
検索結果 3,596 件

Yong-Shik LeeRoutledge2022<A411-D77>
  • 要約等"The book examines the theory and practice of law and development. It introduces the Ge......ory of Law and Development, an innovative approach which explains the mechanism......ch law impacts development. The book anal......ss of economic development in South Korea, S......from legal and institutional per......book also explains why the concept of 'development' is not only r......vant to developing countries but......he new edition includes five new......hapters addressing the relations......w and economic development in several key areas, including property righ......governance, business transactions, state industrial promotion, and intern...
  • 内容細目What Is law and development? Evolution of law and development General theory of law and development Law and development in South Korea Law and development in South Africa A......of the law and development approach in the United Sta......ytical law and development model Property......s and Economic Development Political Gove......, and Economic Development Legal Frameworks for Business Transactions and Economic Development State Industrial Promotion International Leg......ks : Trade and Development Conclusion
  • 件名Law and economic development Law and economic development--South Africa ......w and economic development--United States......w and economic development--Korea (South) Droit et déve...
edited by Nico Schulenkorf, Jon Welty Peachey, Ramón Spaaij, Holly Collison-RandallEdward Elgar Publishing[2023]<FS21-D46>
  • 要約等...irmly embedded in international development contexts, poli......, multi-disciplinary overview of......e-art research in this critical ......s new and emerging approaches, contexts and development foci. The Handbook includes chapters......riety of sport initiatives, ranging from small co......to large-scale international eve......n, action, and innovation by presenting critical issu....... Contributors include seminal scholars fro......broader disciplines, sport-specific development experts as well as up-and-coming academics who...... gender discrimination, athlete ......outlooks regarding concepts, met......e mobilisation in sport and international devel...
  • 内容細目Introduction to H......k of sport and international development / Nico Schulen......gy, sport, and international development: An ambivalent...... and sport for development and peace / Ri......s of sport and international development / Iain Lindsey 4. Indigenous studie...... Management/business studies applying business and management principles to advance sport for development organisations ......lips and Katherine Raw 6. Innovation studie......transformation in sport for development / Per G. Svens......d sports-based interventions / D......stedt Part II. International sport-for-development: Key themes 8. Gender sport, development and gender: Expanding the vis...
  • 件名Sports--Influence--Research International rel......ions Relations internationales Sports--Influence--Recherche international relations. International relations.
Jessica SklairRoutledge2022<EG44-D8>
  • 要約等...lian elites during a key period in recent Brazili......la's last term in office through...... Bolsonaro. Against this backdro...... wealth elites in upholding the structure...... socioeconomic inequality that continue to define Brazilian soc......e sector's growing engagement in international development has led to the......ect centred on practices of 'philanthr......' and 'social finance', which ul...... and the elite interests it serves. Drawing on an in-depth and wide-ranging ethnographic ......their advisors in over 30 Brazil......oundations and intermediary orga......, the book combines a structural......ologies underlying philanthropic practice with ...
  • 内容細目Introduction: The......y Sector: Locating an Elite Practice Ways of Giving and Ways of Being Wealthy: Phil......ponsibility is in our DNA": Hist......cal Narratives in a Brazilian Family Business Investimento Soci......n Philanthropy Incorporating the Entrepren......hropy Transforming Philanthropists and their Practice: The Work of Intermediaries Te......ivided: Impact Investing, Grantmaking and the Futur...... Philanthropy, Development and the Reproduction of the W...
  • 件名...sibility of business--Brazil Brazil--Social con...
edited by Sara Willermark, Anders D. Olofsson and J. Ola LindbergRoutledge2024<FB75-D7>
  • 要約等...perspective on intensified discussions concerning digitalizatio......tal competence in the current tr......tional work. Using a multidisciplinary and holisti...... front-runners in a European and......tal competence in educational wo......pirical data gained from policy documents, interviews, and q......digitalization in education. Ult......ross the globe involved with digital education,...
  • 内容細目New digital practices in education : talking about the (r)......& Sarah Howard Introduction / Sa......ofsson J. Ola Lindberg - Norwegi...... comprehension in teacher education : two peas in a pod? / Ann-T......ral resilience in local translat......ategy to local practice: a leadership ......önlund Overcoming barriers to t......ation / Tomas Lindroth & Johan M......ections on leading for digitalization : digging deeper into professional......hool leaders using the PEAT-mode......ia Håkansson Lindqvist A learning analytics driven intervention to s......students' learning activity and ......na Sigridur Islind & María Óskarsdóttir Qual...
