote; or, the greek family外部サイトAdrienne lecouvreux外部サイトLe père turlututu; ou les souvenirs外部サイトTimoleon外部サイトL'amour en commandite外部サイトThe fair penitent外部サイトThe Carib chief外部サイトThe M.P. for the rotten borough!外部サイトGlendwyr of Mount Snowden; or, the rock of death外部サイトLe brigand napolitain外部サイトThe last shilling; or, the spendthrift's fate外部サイトLove!外部サイトEuripides's Alcestis burlesqued外部サイトHush! or, secrets at court外部サイトLondon, Liverpool and Bristol外部サイトMy daughter's debut外部サイトThe inconstant; or, wine works wonders外部サイトThe editor's sanctum外部サイトBitter cold; or, the secret of the holly bough外部サイトThe mountaineers外部サイトThe merry wives of Madrid外部サイトRobert the devil外部サイトKing and artist外部サイトBelford castle外部サイトThe devil's violin; or, the revolt of the flowers外部サイトThe Jewess; or, the Council of Constance外部サイトThe writing on the wall外部サイトRory O'More外部サイトInterior外部サイトThe Poor Soldier外部サイトThe world in London外部サイトRiquet with the tuft外部サイトLeft in a Cab外部サイトX Y Z : farce, 2 acts外部サイトQueen Mary's bower外部サイトThe pilot; or, a storm at sea外部サイトLove, honor, and interest外部サイトSea of ice; or, the prayer of the wrecked and the gold-seeker of Mexico外部サイトThe siege of Sarragossa; or, Spanish patriots in 1808 : opera, 2 acts外部サイトBrian Boroihme; or, the maid of Erin外部サイトThe badge of Burgundy; or a citizen's revenge外部サイトPierrot the married man and polichinello the gay single fellow外部サイトKing Stephen; or, the battle of Lincoln外部サイトLe centenaire; ou la famille des Gaillards外部サイトThe nephew as uncle外部サイトMadonna Pia外部サイトDaft Dora; or, the sorrows of Susan the child ...外部サイトThe king's wager外部サイトSongs, etc., from Fidelio外部サイトFaustus, part 1外部サイトA quiet day外部サイトThe wheel of fortune外部サイトThe maid of bath外部サイトThe robbers外部サイトBonduca外部サイトHear him out : comedy, 5 acts外部サイトFigaro in London外部サイトThe daughter of the stars外部サイトThe Irish Yankee; or, the birth-day ...外部サイトThe elopement extraordinary : musical farce, 2 acts外部サイトThe Chevalier de St. George外部サイトThe seven maids of Munich; or, the ghost's tower外部サイトThe flying Dutchman; or, the phantom ship外部サイトEugenia Claircille; or, the new found home外部サイトAdolfo e Clara; or, the two prisoner[s], comic opera (Italian), 2 acts外部サイトThe chimes, a goblin story of some bells that rung an old year out and a new year in外部サイトGretna Green : operetta, 1 act外部サイトTaming the truant外部サイトThe eternal masculine外部サイトMacbeth travestie外部サイトCharles King; or, another story of King Charles外部サイトThe hussars of Hesse; or, the third day外部サイトThe court of queen of Anne; or, the prince and the breeches maker外部サイトThe dumb boy of Manchester外部サイトThe siege of Berwick外部サイトAttila外部サイトJohn Frock外部サイトHenriquez外部サイトSend thirty stamps外部サイトValentine and Orson外部サイトBlue beard ; Padlock ; Wedding-day ; Sylvester Daggerwood ; Devil to pay ; Love-a-la-mode外部サイトThe fifth of November; or, the gunpowder plot外部サイトThe lady of the lake and knight of Snowdown外部サイト



  • Garrick's jubilee

  • Hubert's pride

  • Hal, the highwayman

  • Wapping old stairs!

  • Alfonso, king of castile : tragedy, 5 acts





  • CiNii Research

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Nineteenth century English drama
Garrick's jubilee
Hubert's pride
Hal, the highwayman
Wapping old stairs!
Alfonso, king of castile : tragedy, 5 acts
The marriage day; or, the life Chase
Godefroi and Yolande
Take that girl away!
The storm fiend of the Appennines and the Arcadian bowers; or, harlequin prince of the blood red plume
The gay deceivers: or, more laugh than love
Fast friends
Beau Austin
Twice killed
Gordon the Gypsey : melodrama, 2 acts
Miss in her teens; or, the medley of Lovers
Miriam's crime
Death and the lawyer
The widow bewitch'd; or, love at fault
Le troisième mari
The end of the tether; or, a legend of the patent office
The Bastile
The original
Horace et Lydie
The snowball
Old heads and young hearts
Harlequin and the white moose; or, a Frog in an opera hat
Monsieur et madame Galochard
The grecian daughter
The contract; or, the fête at versailles and from carnival games
Faute de s'entendre
The boy of Santillane; or, Gil Blas and the Robbers of Asturia
Old heads and young hearts
Borough politics
Eugénie; or, a sister's vow
Changing servants
Love ; The surrender of Calais ; Therese ; The foundling of the forest ; Love's labour's lost ; How to die for love ; The delinquent ; The invisible girl ; The peasant boy ; Catch him who can
Rural felicity
You can't marry your grandmother
The turf
Music mad
Dealings with the firm of Gamp and Harris
The milliner's holiday
The enchanted beauties of the golden castle; or, harlequin and the one eyed ogre
The minute gun at sea!
Blue beard; or, female curiosity! and male atrocity!
The forty thieves : operatical romance, 2 acts
I riti d'efeso : opera (Italian), 2 acts
Le 66!
Nothing to nurse
My own twin brothers
Lestelle; or, the wrecker's bride
La gazza ladra : opera (Italian and English), 2 acts
Walker, London
Arion; or, the story of a lyre
Love in a blaze
Sink or swim
The children in the wood ; The rendezvous ; Barbarossa ; The gambler's fate ; Giovanni in London ; The school of reform ; The lovers' vows
The hen-pecked husband
Monti the poisoner
Dreams of the heart
Robinson Crusoe
Black domino
Blue Devils
The miser's daughter
Good news! good news! [and] Mr. Boney's reception in Paris
Paris and London
Love's martyrdom
The house dog
The letter
The Venetian outlaw: his country's friend
Be civil
Amateurs and actors
The life of a woman; or, the curate's daughter
The lady of the lions
The turf
Paula Lazaro; or, the ladrone's daughter
The railroad station
The governor's wife
Il faut qu'une porte soit ouverte; ou, fermée
Mari qui prend du ventre
A familiar friend
Brown, Jones and Robinson, a legend of the Hackney Load
The fairy lake; or, the magic veil!
The rift within the lute
A white elephant
Zarah ; The miser ; The iron chest ; The romp ; The mountaineers ; The lottery ticket ; Nottlewig hall ; Quit at home ; Make your wills ; My husband's ghost!
The knight and the sprite! or, the cold water cure
The mistakes of marriage
The invisible girl
The spectre bridegroom; or, a ghost in spite of himself
Edwin, heir of Cressingham : tragedy, 5 acts
Diogenes and his lantern; or, hue and cry after honesty
Bertrand and Burkenstaff or the conspiracy of Copenhagen
Iphigenia at Aulis
Monsieur Tonson
The pas de fascination; or, the prince of horses
Mrs Caudle's curtain lectures
Beauty and the beast
Alice May; or, the last appeal
Life in the trenches
The deserts of Arabia
Lucille; or, the story of a heart
A honeymoon tragedy
Why did I marry; or, city intrigue : farce, 2 acts
Separate maintenance
The recruit
Europe, Asia, Africa, and America or harlequin mercury
A new way to pay old debts
Naval engagements
The Irish tutor; or, new lights
The Danicheffs; or, married by force
The queen of brilliants
Three wives for one husband
Rule a wife and have a wife
Ruth of Rosedale, the poor man's daughter; or, the maid, wife and widow
The old man of the mountains; or, a tale of the eleventh ...
The devil's opera
Reparation; or, the savoyards
Run for your life : musical burletta, 1 act
Wanted--a widow, with immediate possession
In town
Otello; or, the Moor of Venice
Borough reform and city deformity
Love's dream
The magic horn
The humpbacked lover
The Highgate tunnel; or, the secret arch
All in a bustle
The devil on two sticks
Grimalkin; or, the cat wife
The country gentleman; or, the force of gratitude
Harlequin and Good Queen Bess; or, merry England in the old time
Spirit rappings and table movings
The little captive king
The game of life
Little Bidette; or, good for evil
Brazen mask; or, Alberto and Rosabella
Ellen Wareham
Francisco, the avenger
Yankee peddler; or, old times in Virginia
The nabob for an hour
Dhu blanche
Enquire within : farcical sketch, 1 act
The sleep-walker; or, which is the lady?
Dinner for two
Prince Prettypet and the butterfly
A practical man
The beauty stone
The juggler; or, father and daughter
A husband at sight
Ma mie Rosette
You must be married
La stella del Nord
Retired from business
Esmeralda; or, the deformed to Notre Dame
A nice firm
Monsieur Tonson : farce, 2 acts
Fraud and its victims
Adelaide; or, the fatal seduction
Cadijah; or, the black palace
Camille; or, the fate of a coquette
The wizard of the wave; or, the ship of the avenger
Love's resurrection; or, the two docotr Hobbs's : frace, 2 acts
The boarding school
Aristodemus; or, the spectre
Bo-peep and bonnie boy blue
The corsair; or, the Italian nuptials
How to pay the rent
Kafrah Kasabush chief of the eagle tribe
Helpless animals; or, bachelors' fare
The chase; or, life on the turf
The great millionaire
The Corsican brothers; or, the troublesome twins
Les brigands des Alpes
Wellington and Waterloo
Faith, hope and charity; or, the railway of life
The doubtful son; or, secrets of palace : play, 5 acts
The white maid
A bachelor of arts
Bartholomew fair
The male and female serenaders; or, native talent's best
The three bachelors
My girl
The Lambton worm
Ralph Royster Doyster
Midnight; or, the thirteenth chime; or, Old Saint Paul's
The daughter of St. Mark
The falls of Clyde
Mr. Simpson & Co. : farce, 2 acts
The bronze horse; or, the spell of the cloud king
Charade dramas for the drawing-room
True unto death
On guard
The wheel of fortune
Lizzie Leigh
Sarah's young man
The school for orators: or, a peep at the forum
A lie; or, there are tricks in all trades but ours
A queen's messenger
Fire and spirit; or, a holiday harlequin
The barons of Elbenbergh
Feudal times; or, the court of James III
The Irish ambassador
A budget of blunders
The captain of the watch
Othello, the Duenna, the rivals, the Belle's stratagem, cymbeline, venice preserved, and the West Indian
Hamlet, prince of Denmark
Le portefeuille
The fair fugitives : opera, 3 acts
The phrenologists
The moral philosopher
Virginius; or, the fall of the decemviri : tragedy, 5 acts
Peter Smink; or, which is the Miller
The wedding day
The mountaineers
My son Diana
Masaniello; or, the dumb girl of Portici
Jeanie Deans
Marmion! or, the battle of Floodden Field : romantic opera, 2 acts
Antony and Cleopatra
The chimes, a goblin story of some bells that rang an old year out a new year in
Wild oats; or, the strolling gentleman
My old woman
Sylvana ; Tom Bowling ; Innkeeper Abbeville ; Lady of the lake ; Billy Taylor ; Two Gregories ; Wandering boys ; Paris and London ; A day after the fair
La part du diable
The bugle call
The Naiad queen; or, the revolt of the Naiades
The bride of the Nile
Cinderella, and the little glass slipper
French Polish
The banks of the Elbe : comic opera, 2 acts
The country squire; or, two days at the hall
An old offender
The pawnbroker's daughter or the reprieved man
Harlequin and the Tom Thumb; or, gog ...
My wife's father's sister
The wolf and the lamb
Forty winks
The blossom of Churnington Green; or, love, rivalry, and revenge
La rose de Saint-Flour
The vicar to Wakefield
The title deeds
A gray mare
The Saracen's head; [or, not at home] : comic sketch (interlude), 1 act
The chapter of accidents
Found in a four-wheeler!
Two loves and a life
Puss in a new pair of boots
Zangarno's cave; or, harlequin, queen of the crystal grot
Nibelung's ring
The school for tigers; or, the shilling hop
Venoni; or, the novice of St. Mark's : melodrama, 3 acts
The fashionable friends
Oliver Cromwell; or, the scotch regalia [and] imitation tea
Lilian Gervais
Acis and Galatea
The brigand's daughter
The Irish girl
A night at Notting Hill
Dearest Elizabeth
Geoffry Kurdiston; or, the blacksmith's daughter and the mock marriage
King Atlas and the seven princesses of the stars; or, the fays of the fountain of jewels
The woman of the world
Pierre the foundling
Bluebeard; or, fickle Fatima nad the fatal key!
The dragon knight; or, the queen of beauty!
The midnight hour
The golden waters; or, harlequin and the talking bird and singing tree
Roger Bontemps
The animated effigy : burletta, 2 acts
Bell pantomime
Sons and systems
The broken-hearted club
A race for a wife : farce, 2 acs
Harlequin King Pepin; or, Valentine and Orson
H.M.S. Pinafore; or, the lass that loved a sailor
Harliquin [sic] from the shades
Robert the devil
Love in humble life : comic melodrama sketch, 1 act
The sexton of Cologne or the burgomaster's daughter
The rear admiral [and] new inventions
The murder house; or, the cheats of Chick Lane
Paul Pry
Le roi des halles
My Poll and my partner Joe
The casket
Descriptive programmes, etc., of dramatic pieces for Messrs. Maffey's puppets
Le diplomate
The area belle
The sea-captain; or, the birthright
A wonderful woman
Twelfth night; or, what you will
My great aunt
More free than welcome
Our neighbours
Rotherh[i]the in ...
Doctor Dilworth
Cinderella and the little glass slipper; or, harlequin prince peerless ...
The lily of St. Leonard's
Little Ned; or, the streetsinger, the sailor and the noble
Social life in Germany, illustrated in the acted dramas of her royal highness the Princess Amelia of Saxony, II
The wreck ashore
Harlequin Dick Whittington and his king of pussy cats, who ate up all the wicked rats
Millitary movements; or, the young colonel
The ladies' club
The sentinel
Taken by surprise
Uncles and aunts
Les petites Danaïdes ou quatre-vingt-dix-neuf victimes
The trial of ignorance; or, the boy that wouldn't learn
A Boro' bench
Harlequin prince happy-go-lucky; or, princess beauty and the demon dwarf
Hop O'my Thumb and his brothers or harlequin and the ogre
My heart's in the Highlands
Absent without leave
The school reform; or, how to rule a husband
Birds of prey
The woodman's hut
Sweethearts and wives
The old love and the new
British born
Caelina; or, a tale of mystery
The man with the iron mask
The love tests
The critic; or, a tragedy rehearsed
The magistrate
Woman's will--a riddle!
The Earl of Warwick
Confounded foreigners
Prince Prettypet and the butterfly
My grandfather's will; or, the man of straw
The pilgrim : opera (Italian), 3 acts
The actress of all work; or, my country cousin : comic sketch, 1 act
The London banker; or, the profligate
The hobby-horse
The new planet; or, the harlequin out of place
Pull devil, pull Baker; or, harlequin and Spitemandeatem and the fairy queen of the sylvan bowers
St. Pierre, the refugee
Carlyon Sahib
Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other
The mystic cavern; or, the progress of ambition : tragedy, 5 acts
Family peculiarities
Courting by Proxy; or, Miss Wright
The Spanish husband; or, first and last love
The strange intruder
The mother and child are doing well
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus
The traveller's room
The schoolfellow
Paul Pry
St. Ronan's well
Ce que femme veut ...
I'll be your second
Second thoughts
The English fleet in 1342 : historical comic opera, 3 acts
The students of Bonn
Dramatic sketches
The two violettas : opera, 3 acts
Zerlina; o, il cesto d'arancj
By Royal command
What will they say at Brompton?
It runs in the family
La favolita
Lucrezia Borgia at home and all abroad
Lady fortune
The 40 thieves
Hans of Iceland
The elixir of life; or, revelations of London
The queen of the hills, a tale of the wilds of Corsica
Antony and Cleopatra; or, his-tory and her-story in a modern Nilo-metre
Summer and winter
Jack the giant killer
Mary Queen of Scots
A cure for coxcombs : operetta, 1 act
Paddy Carey; or, the boy of Clogheen
The yeomen of the guard, or, the merryman and his maid
The old friends
Jinks, the man that can't help it!
The spirit of the fountain
The widow's frolic
Tom and Jerry : burletta, 2 acts
Evadne; or, the statue
The magic mirror; or, the ninth statue
Clairvoyance! or, double delusions
Old parr
Babiole et Joblot
Louise de Lignerolles
Songs from the loves of the butterflies
The ghetto
Why did he die?
Evadne; or, the statue
The house of Morville : play, 5 acts
Claude Lorraine; or, the peasant, libertine, and brigand
Little red riding hood; or, the fiend ...
The chimney piece; or, natural magic
My aunt's secret . All abroad
The victim of St. Vincent
Sensation dramas for the back drawing room
Dramas, in two volumes
The Corsican brothers
The pupil of Da Vinci
La juive
The blind boy : melodrama, 2 acts
The battle of life
Where is Eliza? or, have you seen my sister
King Henry I
She wants a guardian or they took the will for the deed
The female Bluebeard; or, the adventures of polyphemus amador de Croustillac
The mountain hut; or, the tinker and his son : melodrama, 3 acts
The marchioness of Brinvilliers
Petrach and Laura
Disguises; or, two stages from Gretna
Hints for husbands
For papa's sake
The lass of Gowrie
A chain of events
Sweethearts and wives
Gillette de Narbonne ou le Mari malgré lui
Song, Wae is my heart
John Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside
A pretty piece of business
The dog of Montargis; or, the forest of Bondy
Laugh when you can
Address, by D.W. Jerrold, in aid of an asylum for aged and decayed Freemasons
La mauvaise langue de village
Arminius; or, the champion of liberty
Woman's will[--a riddle]! : opera, 3 acts
The earthquake; or, the spectre of the Nile
The chalet; or, caught not won
Oliver Twist; or, the parish boy's progress
Jupiter's decree and the fall of Phaeton
La fiancée du fleuve
The state secret
A night's frolic: or, once in a hundred years
Jack Brag; or, a chandler's chances
An ugly customer
A number one; or, a hero in spite of himself
Valentine and Orson
A young lad from the country
The golden plough
Take care of little charley
Dross; or, the root of evil
French Polish
Rogues all!; or, three generations : farce, 2 acts
The courier of Lyons
Punch's pantomime; or, harlequin and Magna Charta
Rattlin the reefer; or, the tiger of the sea!
The stout gentleman
Enchanted wives and the dream spirits
Xerxes : tragedy, 5 acts
The fortunate youth; or, the force of credulity! : historical anecdote, 2 pts
The Bohemian
Dramas translations and occasional poems
The serious family
Bertrand and Suzette; or, the marriage of reason
Sunshine and shade
The heart of mid-lothian : opera, 3 acts
Paul Clifford; or, the highwayman of 1735
On the jury
Anthony Babington
The Spitalfields weaver
Humpty Dumpty; or, harlequin, the yellow dwarf, and the fair one with the golden locks
Hook and eye
How do you manage?
