検索結果 27 件
- 要約等Since its first publicat......9, this Oxford History has established itself as the Revo...... authoritative and comprehensive one-volume history in English, and has recently b...... it traces the history of France through revolution, terror, and counter-revolu......t of events in France upon the rest of Europe and the world beyo...... with optimism and general enthus......conomic chaos, and civil and international war. Now in its third edition,......rent research, and includes an ap......eying the past and present historiography of the...
- 内容細目France under Louis XV......opinion Crisis and collapse, 1776......ciples of 1789 and the reform of France The breakdown ......90-1791 Europe and the revolution......The revolution and its historians.
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 要約等...l, historical, and global perspec...... driver in the history of capitalism, and a potent geopo......isis to empire and the rise and fall of a post...... key to understanding the central......blic debt have and will continue ......, public debts and capital market......ir sovereignty and build their in......s, pensioners, and wage-earners h...... the Covid-19 pandemic opens up a......connecting the history of capitalism and that of democr......t intellectual and political task......obal political history of public debt......to this debate and will be of int......ial, economic, and political historians and researchers. Chapters 13 and ...
- 内容細目Part I Political Crises and the Legitimacy......f Debts? Spain and Its Colonial Realm......blicity, Debt, and Politics: The Old Regime and the French Rev......ment Borrowing and Political Regi......4. Public Debt and Democratic Sta......teenth-Century France Part II Global......al Expansions, and Changing Sover......s: Public Debt and European Inter......nal Knowledge, and Colonialism in......l: Public Debt and Regional Inequ......sm: Local Debt and the Constructi...... United States and France Part III The G...... War: Britain, France, and Their Empires ......: Iraq, Syria, and the Crisis of ......ires from the Mandates to the Cold War Era Part ...
- 関連情報Palgrave studies in the history of finance
- 内容細目... : sovereignty and its constraints in Greek tragedy and elsewhere / Gl......h, the people, and the intellectu......nty as concept and praxis in the ......th, the state, and religious scho......tomi Hideyoshi and the performati......stitutionalism and the sovereign ......ttre de cachet and the emergence ......teenth-century France / Miranda Spieler Re-to...... Yurchak Hijra and exile : Islam and dual sovereign......on experiments and the science of......modern theater and the revolution...... in permanence and the fall of po......rnational law, and China's legal ......agner : artist and hero, symbolic history, and the staging of origins /...
- 件名Sovereignty--Philosophy. Sovereignty--History.
- 要約等In the years of and around the Fir......ction writers, and dramatists cam......amount of non- and anti-Modernist...... war effort. A History of American Literature and Culture of the......t the multiple and intricate rela......ional culture, and a variety of cultural and social forces ......nteracted with and influenced the......time movements and groups, and broad historical assessments ...
- 内容細目...t one hundred (and counting) / Tim Dayton and Mark W. Van Wi...... Part I. Genre and Medium. 1. Poe......ma goes to war and sometimes brin......ism: adventure and reckoning / Jo......l memory / Ian Andrew Isherwood ; 8. Art and illustration: ......t II. Settings and Subjects. 9. T....... Americans in France: women writers and international ......dual loyalties and poetic adaptat......cultural propaganda and its agents / Alisa...... Leonard Wood, and Rookie rhymes ......la ; 14. Propaganda: martialing m......ence, courage, and resistance / S......ers: ambulance and nursing narrat......, citizenship, and patriotism / Françoise N. Ha...
- 件名...-20th century--History and criticism Worl......18--Literature and the war World ......ted States War and literature Littérature amér...
- 要約等"Now in its third edition,......of design's prehistory in ancient civ...... chronicle the history of the Bauhaus and the rise of th......e in the 1950s and '60s, and the postmodern......t of the 1970s and '80s. Contempo......visualization, and the use of ani......aphics in film and television. Th......like Bruce Mau and the Center for...... images, an expanded introduction and epilogue, and revised text throughout. A ne...