  • 件名Computer-assisted instruction--Scandinavia Computer literacy--Scandinavia Competency......ducation--Scandinavia
Steven W. Evans, Julie Sarno Owens, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Mark D. Weist, editorsSpringer[2023]<FC14-D2>
  • 内容細目... mental health interventions How...... mental health intervention is effective: an introduction to t...... mental health interventions / S......emotional learning interventions and......y School-based interventions for......ty / Golda S. Ginsburg, Isaac C. Smith Interventions for......r, Karissa Lim Interventions for......e Mikami, Caroline E. Miller, Hongyuan Qi Interventions for...... Taylor Thorne Interventions for......o exhibit bullying or aggressive......pelage, Luz Robinson, Alberto Va...... mental health interventions and...... mental health interventions for......youth: current practice and promising future directio...
  • 件名...manuals, etc Clinical psychology......lth services Clinical psychology. Mental health...
  • 一般注記Previous edition published in 2014
Xueqing Jing, editorSpringer[2021]<DC179-D2>
  • 要約等...n the level of industrial synergy development of the Yangtze...... Economic Belt in China. The main contents include: Linkage Development of the Manufacturing and Logistics Industries of the......t, Cooperative Development of the Information Industry in the Yangtze Ri......mic Belt, Coordination and Deepening of Agricultural Development in the Yangtze Ri......mic Belt, Coordinated Development of the Ecologi......al Environment in the Yangtze Ri......Economic Belt, Development of Regional Financial Integration in the Yangtze Ri......elt, Port Coordinated Development of the Yangtze......lt, as well as Industrial Division of the Yangt...
  • 内容細目Linkage development of manufacturing industry and logistics industry of the Y......omic belt Coordinated development of information industry in Yangtze river ......omic belt Coordination and deepening of agricultural development in Yangtze river ......omic belt Coordinated development of ecological environment in Yangtze river economic belt Integrated development of regional finance in the Yangtze ri......omic belt Coordinated development of ports in the Yangtze ri...... economic belt Industrial divisi......nd cooperation in the Yangtze river economic be...
  • 件名Economic development--China--Yangtze River Economic development. Economic hist......ngtze River (China)--Economic po......ngtze River (China)--Economic conditions China--Yangtze River.
Jin MinRoutledge2024<EG295-D76>
  • 要約等...this title examines green consumption in China from both the......mentation. Drawing on the theories of sustainable development, ecological ph......en consumption in China from the legislative and administrative aspec......d economic and information means. In looking into the cases of......enzhen and Beijing, the book unr......ementation and development of green consu......ommunity level in terms of commu......the issue. Combining global experi...... evolution and influencing factors of gr......t focuses on China's policy and practice, as well as the institutional hindrance and poli......d policymakers interested in sustainable develo...
  • 内容細目...en Consumption International Pol......tion and Their Practices China's Policies on...... its Evolution Practices of Green Consumption in China's Communities......Outlook of the Development of Green Consumption in China
  • 件名Sustainable development--China Environmental economics--China Environmental policy--China Consumer behavior--China
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group2021<A157-D3>
  • 要約等"This book is an introduction to the wide-ranging topic of NGOs and development combining a critical ov......rview of the main research liter...... and practical insights drawn from experience in Asia, Europe, ......to students of development studies at und......masters levels in fields and disciplines as diverse as International Development Studies, International Rel...... and Politics, International Studies, as well a...
  • 内容細目Introduction: Wha......ons? Understanding NGOs in historical context NGOs and development theory NGOs and development : from alternative to mainstream? NGO roles in contemporary development practice NGOs and civil......ystem NGOs and international hum......itarian action Development NGOs in perspective
  • 件名...tions Economic development Economic development. Non-governmental organizatio...