Robinson Crusoe
Adventures of Charley Wag who eat ye Pudding and stole ye Bag, Ye
The waltz : opera, 3 acts
Song in ... the bronze horse
Joe in London
Mark the end on't : comedy, 5 acts
A pantomime rehearsal
The black madonna
Caswallon; or, the Briton chief
Une heure de mariage
The bending of the bough
Going to see the fireworks
The tiger at large; or, the cad of the buss
The busy body
The wicked duke
Broken toys
The woman I adore
The fisherman : opera (musical drama), 3 acts
Gringoire the ballad-monger
The valet de sham
Old Gooseberry
Giovanni in London; or, the libertine reclaimed
Monologue, table-talk! or, odd sayings and queer doings
Charles the second; or, the merry monarch
Joseph and his brethren
Death of life in London; or, Tom and Jerry's funeral
The sorcerer [and] trial by Jury
The catspaw
The man-trap
Next of kin
His Highness
Peace at any price
The maid of Orleans
Luck's all
Barnaby rudge
A soldier's courtship
The Hecuba of Euripides
Princess fair star
The lion of the jungle; or, yaldo the remorseless
The wolf and the lamb
Ingomar, the son of the wilderness
Adelgitha: or, the fruits of a single error
My sister from India
That Rascal Pat
Ambrose Gwinett; or, a sea-side story
Marcus Manlius
Iolanthe; or, the peer and the peri
Beauty and the beast
The love charm; or, the village coquette
Richard III
Grieving's a folly
False delicacy
The death of Don Giovanni : burlesque, 1 act
Popping the question
The provisional government
Delicate ground; or, Paris in 1793
Harlequin and Humpo; or, columbine by candlelight!
The rabbi of York
Barrak Johnson; or, the blind witness
The liar
Eliza Fenning
The violet
The queen of spades
The emerald heart; or, a poor man's honour
The blind girl; or, a receipt for beauty
The grand duchess of Gerolstein
Box and cox
The maid of the Oaks
Worse than ever
The Irish tiger
Anne Boleyn
Oberon; or, the charmed horn
A legal impediment
A London fog
The demon oof bird
The Mutiny at the Nore
The drama of a life
The warlock of the glen
The travelled monkey; or, the newcastle rider
Timour, the cream of Tartar
The barber bravo
Behind the curtain
The married bachelor; or, master and man
The battle of life; or, the heart of a sister
Monologue, Webster's wallet of whims and waggaries
The white horse of the peppers
Izaak Walton
Old parr and the magic pills; or, harlequin and the wizard of ashdale
The loan of a lover
Promotion; or, a morning at Versailles
Man and wife; or, more secrets than one
Ireland as it is
Mademoiselle Nichon
The brides of Venice
The English fleet in 1342
Bianca di molino; or, the marriage and divorce
Old maids
A bachelor of arts
The man without a head
The mendicant son! or, the Jew of Southwark
Retaliation; or, an hour and half in Paris
Sam Weller's tour; or, the Pickwickians in France
Animal magnetism
My friend the captain
Phillis; or, the nightingale
Gilded youth
Spectacle à la cour
The merchant of bruges ; or, beggar's bush
The glove and fan; or, a signal engagement
Sir John Barleycorn; or, harlequin champagne and fairies of the ...
Music hath charms
The mascotte
The shaughraun
The wreck a-shore or the bridegroom from the sea
Love's victory; or, the dead woman's secret
The miller of Mansfield
Furibond; or, harlequin Negro
The mast and the ploughshare; or, Britain's best bulwarks : farce, 1 act
A marriage noose!
Left in a Cab
Romeo and Juliet as the law directs
Not at home : farce, 2 acts
The battle of life, a love story!
The merchant of Guadeloupe : play, 3 acts
Simpson and Co.
Old Mother Hubbard and her comical dog
Out to nurse
Zitella; or, the Geurilla boy ...
Won at last!
The baffled spinster
Sigesmar : melodrama, 2 acts
Beauty and the beast
The masque of Hymen; or, royal nuptials : masque, 1 act
Mrs. Hilary regrets
Romeo and Juliet
Dearer than life
The lady from the sea
The major domo
Nicholas Nickelby
We fly by night; or, long stories
Neither of them
The rogue's comedy
The midnight watch
La vivandière; or, true to the corps!
The king's wager; or, the cottage and the court
Papillonetta; or, the prince, the butterfly, and the beetle
The attic story
The lady of Lyons; or, love and pride
Father and son; or, the rock of charbonniere
The flowers of the forest: a Gypsy story
The Lancashire witches; or, the lass of dewberry hill
Helping hands
The lone house; or, a legend of Mont Blanc
Temptation; or, the Irish emigrant
Don Pasquale
Tom Thumb
The avenging storm; or, the fate of Malcolm
Releasing a man
The minerali; or, the betrothed
Childhood's dreams
May; or, Dolly's delusion
The note forger
Fifteen years of drunkard's life!
Robson's academy
The Paphian bower or Venus and Adonis
The rent-day
The conquest of Mysore
The pink of politeness
The poacher's doom; or, the murder of the five field's copse
Don't lend your umbrella
A bit of old Chelsea
His first champagne
Five miles off; or, the finger post : comedy, 3 acts
A change of system
Almoran and Hamet : drama, 2 acts
Hobbs, Dobbs and Stubbs; or, the three grocers
Five pounds reward
One hundred thousand pounds
Clandestine marriage
Mémoires d'un colonel de hussards
Free and easy : comic opera, 2 acts
The Chaplain of the Regiment
A blighted being
The cataract of the Ganges; or, the rajah's daughter
A fast train! high pressure!! express!!!
The counterfeit
Le bas-bleu; or, the fall of the leaf
Le châlet
Friends of foes?
Acis and Galatea burlesqued
Esmeralda; or, the deformed to Notre Dame
Broken hearts
True colours
Lost and found: a fragment
La clemenza di Tito : opera (Iatlian), 2 acts
The dumb man of Manchester
King zany's daughter; or, the princess who was blind of one ...
Voces academicae
Hotel charges; or, how to cook a biffin
The widow; or, my uncle's will
Jack the giant killer
Thérèse; or, the orphan of Geneva
That blessed baby
The girl from Paris
'Tis she! or, the maid, the wife and the widow
Through fire and water
Double dummy
Jack and the bean stalk and Margery Daw; or, harlequin man-in-the-moon, the giant ...
Comfortable lodgings
Daddy O'Dowd
The queen's horse
The red crow; or, the Archers of Islington and the Fayre Mayde of West cheap
Our new lady's maid
The blue-jackets; or, Her Majesty's Service
Wolsey! or, the secret witness!
Who do they take me for?
Ask no questions
Trelawny of the Wells
Marco Spada
Amor patriae
Harlequin and the swans; or, the bath of beauty : pantomime, 17 scenes
Illusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad
Only a clod
Scarlet mantle; or, the robbers' hold and the bandit's bride
Worth a struggle
Brian Boroihme; or, the maid of Erin
All's fair in love
The marriage of pride
The slave sale; or, nature, bondage, and liberty
Songs and choruses in the brazen mask : ballet
Vermont wool dealer
Touch and take; or, the law of the kiss
The passing cloud
Aladdin; or, the wonderful scamp!
Stage struck; or, the loves of Augustus Portarlington and Celestina Beverley
[A] mother and son : drama, 3 acts
No followers
The Scottish chiefs (not Miss Porter's )
The fallen spirit; or, Leon of Marana
Clandestine marriage
Hélois̈e ou la nouvelle somnambule
Valsha; or, the slave queen
The rosebud of Stingingnettle Farm; or the villanous ...
Martin Chuzzlewit; or, his wills and his ways, what he did and what ...
The village coquettes
The scornful lady
Betting boys career from the counting house ...
The title deeds
Colberg; or, the bridal
The rubber of life; or, St. James's and St. Giles's
Cosmo, duke of Tuscany
Harlequin Tom, the piper's son
The rule of three; or, harlequin arithmetic
Marie, a tale of the Pont Neuf
Mirandola : tragedy, 5 acts
Beau Nash, the king of Bath
Haroun Alraschid; or, wants and superfluities
The Assurance Company or the boarding school of Montereau
Juvenile dramas
Born to good luck; or, the Irishman's fortune
The witch-wife: a tale of Malkin tower
Dick Whittington and his cat
A bold strike for a wife
The law of Java : musical play, 3 acts
The rightful heir
Stage struck!
The wife: a tale of Mantua
Animal magnetism
The talisman : a tale of the crusaders
Love in a village
Our village; or, lost and found
The peri of the mist; or, harlequin and the captive of the marble halls
Isabel Bertrand; or, the wife's tragedy
Valentine and Orson
Hurra for the road; or, the gallant high toby man
The life guardsman
Flighty Faust and Flirty Marguerite
The rising sun
Harlequin and buttercups and daisies; or, great A, little A, bouncing B, the cat's in the cupboard and she can't see
Don Juan
The sealed sentence!
The enchantress
The Eton boy
Trial of suits at the brewster sessions of Sotville; or, laugh ...
Harlequin and Good Queen Bess; or, merry England in the olden time
Game and game; or, who's the winner
Aline; or, the rose of Killarney
Aladdin and the wonderful lamp; or, new lamps for old ones
The wedding march
The window curtain
The pirate : musical drama, 3 acts
Second thoughts
The dream
Don Giovanni ; Paul Jones ; Luke the labourer ; Crazy Jane ; Flying Dutchman ; "Yes!" ; The forrest oracle ; Ivanhoe ; Floating beacon
Philip Quarll; or, the English hermit
The Sergeant's wedding
Le cabaret de lustucru
A silent woman
Olivia [or] the vicar of Wakefield
Fortune's frolic
Helping hands
Which is my love; or, a night at Vauxhall
The younger brother
Killigrew! or, King Charles at Tunbridge wells
Constantine Paleologus : tragedy, 5 acts
The two thumbs; or, multum in parvo
Your likeness--one shilling!
King Charles II
The Turkish lovers; or, the faithful indidel
Zopyrus, the hero of Persia
Without incumbrances
The dice of death
Gustavus III.
The bride of Messina; or, the hostile brothers
The will for the deed
The cricket on the hearth
The cripple of the clink; or, London in 1640
The Egyptian
The runaway husbands
Blue beard
Now or never
Fra Diavolo
Little Joey; or, the poacher and his son
Speed the plough
The gamblers
The Troubodours; or, jealousy outwitted
Atonement! or, the god-daughter
The magic bracelet; or, chi cho ali the charmed pirate
The haunted tower
No Irish need apply
The king's seal
The devil and Dr. Faustus
Jack Sheppard
Satanas and the spirit of beauty
Three to one; or, the forget-me-not
The lady of the locket
The culprit
A bit of old Chelsea
Life : founded on the drunkard's children
Up at the hills
Custom's fallacy
Our nurse Dorothy
The humpback'd lover
The Canadian war
The poor gentleman
Two more slaves; or, the escape from Brixton : burlesque parody, 1 act
Norah Creina
The yellow husband
Caesar, the watch dog of the castle
True to the core; or, a story of the Armada
Davy Crockett
The good for nothing
The fortune hunter; or, a morning at margate
Husbands and wives; or, the debt and duel : farce, 2 acts
Eyes and no eyes; or, the art of seeing
Is he jealous?
John Wopps; or, from information I received
Sent to the tower!
Castle of Andalusia ; One o'clock ; Julian ; Comus ; Fontainbleau ; English fleet ; The widow; or, who wins? ; The camp ; Personation
La traviata
A friend at Court
The snapping turtles; or, matrimonial masquerading
The heart and the key; or, the haunted grange
I'll stay where I am : farce, 1 actr
Emilia Galotti
Young hussar; or, love and mercy
The orphan
Don Juan of Austria
La camaraderie
The little minister
Rule a wife and have a wife
Alma mater; or, a cure for coquettes
Blue beard
The climbing boy
The wars of the Jews; or, the fall of Jrusalem the doomed city
A legend of Florence
The happy man
The mayor's relations
Therese; or, the orphan of Geneva
Conrad and Medora; or, harlequin ...
Rumplestiltskin; or, the woman at the wheel!
The rover's bride; or, the bittern's swamp
The old willow brook; or, a murder committed in a dream
Gustavus of Sweden; or, the masked ball
Paddy Carey; or, the boy of Clogheen
Henry the Fifth
Blind man's bluff
The coiners; soldier's oath
No grumbling
Reflections of King Hezekiah in his sickness
Secrets worth knowing
Mabel Gray; or, the eagle's chiff
The prude's progress
[Collected works] the tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri
A very serious affair
Theory and practice
Miss Eily O'Connor (introductions and alterations)
The Belle's stratagem
Le capitaine roland
The mysterious family
The crown brilliants
By special appointment
My maiden aunts
The delusion; or, is she mad?
Remember the grotto
The fay o' fire
The duke of Mantua
The chimney corner
The fond uncle
My neighbor's wife
The Shark of the Atlantic! or, the fight for the beacon
Past ten o'clock and a rainy night : farce, 2 acts
None but the brave deserve the fair
Serenading; or, the two greens
Downfall and death of King Oedipus
Fulvius valens; or, the martyr of Caesarea
Oscar the bandit
Man is not perfect, nor woman neither
Love in a maze
Chivalry in humble life
Jarvis the honest man; or, the merchant's daughter
The flower of lucerne
Jolly Jack, the Roscius of the fleet; or, the haunted villa and the Thespian tar
A Greek slave
Circumstantial evidence!
Blue beard; or, something curious
The taint in the blood
[Collected works] social life in Germany
Elizabeth, Queen of England
Oliver Twist
Zaira : opera (Italian and English), 2 acts
This house to be sold (the property of the late Wiliam ...)
Gisippus; or, the forgotten friend
Little daisy
The maid of Croissey; or, theresa's vow
Living in London
Shylock; or, the merchant of Venice preserved
The trials and troubles of an aspiring publican
Bears not beasts; or, four legs better than two
Harlequin and the dragon of Wantley or fire and water
Jessie, the flower of Dumblaine; or, weel may the keel row!
Cariboo; or, the prude
The hippopotamus
Sadak and Kalasrade; or, the waters of oblivion : drama, 2 acts
A lyrical lover
Prologue for Mary A. Keeley
The gamester
Our Helen
The harvest storm
Old heads and young hearts
The desert
A blighted being
The domestic hearthstone; or, the virgin maiden's vengeance
The tipperary legacy
The bottle of champagne
L'ultimo giorno di Pompei
Five miles off; or, the finger post
Catiline; or, the roman conspiracy
Warlock of the glen
The miser of Shoreditch
Diadeste; or, the veiled lady
The schoolfellows
Cissy's engagement
Max and Wonders; or, madame T's at twelve
Look before you leap
The wife! a tale of a mantua maker!
Two eyes between two
My wife; or, my place!
Harlequin and little Thumb; or, the seven leagued boots
The bold dragoons
The artful dodge!
Japhet in search of a father
The 'prentice pillar
A Roland for an Oliver
The deuce is in her!
A brace of partridges
A lady and gentleman in a peculiarly perplexing predicament!
Too many cooks spoil the broth
Hippolytus the Wreathbearer
King liberty; or, the devil in the heart
Three cheers for charity; or, a night's ...
The two Mr. Browns!
The man of war and the merchantman; or, scenes in both services
The golden farmer; or, Jemmy Twitcher in England
A night at the widow's
Der Freischütz
Turandot, princess of China
Wild Gipsy girl; or, dark shadows ...
Wealth and want; or, the Barnburners
Our Mary Anne; and mischief-making
The gondoliers; or, the king of Barataria
Dramatic scenes
He lies like truth
Glencoe; or, the fate of the MacDonalds
Don Caesar de Bazan
The maid and the blackbird; or, sing a song of sixpence
Life in London; [or, the day and night adventures of logic, Tom and Jerry] : burletta, 3 acts
Cent per cent; or, the masquerade : farce, 2 acts
Wapping old stairs
The devil in London
Giovanni in London; or, the libertine reclaimed
The stepmother
Mabel's holy day
The maid and the magpie
Land and love
The Roman brother
A royal family
Guy Mannering; or, the gipsey's prophecy
The lone star! or, a seaman's destiny
Plot and passion
Mont St. Michel; or, the fairy of the sands
The compliments of the season
Love laughs at locksmiths
The barber of Bagdad
Le bon juge
The charmed harp
The pretty girls of Stilberg
The phantom
My uncle's suit; or, in prossession
The wandering Jew
The profligate
Edgar the socialist
Knife, fork and spoon; or, harlequin breakfast, dinner, tea and supper
John Smith
The wonderful water cure
The barrack room
The cardinal's daughter
L'etoile du nord
The chimney piece
How's your uncle
La sonnambula
Peer and heiress
Money makes the man
La petite cendrillon ...
Sergeant snap's stratagem; or, the evils of "Penny dreadfuls"
The bride of song
Temptation; or, the vale od Sarnem
The Harvest Queen
Lady Belle Belle; or, Fortunio and his seven magic men
The Arab and his steed; or, right conquers might
Off to the diggings
George Geith; or, romance of a city life
The nervous man
A most unwarrantable intrusion
The genii
The death of falstaff
Olympic devils; or, Orpheus and Eurydice
The printer's devil
One fault
The muleteer of Toledo; or, king, queen, and knave
The reform deformed; or, the fate of his majesty's good ship "The state"
The three wives of Madrid; or, the diamond ring
Up all night; or, the smuggler's cave
The schoolfellows
The bloomer costume
The vicar of Wakefield; or, the pastor's fireside
The law-suit : comedy, 5 acts
The Basoche; or, king of the students
Ocean Queen and sleeping beauty of the deep
The Jew of Arragon; or, the Hebrew Queen
Riches; or, the wife and brother
Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne
Old Jed Prouty
Enoch Arden
The princess fair star; or, the singing apple & the dancing waters
Forgive and forget
The first born
Songs, duets, etc., in peccadilloes
Jessie Grey
The assembly; or, scotch reformation
My missing spectacles
The happy man
Family secrets; or, how to make home happy
The court guide
Mothers and daughters
La gazza ladra
My sister from India
I've written to Browne; or, a needless stratagem
Diviser pour régner
The bridals of Messina; or, John of Procida
Giralda; or, the mysterious husband
Three deep; or, all on the wing
Zembuca; or, the net-maker and his wife
Guy Mannering; or, the gipsey's prophecy
La tour de Nesle
Harlequin and George Barnewell of the London 'Prentice
Spare the rod and spoil the child
The lancers
The magician's daughter; or, the cursed and the cause
Poor relations; or, who's to inherit?
The dumb boy of Manchester
The bells
Welcome, little stranger
The innkeeper of Ab[b]eville; [or, the ostler and the robber] : melodrama, 2 acts
The serious family
Stolen--£20 reward!
The heart of London; or, the sharper's progress
The man of two lives!
The promissory note
A breach of promise
Peerless pool!
Elphi Bey; or, Arab's faith
A prince for a hour
The wonder: a woman keeps a secret
The miller and his men
Proof of the pudding
Of age to-morrow
The haunted room; or, the boarders' little ruse
A life's trial
Turn out!