- 内容細目...design Writing and printing in Ch......century: an expanding field. The ......ial Revolution and the rise of ur......ean newspapers and the law ; New ......e popular book and print ; Mass-m......the broadsheet and the poster ; N...... ; Typesetting and competition ; ......rris. The arts and crafts movemen......y ; Sensuality and symbolism ; Th......tes ; Harper's and Japanese print....... Bradley: England ; English Art ......Arthur Liberty and liberty's ; Au......ouveau in Scotland, Austria, and Germany: the f......ic manuscripts and The Four ; Cha...... Germany : Pan and Jugend magazin......rst World War, and Dada. Sachplakat in Germany :...
- ジャンル・形式用語History. Illustrated works.
- 要約等...aspects of the history of World War II. Authors from...
- 内容細目...tish outpost'- and war with Japan......ese resistance and the Malay nati......ji Jukim/Jukin France and Japan in Tianj...... Mathieu Gotteland Japanese ultra-nationalism and its 'holy' war: A ......f intellectual history / Fumitaka Fur......, constraints, and opportunities ......ar II in Japan and the United Sta......cond World War and Nepal: A discu......he involvement and experiences / ......: World War II and Iran, 1939-194......y Amidst abyss and paradise- Germ......atic relations and first Bulgaria......43-1945 / Alessandro Salvador The......cond World War and Africa- New co......talinist, Nazi and nationalist atrocities in Ukr...
- ジャンル・形式用語Conference papers and proceedings.
- 要約等"This Handbook triangulat......disciplines of history, legal history, and literature to ......rly modern England. Scholars of e......ish literature and history have increasin......that an understanding of how peop...... thought about and used the law i...... key to understanding early modern familial and social relatio......cal revolution and the emergence ...... foster new habits of literary co......sition (poetry and drama) and new processes ......f fact-finding and evidence evalu......ate conscience and public account......rians, critics and legal historia......ether in this Handbook to develop...... of our understanding of the place of forensic m...
- 内容細目Forensic Rhetoric and Humanist Educa......yncratic Books and Common Learnin......aw Scholarship and the Written Wo......tentive Mindes and Serious Wits" : Legal Training and Early Drama / ......r Legal Satire and the Legal Prof......s's Epigrammes and Professional D......on Emblem Book and Common Law / P......titutionality, and the Legal Prof......que : Humanity and Liberty at the......w, Literature, and History in Restoration England / Christopher ......aw Enforcement and the Local Comm......f the Justices and their Quarter ......sions / Norma Landau Law and the Evidentiar......o Legal Reform and 2 Henry IV / Virginia Lee Str...
- ジャンル・形式用語Criticism, interpretation, etc. History.
- 要約等...ern Hemisphere and was the first ......an colonizers, its history is not well kn......aiti's dynamic history and culture from t......walks of life. Its dozens of sele......sual, musical, and political cultures, and range from poems, novels, and political trac......lation, songs, and folk tales. Sp......des in Haiti's history, such as the U......ary occupation and the Duvalier d......e environment, and modernization,......ook at Haiti's history, culture, and politics"--
- 内容細目... freedom in a land of re-enslavem...... letters / Alexandre Pétion and Simón Bolivar......nry Christophe and the English Ab......g Charles X of France ; Hymn to inde......elorme ; Acaau and the Piquet Reb......ation of Haiti and the Dominican ......rgeaud ; Haiti and its visitors and "Le vieux piqu......; Family portraits ; My Panama ha......s ; God, work, and liberty! / Oswald Durand ; The national......tin Lhérisson and Nicolas Geffra...... / Nord Alexis and Anténor Firmi......ne / Oswald Durand ; Bouqui's bat...... United States and Haiti / Robert......eale Davis Jr. and Louis Borno ; ...... Corvée Labor and the Caco revolt / Roger Gaill...
- ジャンル・形式用語History
- 要約等... delineate the history of the product......dissemination, and reception of texts from the e...
- 内容細目Writing systems / Andrew Robinson Th......Kallendorf The history of the book in......ge through MSS and printed books ......ctual property and copyright / Ad......dren's books / Andrea Immel The history of illustration and its technologies /......torial theory, and textual critic......ileen Gardiner and Ronald G. Musto Regional and national histo...... c.1475-1800 / Andrew Murphy ; Br...... Squires ; Ireland / Niall Ó Ciosáin and Clare Hutton ; France / Vincent Giro......lood ; Switzerland / Lukas Erne ;......harlotte Appel and Karen Skovgaar......Czech Republic and Slovakia / Dev......na Pavlik ; Poland / Janet Zmroczek ; The Baltic...