edited by Donnie AdamsRoutledge2023<FB56-D21>
  • 要約等"This book examines Malaysia's a......landscape, drawing upon the eleven key shifts in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025. It......rapid and sustainable transforma......what is needed in shaping the educational reforms in Malaysia, espe......dded understanding of Malaysian ......- focus on the interplay of prevailing and persisten......what is needed in shaping the educational reforms in Malaysia. As a......ducation Blueprint reform effort...... of particular interest to educa......and challenges in Malaysian education policy"--
  • 内容細目...nie Adams and King Lok Tan Gende......he 'Lost Boys' in Malaysian educ...... Asli students in Malaysia / Ahm......tion programme in Malaysia : development, reform, and w......kar and Zulkarnin Zakaria Minding the gap between theory and practice to reinforce the deliv......ducation / Adelina Asmawi Qualit...... human capital development / Husaina Banu Kenayath......a Rashed Fostering national unity in Malaysia : the......nd education / Intan Marfarrina Omar, Ahmad Z......ridzah Jamaluddin Moral educatio......lakrishnan ICT in Malaysian educ......ucation and training in Malaysia : ref......L Cheah Empowering educators to transform learn...
  • ジャンル・形式用語Informational works.
edited by Channing Arndt and Finn Tarp.Oxford University Press2017.<ED11-B166>
  • 要約等"This book focuses on two domains: the measurem......first-order dominance approach t......fare analysis. In each domain, it provides a......alysis by allowing the analyst t......oretical grounding for the code ......on 'estimation in practice', and a series......n extension to inequality, and a look forward."...
  • 内容細目part 1. Principles and choices. Measuring poverty and wellbeing in developing countries : m......verview / Channing Arndt and Finn Tarp Absolute poverty lines / Channing Arndt, Kristi Mahrt, and Finn Tarp Multidim......first-order dominance comparison......pulation wellbeing / Nikolaj Sie......rdal, and Channing Arndt Estimation in practice / Channing Arndt and Kri......ations. Estimating utility-consistent poverty in Ethiopia, 2000......dehanna Estimating utility-consistent poverty in Madagascar, 20......stimates to definitions, data, a......ambique / Channing Arndt, Sam Jo......Kristi Mahrt, Vincenzo Salvucci, and Finn Tarp ...
  • 件名Poor--Developing countries. Po......rement. Well-being--Developing countries. Well-being--Measurement.
edited by Krishen Mehta, Esther Shubert, and Erika Dayle SiuZed Books[2020]<DG118-D5>
  • 内容細目...protect developing country tax r......Dayle Siu Securing mining, oil, and gas......d Transfer pricing rules and alt......for the tax administrations of developing countries / T......ny Randriamanalina International tax......n, harmful tax practices and the 'race......nstrategic tax incentives in Africa / Annet......yana Oguttu Taxing digitalized c......s of bilateral investment treati......ctoria Lee Multinational entity finance schemes : ......Kerrie Sadiq Joint tax audits be......ped and developing countries / J...... Tax avoidance in development finance : the case of a Finnfund investment / Lauri Finér Raising revenue and improv...
  • 件名Taxation--Developing countries Dis......x evasion Sustainable development International business enterprises......Social aspects International business enterprises......utive justice. International business enterprises......ocial aspects. International business enterprises......Taxation. Sustainable development. Tax evasion. Developing countries.
  • タイトル標目CROP international studies in poverty research
Zhenjiang Shen, Ling Huang, KuangHui Peng, Jente Pai, editors.Springer[2018]<DD84-B25>
  • 要約等...aced with sustainable development issues in their work, es......sked with creating green cities or where sustainable and smart growth in urban settings are set as p......als. This book introduces green city planning and practices from the thre...... of green-building innovation, community development and smart city......reen city planning are a necessa......ition for reaching sustainable urban development. A range of authors representing a broad disciplinary spectrum bring together the ...... of green building methods and u......an researchers in the implementa......reen city planning at regional, community and single-building level in order to...
  • 内容細目1. Overview: Green City Planning and Practices in Asian Cities.-......tegy, and Planning 3. How Green ......art House: Looking Back to Original Concept of S...... 4. Green Building Development in China 5. A PRELIMINARY Comparative......ical Community Indicators: EEWH-......storation Planning by Greening THE City 6. Ecological and Intensive Design ......tics for Mountainous Cities in Western China 7. Ecological Wisdom in Planning and Design of Ancient Chinese Cities and ......ce System Planning Practices of Multi-Dime......k Construction in High-Density A......tence Trend of Incremental Planning and Existing Stock Planning ...