The female Bluebeard
La niaise de Saint-Flour
The idiot witness; or, a tale of blood
Lucia di Lammermoor
The three grocers ; or, Hobbs, Dobbs, and Stubbs
The skeleton witness; or, the murder of the mount
César; ou, le chien du château
Well played; or, the major's dilemma
Faust and Gretchen
Temptation; or, the fatal brand
Alexis ou l'erreur d'un bon père
Wild oats
The secret mine : melodrama, 2 acts
The census
Torquato Tasso
Dialogues of the day
The drunkard's doom; or, the last nail
The maid of honor
Billee Taylor; or, the reward of virtue
The courier of Lyons
The stout gentleman
A dream in Venice
My uncle's suit
Guido Fawkes
The ocean of life; or, every inch a sailor
Don Juan
Alberto della Scala
Le parisien à londres ou une loi anglaise
Mary Melvyn; or, the marriage of interest
The king and I
Deaf as post
The maid of cachmere
Orestes in Argos
Hundred thousand pounds
The red man; or, the legend of the ravenstone
Mary Lester; or, the betrayed one
The double dealer
A widow hunt
The released convict; or, a long lane ...
Torquato Tasso
Petticoat government
A lady and gentleman in a peculiary perplexing predicament!
The tempter
The young couple
The course of true love
The wild Indian girl : comedy, 3 acts
Rotherhithe in ...
Captain Sabertash; or under arrest
The golden regions of California and the Geni of light; or, harlequin and the little fairy of the silver ladder
The twelve labours of Hercules
The constant couple; or, a trip to the jubilee
Broad grins; or, Whackham and Windham, the wrangling lawyers : burletta, 2 acts
Love, debt, and fun
The Siamese twins
He with the hump; or, King Dick and harlequin and the Cruel Tyrant that killed the Babbies
The soldier's oath; or, the dowry of despair
A spanking legacy; or, the Corsican vendetta
Going out to service
The sleeping hare
The lady of Lyons; or, love and pride
The gay lothario
Scenes from an unfinished drama
The heir at law
All that glitters is not gold
The warning dream; or, constancy unto death
Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, pease porridge in the pot nine days old; or, harlequin honeysuckle and the demon of the toadstool fen
An induction
Harlequin and Cinderella; or, the little glass slipper, dialogue and chorusses in : pantomime, 14 scenes
Lawyers and clients; or, love suits
The son of the navy
Cat's castle; or, harlequin and the king of the rats
The Sikh spy; or, British valour in India
Joanna of Montfaucon
Calderon's dramas
Little sins and pretty sinners
The battle of alma
An April Fool
Peter Wilkins; or, the loadstone rock ...
The rose of Arragon
Youth's love-lore
The king's rival
Louisette; ou, la chanteuse des rues
Ruy Blas
The goose girl
A Christmas carol
Alcestis travestie
The maid of Artois
The streets of New York
Be guarded
A clerical error
The lady of the lake
The High Street mystery
Done on both sides
Egypt 3000 years ago; or, queen ...
The heiress
The romance of a day
The portrait of Cervantes : farce, 2 acts
The country squire; or, two days at the hall
The string of pearls; or, the fiend of Fleet Street
The mendicant son; or, the Jew of Southwark
Ages ago
Love the greatest ... [and] the sorceries ... [and] the devotion ...
The birds of Aristophanes
The Gleaners; or, harvest frolic : pastoral burletta, 1 act
The talisman
Love and war
Wilhelm Tell
La maison du rempart
Popping the question
The bells and ring
The Goldsmith
Froggee would a wooing go; or, the pretty princess and the ...
The point of honor
Our bottle; or, a drunkard's progress
Harlequin and mother red cap; or, merlin and fairy snowdrop
The king's gardener; or, nipped in the bud
The greek boy
Death at the stake; or, the Jew of East Chepe
False conclusions
Billy Taylor; or, the gay young fellow
The £100 note
Dunbar, the king's advocate
The hope of the family
Above and below
Harlequin and poonoowingkeewangflibeedeeflobeedeebuskeebang; or, the king of the cannibal Islands
The Colleen Bawn settled at last
Puss in boots, the enchanted cat; or, the king of the gold mines and the great king rat
The libertine
Cousin Campell's courtship; or, all fair in fair time!
Deaf and dumb; or, the Abbé de l'Epée
The place-hunter
Lovers' vows
Elena Uberti
The little nun! a bit of scandal!
Matilde di Shabran
L'appartement garni
The man who follows the ladies
Captain Thérèse
Going to the derby!
Sugar and spice and all things that's nice; or, harlequin, march of intellect and the fairy queen of blissful realms
L'anneau magique
The love spell; or, the mountebank of Ravenna
William Tell
The gladiator of Ravenna
A Greek slave
Der Alchymist
Robinson Crusoe; or, the good Friday that came before Saturday
The mysteries of Paris
The tower of Nesle; or, the dark gondola
Une chaîne
Sam's arrival
The poor gentleman
I puritani e i cavaliere [i.e. cavalieri]; or, the puritans and the knights
The balloon
The slanderer
Deborah; or, the Jewish maiden's wrong!
Murder will out; or, the dog of Montargis : melodrama, 3 acts
Il pirata
The beauty of lyons
No. 20; or, the Bastille of Calvados
New brooms sweep clean; or, servants and mistresses
The last hour; or, harlequin victim : comic pantomime, 1 act
Deux filles a marier
Meg Murnock, the hag of the glen
Pizarro: a Spanish rolla-king Peruvian drama
My wife's bonnet
The milliners; or, les trois fêtes de bois
Mary Queen of Scots; or, the escape from Loch Leven
The village outcast
Lucre-land; or, harlequin Sir Bruno the brave and the fairy casket ...
Venus and Adonis; or, the two rivals and the small boar
The cornet; or, orders from head quarters
In the wrong box
A night's adventure; or, highways and byeways
His Excellency
The conscript
Il trionfo di cesare sopra i Galli
The original
Hinds & Noble's new dialogues & plays
The queen and the Mogul
The merchant of Venice
Out of sight
The Poor Soldier
Mistaken identity
William Tell! told over again
My wife's maid!
Nice young ladies; or, home service
The king of the castle; or, harlequin in the land of dreams
The school for wives
The golden footed steed; or, the charmed horse of the black valley
Hyder Ali; or, the lions of Mysore
The intrigues of a day
Atalanta in Calydon
The barber's bravo; or, the inventor of powder
The golden fleece
Harlequin Jack Sheppard; or, the blossom of Tyburn Tree
Harlequin and the ratcatcher's ...
That odious captain cutter!
Otto of Wittelsbach
Étienne et Robert
Stratagems and spoils
Bluebeard re-paired; or, a worn out subject done up anew
The pierrot of the minute
Hamlet, prince of Denmark
The housekeeper
The miser outwitted
Going! going! gone!
Pascal Bruno, the brigand chief
The barbers at court
Harlequin Columbus; or, the old world ...
Harlequin hoax; or, a pantomime proposed
Asmodeus; or, the little devil's share
Always intended
Pimple, the pirate; or, the baronet and the bandit
The brewer of Preston; or, malt and hops
The maid of Honfleur
Comedies and dramas
The counterfeit : farce, 2 acts
Vampire Giovanni : burletta, 2 acts
The alumni play
Lorenzo : tragedy, 5 acts
Le code et l'amour
The rag picker of Paris and the dress maker of St. Antonine
Wanted a brigand; or, a visit from Fra-Diavolo
World and stage
Five in one
Ondine; or, the Naiad
Two roses
Le roi des Frontins
The giant & the dwarf; or, hop-o-my-thumb
The crystal-gazer
Les moralistes
Yankee peddler; or, old times in Virginia
The bachelor's bedroom; or, two in the morning
Musical dramas
Gabrielle the Girondist
I'm not meself at all
Whittington and his cat
The caitiff of Corsica; or, the universal Banditto
The steward; or, fashion and feeling
The student's dream; or, the fiend of the fountain
When the wheels run down
The ferryman; or, the translated escutcheon
The world of dreams
Master Clarke
Presumptive evidence ; Wild oats ; Hit of miss ; Ambition ; The Jew and the doctor ; The knights of the cross ; Is he jealous? ; The hundred pound note ; Rugantino ; The steward
Urgent private affairs
Faded flowers
Sarah the Jewess; or, a maiden's dream
Marry in haste and repent at leisure
The old curiosity shop
The happy family
Out of luck; or, His Grace the Duke
Glencoe; or, the fate of the MacDonalds
How to pay your taxes : burletta, 2 acts
Victorine; or, I'll sleep on it!
Methinks I see my father
Monseigneur; or, Paris robbers
The Bayadere
Sweet lavender
Gertrude's money box
The pilot
The follies of a night
Hogmanay (New Year's eve)
Le prophète
The dragon's gift
The memoirs of the D---l; or, the mystic bell of moon
The daughter
Wife and no wife; or, the citizen countess
Caswallon, king of Britain
Gaffer Grey's legacy
The Earl of Essex
Whang Fong; or, how remarkable : operatic drama, 2 acts
Harlequin and world of flowers
Un mousquetaire gris
Cyril's success
The knights of the cross; or, the hermit's prophecy
Ella Rosenberg
At sixes and sevens
The Italian in Algiers
The marriage of Figaro
Cent per cent; or, the masquerade
The scapegoat
True friends
Idalia; or, the adventuress
The noble troubadour
Two wives! or, a hint to a cross husband : dramatic sketch, 1 act
Don Giovanni
Monsieur et madame Pinchon
The devil's share
Moon queen and king night; or, harlequin twilight
The end of June
Aurora Floyd
The groves of blarney
Under the thumb
A rainy day
The miser's daughter
Twelve dramatic sketches
Creatures of impulse
Who's the composer?
The executioner; or, Vanrick of Voorn
Book the third, chapter the first
London stars; or, 'twas time to counterfeit : interlude, 1 act
Whittington and his cat
Isabella; or, the fatal marriage
Number 49
Rip Van Winkle
Kenilworth : historical romance, 3 acts
Creatures of impulse
The steward; or, fashion and feeling
Death and the doctor
Wittikind and his brothers
Beauty and the beast
The gold fiend of California; or, the victim of wealth
Goody two shoes; or, harlequin alabaster
The Gipsy farmer; or, Jack and Jack's brother
Original plays & duologues
Sure aim; or, the Norfolk sharp shooter : interlude, 1 act
The ninth statue
Amilie; or, the love test
The Stern Resolve
The woman in mauve
The miser's daughter
Adelgitha: or, the fruits of a single error : tragedy, 5 acts
[Collected works] the extravaganzas
Good intentions
A woman's reason
Young love and old love
Lochinvar; or, the bridal of Netherby
Black adder; or, the devil of the Dardanelles
The maid of Saragossa; or, the Spanish Joan of Arc
My wife's cousin; or, domestic tiffs
The busy-body
The wife's secret
The phantom breakfast!
A cure for the fidgets
The romance of a poor young man
Fortunio, and his seven gifted servants
The letter box; or, the Jailor's daughter
The poor gentleman
Marco Spada
Scan. mag.; or, the village gossip
Eliza Fenning, the victim of circumstances
The seducer
The paying guest
The travelling companions
Drenched and dried; or, water and fire
Scene in the life of an unprotected female!
A masque of dead Florentines
Dewdrop and Glorio; or, the sleeping beauty in the wood
The happy land
Don pasquale
Bluff King Hal; or, harlequin Anne Boleyn anf the Jolly Miller of the River Dee
The bridal of Armagnac
Pascal et Chambord
Past, present and future; or, harlequin yesterday, today, and tomorrow, shewing all that has been, all that is and all that will be
Match making
Mr Greenfinch
The elephants of the pagoda
The tower of Babel
The devil's elixir; or, the shadowless man
The painter of Antwerp
A house divided
Britons to arms! or, the consul in England
Sam Slithervick's baby; or, a fish out of water
The civil war of poetry
Jack Brag
Charles the second; or, the merry monarch
The fire-eater!
Love in a village
A sailor's legacy; or, the child of a tar
The brown devil; or, Chi Chue Ali the Charmed Pirate
The old house on the Thames; or, Lambeth in the olden time
La femme de l'avoué
He lies like truth
Anne Boleyn
A desperate game
The Romany Rye
Only a clod
Fifteen years of a soldier's life; or, scenes at home and abroad
The Cossacks; or, vive la France!
Le jeune mari
One o'clock; or, harlequin and Hardyknute, the knight and the wood demon
Une faute
The wallachian; or, the passage of the Danube
The first floor
The hunter of the Alps : musical drama, 2 acts
The bird of paradise
The knights Templars; or, the maid of Judah
Aminta, the coquette; or, a match for a magistrate
The careful servant and careless master : comic interlude, 1 act
Giselle; or, the phantom night dancers
Sparrow shooting; or, goose green
Jealous on all sides; or, the landlord in jeopardy
The American in England
The love birds; or, the birds of paradise
Merry wives of Windsor
The merchant of Venice
The dream at sea
The spirit of gold
The sealed sentence!
The wandering boys; or, the castle of Olival [bound with] Michael and Christine
The court of Old Fritz
Who's to win him?
Pietro il Grande
Bible tragedies
The siege of Damascus
Elsie's rival
Rosalie Mortimer; or, fate and its victims
Damon and Pythias
Mohawk Minstrels' eighth book of dramas, dialogues ...
Charley Wag, the modern Jack Sheppard
The amber witch
The pilot; or, a storm at sea
Lodgings for single gentlemen
Petticoat perfidy
The snowdrift; or, the cross on the boot
The little laundress; or, false colours
Friendship, love, and duty; or, the Prussian soldiers : comedy, 5 acts
Harlequin and fancy; or, the poet's last shilling : pantomime, 21 scenes
The snow helped
Genevra, the scourged one; or, woman's vengeance
Oberon; or, the charmed horn
The middy ashore!
The noble heart
The scamps of London; or, the cross roads of life!
The Bayadère
The rape of the lock
Hänsel and Gretel
The good-natured man
The witch of Windermere
Tweedleton's tail-coat
A pleasant courtship
A sister's penance
Ambition-competence and riches
The cadi's daughter
A lesson for the ladies
Mont Blanc; or, the witch of the Alps
The bells of Haslemere
Aladdin and the wonderful lamp; or, harlequin and the flying palace
Gunpowder Tom; or, a seaman's duty; or, the gipsey mother and her sailor son
The marriage of Figaro
She would and she would not; or, the king imposter
Lucie de Lammermoor
The wraith of lake! or, the brownie's brig!
The area sylph; or, a foot-boy's dream
The lawyer's clerk; or, the lottery ticket
Woman and her master
The hand of cards: game, life--stakes, death!
The river god
The printer's devil
Simon the tanner; or, the maid ...
Forbidden fruit; or what will my aunt say?
The bear hunter; or, the fatal ravine
Mrs. Harris's baby
Mary, Queen of Scotland : tragedy, 5 acts
The two queens
The modern Ingomar; or, palaces and peeresses
The heart of London or sharper's progress
Ricciardo e Zoraide : opera (Italian), 2 acts
Gustavus the Third; or, the masked ball!
The school for arrogance
A nine days' wonder
The humours of an evening; or, ventriloguism execution
Harlequin Tom, the piper's son stole a pig and away he ran [run] : comic pantomime, 13 scenes
Monsieur Tonson
Abel Drake
Shin Fain; or, ourselves alone
La figlia del reggimento
Faint heart never won fair lady
Ib and little Christina: the story of a hearth
The green room : interlude
Wilfrid and Mary; or, father and Daughter
Le réveil du lion
The rise of the Rotheschildes; or, the honest Jew of Frankfort
Little Annie's birthday
The blind boy
Forgery; or, Mary and Henry le Roy
The Bravo's son
Love's vagaries; [or, how to draw a long bow] : farce, 3 acts
The Irish Attorney; or, 'tis fifty years since
Fast and slow
Nothing superfluous
The Spanish barber; or, fruitless precaution
A thouch at the times
Harlequin Puss in boots
The Elfin-Queen; or, the battle of the fairies
Nicholas Nickleby
Keeping up appearances : comedy, 3 acts
Hawkwood Hall
Mont Blanc; or, the ice fiend of the Alps
Cabman no. 93; or, found in a four wheeler
Hey diddle diddle; or, harlequin king nonsense, and the seven ...
The angel of the attic
The assignation : musical farce, 2 acts
Le Beau Nicolas
The battle of Inkerman
£500 reward
The rival pages
Killing no murder ; Mr. and Mrs. Pringle ; The antiquary ; Agreeable surprise ; Son-in-law ; Open house ; Falls of Clyde ; 1, 2., 3, 4, 5; by Advertisement ; Peeping Tom of Coventry
Who won?
Jane Annie; or, the good conduct prize
Ladies beware!
A lucky sixpence
The house that Jack built; or, harlequin Jack, the three witches ...
The love and dentistry
The Sicilian bride
The rough diamond
Le bougeoir
Gin and water; or, the times we live in
Jérome; ou, les deux époques
Zamoski; or, the fortress and the mine : melodrama, 3 acts
La fille du tambour-major
An old offender
Conquest of Tartary; or, the eagle steed of Circassia
Orpheus and Eurydice; or, the young gentleman who charmed the rocks
My wife's lodgings; or, landed from in China
The brothers of Valencia
La reine de Chypre
The ways of London; or, honesty the best policy
Lot 49
The Irish dragoon; or, wards in chancery
A trip to Bengal
The corporal's daughter
Ruth Oakley
Cousin Cherry
Life in New York
Leola Colomba, the Corsican maid
The William Simpson
The Swiss swains
The mountain sylph
Harlequin and little one eye ...
Hamlet travestie
The innkeeper's daughter : melodrama, 2 acts
A home fairy
Tit for tat
Brother Ben
The winterbottoms or my aunts the dowagers
King Richard the Third; or, the battle of Bosworth Field
Old love and new fortune
The open gate
A day in Paris
The spirit of the haunted room
Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw
Disguises : operetta, 1 act
The day after the wedding; or, a wife's first lesson : interlude, 1 act
The agreeable surprise
St. George and the dragon!
Marmion! a tale of Flodden Field!
Varley the vulture; or, a race for life
The Jew of Constantine; or, the veiled victim!
A simple sweep
Florinda; or, the moors in Spain
The robbers
The pet lamb
Hearts and Homes; or, the emigrant ship
Faith's fraud
Les demoiselles de Saint-Cyr
Grandfather whitehead
Pygmalion; or, the statue fair
The nymph of the Lurleyburg; or, the knight and the naiads
The lying valet
The lady of S. Tropez; or, the death deed
The freebooters
The mission of Mercury
Bardell v. Pickwick
The Beggar's opera
Aladdin and the wonderful lamp
The jealous wife
Faust; or, the fiend of the volcano
Rosamund, queen of the Lombards
A strange history
The spirits of the night
Harlequin and the Childe of Hale; or, the king of red noses ...
The beggar student
The tasting order
The two Misses Ibbetson
Win and wear her; or, race for a wife! : comic burletta, 3 acts
The party wall!
Uncle Zachary
The round of intrigue; or, which is the right one?
The mayor of Rochester
John Bull
Eleanor the Amazon, queen of the France and England
Buonaparte; or, the free-booter
Harlequin Gulliver, [dialogue and song in] : pantomime, 18 scenes
St. George and the dragon
The signal
The merry wives of Windsor; or, harlequib and Sir Joha Falstaff and the fairys of the enchanted dell
A glass of water; or, great events from trifling causes spring
Macbeth travestie
Lionel and Clarissa
Luke the labourer; or, the lost son
Anna Bolena
The man in the street
Jack and the beanstalk; or, the lad who knew how many beans made five
December and May : musical entertainments, 2 acts
Little red riding hood
The fairy page
Up and down; or, the road of life
Maria stuarda regina di Scozia
The mandarin's daughter; or, the willow-pattern plate
The lady burglar
King's gardener; or, nipped in the bud
The lady and the convict
Life in America; the flight, the pursuite, the voyage
Watch and ward
Jessy Vere; or, the return of the wanderer
The wealthy widow; or, they're both to blame
Fatal dowry ; The shepherd of Derwent Vale ; Father and son ; Wives as they were ; Lofty projects ; Every man in his humour ; The two galley slaves
Fair Rosamond; or, harlequin and the magic rose
Thirty-three next birthday
The life of a ship from its cradle to its grave
Jack Sheppard
The sisters
Eugene Aram
The heart of mid-lothian
The crown prince; or, the buckle of brilliants
The Swiss cottage; or, why don't she marry?