- 件名Books--History. Printing--History. Book industries and trade--History.
- 要約等...argolin, World History of Design is a...... comprehensive and detailed histo......design from prehistory to the end of the twentieth c...
- 内容細目... Classical Age and Early Byzantiu......edieval Europe and the Islamic Wo...... Asia, Africa, and the Americas, ......issance Europe and the Ottoman Em......tion in Europe and America, 1750-......he Craft Ideal and the Art Movement: Britain and Elsewhere, 186......00 Art Nouveau and the Decorative......ralia, New Zealand, 1300-1900 15.......0 16. Colonies and Pre-Industrial......ations in Asia and Africa, 1750-1......sign in Europe and America, 1900-1917 18. Art and Literature of ...... 1918-1933 22. France, 1918-1939 23.......39 24. Western and Southern Europ......39 25. Central and Eastern Europe......900-1939 26. Scandinavia, 1917-1945 27. Italy, G...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 内容細目...Middle Eastern history : inhibitive r...... Entrepreneurs and entrepreneursh......trepreneurship and the industrial...... / Mark Casson and Andrew Godley History of entrepreneu......n, 1900-2000 / Andrew Godley and Mark Casson History of entrepreneu......preneurship in France / Michel Hau E......neurship since its late imperial ......pan : the role and logic of the Z......chiro Yonekura and Hiroshi Shimiz......cations of the history / William J. Baumol and Robert Strom.
- 件名Entrepreneurship -- History.
- 関連情報Kauffman Foundation series on innovation and entrepreneurship
- 内容細目... other stories France: French revolutions at the movies Russia: utopia and dystopia Germa......y: the myth of history, neorealism, and beyond Japan: ......ning feudalism and modernism Indi......of combination and contradiction ......Bergman, being and nothingness Ho......l pioneer Mainland China: Jia Zhangke, freedom and the sixth generation.
- 要約等"France provides detai......eople, events, and social issues ......tudy of French history. It contains e......eople, events, and terms, as well......hort narrative history presents stude......acts of French history. For any stude...... in the modern history of France from the Renaissance to the p...
- 内容細目History of France Origins The Fr......red Years' War and after The Renaissance and the rise of th...... of Absolutism France during the sev......h civilization and its influence in t......fic, economic, and cultural devel......ial, economic, and foreign policy......ublic Cultural and scientific dev......m 1871 to 1914 and World War I Th......ars The Fourth and Fifth Republic....... Statesmen of France.
- 件名France -- History -- Dictionaries.
- 内容細目...ian writing in France before 1550 / ......rly modern England / Sarah Knight......social control and the history of English lit......olitical propaganda in seventeenth-century France / Alison Saund......rs Insinuation and instruction : ......C. Dean Police and political pamp......-revolutionary France : the testimon...... Fancy costume and political authority in the Fr...
- 件名Publishers and publishing -- ......cal aspects -- France -- History. Publishers and publishing -- ......aspects -- England -- History. Books and reading -- Pol......cal aspects -- France -- History. Books and reading -- Pol......aspects -- England -- History. Literature and state -- France -- History. Literature and state -- England -- History. Power (Social sciences) -- France -- History. Power (Social......iences) -- England -- History. France -- Intellectual life. England -- Intellectual life.
- 内容細目...: 1.The Nature and Origins of Money And Barter The imp...... Modern barter and countertrading......y: definitions and early developm......onomic origins and functions The ......From Primitive and Ancient Money ...... whales' teeth and Yap stones Wam......ic money Money and banking in Mes......rly Egypt Coin and cash in early China Coinage and the change fro......inage in Lydia and Ionian Greece ......pment of Greek and Roman Money, 6......Laurion silver and Athenian coinage Greek and metic private ...... Attic money standard Banking in ......cedonian money and hegemony The f......quences of Alexander the Great Money and the ris...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名Money--History. Coinage--History. Coinage. Money.