  • 件名Sustainable urban development--Asia. POLITIC......icy--City Planning & Urban Development. SOCIAL SCIENC......ogy--Urban. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS--Development--Economic Development. Sustainable urban development. Asia.
edited by Simone Busetti and Noemi PaceRoutledge2023<DM171-D29>
  • 要約等"This book examines policy respo......ost or wasted. Investigating food waste an...... loss under an interdisciplinary lens, the c......al approaches, including quantitative ......echniques, drawing on in-depth case stu......rch. Organised into two parts, t...... first part is introductory and ......three chapters investigating the measureme...... programmes aiming to prevent an...... undertaken by international and intergovernmental institutions, nat......rivate actors. International FAO......rammes are examined, as are nati...... from Asia, Latin America and Eu......programmes within European cities. By focusing on different territories and...
  • 内容細目Chapter 1. Assessing food loss and......hodologies and practices Chapter 2. Th......hapter 3. Tackling food loss and......ection to reducing food loss and......hapter 5. Reducing food loss in rural development projects. Exam......es from IFAD's investments Chapt......d the fight against food waste a......from policy to practice Chapter 7. Did...... from a pioneering national regu......d waste policy in Italy: From de......d waste policy in Romania: A cas......er 10. Japan's practices on food waste......nti-food-waste in China: from anti-co......ption to enhancing food security......ter 13. Social innovation for food waste reduct...
  • 件名Food waste Food industry and trade Food supply F...
日本地域福祉学会機関紙編集委員会地域福祉実践研究編集会議 編日本地域福祉学会2010-<Z72-C13>
  • 国立国会図書館永続的識別子info:ndljp/pid/11232009
  • 並列タイトル等(連結)Japanese journal of practical research in community development
  • 並列タイトル等Japanese journal of practical research in community development
Vasilii Erokhin, Tianming Gao, Xiuhua ZhangIGI Global, Business Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global[2019]<GJ143-D3>
  • 要約等... challenges to international coo......ration for the development of the Arctic in view of the rapid growth in exploration an......rary issues of international coo......on on the sustainable development of the Arctic"--
  • 内容細目...ion management in the Arctic : organic farming and food secu......ciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine Innovation-driven......of tourist destinations in the Russian Ar......lenges to sustainable development / Anna Ivolga,......ic temperature increases and ant......eases? / Valentin Sapunov, St.Pe......niversity, Missing Country Regio......ilongjiang province, China / Zhang Xiuhua, Harbin Engineering University, China, China Arctic connec......ivity for sustainable development : major actors....../ Vasilii Erokhin, Harbin Engineering University, China Going north : China's role in the Arctic blu......dor / Gao Tianming, Harbin Engineering Universi...
  • 件名Sustainable development--Arctic region......Arctic regions International cooperation International cooperation. Sustainable development. Waterways. Arctic Regions.
Hiroki Fujii, Sun-Kyung Lee, editorsSpringer[2024]<FC87-D11>
  • 要約等...ence education in the context of...... Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ......ntributors who practiced science education for sustainability in a research pro......cation for ESD in the Asia-Pacif......e contributors innovations in science education for sustainability, presenting case studies ......f science teaching and learning, science curr......ence education in collaboration ......ucation. Embodying Asian sustainability educati...... policies, and practices, these case s......tural contexts in Asia, while demonstrating their commona......s. Through examining these case st......cher education in implementing education for su...
  • 内容細目Intro Series Edit......nts Chapter 1: Introduction: Cha......ence Education in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals 1.1 Introduction 1.2 ......ncies for Sustainability To Be A...... ESD 1.2.2 Framing of School Science Incorporating ESD 1.3 Scien......D 1.3.2 Developing Science Teachers to Practice ESD 1.4 Keywords in Science Educat......: Science Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development in Formal Schooling Chapter 2: Pa......rship for Sustainability in Science Educat......ge Program 2.1 Introduction 2.2 ......eted Understanding 2.4.3 Critica......and Creative Thinking 2.4.4 Decision-Making 2.4.5 Abilities and Viewpoin...