The castellan's oath
Hard times but wait a little longer
The cozeners
Old and young
A compromising case
I will have an uncle
Mackintosh and Co.
Our Nelly
The Roebuck : comedy, 2 acts
Dissolving views
Los bandos de Verona: Montescos y Capeletes
The siege of Rochelle
Mabel Whyte, the maid of Stratford
Jack and the bean-stalk; or, Jack the giant killer, Merry Jill and the gnome fairies of Number Nip
The muleteer of Toledo
Jeanne d'Arc
Sugar and cream
Brother Tom; or, dear relations
Kishun Koovur
Gentil-Bernard ou l'art d'aimer
A day at an inn
Princess Primrose and the four pretty princes
The vampire bride; or, wake not the dead
King John with the benefit of the act
Dramas for the drawing room; or, Charade for Christmas, part 1
Romulus and Remus
The post of honor
Done on both sides
The youthful days of Frederick the Great
You must be buried
The faro table; or, the guardians
The secret mine
Robert Burns
The round robin : comic opera, 2 acts
Fortunatus and his sons; or, the magic purse and wishing-cap : grand dramatic spectacle, 2 acts
Mem. VII
A novel idea
An object of interest!
The gambler's fate; or, a lapse of twenty years
Love's frailties; or, passion and repentance
Newspaper nuptials
High life in the city: a picture of London : comedy, 5 acts
The ship of glass
The amateur phrenologist
Poor Pillicoddy
The parricide
Montalto : tragedy, 5 acts
The family party
The family legend
Lord Bateman at home
Paul's return
The marriage of Figaro
The National Guard; or, bride and no bride
Vivia Perpetua
The barber; or, the mill of Bagdad
The widow's victim
Loretta, a tale of Seville
Le mari de ma femme
Robinson Crusoe; [or, the bold bucaniers] : melodrama, 2 acts
The temperance volunteers
Riches; or, the wife and brother
The maid of Croissey; or, theresa's vow
Kind to a fault
The beggar's petition
The three strangers
Ye fair one with ye golden locks
Les extrêmes me touchent
Aladdin; or, the very wonderful lamp!
A friend in need
Spanish gallants; or, a trip to Madrid : comedy, 5 acts
Le hochet d'une coquette
The stolen sheep and the distressed peasants; or, the pauper's curse
The Rapparee; or, the treaty of Limerick
Tarnation strange
Glasgow in 1300
The land of heart's desire
Teetotalism triumphant
Monsieur Malbrouk; or, intrigues on the Housetop
The Druid's oak! or, the phantom king
A row in the house
How its to be done
Town favourites
Harlequin Hudibras! or, Old Dame Durden and the droll days ...
The three crumps; [or, the crooked brothers of Damascus], with a prelude, the fortunate youth : burletta, 2 acts
The convict brother
The cricket on the hearth
Robespierre; or, the fête day and the fail
Mme Gibou et Mme Pochet ou le thé chez la ravaudeuse
Fireside diplomacy
The flying Dutchman; or, the spectral ship
The sleeping beauty
The portfolio; or, the anglade family
Giovanni in Ireland : piece, 3 acts
The Cadi; or, amours among Moors
The red buoy!; or, the tar of Trinidad of the spirit of the ocean
The maid and the magpie; or, the fatal spoon!
Clemenza; or, the Tuscan orphan : tragedy, 5 acts
Agnes de vere; or, the wife's revenge
Old Adam; or, a father's dream
Jack Royal; or, father, mother and sue
The Bohemian Bandit; or, the shrine of Saint Madaline
Who can I be? : farce, 2 acts
Eriphile : opera (Italian and English), 2 acts
The little innocent
Who is who? or, all in fog
Locked in
The confounded foreigners
Blanche de Nevers
Michael Erle: the maniac lover; or, the fayre lass of Lichfield
The great sensation trial
Harlequin prince of Thebes; or, the star talisman of the elements and the compact of the enchanted castle of the silver lake
The bengal tiger
Carmen up to data
Ben Bolt
The savage and the maiden
Two to one; or, the Irish footman
The blue anchor; or, a tar for all weathers
The foundling of the forest; or, twice the dagger struck : plays, 3 acts
Pia des Tolomei
The wicked world
The bride of Ludgate
The house on the bridge of Notre Dame
Blood royal; or, the State Jewels
The hop pickers
La polka; or, dancing for the million!
Harlequin and Humpo; or, columbine by candlelight : pantomime, 15 scenes
Terrors of conscience : melodrama, 2 acts
The headsman of Paris; or, the light of life
Wallace ; King Henry V ; Much ado about nothing ; Gamester ; Chapter of accidents
Babes in the wood, Robin Hood and his merry men, and harlequin ...
The emigrant's progress
The irresistibles
Yankee notes for English circulation
The wanderer; or, the rights of hospitalit : drama, 3 acts
Puss in boots
Our volunteers; or, England's defenders
The two friends; or, the Liverpool merchant
Very suspicious!
The cries of London
La corde sencible
Extravagant folly
Modern collegians; or, over the bridge
Amakosa; or, scences of Kaffir warfare
The rivals
I selvaggi : opera (Italian), 2 acts
My uncle's will
Patrician and parvenu; or, confusion worse confounded
The veteran of 102 years; or, five generations
The wreck of the Golden Mary
Whittington and his wonderful cat; or, harlequin Johnny Gilpin and the ride to Edmonton
Playing first fiddle; or, follow my leader
Harlequin hoax; or, a pantomime proposed : comic extravaganza, 8 scenes
A match in the dark
Dick Whittington and his cat; or, harlequin gog, magog, and the demon rat; ignorance, idlemess, and vice; and good fairies, intelligence, industry, and virtue
Circumstances alter cases
Little red riding hood
A new Don Juan!
The tyrant and parrasite : musical entertainment, 2 acts
Macbeth travestie
The four quarters of the Globe
My first and last courtship
A love suit
Giralda; or, the miller's wife
My sister Kate
Richard III
The Bohemians! or, the thieves of Paris
Katty from Connaught
Love, law, and physic
Wanted, a wife; or, a cheque on my banker : comedy, 5 acts
The merchant's clerk
A conjugal lesson
The paradise of birds
Up all night; or, the smuggler's cave
Raffaelle the reprobate; or, the secret mission and the signet ring
Titus and Lysander
The water carrier
Order of procession in the fifth act of Rowley's revived comedy of a woman never vext; or, the widow of Cornhill
The chimney corner
Intrigue; or, the Bath Road
Like father, like son
La principessa filosofa : comic opera (Italian), 1 act
A husband wanted
The Irish emigrant
Betsy Baker
The guardian angel
The princess and the butterfly; or, the fantastics
Eccentricities; or, the mistakes of Madrid; or, the witch of the Village : burletta, 2 acts
Rule Britannia
Mutius Scaevola; or, the roman patriot
The devil's horse; or, the charmed bit
Spartacus; or, the Roman gladiator
The wedding breakfast
Un mari qui se dérange
Leo the terrible
The three guardsmen; or, the queen, the cardinal, and the adventurer
The maid of Switzerland
The poor gentlemen
The man with the red beard; or, friends ...
Good night Signor Pantaloon, good night sir, and pleasant drams
Little Robin Hood; or, quite a new Beau!
Les ressources de Jonathas
A squib for the day, entitled the fifth of November
Taming a Tartar; or, matrimony, magic and mazourkaphobia
The mayor and the monkey
Ils amores de Gileso Scroggini è Molli Brownini
Nelson's ring
Charity's love
Harlequin Bluebeard; or, the fairy of the silver crescent
The red brigade; or, vice ...
The preux chevalier; or, the peer and the peasant
The wood daemon; or, the clock has struck
Tom Thumb the great; or, harlequin King Arthur and the knights ...
The cottage of love
Clemenza; or, the Tuscan orphan
Le souper du diable
The heart and the world
A southerner--just arrived
Didone abbandonata
The green bushes; or, a hundred years ago
Dombey and son
Narensky; or, the road to Yaroslaf
Dinorah : the pilgrimage to Ploërmel
Nina Sforza
A melologue
The witch finder and his mother
Songs ... in Adelaide; or, the Royal William
The carbonari; or, the bride of Parma
Paolo and Francesca
Voyage to margate; or, sea bathing a cure for roguery
Alice Grey, the suspected one; or, the moral brand
An act of folly
Le pré aux clercs
The captain's ghost
The children wood : or, harlequin Queen Mab and world of dreams
Fortunio, and his seven gifted servants
More blunders than one or the Irish valet
Leap year; or, the ladies' privilege
Nell Gwynne
No cards
The ticket-of-leave man
The pic-nic party; or, husbands, wives, and lovers
The rose of Ettrick Vale; or, the bridal of the borders
Hide and seek
A perfect cure
Scotch marriage laws; or, the deacon and her deputy : farce, 2 acts
Le prisonnier; ou, la ressemblance
Catherine of Russia; or, the child of the storm
Hogarth's apprentices; or, industry and idleness
Uncle Tom's cabin
Home again! or, the lieutenant's daughters
Personation; or, fairly taken in
Raymond & Agnes; or, the bleeding nun of the castle of Lindenburg
Bertha the broom-girl; or, the astrologer's star
[Collected works] dramatic scenes
The two Foscari
The dowager
The enemy's note book
Julio Romano; or, the force of the passions
Harlequin and magick rose; or, beauty and the beast
The maiden aunt
Hold your tongue!
Peter Monk's dream of the marble heart; or, the little glass man and fiend of the Pineknoll
Cent. per cent.; or, the masquerade
His first peccadillo
Virginius; or, the trials of a fond papa!
Man traps
The village nightingale; or, the spider, the fly and the butterfly
The parole of Honor!
Malek Adhel, the champion of the Crescent
The astrologer; or, harlequin and Moore's Almanack
The haunted inn
Number one, round the corner
Good Queen Bess
A charming pair
A masque
The red rover; or, the mutiny of the dolphin
Clarissa Harlowe
The rifle volunteers
The illustrious traveller; or, the forges of Kanzell : melodrama, 2 acts
The king incog
Le vicomte giroflée; ou, celui que j'ai rêvé
The Irish absentee
Le village
The veteran tar; or, a chip off the old block : comic opera, 2 acts
The church in danger
Love in wrinkles
Breach of promise
Jealous on all sides; or, the landlord in jeopardy : comic opera, 2 acts
The barber of Seville
The mogul tale; or, the descent of the balloon
The vintagers
Lie of a day
One hour; or, the carnival ball
A lesson in life; or, the lace maker of Lisle
The rose of the Alhambra or the enchanted lute
Cherry and fair star
Count Koenigsmark
The cricket match
Acis and Galatea
The Euston Hotel
Ludibria lunae; or, the wars of the women and the gods
The Chimney piece; or, the married maid
Errors excepted : comedy, 3 acts
The wife: a tale of Mantua
The triumph of the Philistines
Highways and byways; or, the two husbands
The fairy; or, Britannia's triumph
Valsha; or, the slave queen
Harlequin and St George and the dragon
The laughing hyena
Home again; or, the lieutenant's daughters
Good Queen Bess
The Carmelites!
Woman's revenge
Captain Therese
His Majesty's sloop speedy, in the year 1790
Les deaux petits savoyards
The gamester father
My heart's idol; or, a desperate remedy
Lisle Wilton; or, the convict steward
Ivanhoe! or, the Jewess
Eustache Baudin
The Jacobite
A lady in search of an heiress
A wife to be lett; or, the miser cured
Jezebel; or, the dead reckoning
A romantic idea
Uncle Tom's cabin; or, the Negro slave
Satan; or, the devil in Paris
The prince of Sauerkrautenberg
A sheep in wolf's clothing
The hoaxer; or, Vive la Bagatelle : opera, 1 act
The fortress : melodrama, 3 acts
Latin, love and war; or, if the cap fits ye, wear it
Bubbles of the day
On the brink
The slave
The Italian sisters; or, the brigands of Albano
The coming of peace; or, the old order changeth
Once upon a time there were two kings
Miss pop
Much ado about a merchant of Venice
Harlequin and little great Britain; or, Jack and beanstalk and the ogre's wife
Penelope Anne
False colours; or, the free-trader
Magdalena and her faithful dog : melodrama, 3 acts
Amy Robsart
The devil on two sticks
The Duchess of Bayswater and Co.
Love and jealousy
Inez de Castro
L'ingiusta gelosia : opera (Italian), 1 act
The Weller family
St. Ronan's well : melodrama, 3 acts
Who wants a guinea?
Richard III travestie
Les deux ânes
The woman in red
The white cockade
A merry meeting
Clari; or, the Milanese peasant girl : opera, 3 acts
Cullen, king of Scotland
Time's a tell-tale
Is he alive? [or, all puzzled] : comic farce, 2 acts
Mrs. Willis's will
Léonide; ou, la vielle de suresne
Harlequin Vulcan and Venus; or, who kill'd Cock Robin?
Omala; or, the settlers of America
Half way to Arcady
Woman's secret; or, Richelieu's wager
A white stocking
Hyde Park in an uproar; or, the Don Cossack in London : dramatic sketch, 1 act
The muse and the merchant
Two in the morning
The ragged school
Monologue, etchings and stechings or table talk
The days of Hogarth; or, marriage ala mode ...
My precious Betsy!
The sailor of France; or, the republicans of Brest
The old curiosity shop; or, one hour from master Humphrey's clock
The great gun trick
The daughter of the stars
The reigning favourite
Lady bountiful: a story of years
The good natured Irishman; or, the corporal bewitch'd
The Bould Soger Boy
The guardian
Returned killed
Married life
A ticket-of-leave
Robinson Crusoe: a Christmas story of a good Friday; or, harlequin pretty Polly Perkins and the cruise of "Sancy Sarah"
Foul deeds will rise
The cook of Kennington; or, no followers allowed
Doves in a cage
Rumfustian inamorato
Shakspere and company
The deformed transformed
The siege of Cuzco
The white feather!
Jeffreys; or, the wife's vengeance
The woman hater
The wilful ward
My aunt
La vicomtesse Lolotte
The black thief
Ruy Blas
A king in disguise
Faust; or, the fate of Margaret
Two foster brothers
Le barbier du roi d'Aragon
Summer moths
The idiot of the mountain
Songs, duets, trios, and choruses, in the gipsey prince
Daniel O'Rourke; or, rhymes of a pantomime
Address for Madame Vestris
Ruy Blas
Red Robin; or, rats of rats' of castle
Withered leaves
Guy Mannering; or, the gipsey's prophecy
Punch!/ C. Selby
The sailor's daughter
Clara, songs, duets, glees, & choruses in : burletta spectacle, 1 act
Honour among thieves; or, a desperate game
Follow my leader
Jane Shore
Three black cloaks
Il barbiere
The Basoche; or, king of the students
The mountebanks
Elena Uberti
The review
The queen of hearts and wonderful tarts
Beau Nash, the king of Bath
Somebody else
The mystery of Muddlewitz
Kalitzka; or, the siege of Dresden
Pride must have a fall
The widow of Cornhill; or, fortune's favorite
David Copperfield
Leoline; or, life's trials
The teacher taught
The handsome husband
The maid of Palaiseau
L'art de payer ses dettes
All's fair in love
Fairly taken in
Chapter of accidents
The blind wife; or, the student of Bonn
A figure of fun; or, the bloomer costume
The elephants of the pagoda
Pantomine taste and fancy
Mothers and daughters
Little toddlekins
On the dark road; or, the trail of the serpent
I briganti
Kate Kearney; or, the fairy of the lakes
Acis and Galatea
Breakfast for two
A morning call
King Richard III travestie
Les trois beaux-freres
Obi; or, three-fingered Jack
Look on this picture, and on that
Aladdin and the wonderful lamp; or, harlequin and the genie of the ring
The biter bit; or, maid or wife
King John
By Royal command
Urania; or, the illuminé : comedy, 2 acts
Mabel; or, the gypsy's vengeance
The merry wives of Windsor
The woodman's hut; or, the burning forest
The rent day
A trip to California; or, the true test of gold
Le capitaine roquefinette
Donna Diana
Gaspardo the gondolier
Jack and the beanstalk; or, harlequin, Old Mother Hubbard, little bo-peep, and the old woman who lived in her shoe
I puritani
The man with the carpet bag
Petticoat perfidy
Patter v. Clatter
The whistler; or, the fate of the lily of St Leonard's
The ladies in Parliament
Court favour; or, private and confidential
The city of pleasure
Jack Sheppard; or, the house-breaker of the last century
Songs for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
The eldest
Born to good luck; or, the Irishman's fortune
The marble bride; or, the elves of the forest
The brown man : operatic drama, 2 acts
Le duel par procuration
A pleasant neighbour
Cateran's son; or, the dread of military runishment
His Highness; or, the exchange, no robbery
Barney buntline ashore; or, the sailor's home
Agnes Sorel
The Swiss cottage; or, why don't she marry?
The foreign prince
The wonder: a woman keeps a secret
Punch in Italy
£20 a year-all found; or, out of a situation refusing twenty ...
[Norma] the Adelphi Norma
[Collected works]
Faint heart never won fair lady
Jack and the beanstalk
Shocking events
Rienzi, the last of the tribunes
The two Greens
The robber sister; or, the forge in the forest
Monologue, table talk or whims and wonders, M. Henry's entertainment, 1827
The yellow dwarf
The chimney-corner
Hearts are trumps
The sleepless woman; or, the spectre bat
Francesca di Faenza
Six months ago
Twenty years ago!
Done Brown! or, between two stools etc.
Trick for trick; or, the admiral's daughter
Something forgotten
The card for lady Roedale
Dick Whittington and his cat
Cavaliers and roundheads
Cloud and sunshine
Arden of Feversham
Barmecide; or, the fatal offspring
Harlequin and Fortunio; or, treasures of China : pantomime, 17 scenes
London assurance
Man and wife
Guy Earl of Warwick; or, harlequin and the dun cow
Two wives! or, a hint to a cross husbands
Échec et mat
The demon gift; or, visions of the future
The loan of a lover
The shaughraun
Aladdin; or, the wonderful lamp
The catspaw
Not so bad as we seem
Don't jump at conclusions
Philip of France and Marie de Méranie
Chinese junk; or, the maid and the Mandarin
Harlequin and world of flowers; or, the fairy of the rose ...
Lyieushee Lovel; or, the Gipsy of Ashburnham Dell!
The enemy's camp
The struggles of the poor
Mr. and Mrs. Muffett; or, a domestic experiment
Le gardien
Zelina; or, the Triumph of the Greeks
Haste to the wedding
A woman never vext; or, the widow of Cornhill
Bellamira; or, the fall of Tunis
Harlequin Valentine and Orson; or, harlequin wild man of the woods, the green ...
Love laughs at lock-smiths
Matrimonial prospectuses!
Halloween; or, the castles of Athlin and Dunbayne
The holidays; or, just broke up : interlude, 1 act
Oakleaves and emeralds
Ruy Blas
Gertrude's cherries; or, Waterloo in 1835
King Charles the First
Living in glass houses
Pie crust promises; or, gudgeons and sharks
Merchant of Venice
The yellow kids
God save the queen
Tom Cringle; or, mat of the iron hand
The Irish post
Andrea of Hungary [and] Giovanna of Naples
The dumb girl of Genoa; or, the bandit merchant
Hassan Pasha
A night with punch
Bertha gray, the pauper's child; or, the death fetch
Isabella Aldobrandi
Peter Wilkins; or, the flying islanders
Le nouveau pourceaugnac
Mother Shipton; or, harlequin ...
Climene : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
The Jew of Arragon; or, the Hebrew Queen
Jeames; or, the railroad footman of Berkeley squ
Critic ; Rosina ; Honest thieves ; Mayor of garratt ; Three weeks after marriage ; Shipwreck ; Rugantino
Harlequin and Poor Robin; or, the house that Jack built : pantomime, 22 scenes
The crown prince; or, the buckle of brilliants
Francis the first
The bride of the Nile
Who kill'd the dog; or, harlequin's Triumph : comic pantomine, 15 scenes
A man about town
The bloomer costume; or, a figure of fun
The militia muster
The bronze horse
Peter and Paul
Uncle Tom's crib! or, nigger life in London!
Frederick of Prussia; or, the monarch and the mimic
The other man
A day in Turkey; or, the Russian slaves
Fine old British veterans; or, the shamrock of Chelsea
The betting boy's career
Doing banting
First impressions; [or, trade in the West] : comedy, 5 acts
Unlimited confidence
My husband's ghost
A touch at the times; or, an attempt to please
Songs, duets, trois, chorusses ... in harlequin and the ogress; or, the sleeping beauty of the wood
My lord's warming pan : comic burletta, 2 acts
The felon son; or, woman's wrongs
The magic mirror; or, the hall of statues
She wou'd & she wou'd not
The crusaders
William the conqueror; or, harlequin Harold and the sack of the Saxons
(Correspondence of )
The shrinking shoe
The fairy lady; or, the cabinet of bronze
Waiting for the train
Cinderella; or, the fairy-queen and the glass slipper
Country quarters
The little back parlour
His novice
The poor gentleman : comedy, 5 acts
The flowers of the forest
A squeeze to the coronation
The two faces under a hood
A life on the ocean wave; or, the doomed sailor
Ivan de Bassenvelt; or, the green rider
The Jewess!
Mrs. Caudle's curtain lecture!
The happy man
Love's livery
The village outcast! or, the poacher's wife!
The royal vagrants; or, a story of conscientious objection
Tom Cobb; or, fortune's toy
Accusation; or, the family of d'anglade : melodrama, 3 acts
Life in Dublin; or, Tom, Jerry and logic on their travels
The pearl of the ocean; or, the prince and mermaiden
The wigwam; or, the men of the wilderness
The ball next door
Victorine; or, I'll sleep on it
Procrastination; or, the late Mr. M.
The hen and chickens; or, a sign of affection
How we live; or, London labour ...
The Jewess
Luke Sommerton the English renegade; or, Louisa the renegade's daughter
Le maçon
Harlequin and a happy new year! or, the white cat and the king and his three sons
The victor vanquished
Montrose; or, the children of the mist : opera, 3 acts
The actress of all work; or, my country cousin
Anne Blake
Rollicking Robinson Crusoe; or, harlequin good man Friday who kept the house tidy and pretty Polly of wapping old stairs
Wet weather : farce, 2 acts
Louison, the angel of the attic; or, the recompense
Hans Waldman
Aline; or, the rose of Killarney
The miller's maid
The perils of Pippins or the man who couldit help it
John Brown
Griselda; or, la virtu in cimento
Counter attraction; or, strolling and stratagem
The green man : comedy, 3 acts
Quentin Durward
Miss impudence
102; or, the veteran and his progeny
Cupid's messenger
The sleep-walker; or, which is the lady?
Our boys
The wife's journal
My uncle : farce, 2 acts
The hoax; or, who's drowned?
Lady Audley's secret
The game of love
Madonna Pia
The lady and the devil
Dine at my villa : musical farce, 2 acts
The love-chase
Wife and child
A dead shot!
Pizarro; or, the Peruvian mother
A brother's revenge! or, the rose of Ireland ...
The forced marriage; or, the murder in the marsh
A house out at windows
'Twas I!
The sylphide
Declined--with thanks
Nina Sforza
Not to be done
The barrack room
Caius Toranius
Obi; or, three-fingered Jack
A very lame dog
Shelah from cork; or, a spy ...
Ali Baba
An unegual match
Mokanna; or, the veiled prophet of Khorassan
Songs, duets, chorusses ... in diadeste; or, the veiled lady
Tom, Jerry, and Logic; or, life in London
The Idol's birthday
Piperman's predicaments
The ambassadress
The seasons
Mary, Queen of Scots
Pygmalion; or, the statue fair
The free knights; or, the edict of Charlemagne
The fugitive
The crown prince; or, the buckle of brilliants
Prince Carouso!
Brutus; or, the fall of tarquin
From king to king
Locked out
Harlequin Sinbad the sailor; or, the white gnome and the valley of diamonds
Peter the Great
Paul's return
Lilly Labernem; or, the blue above and the blue below
Evadne; or, the statue
An hour at Seville
Gentleman Jim
The blind father or the peasant marchioness
Columbus; or, the original pitch in a-merry-key
Family jars
May-day night
A figure of fun
Fowl play; or, a story of Chikkin Hazard
The Howlet's haunt; or, story of the scull
The fast coach
Court favour; or, private and confidential
Leontine; or, sixteen years ago!
The silver arrow : pantomime, 14 scenes
My first fit of the gout
New wags of Windsor
Love in Algiers
The rencontre; or, love will find out the way
Adrienne Lecouvreur
Chacun chez soi
Humphrey Clinker ; Mischief-making ; Joan of Arc ; The ruffian boy ; Fortunes of Nigel ; The Wreck ; Every-body's husband ; Banks of the Hudson ; Guy Faux
Alma; or, the daughter of fire
Isaac Comnenus
An address for the Theatre Royal Drury Lane
Romeo and Juliet
The two T.J'S
A lesson in love
My lover
The printer's devil
John Jones
Leap year; or, the ladies' privilege
Matilda of Hungary
Lying made easy
The golden lily; or, the three brothers of Bagdad
The silver king
Undine; or, the spirit of the waters
The tender chord; or, how to touch ...
The North West Passage; or, harlequin Esquimaux : pantomime, 13 scenes
The fountain of youth
Le mari à la ville et la femme à la campagne
Laying a ghost
The merchant and his clerks
The liberal candidate
Wallace the brave; or, the siege of Perth
Red riding hood
Bristol diamonds
Harlequin, the wizard, and the wolf or little red riding hood
The skeleton lover
Bumble's courtship
Roses and thorns; or, two houses under one roof
Completely successful; or, the undutiful fother
A romance of love
Venus in Arms ; Earl of proverty ; Siames twins ; Austerlitz ; Payable at Sight ; The bull-fighter ; Rich man of Frankfort ; Richard plantagenet ; Don Quixote ; Black-eyed Sukey ; The great devil
State secrets; or, the tailor of Tamworth
Winning a wife
Rasselas; or, the happy valley
The first of September; or, cockney sportsmen
A beggar on horseback
Married or not? or, the married bachelor : burletta, 1 act
Place-hunters : farce, 2 acts
My friend from Leatherhead
The Spanish patriots, a thousand years ago
Angelina : comic opera (Italian and English), 2 acts
The flying Dutchman; or, the spectral ship
Follies of fashion
Bringing home the bride
One way of love
Aunt Charlotte's maid
Leading strings
Mrs and Mr Squaretoes
The babes in the wood
The fast family
The tourists; or, a supper for three!
The watch dog of the Walsinghams
The manoeuvres of Jane
Imogen's new cook
Christine; or, the mysterious protectress
L'article 213; ou, le mari doit reotection ...
When Greek meets Greek
Mrs Caudle's curtain lectures
Merchant of London
Paul and Virginia
Two in the morning
Lord Darnley; or, the keep of castle hill!
The child of the wreck
Brutus; or, the fall of tarquin
Behind and scenes; or, actors by lamplight
English etiquette
Raby Rattler
Anne Blake
Macbeth, king of Scotland
P.S.--come to dinner!
Old heads and young hearts
The Syren
The mind's magnet; or, the school for arrogance : play, 5 acts
Harlequin and mother red cap; or, merlin and the fairy queen
A cure for love
The naughty forty thieves; or, harlequin merry Morgiana and the magic cave
Blodwen (white-flower)
The court of Tuscany [and] the heir of Innes
Ulf, the minstrel; or, the player, the princess and the prophecy
Robin Hood and his merry little men
The kiss; or, Bertha's bridal
My son in law
Marie ducange
The review; or, the wags of Windsor
William Tell
Dreams; or, my lady Clara
A character
The poor gentleman
The hazard of the die
Blighted love
The military Billy Taylor; or, the war in Carriboo
Prometheus unbound
Carline, the female brigand
Daddy Gray
The worship of Bacchus
The British legion
The clerk of Clerkenwell; or, the three black bottles
The thieves' house!
Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne
Gregory VII
The pirates of Penzance; or, the slave of duty
The foundlings
Moyra; or, the malediction of the dead
The black doctor
Who speaks first?
Old and young : farce, 1 act
Damp beds!
The poem
The musard ball; or, love at the academy
The gentleman opposite
The monopolizer outwitted!
The old oak chest; or, the smuggler's sons and the robber's daughter : melodramatic romance, 2 acts
The old chateau; or, a night ...
The obstinate family
Secretary, a tale of old Winchester Castle
The whole hog
Such things are
Mary Price; or, the adventures of a servant girl
The hazard of the die
Getting up in the world; or, the young pretender
West end; or, the Irish heiress
The witch of Derncleugh : drama, 3 acts
The gamester's son; or, the last of his race
Friend Waggles
The Tobit's dog
Lurline; or, the revolt of the Naiades
Did I dream it?
King Charles the First
The prisoner of war
The dark diamond
Graciosa and percinet
Married and single; or, belles and bailiffs
The duke's daughter; or, the hunchback of Paris
The long Finn! or, the treasure Sceker's dream
The London carrier or the poacher's gun
Lofty projects; or, arts in an attic
The death guard; or, the rustic banditti
The daemon; or, the mystic branch
The siege of Seringapatam; or, the maiden of Mesopotamia
Henri IV en famille
David Rizzio
Rich and poor; or, the uphill game of life
Sylvester Daggerwood; or, new hay at the old market
Night and the soul
The winter's tale
Beauty and the beast
Panthea; or, the Susan captive
Les deux brigadiers
Spring and Autumn; or, the bride at fifty
The minute gun at sea!
Ruy Blas
A midsummer night's dream
The carnival at Naples
Catherine Grey
Marino Faliero
April showers
Old Gooseberry!
Cockneys in California
The Huguenot captain
King Richard the Second
The castle of Paluzzi; or, the extorted oath
The water-witches
The momentous question
The scales of justice; or, merit ...
The postman's knock
Knobs and noses; or, Gaul versus Lavater : burletta, 2 acts
A military marriage; or, the roll of the drum
The two prisoners of Lyons; or, the duplicate keys
The green bushes; or, a hundred years ago
Il barbiere di Siviglia = The barber of Seville
The love ladder
Love's dream
Lurline; or, the water nymphs' revolt
Don Carlos, infant of Spain
The maniac; or, the Swiss banditti
Cinderella; or, the fairy and little glass slipper
Kate Carraway
Love and murder
Scenes from the rejected comedies
The unfinished gentleman
A most unwarrantable intrusion
Faint heart never won fair lady
Why don't you marry?
King Henry IV
He would be an actor
A sister's wrongs; or, the dark hours ...
Les mille et une nuits
A county parliament; or, ought there to be a law to compel ...
Very suspicious!
Yelva; ou, l'orpheline russe
Abroad and at home
Good for evil; or, a wife's trial
The Affghans' captive; or, the triumph of the British flag
The orphan of the frozen sea
Jolly boy blue
Tom Pinch
The four cousins
Our wife; or, the rose of Amiens
The death token
The house of ladies
Romeo and Giulietta
Blue beard
The old school
A cozy couple
Sophia's supper
Randall's thumb
The rising of the tide
Bowl'd out; or, a bit of brummagem
Two flats and a sharp
The wisdom of the wise
The bride of Abydos
The Aethiop; or, the child of the desart : drama, 3 acts
The dogs of the grange
Mary Stuart
The jolly beggars
Seven dials; or, the beggars of London
Lost diamonds
Battle of alma ...
Cumberland Mary; or, the star-walkers of the mills
The outlaw
Funnibone's fix
Not guilty
National gratitude; or, Nelson's funeral : grand burletta spectacle
My neighbour's wife
The unconscious counterfeit : farce, 2 acts
The magpie : melodramatic entertainment, 3 acts
Empedocles on Etna
The Mikado; or, the town of Titipu
On the brain [and] the walter; or, all comes to him who waits
Native land; or, the return from slavery
Mammon and gammon
Jane Annie; or, the good conduct prize
Monkeyana; or, the dumb Savoyard
Doing for the best
Jessie the flower of Dunblane
Retaliation : musical entertainment, 2 acts
Hop o' my thumb and the eleven brothers ...
Liberta; or, the last of the magicians
The will for the deed : comedy, 3 acts
A rough diamond
Mr. Midshipman Easy!
The babes in the wood and bold Robin Hood
Puss in boots
Brantinghame Hall
Did I dream it?
Le mari de la veuve
Settling day
All's well that ends well
Henri Quatre; or, Paris in the olden time
Harlequin King Pepin; or, Valentine and Orson
The little Sentinel
My friend the governor
The railroad station
Ali Baba; or, the forty thieves
The Jewess
A sheep in wolf's clothing
The two thorns
Le piano de Berthe
The seven clerks; or, the three thieves and the denouncer
My uncle's pet
How stout you're getting
The fate of war!
A show of hands
The seven ages of man; or, the end of crime
Petticoat government
State secrets! or, the tailor of Tamworth!
Where shall I dine? : dramatic sketch, 1 act
Little Jack the giant killer
Fire, fire, burn stick; or, harlequin ...
Old trusty
Dross; or, the root of evil
The boarding house : musical entertainment, 2 acts
The Jew
Marian; or, the prisoner of Elville castle
The mountain king; or, the castle burners!
Yellow roses
Address for J. Liston
The murder on the Thames
Harlequin cherry and fair star; or, the green bird, the dancing waters ...
Henrique; or, the love pilgrim
Rosalie; or, the deserted child : drama, 2 acts
Songs ... in King charming; or, the blue bird of paradise!
Of noble birth!
The Irish heiress
Whittington, junior, and his sensation cat
Strolling country actors or the Manager's son
Tromb-al-ca-zar; or, the adventures of an operatic troupe
To oblige Benson
The French spy; or, the siege of Constantina
Which is which?
My friend the major
Beau Blandish the rake
Slight mistakes!
The importance of being earnest
The love-trap; or, hearts are trumps
Ivanhoe in accordance with the spirit of the times
Valentine and Orson; or, harlequin and the magic shield
Charles O'Malley
David Rizzio : comic opera, 3 acts
Folbert; ou, le mari de la cantatrice
The king of the Danube and the water lily
Stratagems; or, the lost treasure : burletta, 2 acts
The house that Jack built; or, Old Mother Hubbard, Mother Goose, dane trot and their comical dog, cat, and gose
Philip of France and marie de méraine
The wandering boys; or, the castle of Olival
Lady Huntworth's experiment
Masaniello; or, the dumb girl of Portici
I'll write to the times
The fool's revenge
Paris; or, vive Lemprière
The house out at windows : piece (music farce), 1 act
Will watch! or, the black phantom!
The fall of the Mogul
The nervous man and the man of nerve
Come if you can
Cinderella; or, harlequin and the fairy slipper
King Henry the Fourth (the first part)
The Grand Mogul
Songs ... in ... the devil's bridge
Un de plus
Married life
My wife's second floor
King Arthur
Love and rain
Lizzie Lyle; or, the flower makers of Finsbury
The silver lining
The bell ringer of St. Paul's; or, London in 1665
Eily O'Connor
Don't judge by appearances
The good for nothing!
Passé minuit
Un chateau de cartes
Locked in with a lady
A winter in London; or, a devilish good friend
La Camargo; ou, l'opéra en 1750
The pirate's bride : burletta, 3 acts
The forty thieves
Lestocq; or, the fete of the Hermitage
The magpie; or, the maid of Palaiseau
The soldier's daughter
Ingomar; or, the noble savage
The old Geyser
Perouse; or, the desolate island
The village bane; or, two high roads of life
Melmoth, the wanderer
Jones, the avenger
Keep your temper; or, know whom you marry
Le petit homme gris
Mrs. Bunbury's spoons
The guerillas; or, the storming of of St. Sabestian!
Damon and Pythias
The school for scandal
A roving companion
Toussaint L'Ouverture; or, the black Spartacus
The old mint of Southwark
A narrow escape
The world
The deserts of Arabia : romance, 2 acts
Everybody's friend
A prior claim : comedy, 5 acts
The trumpeter's wedding
[Collected works]
The sorcerer
New neighbours; or, Miss Chatwell's blunder
Florence Montauban; or, the Robbers ...
The pride of the market
Bermecides : dramatic romance, 3 acts
The mendicant
A hunt for a husband
Forty thieves
A dramatic legend
The votary of wealth
Rich and poor
Meet me by moonlight
Puss in boots; or, harlequin the millers son ...
Il matrimonio segreto; or, the secret marriage
The Sicilian huzzars; or, the black bottle
The test of truth; or, it's a long lane that has no turning
The spy of Venice
The maid with the milking pail
The crown diamonds
Next door
Fashionable life; or, a season at Cheltenham
Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots
Snap-apple night!; or, a kick-up in Kerry
King O'Neil, or, the Irish brigade
Marie Stuart
The Artizan's daughter; or, the broken home
A cure for love
Maid or wife; or, the deceiver deceived
David copperfield the younger of blunderstone rookery
The Irish diamond
The maid of Artois
Any thing new
Genevieve; or, the reign of terror
Old parr
Quiet apartments; or, Prof. Jinks in search of peace
If it takes place, I shall keep my seat, and get a peep : inrerlude, 1 act
Aesop; or. the golden calf!
Lewis Arundel
Jean qui pleure et Jean qui rit
Double faced people
Sowing the wind
John Jones; or, I'm haunted by a fiend!
The lady of Lyons; or, love and pride
The mysterious lady
The good looking fellow
The lady of Lyons
Romulus and Remus; or, Rome was not built in a day
Good husbands make good wives
Madelon friquet
The P.L.
Good husbands make good wives
Upstairs and downstairs; or, the great per-centage question
A man-servant
The lady of Lyons
Rameses II
Il barbiere di Siviglia
The merchant pirate
Esmeralda; or, the deformed to Notre Dame
Born with a caul
La dame blanche; or, the white lady of Avenel
Maid, or, wife? ; Castle of Sorrento ; Faustus ; All at Coventry ; Tom and Jerry ; Robert the devil ; Lestocq ; Cataract of the Ganges ; Old regimentals
The village doctor
Quentin Matys; or, the maid of Antwerp
Daniel day; or, the forest child, the oak and the coffin
The Irishman in London
A fairy's father
Prince of pearls; or, harlequin ...
Au printemps
A quiet family
My wife's come!