  • 件名Science--Study and teaching--Asia Sustainable development--Study and teaching--Asia Sciences--Étude et en...
edited by Marc J. Cohen and Melinda Smale.Routledge2012.<DM171-B102>
  • 内容細目... overview / Melinda Smale pt. I ......ubsistence farming as a safety n......et 3.Understanding and responding to the links between conf......Bassett 5.The links between food...... / Louise Sperling 6.Genetically......l Impacts / Dominic Glover 7.The......Baffes 8.Which instruments best ......kle food price instability in developing countries? / ...... Galtier 9.Bearing risk is hard ......armers and low-income countries ...... impacts of grain-price increases on food-production chains / Hugo Garcia......s, and markets in the Andes / Sa......ffects of changing food prices o......re and poverty in Guatemala / Meagan Keefe 13.L...
  • 一般注記"This book is a reproduction of Development in practice, volume 21, issues 4-5"--titl...
  • タイトル標目Development in practice books.
edited by Ken Jones, Giorgio Ostinelli and Alberto CrescentiniRoutledge2024<FC23-D8>
  • 要約等"Bringing together expe......tter understanding of the changing nature of tea......fessional learning in national polic......fferences existing between vario......sses the new thinking that has emerged in the field of t......flect the changing patterns and policies relating to the ways e......rofessionals maintain and enhance professional practice. The book high......d practitioner inquiry have a st......e. It also examines briefly the ......c and the ways in which new appr......fessional learning, specifically......n to transform practice in some countries in Europe"--
  • 内容細目Introduction / Ke......work for analysing teacher professional learning and development / Giorgio Ostinelli Using the framework......fessional learning and development in 14 European co......lberto Crescentini and Giorgio Ostinelli Teacher professionalism in Estonia : the ...... lifelong learning? / Ene-Silvia......fessional learning : policy development to policy enactment / Fiona King, Aoife Brenna......r professional development in Romania : framing learning, responsibili......fessional learning in Finland : providers of education in key role / Jar......ahtivuori-Hänninen and Marjo Vesalainen Career-long professional le...
  • 件名Teachers--In-service training--Europe Teachers--Profession...
David B. Abraham, Seema D. Iyer, editorsSpringer[2021]<DD77-D21>
  • 要約等... American best practices and perspectives on developing, managing and monitoring indicators to track development progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in local communit......es and cities. In 4 main sections, the ...... the many ways in which community indicator programs are either integrating or retooling to integrate the SDGs into their existing frameworks, o......hey are developing new programs ......G adoption within the context of......ties prevalent in these settings. The chapter......community planning and sustainable development, and will add ......al management, information management and data ...
  • 内容細目Chapter1: Introduction: Localizing SDG Goals and empowering cities and communities in North America for sustainability Section......apter2: Localizing the SGDs in Baltimore: Cha......f the USA Sustainable Cities Initiative Chapte......Angeles: Measuring Its Ambition ......e Idea of Sustainability and the......s Chapter5: Making the SDGs Rele...... for Cities: Using the Community Capital Tool in British Columb......d Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Santa......ionIII: Mobilizing Local SDG eff......the SDG-Monitoring Challenge Cha......d for All Enabling All Communiti......tionIV: Developing new methods and data to loca...
  • 件名Sustainable development--North America City planning--Environmenta......rica City planning--Environmenta...... aspects. Sustainable development. North America.
Flavio Tangianu, Ombretta Para, Fabio Capello, editorsSpringer[2021]<SC141-D71>
  • 要約等This book assesses the main features of CO......ID-19 from a clinical point of view, base......ations made during the disease epidemic in Northern Italy......affected areas in the world (the......gion outside China facing overwhelming numbers of ca......ractical guidelines in place, Italian......ed to fight against an unknown d......the first time in modern history......makers had to find rapid solutio......to a life-changing health crisis...... or procedures in place to guide......r actions. Sharing the lessons l......ence, and offering practical tips on implementing future progra......icy-makers wanting to better understand the com...
  • 内容細目1. Introduction 2. C......w and why 7. Clinical pictures o......ith SARS-CoV-2 Infection 10. Res......ratory support in COVID 19 respi...... failure 11. Principles of pharm......19 13. Basic principles of publi......COVID-19 14. Principles of manag......nt of COVID-19 in vulnerable com......unities 15. AN INNOVATIVE SYSTEM......UNDERSTAND THE DEVELOPMENT OF EPIDEMICS USING GIS SPATIAL A......BIG DATA 16. Principles of Risk ...... management during the COVID-19 Pandemic 17. Le...
  • 一般注記Includes index