His last legs
Satanella; or, the power of love
Adeline; or, the grave of the forsaken
The man for the ladies
Separate maintenance
Presented at Court
The times
The weaker sex
L'enfant de quelqu'un
Rob Roy MacGregor; or, Auld Lang Syne
Crosby Ravensworth; or, the curate's son and the sexton's daughter
The late lamented
Who's your hatter?
Abou Hassan; or, the sleeper awake : burletta, 12 scenes
Don Caesar de Bazan; or, the Holy Week
The green man
Love's labour's lost
Highways and by-ways
Dick Whittington
The silver wedding; or, keep your tempers
The Belle's stratagem
The travellers benighted : melodrama, 2 acts
Christmas Eve in a watchhouse
Which is the uncle; or, the errors of a night
May Brierly
Chaos is come again; or, the race-ball!
The ambassadress
The storm visitor
The trial of love; or, self devotion
Mohawk minstrel's ninth book of dramas, stump speeches ...
Harlequin bluecap and the king of the golden waters; or, the three ...
The fall of Jerusalem
The Lancashire lass; or, tempted, tried, and true
Jedbury junior
Selim and Zuleika
Wooing in Jest and loving in Earnest
The practical man
Bombastes furioso
Amarynthus the nympholept
Page 21! or, a leaf missing
The foresters; or, Robin Hood and Maid Marian
Der Freischutz
Curiosity cured; or, powder for peeping
The trumpeter's daughter
The battle of Luncarty; or, the valiant Hays
Two gentlemen in a fix
The liar
Nettlewig hall; or, ten to one
The Walpurgis night!; or, the wolf-hunters of Hartzberg and the sprites of the waste and wild!
Athalie, Phedre, and Britannicus
Thomas and Sally: or, the sailor's return
Robert Emmet
Paul the persecuted
The corsair
The Chelsea pensioner
Maid Marian; or, the huntress of Arlingford
Schemes and counter-schemes
The bridal
Peter the Great; or, the wooden walls
Prosper et Vincent
Jack of Paddington; or, the omnibus conductor, the performer and felon
Vera; or, the nihilists
The queen of Bohemia; or, the London in the reign of Charles 2nd
The regent
The young waterman's society; or, the Ran-Dan Club
Sinbad the sailor; or, harlequin and the fairies ...
Blanche of Jersey
Down the area! or, mistress and maid! : comic farce, 2 acts
None but the brave deserve the fair
The puritans and the cavaliers
Lover's resolutions : comedy, 5 acts
Cinderella and the fairy queen; or, harlequin and the little glass slipper
The dumb guide of the Tyrol
Wild oats; or, the strolling gentlemen
Olympic games; or, the major, the miner, and the cock-a-doodle-doo
Cousin Cherry
Songs ... in the haymarket [s]pring meeting
Hearts and diamonds
The prisoner of Toulon
My son Diana
Un bas bleu
Peacock's feathers
Which is the king
Fallen among thieves
The foundling
Louis XI
Waverley; or, sixty years since
The passing of Lilith
The black domino; or, a night's adventure
The eve of battle; or, a woman's nerve
The rival beauties
The fox and the grapes
A trip to Scarborough
His first champagne
The dream spectre
The wealthy widow; or, they're both to blame
The miller's maid
The rajah
The beacon
Sixteen-string Jack
Songs ... in the siege of Corinth!
Art and love
The last glass; or, Lilian Locke, the widow of the Mill
The lottery ticket and lawyer's clerk
Mazeppa; or, the wild horse of Tartary
Use or ornament?
Harlequin Puss in Boots; or, Old Mother Hubbard & her comical dog
Valentine's day; or, the amorous knight, and the Belle widow
Hernando Cortez; or, the conquest of Mexico : opera, 3 acts
The accusing spirit; or, the three travellers of the Tyrol
The silent system
Count Tremolio
Arajoon; or, the conquest of Mysore
The bric-a-brac will
Fish out of water
Le quaker et la danseuse
The ladies' man
Mystery; or, the monk of St. Nicholas
The enchanted island
The three secrets
Woodcock's little game
The Lilly of the valley; or, the dumb boy of the Mill
St. Patrick's Eve; or, the order of the day
Mary Stuart
Harlequin's salutation, recitations, songs, choruses, etc., in : pantomime, 3 scenes
Cupboard love
Harlequin Lincoln Lucky of Lambeth; or, three fairy sisters of witch willow dell
Aurora Floyd; or, the banker's daughter
Dan'l Druce, blacksmith
Courtship a-la-mode
United Service; or, the fortune of war
Le lait d'ânesse
Trapper of the Hills; or, the strong man of the West
Harlequin Sinbad the sailor; or, the great roc ...
The science of advertisement
My neighbor's wife
Who wants a guinea? or, the Irish Yorkshireman : comedy, 5 acts
The smoked miser; or, the benefit of hanging
The dream at sea
Jessy Lea
The woodman's hut
A cleft stick
Wanted, a situation
The force of nature
The pretty girls of Stillberg
The orphan of China
Flying scud; or, a four-legged fortune
Gastone e Bajardo : opera (Italian), 2 acts
Little goody two shoes
Twenty minutes under an umbrella
King zany's daughter; or, the princess who was blind of one eye and could not see out of the other
That blessed baby
The shepherd of Derwent Vale; or, the innocent culprit
The minerali; or, the dying gift
Roland the rider
Midsummer-eve; an idyll of sherwood forest
The black cat
Les cuisinières
The serf
The love gift; or, the trials of poverty
'Twould puzzle a conjuror!
The fatal brand; or, the fall of the inquisition
Giovanni in London; or, the libertine reclaimed
Sixteen string jack
The step-sister
Stage struck
The castle of Andalusia
Ivor; or, the sighs of Ulla
The face in the moonlight
Presumptive evidence; or, murder will out
Love's errors; or, the child of chance : comedy, 2 acts
The days of Jezebel
The Lowther Arcade
The man in the moon; or, tumble down nap
It's only my aunt!
Wanted 1000 spirited young milliners of the gold diggings
Orange blossoms
The maid of Warsaw
Manfredi; or, the mysterious hermit
Our boys
Belshazzar's feast
Glin Gath; or, the man in the cleft
All at coventry; or, love and laugh : farcical burletta, 2 acts
Martin Hayward, the Biggleswade Carrier; or, the victim of perjury
The Duenna
Clarence Clevedon, his struggle for life and death!
Harlequin Robin Hood and Little John; or, merrie England in olden time
The young scamp; or, the my grandmother's pet
A family likeness
Thalaba the destroyer or the burning sword
Azaël the Arab; or, the profligate of Memphis
The boarding school
A duel in the dark
Nine to one; or, he is sure to be done
Elizabeth, Queen of England
The tower of Nesle
A cheap excursion
Lucia di Lammermoor
Tramp's adventure; or, true to the last
Songs from the maid of Artois
Hamlet travestie
Cherry and fair star; or, the children of Cyprus
The old gentleman
Alice in Wonderland
Le Mari de la dame de choeurs
Tufelhausen; or, the lawyer's legend
The bag of gold
Milky white
Song, meet me by moolight
Joan the maid
The beggar's petition; or, a father's love and a mother's care
The post captain; or, wife, husband, and friend
Clarisse; or, the merchant's daughter
A golden wedding
La slumbernambula
Arkwright's wife
Dramas of the ancient world
The seven champions of Christendom and the storm demon; or, harlequin and the fiery flying dragon, the terror of the land
Ballynavogue; or, the lilly of Lismore : burletta, 2 acts
The vision of the bard
Nine points of the law
A walk for a wager! or, a bailiff's bet
Living at ease
The blackamoor's head : farce, 2 acts
Marmion; or, Floddon field
Camillus and Columna; or, the sleeping beauty
The West Indian
The white milliner
Occasional address for the opening of the Hay Market Theatre
The breach of promise; or, second thoughts are best
An act in the life of Garrick
Uncle Tom's cabin
The teatotallers
The Chevalier de St. George
Mr and Mrs Caudle
The vicar of Wakefield
Betty Martin
The Irish girl; or, Cossack and no Cossack
Bold Robin Hood; or, the pretty white horse and the enchanted princess of sherwood forest
The two bloomers
Hearts of oak
State secrets; or, public men in private life : historical drama, 1 act
Marriage in May Fair
Won at last!
Mithridates, King of Pontus
Barnaby Rudge
Le cappriciosa penita : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
Le protégé
Her Royal Highness
The physician
The maid of Bristol
A Chinese honeymoon
The right-fall heir; or, the sea-rover and the fall over
A dun a-day : operetta, 1 act
A good run for it
Livre III, chapitre I
The bottle imp
His Excellency
The red rag
The gold mine; or, the miller of Grenoble
The last nail; or, the drunkard's doom
The seasons
The volunteer review; or, the little man in Green!
William of Normandy, king of England
The three musket-dears and a little one in
Rosmer of Rosmersholm
Wine does wonders
The white sergeants; or, the buttermilk volunteers
Monseigneur and the jeweller's apprentice
Fabian; or, the misalliance
Pygmalion and Galatea
Mrs Jane shore; or, the king's mistress
As London lives
Robert le Diable, the devil's son
The spirit of vengeance
Self accusation; or, a brother's love
Heads or tails?
Fortune mends
Fra Diavolo; or, the beauty and the brigands
Broken ties
Le caleb
The minister and the Mercer
Greencloth; a story of Monte Carlo
Open house; or, the twin sisters
Camaralzaman; or, the peri that loved the prince
Marriage projects : dramatic piece, 1 act
Azael the prodigal
Mothers and daughters
Robin Hood; or, the forester's fate!
Keeley worried by Buckstone
Mary of Manchester; or, the spirit of the loom
The gnome king and the good fairy of the silver mine
Three of his dramatic pieces
The secret foe
Haddon Hall
The garland of truth; or, integrity proved : comedy, 5 acts
A soldier of fortune
Proof presumptive; or, the secret marriage : drama, 3 acts
Antony and Cleopatra; or, his-tory and her-story in a modern Nilo-metre
Is he alive? or, all puzzled!
The notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith
Heaven and hell
My wife's diary
Thus runs the world away : comedy, 5 acts
Sketches in India
The last feast of the Fianna
The white pilgrim
Count Benyowsky; or, the conspiracy of Kamtschatka
Bits of burlesque
Eileen Oge; or, Dark's the hour before the dawn
Black-ey'd Susan; or, all in the downs
Perfection; or, the maid of Munster
Rumfuskin, king of the North Pole; or, treason rewarded
The warden of Galway
The lady of Lyons; or, love and pride
Les cloches de Corneville; or, the bells of Corneville
Biographical notice of West Digges, actor (1720-1786), 1786-1787
Little Thumb and the ogre; or, the fairy boots, songs, etc., in : pantomimical ballet
The armourer's daughter
Songs for the Olympic Theatre
The right fellow; or, the wrong felon and the felo' d'ye see?
Watch and ward
Giselle; or, the phantom night dancers
Sherwood forest; or, the merry archers : burletta, 3 acts
Love's victory; or, the school for pride
The prodigal daughter
Le deux soeurs; ou, le mentor
A pair of spectacles
The Christmas log
Le marin ou les deux ingénues
Ellen Wareham the wife of two husbands
Naval engagements
Observation and flirtation
Which is which? or, the fire of London
Grace Darling; or, the wreck at sea
What greater love?
Timson's little holiday
Comic dramas in three acts
The mayor of garratt
Sketches in India
The lord of the isles; or, the gathering of the clans
Watch and wait
The Gaiety Gulliver
Portugeuze national hymn adapted [for] the return of Prince Don Miguel
Théobald: ou, le retour de Russie
Cosi fan' tutte; o sia, la scuola degli amanti : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
Augusta; or, the blind girl : drama, 3 acts
Brutus ; Ali Pacha ; Twelfth night ; Henry the Fifth ; Love in humble life ; Child of nature ; Sleep-walker
East Lynne
The Jewess! or, the Council of Constance!
Mr. and Mrs. Pringle
Damon and Pythias
Matilde di Shabran e Corradino; ossia, la [b]eltà in Trionfo : melodrama (Italian), 2 acts
Dick fly by night and dare devil Dan
Alive and Merry
The lifeness of the night
The honey moon : comedy, 5 acts
Coriolanus; or, the Roman matron
The world
Songs, the light guitar
The town before you
The rival valets
La douleureuse
The sleeping draught
Grimaldi; or, the life of an actress
Forty thieves and the court barber; or, harlequin and the five tiny pigs, the sad little prigs, and the fairies of the laburnum lake
Oliver Twist
Ivanhoe; [or, the knight templar] : musical drama, 3 acts
Le loterie a la mode
I martiri
Safe and sound
Faust, count of Aurana; or, satan's own
The Huguenots; or, the massacre of St. Bartholomew
A deserter in a fix
The lottery chance; or, the drunkard reclaimed
St. John in Patmos
The man of many friends
Leap year; or, the ladies privilege
Uncle John
St. Margaret's cave : play, 5 acts
Disagreeable surprise ; The stranger ; The village lawyer ; School for scandal ; The spoiled child ; Animal magnetism ; Wheel of fortune
The siege of Isca; or, the battles of the West
Peter Wilkins; or, the flying islanders
Cinderella; or, harlequin & the little slipper, the magic pumpkin and the butterflies ball and grasshopper's feast
Crossed love
The law of Java
Richards play
Killing no murder : farce, 2 acts
The cape mail
Did you ever send your wife to Brooklyn?
Moll pitcher; or the fortune teller of Lynn
Venus in arms
The bride of Ludgate
The lost wife; or, a husband's confession
Matrimony by advertisement
A terrible secret
The journey's end
A deed without a name
Mr Weller's watch
The angel of midnight: a legend of terror
The Venetian outlaw
Harlequin demon; or, moonlight enchantress
All's fair in love; or, a match for the lawyer : farce, 2 acts
The yellow admiral; or, the perils of the battle and the breeze
The black doctor
The rats of the seine
The emissary
Belphegor; or, the mountebank and his wife
The devil and Dr Faustus
Niobe, all smiles
The little jockey; or, love and folly
The force of nature
The impostures of Scapin
Dick Turpin & Tom King
Nothing superfluous
The slave of wealth; or, the gnome of the gold mines
Il barbiere di Siviglia
Flodden Field : piece, 3 acts
Family arrangements
Deux maitresses
Wrath's whirlwind; or, the neglected child ...
The Irish tutor; or, new lights
The blacksmith of Ghent
Turko the Terrible; or, the great princess show
Alive od dead! or, the lover's signal
Boots at the swan
The marriage of Figaro
The honey-moon
Carmilhan; or, the drowned crew!
The mariner's compass
Le rêve du mari ou le manteau
La vergine de l sole : opra (Italian), 2 acts
Bamboozling; or, my wife Polly!
Silvester daggerwood
The dawn
A maiden's fame! or, a legend of Lisbon!
The review; or, the wags of Windsor
The vampire; or, the bride of the isles
Attendre et courir
The young widow; or, a lesson for lovers
The plot of Potzentausend
A false alarm
H.M.S. Missfire; or, the Honest Tar and the Wicked First Luff
Each for himself
No song, no supper
Hugo bambino
Willikind and hys Dinah
Henry the Eighth
Mr. and Mrs. Daventry
Special performances
The doom of Devorgoil [and] Auchindrane
Cinderella and the fairy glass slipper
Mischievous eyes
Married and single
Sequin the scalp hunter
L'homme et la mode
A lad in a thousand
Sir Roger de Coverley; or, the English gentlemen
The road to ruin
The deformed transformed
Agrippa posthumus
King John (with the benefit of the act)
Grist to mill
The Egyptian festival
Andy Blake; or, the Irish diamond
Hunting a turtle
Joan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans : melodrama, 3 acts
Another glass
The bed-room window
Gonzalo, the Spanish bandit
The Belle's stratagem
How would you manage her?
The students of Bonn
Young husbands
Cherry bounce!
After dark
The life of a woman; or, the curate's daughter
Cent. per cent; or, the masquerade
Zodaiya; or, the rose of Gurgistan : opera, 3 acts
Wallace: the hero of Scotland
The white boys
Printer's squabbles
The crinoline question
Americans abroad; or, notes and notions
The Gipsey of Derncleugh
The wonder
Robin Hood; or, the merry outlaws of Sherwood
An idyll
Femme qui a une jambe de bois
Le roi boit
The robber's wife ; The magpie, or the maid? ; Shakspeare's early days ; The point of honour ; Hight ways and by ways ; The ice witch ; St. Patrick's Day ; The blind bargain ; Robinson Crusoe
The bride of Golconda; or, the genius of the ring
Esther, the royal Jewess; or, the death of Haman!
The Christian
The old forge
A fascinating individual
The yellow kids
My aunt
Brouille et le raccommodement
The sentence
A charming pair
A nice firm
Called there and back
The wide wide world
The willow copes
For the old love's sake
Merchant of Venice ; Merry wives of Windsor ; Virginius ; Caius Gracchus ; All in the wrong ; King Lear ; Cato
The Colleen Bawn; or, the brides of Garryowen
Legacy hunting; or, an uncle from India
The dark hour before dawn
The Italian gamester; or, the wife and mistress : recitations, songs, etc., melodramatic spectacle, 9 scenes
Prejudice; or, a bachelor's vow
Perdita; or, the royal milkmaid
Black and red galleys
Monsieur jacques
Harlequin Tom Tittlemouse and the eleven dancing princesses; or, Deedle Deedle Dumplin and the silver frog
One o'clock; [or, the knight and the wood demon] : grand musical romance, 3 acts
Paul Clifford; or, the highwayman of 1770
The tutor's assistant!
The vampire
Mr. Yates' new entertainment
Woman's will
My cousin
A breezy morning
Giovanni in Paris
Margate sands
Riquet with the tuft
La buona figliuola : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
The printer's devil; or, a type of the old one
The last edition of Ivanhoe with all the newest improvements
The Azamoglan
Feudal times; or, the court of James the Third
Dr. D.
The bashful Irishman
Henry of Richmond
The miller's maid
An organic affection
A girl graduate
Buondelmonte [and] Zingari [and] Cleanthes [and ] court ...
Paul Pry
The Bayaderes
Rape of the lock
The duchess transformed
Faust; or, the demon of the Drachenfels
The Bill Sticker or an old house in the city
The dandy fifth
Vandyke brown
Esmeralda; or, the sensation goat!
In quarantine
Galatea; or, Pygmalion re-versed
The captain of the watch
The life and death of Guy Fawkes; or, gunpowder treason
Chopstick and Spikins
The three princes
Mrs. Willis's will
Harlequin and the red dwarf; or, the amamant rock, songs, etc., in : pantomime, 18 scenes
Uncle Tom and Lucy Neal; or, harlequin liberty ...
The devil's delight; or, a row in Elysium
The sixty-third letter
The duel; or, my two nephews
The husband of my heart
The impostors
Jeffreys; or, the wife's vengeance
Le mariage d'argent
The winter's tale
Belphegor the buffoon; or, the robbers of the revolution
The Montem
The vicar of Wakefield
The forty thieves; or, harlequin and the Robber's cave
The red mask
The Star-Spangled Banner; or, the Far West
The black doctor
Claribel; or, love and friendship
The fatal snow storm; or, Lowina of Tobolski!
Tost in a blanket; or, law without study : comic burletta, 2 acts
I've eaten my friend
My fellow-clerk
The Colleen Bawn; or, the brides ...
The wife! a tale of a mantua-maker
The little devil
The needle of agony; or, the persecuted wife
Strange coincidences
The jealous wife
The force of friendship : tragedy, 5 acts
Presumptive evidence; or, murder will out
Count Julian
Frankenstein; or, the man and monster!
The railroad station
The spoiled child
Don Giovanni; or, a spectre on horseback! : extravaganza, 2 acts
Cupid in Brighton; or, a visit from the celestials
Ruy Blas
Satanella; or, the power of love
The yellow dwarf; or, the king of gold mines
Preciosa the Spanish Gypsey
Dick Whittington and his cat
The battle of Pultawa; or, the king and the czar
Bound 'prentice to a waterman; or, the flower of Woolwich
Songs, duets, chorusses, etc., in the sleeping beauty
Art and artifice; or, woman's love
La grand'mère; ou, les trois amours
The iron chest
Cherry and fair star; or, harlequin the dancing waters the singing apple, & the little green talking bird
Fire and water; or, a critical hour : operetta, 1 act
Married lovers
The guardian sylph! or, the magic rose!
The Corsicans; or, the brothers Saluccaio
The serpent of the Nile; or, the battle of Actium
The seven poor travellers
Two gentlemen of Verona ; Tempest ; Cato ; George Barnwell ; The travellers
The sentinel
The lady of Belleisle; or, a night in the Bastille
Fun and fright; or, how to gain consent : burletta, 2 acts
High life in the city!
Songs for J. Braham's benefit
The new boy
Don Carlos
Plucking a pair of pigeons; or, fooled by flattery
Miss Cleopatra
Who is who; or, the double imposture : farce, 2 acts
Married life
The fitting day; or, the farmer's daughter
Jack and the bean-stalk; or, the good little people of pixie's grotto and the fairy of the magic harp
The mummy
The condé's wife
All in the wrong
Binks the bagman
The love-chase ; The young hussar ; The secret ; The first floor ; The broken sword ; The travellers ; Plot and counterplot ; Lodoiska ; My spouse an I ; Chrononhotonthologos
Quadroona; or, the man of crime
The master passion
Dramatic romances
The wedding at the mill
A home of one's own
Aurora Floyd; or, the dark deed in the wood
La favorita
The great gun tricks
Blood money; or, brought to bay
The marriage promise
Pink dominos
The highland widow
[The virgin unmatched] the virgin unmasked
The housekeeper; or, the white rose
Prabodha chandrodaya; or Rise of the moon ... [and] Atma bodin [i.e. bodha]
Among the relics
Linda of Chamouni; or, not Formosa
Rob Roy; or, the traveller's Portmanteau : seriocomic melodramatic romance, 2 acts
As like as two peas
The mayor of garratt
The winter's tale ; The man of the world ; The inconstant ; Love in a village ; Jane Shore ; King Henry VIII ; Julius Cæsar
To oblige Benson
Nature and philosophy; or, the youth who never saw a woman
John de Procida
Captain Cuttle
Paul Jones; or, the Solway mariner
Peace at any price
The Hebrew son; or, the child of Babylon
The bridal
A school for grown children
The rich man of Frankfort; or, the poisoned crown
Real and ideal
Harlequin Billy Taylor; or, the flying Dutchman and the king ...
Giralda; or, which is my husband?
Sweeney Todd, the Barber of Fleet Street; or, the string ...
The contrivances
Under the rose; or, the great gentleman in the little parlour
Irène; ou, le magnétisme
Bad Lady Betty
The consultation : farce, 2 acts
Senior wranglers
Fancy's sketch; or, look before you leap : musical burletta, 2 acts
King's favorite
Harlequin and Queen Mab
Cruel to be kind
Tancredi : melodrama (opera, Italinan), 2 acts
The jilt
The solicitor
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
The missing witness
Le poltron
The usurer's son
The fairy lake; or, the magic veil
Julian the Apostate
The roused lion
Brave Scottish hearts
Manteaux noirs
À qui le Moutard; ou, Endymion
Evadne; or, the statue
The Elshie; or, the wizard of the moor
A Merry Christmas
Romance and reality
All for love
The wager
Art de ne pas monter sa garde
Keep your temper
The organ of order
Harlequin eyes nose and mouth
Lucianus redivivus
The test of guilt; or, traits of antient superstition
Uncle Tom's cabin
Ride a cock horse to Banbury Bross; or, harlequin & the silver Amazons
His head's in peril
The Mutiny at the Nore
The lost son found
Songs ... in fairlop fair; or, the genie of the oak
Bleak house
The three red men; or, the brothers of Bluthaupt
The bridal promise
Cousin Letty
Punch's pantomime; or, harlequin King John and Magna Charta
The deserted village
Anchor of hope; or, the seaman's star
Songs, some printed
The rake's progress
Uncle Tom's cabin
Ida of the cottage : melodrama, 2 acts
Speed the plough
Broken faith
The duke's daughter; or, the hunchback of Paris
The village coquettes
Beautiful for ever
Hot and cold; or, bath waters
Kensington Gardens
Two heads are better than one
Every body's widow
The love-knot
The wager; or, how to furnish a house without money
Angels and Lucifers; or, courtship and congreves
Peveril of the peak; or, the days of King Charles II : melodramatic romance, 3 acts
Caught in his own trap
Aeneas; or, Dido done!
John Bull; or, the Englishman's fireside
Bianca, the bravo's bride
Gale Breezely
Harlequin Alfred the Great; or, the magic banjo and the mystic raven
Charity begins at home
Lestock; or, the fête of the Harmitage
The black domino!
Robinson Crusoe
Domestic bliss
Management; or, the prompter puzzled
The light troop of St James's
Wallace : historical tragedy, 5 acts
Sleeping beauty
King René's daughter
Don Giovanni
The poor of New York
I'll tell your wife
The secret mine
The crystal-hunter of Mont Blanc; or, the hut of the haunted gorge and the tourists' dogs!
The Gipsy farmer; or, Jack and Jack's brother
An eligible situation
Red-riding hood and her sister, little bo-peep
Cupid and Psyche
The blank cartridge : musical entertainment, 2 acts
The Beggar of Bethnal Green
His Excellency
The colonel; or, female travellers
The cab-driver
Il flauto magico
The hunter of the Alps
Peacock's holiday
Giovanni in botany! or, the libertine transported! : extravaganza, 1 act
The pet of the petticoats
The king of the mist!
La contre-lettre; ou, le jésuite
Various dramatic works
Beauty and the beast
The death of Wallenstein
The evil May Day!; or, the London 'Prentices of 1517
Morning, noon, and night; or, the romance of a day : opera, 3 acts
Nurseryrhymia; or, the party, the prince, and the pie
A hundred thousand pounds
Richelieu; or, the conspiracy
The married unmarried
Richelieu; or, the conspiracy
The galley od St. Nicholas
Picking up the pieces
Fenella; or, peveril of the peak
The dance of the shirt; or, the sempstress's ball
The mock doctor
All at sixes and sevens; or, call between 3 and 5
The humpback
A house to be sold : musical piece, 2 acts
'Twas I; or, the truth a lie
The rendezvous
The hunchback ; Court and city ; Free and easy ; Cobbler of Perston ; Five miles off ; Devil's bridge ; Uncle rip ; Love's sacrifice ; Attic story ; Mogul tale
A railway adventure
Il fanatico di Berlino : opera (Italian), 2 acts
The late Mr. Castello
To parents and guardians! at Jubilee House establishment, Clapham, young ...
The princesses in the tower; or, a match for Lucifer
Ignacio, the demon monk of Tuscany; or, the convent, the cavern and the castle
The secret; or, the hole in the wall
Julius Caesar
King winter and princess summer; or, harlequin prince spring and the good ...
The bravo; or, the bridge of sighs
A lesson for the ladies
The young sculptor
The gentleman whip
Le val d'Andorre
Linda, the pearl of Savoy
The water party
The nursery maid, misteress; or, the butler in the suds : musical piece, 2 acts
The favorite
Lucrezia Borgia
Fair play : comedy, 5 acts
The wife: a tale of Mantua
The iron chest
The prophet
Sadak and Kalasrade; or, the waters of oblivion
Antony and Cleopatra
Change alley
A loan of a wife
John Bull; or, an Englishman's fire-side
The soldier's daughter
Birds in their little nests agree
On the tiles
Our gal
The libertine
The British lion
The roll of the drum
Il demonio
The rover's secret; or, the bridge of St. Martin
The queen's secret; or, the iron mask
The red house; or, a crack shot
Diogenes and his lantern; or, hue and cry after honesty
Queer street
Slighted treasures
Who's afraid! ha! ha! ha! : piece, 1 act
A fair pretender
The merry maidens
The Druid; or, the vision of Fingal
The templar and Jewess
Our domestics
Meted out
Leap year; or, the ladies' privilege
Wife or widow
Birds, beasts and fishes
The married rake
Life's highway; or, sharps and dupes
My lord! : farce, 2 acts
My uncle's will
The little performers
Une petite fille de la Grande Armée
Écarté; or, the salons of Paris
The lottery ticket and lawyer's clerk
Don Pedro, king of castille
The wedding march
The maid of the mill
British Amazons; or, army without reserve
Cottage dialogues among the Irish peasantry
The blind boy
John Dobbs
Gale Breezely; or, the tale of a tar
Ernestine and georgette; or, a lover lent
Le moineau de Lesbie
York and Lancaster; or, a school without scholars
Orlando and Seraphina; or, the funeral pile : play (heroric drama), 5 acts
The rear admiral
The media; or, table moving
The commencement of a bad farce
Alhamar the Moor ;or, the brother of Valench
Le domino noir
Birds of prey; or, a duel in the dark
Little boy blue and red riding hood
The alderman's gown; or, a trip to Paris
La petite folle
Carlin à Rome ou les amis de collège
The master of Ballantrae
Lucifer matches
My wife's mother
Sweethearts and wives
The ferry and mill
Cherry and fair star; or, the singing apple, the talking bird ...
Jolliboy's Woes
Marino Faliero
The prince of happy land
A trip to Scarborough
Prison and palace
Peter Wilkins; or, harlequin and the flying women ...
Mr. and Mrs. Dove; or, our domestic affairs
Did you ever send your wife to Camberwell?
Living statues; or, short cut and returns
The Earl of Gowrie
Doves in a cage
The wild dog of the Cape
The golden fleece; or, Jason in Colchis, and Medea in Corinth
Paddy Bull; or, a cure for the gout
The farm house
L'oncle d'Amerique
The lottery of life
Il trovatore
Feudal times; or, the court of James the Third
King Jupiter; or, the freaks of the graces
The queen's horse; or, the brewer of Preston
Ins and outs
Adelmorn, the outlaw : romantic drama, 3 acts
The hunchback
The bride of song
The omnibus
The Bohemians of Paris; or, the mysteries of crime
He's a lunatic
The heir of Vironi; [or, honesty the best policy] : opera, 2 acts
The buried Titan
The pirates of the savannah; or, the tiger hunter of the prairies
The renegade
Plays pleasant and unpleasant
His wife's little bill
Used up
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp
On the sly!
Pitcairn's Island : melodramatic ballet, 2 acts
Marriage a lottery
The anatomist; or, the sham doctor
The suspicious husband
The pride of the market
A new way to pay old debts
The man and the marquis; or, the three spectres of the castle ...
I will have a wife : musical farce, 2 acts
Miracle plays: our Lord's coming and childhood
The grecian daughter ; Charles the Twelfth ; Teddy the tiler ; Popping the question ; The mind of Judah ; X.Y.Z. ; Oroonoko ; The honest thieves ; The blind boy
Pedrillo; or, a search for two fathers
The whitefriars
The wife; or, a tale of Mantua
Recitations, rhymes, and ridiculosities
The ring
The devil in London
Songs, etc., in the brown man
The swell mob's man; or, the housebreaker ...
L.S.D.; or, harlequin pounds, shillings and pence
Off duty
The camp at the Olympic
William Thompson; or, which is he?
Fra-Diavolo; ou, l'hotellerie de terracine
The royal oak
Forty and fifty
Trick for trick; or, the merchant's wedding
White magic
The law of the land; or, London in the last century
A friend in need : musical entertainment, 2 acts
Les huguenots
The king of the commons
Forgive and forget
Self disinherited; or, the home blight
Sixteen string jack
Robin Hood and Richard Coeur de Lion
The fool's revenge
Dick and his double
The mysterious husband
The wigwam; or, in the woods
Adèle; or, the lone farm
The floating beacon; or, the wild woman of the wreck
Roberto il diavolo
Le tre sultane; or, the three sultans : comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
Bird in hand
Sir John Falstaff
Nell Gwynn
The greek boy
The plain dealer
The gaberlunzie man
William Tell
Robinson Crusoe; or, the bold buccaniers
She wou'd & she wou'd not
Our Court
Grimalkin the great; or, harlequin Puss in boots and the miller's son
Jeannette and Jeannot; or, the village pride
Nigel; or, the crown jewels
Harlequin King Lud of Ludgate and his two songs; or, the genius of the city and the fairy pleasure
The lancers
Ein Arzt
The Corsican brothers
Songs, duets, trois, chorusses, etc., in Scaramuccia; or, the villagers of San Quintino
Adrian and Orrila; or, a mother's vengeance
Mérope [and] Alziré; ou, les américains
Castles in the air
My husband's secret
London assurance
The inchcape bell
Azàèl; or, the prodigal of Memphis
The second Mrs. Tanqueray
Peter the Great
Too much the way of the world
High life below stairs
The brides' tragedy
Un veuvage
Christmas boxes
The bride of Abydos : tragedy play, 3 acts
Marie: a tale of the Pont Neuf!
The baronet abroad and the rustic prima donna
Monteo Cristo
The three beauties of Dresden
Theseus and Ariadne; or, the marriage of Bacchus
The Alcade; or, the secrets of office
The king of the Peacocks
The flying Dutchman
Our lady of the broken heart
My lover the captain
A medical man
An April Fool : musical farce, 1 act
John Bull; or, the comedy of 1854
Thanatos Athanatou
The violet
Tom Thumb
Illusion; or, the trances of Nourjahad
Kit Marlowe
Joan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans
Othello travestie
The tame tigers
The frozen heart; or, the snow queen
The Irish Poleander; or, love and loyalty : burletta, 2 acts
Blue beard; or, fatal curiosity
Love and murder
Discharge your tiger
Farmer's story
The actress of all work; or, my country cousin : comic sketch, 1 act
Lord Tom Noddy
Paganini en allemagne
The contested election
My first client
Ninetta; or, the maid of Palaiseau
The fortunes of Nigel; or, King James I and his times
Once upon a time; or, a midsummer night's dream in Merrie Sherwood
The two murderers; or, the auberge des adrets
If the cap fits
The last man; or, the miser of Eltham Green
The treasurers
Songs, duets ...in the bee and the orange tree; or, the four wishes
The Gipsy's vengeance
The Frenchman in London; or, where's my daughter?
Horace at the University of Athens
The beauty of Bruges
Montaleoni the Italian brigand
The withered daisies; or, a midnight marriage
Bertrand et Raton; ou, l'art de conspirer
Who's your friend? or, the Queensberry fête
The lucky Friday
Robert Macaire; the two murderers
The black domino; or, the masked ball
The coming of the prince
Forbidden fruit
The devil of Marseilles; or, the spirit of avarice
My husband's secret
La demoiselle et la dame ou avant et après
The bell ringer of St. Paul's; or, the huntsman and the spy!
Le hussard de Felsheim
Turned up
A dramatic fragment
The people's lawyer
What a blunder!
Les Trois Sultanes
The upper classes
Spirits and water; or, the rising of the rivers
Little offsprings! or babes out of the wood
The Bastile
The hero of the North
The drapery question; or, who's for India?
Legerdemain; or, the conjurer's wife
One snowy night
The emigre's daughter
La grand'mère imprudente, song
West end; or, the Irish heiress
The Duenna
The baron's wager
Who stole the tarts?
The secret agent
A crimeless criminal
Lady Clancarty; or, wedded and wooed
The sign manuel; or, the court of Berlin
The enchanted wood; or, the three transformed princes
The fire king; or, Albert and Rosalie
The mother and child are doing well
Writing a farce : farce, 2 acts
Anna Ruina
London assurance
The scapegrace; or, I've been roaming
Cash versus credit
Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom of Coventry; or, clearing the toll
Pocahontas; or, the Indian princess : melodrama. 3 acts
Fleur de genêt
Harlequin fortunatus; or, the magic cap and the three lucky wishes
The unfinished gentleman
The poor gentleman
Birds without feathers
Honour first; the rest nowhere
My unknown friend
The sheriff of the country
Robinson Crusoe
The dancing girl
A dodge for a dinner
William Tell
The drama at the home; or, an evening with Puff
Caledonia; or, the thistle and the rose : drama, 3 acts
The handsel penny
Kit Marlowe's death
Eustache Baudin
The votary of wealth
The days of Henry the 4th
Suil Dhuv the coiner
The bridal
The sins of the fathers
The Spitalfields weaver
A pastoral epilogue to all the talents
The discreet princess; or, the three glass distaffs
The Bravo IX!
A pair of lunatics
Address, [on the opening of the theatre royal, drury lane]
The rose of Corbeil; or, the forest of Senart!
Bosom friends
Our legislature: introduction of a bill for the suppression ...
Rue de la lune
Colombe's birthday
Michael Erle the maniac lover; or, the fayre lass of Lichfield!
The witch of the desert; or, the Chinese pedlar boy
Surplus population, and poor-law bill
Court lovers; or, the sentinel of the king's guard
Esmeralda and the hunchback of Notre Dame
The apostate : tragedy, 5 acts
Jonathan Bradford; or, the murder at the road-side inn
The new servant
The wizard of the wave; or, the ship of the avenger
London assurance
The Cid
The gnome king; or, the giant mountains : dramatic legend, 2 acts
The Duke of Mercia
The daughter of St Mark
The favorite
The willow grove; or, Gipsy george the outcast
Jack Sheppard
Wait for an answer
Sold again
The life of a labourer; or, the emigrant, the smuggler and the bush-ranger
Valentine and Orson : pantomime romantic melodrama, 2 acts
Oliver Twist
A wrong man in the right place
Blanche heriot; or, the Chertsey curfew
Adelgitha: or, the fruits of a single error
What's a man of fashion? or, a match against time : farce, 2 acts
The law of Java
First affections
The Toodles
Macbeth travestie
The son of the soil
Metamora; or, the last of the pollywogs
Masks and faces; or, before and behind the curtain
The carpenters of Lambeth; or, the bride of the Thames
Romeo and Juliet
The field against the favourite
Gipsy Jack; or, the Napoleon of humble life : an extravaganza, in six divisions
The spur of the moment
Sadak and Kalasrade or the waters of oblivion
Wildfire Dick and the dishonour'd bill; or, the black gang of Yarrow
The widow of Frangy; or, the disputed legacy
Clarence Clevedon, his struggle for life and death
The electric telegraph
Foul deeds will rise : serious drama, 2 acts
Sabbaths Mis-spent
The coup-de-main; or, love and war in Yankyland
Damon & Pythias; or, the test of friendship
Damon and Pythias
La laitiére de montfermeil
La carotte d'or
The voice of love
Big bodied bill, big Belzebub's boy; or, harlequin and the golden goblin
Wounds heal wounds; or, feeling, and want of feeling, lamentations ...
Leap year; or, the ladies' privilege
Occasional attempt to the death and victory of Lord Viscount Nelson : melodramatic piece
Hasty conclusions
Aladdin in another shape
The rose and the ring
The dumb girl of Genoa; or, the bandit merchant
England's charter; or, the old abbey ruins
King John
Grace Huntley
Aladdin the second, and his still more wonderful lamp
Dick Turpin & Tom King
Robin Goodfellow
Village belles
Courtship; or, the three caskets
Hard times
The lady of Lyons; or, love and pride
The wooden-spoon maker
The search after Proserpine
The babes in the wood; or, Robin Hood, and Merry men of sherwood forest
Richmond Hill; or, the widow and bailiff al. touch and take or Saturday night and Mondey moning
Si j'etais roi (If I were king)
La dame de Saint-Tropez
Anne Boleyn; or, harlequin King Harry ...
Ivan of the mask; or, the dumb henchman of the isles
Two heads better than one
Song, 'twere vain to tell thee all I feel
Merchant of Venice (very far indeed) from the text of Shakespeare
La fille de Figaro
Annie Tyrrell; or, the tempter ...
Genevieve! or, the maid of Switzerland
Cannonbury; or, the merchant's vow
The evil genius
The triumph of loyalty
The tables turned; or, Nupkins awakened
The loves of Lord Bateman and the fair Sophia
Love and duty; or, my mother, my wife and child
The cabinet
Sinbad the sailor, an old tale re-told
Tag in tribulation : interlude, 1 act
The three princes
A trip to Kissengen
Le chevalier du guet
Ines Mendo, part 1; or, prejudice vanquished
Harlequin Robinson Crusoe and Friday and the fairies; or, the little elf, the sedate fairy and the king of the Caribee Islands
Juvenile edition of Shakespeare
La fiole de cagliostro
The sultana; or, the jealous queen
The mandarin's daughter, being the simple story of the willow pattern plate
Ravenna; or, Italian love
L'esclave du Camoëns
First love and false hearts
Sarah Blangi
Caius Marius, the plebeian consul
The lyar
Wat Tyler, M.P.
Song in Jack and Jill; [or, the Clown's disasters] : pantomime
A cabinet question
Les bonnes d'enfans ou une soirée aux boulevards-neufs
A hopeless passion
The green hills of Surrey
How will they get out of it?
Our village; or, the lost ship
The merry Zingara; or, the Tipsy Gipsy and the Pipsy Wipsy
Night and morning
Hyram Balthazar; or, the maniac jew
Deaf and dumb; or, the orphan protected
Fashion; or, life in New York
Gustavues III; or, the masqued ball
The cricket on the hearth
A night with Burns
A highland legacy
A phenomenon in a smock frock
The British Queen
For love
The rent day
Melting moments
The young guard
The patrician's daughter
Eufemio di Messina
The pacha : melodrama, 2 acts
Jack and the beanstalk
The forgery
King Lear
A fair encounter
The dice of death!
Castle Botherem
The painter of Ghent
Prince Arnanias
From village to court
Lucrezia Borgia
The castle of Otranto; or, harlequin and the giant helmet
The tyranny of tears
The invisible client
La gazza ladra; or, the thieving magpie
The adopted child
The Arabian nights
The witch of the waters
House room; or, the dishonored bill
Pedrillo; or, the castle of Andalusia
A cure for romance
The enchantress; or, harliquin Cymon
Count Julian
Richelieu; or, the conspiracy
Two loves and a life
Nell Gwynne
Good night Monsieur Pantalon
David Copperfield
Nell Gwynn; or, the prologue
Too hasty
The young king
Robin Hood and Richard Coeur de Lion
The siege of Troy
Schoolboy frolics
Le bouffe et le tailleur
Comedy and tragedy
The railway king
Angel or devil
The daughter of the regiment; or, the vivandière
A decided case
Gustavus vasa : plays, 3 acts
Count Benyowsky; or, the conspiracy of Kamtschatka
The bottle
The post of honour
Poor Pillicoddy
Was I to blame?
St. Aubert; or, the hour of retribution
The broken sword
The thimble rig
Which shall I marry?
The nondescript
The sylphid
The misses Pinch; or, the pleasure of doing good
Conrad and Christine
Robinson Crusoe
Prince Camaralzaman; or, the fairies' revenge
The three cuckoos
A troublesome lodger
Ellen Wareham
The evil eye: a legend of the Levant
Adrienne, the actress
Martinuzzi; or, the patriot
Guy Fawkes: a gingerbread tragedy : burlesque 1 act
The curtain lecture : comedy, 5 acts
Rose; or, love's ransom
Roberto il diavolo
The hunchback
Three plays for puritans
Streanshall abbey; or, the Danish invasion
Blind man's buff; or, who pays the bill
La petite cousine
Too careful by half; or, who'd ha' thought it?
The siege of Carthage
Aminta, the coquette
The princess who was changed into a deer
Un trait de Paul 1er ou le czar et la vivandière
Harlequin and the eagle; or, the man in the moon and his wife
Pyramus and Thisbe
The bengal tiger
Courtship a-la-mode
Richelieu; or, the conspiracy
King René's daughter
As once in May
The spirit's song; or, the village death corps
The bungalow
One too many for him
Paul Pry
Woman's wit; or, love's disguises
King Edward I
Une folie
A holiday; or, Mima and her friends
Chesterfield thinskin
The somnambulist; or, the phantom of the village!
Harmony hall
Monologue, Williams' random recollections or facts and fancies
Love's labyrinth
The rifle volunteers; "Riflemen! riflemen! riflemen form!"
The wheel of fortune
An English tragedy
Which of the two?
Uncle Tom's cabin
The lords of Ellingham
The lunatic
The Jew of Lubeck; or, the heart of a father : drama, 2 acts
Too late for dinner
The Freyschutz; or, the wild huntsman of Bohemia
To let, furnished
The uncle
Marked for life
The deep, deep sea or Perseus and Andromeda
The respectable man
Not such a fool as he looks
Songs, recitatives ... in Mr. & Mrs. Henri Drayton's parlor opers
Paul Pry
My grandfather's will; or, the man of straw
Going to the dogs!
The nabob for an hour
Romeo and Juliet ; She stoops to conquer ; Macbeth ; Pizarro ; Richard III ; Douglas ; Suspicious husband
The children of the castle
My cook and housekeeper
The devil's violin; or, the revolt of the flowers
Empedocles on Etna
The tower of Lochlain; or, the idiot son
The lawyers
Our cousin German
Thérèse; or, the orphan of Geneva : burletta, 3 acts
The Coggeshall volunteer corps
The roll of the drum
Le muet d'Ingouville
Prince fortune and prince fatal
The compact
The queen's page
Deeds of dreadful note
Betsy is found
The belles of the village
A quiet day
The whistler; or, the fate of the lily of St Leonard's
King Henry III
Ups and downs; or, the heart of a woman : operatic drama, 3 acts
Aminta; or, a match for a magistrate
Ruth's romance
Don quixote de la Mancha and the sleep ...
Claude Duval; or, the ladies' highwayman
A slight mistake
The marble bride; or, the nymphs ...
Tekeli; or the siege of Montgatz
The mounting sylph
A domestic Hercules
The chimes: a goblin story of some bells that rang ...
Mind your own business
De Valencourt
The register office
A Yule log
Gaul, king of Ragah
Harlequin's hour glass; or, time works wonders, songs and recitative in : pantomime, 11 scenes
Comus, a mask
Polka en provence
Casanova au fort Saint-Andre
Michael Erle
The new marriage act; or, cross purposes
The white cockade
Old heads and young hearts
Napoleon Buonaparte's invasion of Russia
Woman's rights
Taking the census
The heart of Mid-lothian; or, the sisters of St. Leondard's
A terrible tinker!
Whittington and his cat
The double marriage
The jubilee
The Belle's stratagem
John of Hapsburg
Abelard and Heloise
Twelve precisely; or, a night at Dover : interlude, 1 act
The youthful Queen
The fair maid of Perth; or, the battle of inch
In the days of the regent
The idiot witness; or, a tale of blood
An obstinate woman
Qui se dispute, s'adore
Home, sweet home; or, the ranz de vaches
Young Norval on the Grampian Hills
The Iroquois; or, the Canadian basket maker : melodrama, 2 acts
The married bachelor; or, master and man
Rhyme and reason
Lend me five shillings
Bounce; or, American Indians
Idela: or, the feuds of Switzerland : play, 5 acts
The constant couple; or, a trip to the jubilee
The Adelphi Academy; or, the march of interllect
Beauty and the beast
The witch's son
Oliver Twist
The virgin of the sun : musical drama, 3 acts
The miller of New Jersey;, or, the prison-hulk
Oliver Twist; or, the parish boy's progress
The broken vow
The pleasures of anarchy
The blind bargain; or, hear it out
The first printer
I will be a duchess! or, a little flirting!
Harlequin and the enchanted fish; or, the genie of the brazen bottle!
Grandfather whitehead
He would be a soldier; or, the madcap student
The Freres corses; or, the Corsican brothers
The dean's daughter
Harlequin Doctor Syntax and his dapper grey mare
Hush-a-bye baby on the tree-top; or, harlequin Fortunio, king frog ...
The round tower; or, the chieftains of Ireland
The pride of the market
The Yankee pedlar
The dragon of Wantley
The death of Demosthenes
The Queen of Cyprus; or, the bride of Venice
High notions; or, a trip to Exmouth
Belinda the blind; or, the sufferings of a stepdaughter
Alberto and Lauretta; or, the orphan of the Alps : melodrama, 2 acts
The lamplighter
Cups and saucers
The emigrant's daughter
The sham doctor
The clock on the stairs
Family arrangements
The boy of Normandy
Oscar; ou, le Mari qui trompe sa femme
Vin Willoughby; or, mutiny of the Isis
A love game
An adventure of Don Quixote
The weathercock
Khartoum! or, the star of the desert
The miseries of human life
All that glitters is not gold
The last war of the roses
The covenanters
Heureuse comme une princesse
The magic of life; or, the youth and the man
Uncle Sam's double
Forty and fifty
Le pré-aux-clercs
P.P.; or, the man and the tiger
The barber baron; or, the Frankfort lottery
The heiress
The jovial crew; or, the merry beggars
Marion Hazelton; or, the child of the wronged!
Life's seasons! or, hearts and homes
A thumping legacy
My lord is not my lord
The devil's opera
Cousin Peter
True unto death
Cinderella; or, harlequin, the wicked ...
The magic of British liberty; or, the disgreation of Bonaparte
The broken gold
Songs ... in the exile
Paul Jones
La haine d'une femme
M.P.: or, the blue stocking : opera, 3 acts
The valley of Andorre
Faces in the fire
Harold; or, a day in feudal times
Satan bound
Harlequin and O'Donoghue; or, the white horse of Killarney
The hidden gem
La sonnambula; or, the sleep-walker
The star of the North
The sailor and soldier; or, fashionable amusement : musical farce, 2 acts
A superior person
Time flies! or, the importance of punctuality
My little adopted
Pizarro; or, the leotard of Peru
The adventures of Ulysses; or, the return to Ithaca
What have I done?
Another piece of presumption!
A bird of passage
A bold stroke for a widow
Love and avarice
Apollo's choice; or, the contest of the Aonides
Fraud and its victims
Over the water : farce, 2 acts
Pity; or, Gringoire the ballad-monger
Henriette et Charlot
Godolphin, the lion of the North : operatic drama, 3 acts
The will and the way; or, the mysteries of Carrow Abbey
A lad from the country
Not dined yet; or, Sponge in the country : burletta, 1 act
Our domestics
The bee hive : musical farce, 2 acts
Charles XII
[Furibond; or, harlequin Negro] : pantomime, 1 act
St. Clair of the Isles; or, the outlaw of Barra
Songs from Masaniello ou le pecheur de Portici
The smuggler's cave; or, up all night : comic opera, 3 acts
Aldgate pump
Three hats
Les folies amoureuses
King Henry the Second
Cupid in ermine
Shakspere's skull and falstaff's nose
The house of ladies
My neighbor's wife
Life in London; or, the larks of logic, Tom, and Jerry
Crazy Jane
The intimate friend; or, a queer guest at a wedding
Robert Ryland; or, the poor carpenter and the family
Shattered nerves
Judas Iscariot
Le vestale : opera (Italian), 2 acts
A shilling day at the great exhibition
The wife's trial; or, the intruding widow
Bona fide travellers
Nursery comedies
The invasion; or, the Anglo-Saxons
Off to the diggins
The boy king
The Limerick boy; or, paddy's mischief
The Englishman in Spain
The bull-fighter; or, the bridal ring
A friend in need
Fifteen years of drunkard's life
Renaudin de Caen
The judgment of Paris; or, the pas de Pippins
Who killed Cock Robin?
Cherry tree farm
Begone dull care; or, how will it end?
The kiss and the rose; or, the love in the nursery grounds
The scuttled ship
A prince for a hour
The gunsmith of Orleans; or, the bead woman's secret
As you make your bed so you must lie in it
Home again!
Marriage in May Fair; or, the comedy of real life
Ovingdean Grange: a tale of the South Downs
Betting's boys career
The delusion; or, is she mad?
The spectre knight
The marble heart; or, the sculptor's dream
Maximums and speciments of William Muggins
The woodman
Shylock; or, the merchant of Venice preserved
A garden party
The adventurer; or, plots in Spain
My wife's dentist
The idiot of Heidelburg Castle
The gay parisienne
Love and hate
Chamber comedies
Riches; or, the wife and brother
The Jenkinses or boarded and done far
The bride of Lammermoor : drama, 5 acts
He's no conjuror!
The Huguenots
Whistle for it : musical entertainment, 2 acts
Grace Mary
Voyage to the North, founded on the late polar expedition
The mob cap; or, love's disguises
Jack Sheppard
The green room
Miles's boy; or, the miller of Goodwood
L'Agense : opera (Italian), 2 acts
In possession
Duke of Milan, address to the revived play
A morning call
David Garrick
Turn out!
Woman's wit; or, love's disguises
The smuggler's daughter
Zelina; or, the Triumph of the Greeks
Sarah's young man
The strange gentleman
The queen of the market
The Pacha's pets; or, the bear and the monkey!
The spectre bridegroom; or, a ghost in spite of himself
Adam Buff; or, the man without a ...
Velvet and rags
Hamet and zelena; or, stratagem for stratagem
The lily of the field
The valley of diamonds; or, harlequin Sinbad : pantomime, 18 scenes
Rappings and table movings
The Corsican brothers; or, la vendetta
Leap year
Fan-fan, the tulip; or, a soldier's fortune
John Bull; or, the tradesman's fireside
Saracen's head removed from snow hill : operetta, 1 act
The mystery of the Abbey; or, the murder vision ...
The devil's in it
Woman's wrongs
Double dealing; or, the rifle volunteer
A blot on the 'scutcheon
The Irish ambassador
Ethelstan; or, the battle of Brunanburh
Mary's dream; or, far, far at sea!
The student of Jena; or, the diamond watch
La prima donna ou la soeur de lait
The hunter of the Alps
Bardell versus Pickwick
Wealth and poverty; or, the trials of life
The master builder
The grey doublet
Gale Breezely; or, the tale of a tar
The owl sisters
Titus Andronicus
Jessy Vere; or, the return of the wanderer
Jack of hearts
Joan of Arc; or, the maid of Orleans
The siege of Lynn
Apartments: visitors to the exhibition may be accommodated, etc., etc.
Binks the bagman!
Home for the holidays; or, young master
Kate Kearney; or, the fairy of the lakes
Shadows on the water; or, the cleverest lad in China
Sinbad the sailor; or, the valley of diamonds
Law and lions
Jack Sheppard
The vivandiere
The innocents
The good woman in the wood
The silver ticket; or, love in Bloterland
Une fièvre brûlante
The wife of two husbands
Masks and faces; or, before and behind the curtain
The day of tribute : musical drama, 3 acts
Roley Poley; or, earth, air fire and water, and enchanted umbrella
Aladdin; or, harlequin and the wonderful lamp
Mabel Connell
The mayor of garratt
The city of the plague
The mill of happy valley
The pretty Jane! the cruel squire! and Robin the ploughman!
In town
The peasant countess
My uncle Gabriel
Four plays
Ninetta; or, the maid of Palaiseau
The printer's devil
The tempest
Cymbeline, king of Britain
Hoop of gold
Tam O'Shanter
Jack of all trades
Fatherless Fanny; or, the orphan's trials
War, love and peace; or, harlequin gossip, chat and beauty
The brothers in arms or the wolf and the lamb
A delicate boy
Mischievous Annie
H.M.S. Pinafore; or, the lass that loved a sailor
The lady's dream
Sayings and doings; or, the rule of contrary
John Overy; or, the miser of Southwark ferry
Frank wildeye! or, the spendthrift husband
The tragic Mary
St. Clement's eve
De Valencourt
Carlos Gangenelli; or, the bravo of castile
Roquelaure; ou, l'homme le plus laid de France
Presumptive evidence; or, murder will out
Massaniello; or, the dumb girl of Portici
The dwarf of Naples
Lost husband
The Suliote; or, the greek family
Adrienne lecouvreux
Le père turlututu; ou les souvenirs
L'amour en commandite
The fair penitent
The Carib chief
The M.P. for the rotten borough!
Glendwyr of Mount Snowden; or, the rock of death
Le brigand napolitain
The last shilling; or, the spendthrift's fate
Euripides's Alcestis burlesqued
Hush! or, secrets at court
London, Liverpool and Bristol
My daughter's debut
The inconstant; or, wine works wonders
The editor's sanctum
Bitter cold; or, the secret of the holly bough
The mountaineers
The merry wives of Madrid
Robert the devil
King and artist
Belford castle
The devil's violin; or, the revolt of the flowers
The Jewess; or, the Council of Constance
The writing on the wall
Rory O'More
The Poor Soldier
The world in London
Riquet with the tuft
Left in a Cab
X Y Z : farce, 2 acts
Queen Mary's bower
The pilot; or, a storm at sea
Love, honor, and interest
Sea of ice; or, the prayer of the wrecked and the gold-seeker of Mexico
The siege of Sarragossa; or, Spanish patriots in 1808 : opera, 2 acts
Brian Boroihme; or, the maid of Erin
The badge of Burgundy; or a citizen's revenge
Pierrot the married man and polichinello the gay single fellow
King Stephen; or, the battle of Lincoln
Le centenaire; ou la famille des Gaillards
The nephew as uncle
Madonna Pia
Daft Dora; or, the sorrows of Susan the child ...
The king's wager
Songs, etc., from Fidelio
Faustus, part 1
A quiet day
The wheel of fortune
The maid of bath
The robbers
Hear him out : comedy, 5 acts
Figaro in London
The daughter of the stars
The Irish Yankee; or, the birth-day ...
The elopement extraordinary : musical farce, 2 acts
The Chevalier de St. George
The seven maids of Munich; or, the ghost's tower
The flying Dutchman; or, the phantom ship
Eugenia Claircille; or, the new found home
Adolfo e Clara; or, the two prisoner[s], comic opera (Italian), 2 acts
The chimes, a goblin story of some bells that rung an old year out and a new year in
Gretna Green : operetta, 1 act
Taming the truant
The eternal masculine
Macbeth travestie
Charles King; or, another story of King Charles
The hussars of Hesse; or, the third day
The court of queen of Anne; or, the prince and the breeches maker
The dumb boy of Manchester
The siege of Berwick
John Frock
Send thirty stamps
Valentine and Orson
Blue beard ; Padlock ; Wedding-day ; Sylvester Daggerwood ; Devil to pay ; Love-a-la-mode
The fifth of November; or, the gunpowder plot
The lady of the lake and knight of Snowdown
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CiNii Books