- 要約等...ns of the bean and the beverage a......sider coffee's history, global spread......on, marketing, and the environmental and societal issue......scribe the art and science of roa......ing (tasting), and making good coffee.--
- 内容細目...e coffee plant and how it is handled / Shawn Ste......r: cultivation and yields / H.C. ......, agriculture, and nature: shade coffee farms and biodiversity /......utiful, harsh land / Carlos Saenz......role of nonprofits in coffee / Au......in the coffee lands / Rick Peyser......us for farmers and workers around...... Carlos H.J. Brando Supporting co......illa C. Valeur France / Jonathan Wes......ly / Vincenzo Sandalj United King...... Part III. The history of coffee and its social life : ......e, a condensed history / Jonathan Mor....../ Steven Topik and Michelle Craig......robusta coffee and the limits of the specialty r...
- 要約等"Film Manifestos and Global Cinema ......rom the global history of cinema, pro......rst historical and theoretical ac...... in filmmaking and film culture. ......y on political and aesthetic mman......heless central history of the cinema,......ine the cinema and, in the proces......ropean "waves" and figures (Eisen......); radical art and the avant-gard......Ono, Sanborn); and world cinemas ......levé, Straub, and many others. T......tics, feminist and queer film cul......es, Hollywood, and film and digital media.......roduction Code and Pius XI's Vigilanti Cura, whi...
- 内容細目...BCs of cinema (France, 1917-1921) / ......face: Un chien Andalou (France, 1928) / Luis ......ng L'age d'or (France, 1930) / The S......irit of truth (France, 1933) / Le Co...... film industry and to all who are......future cinema (France, 1952) / Guy D......re flat feet! (France, 1952) / Lettr......rs of Chaplin (France, 1952) Jean-Is......ice Lemaître, and Gabriel Pomerand The only dynam...... the Invention and Creation of Ab......ge Kuchar Film andepandan [independent......watin Dewdney Hand-made films man......rthur Cantrill and Corinne Cantrill For a metahistory of film: commonplace notes and hypotheses (USA, 1971) / Holl...
- 内容細目...hods, patterns and processes / Martin Aberhan and Wolfgang Kiess......atterns in the history of life? / Bru......e S. Lieberman and Adrian L. Melo......kes E. Johnson and B. Gudveig Baa......s : encrusting and endolithic com......s through time and space / Carlet...... ; Brachiopods and their aulopori......of Boulonnais (France) : comparison ......fish taphonomy and the contributi......ian vertebrate history / Carole J. Burrow and Susan Turner ;......he environment and life of the Eo......o of the early history of the animal ......caran) Weng'an and early Cambrian...... in the micro- and megafossil pla......ds : diversity and development of conch morpholo...
- 一般注記...al, Scientific and Cultural Organization, IUGS I...
- 典拠情報(Author Heading/「を見よ」参照)...al, Scientific and Cultural Organization Unesco
- 内容細目Digital media and the future of ......um specificity and the history of film theory......e Visual media and the tyranny of...... documentary / Frances Guerin Loss o......m genre theory and contemporary m......tical economy, and ethnography / Toby Miller and Mariana Johnso......ic innovation, and the case of 24......creen practice and conglomeration......ow reflexivity and conglomeration......e action image and postmodernity ......aub Asian film and digital cultur......Popular cinema and the "new" medi...... Latin America and the Middle East / Andrew Flibbert Computers and cultural studi...... Golumbia Film and media studies pedagogy / Warr...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Film and media studies
- 並列タイトル等Film and media studies
- 要約等Across a turbulent history, Black poets created a rich and multifaceted t......ican realities and an imaginative......acular, lyric, and protest. The a......ures the power and beauty of this......erse tradition and its challenge to American poetry and culture. The v......s of each poet and notes that ill......ral references and allusions to historical event...
- 内容細目... me in a free land: 1770-1899 Lif...... ME IN A FREE LAND 1770-1899. On ....../ Ann Plato Armand Lanusse: Epigr......Rillieux: Love and Devotion/ Les ......Whitfield Hope and Confidence / C...... Me in a Free Land ; Learning to ......d ; A Double Standard ; Songs for the People / Frances Ellen Watkins......ers A Prayer ; And What Shall You......man at Her Husband's Grave / Jose......iolets ; I Sit and Sew ; The Prol......a Spade ; Here and Hereafter / Wa......t Every Voicce and Sing ; Sence Y......Away ; O Black and Unknown Bards ......Fledgling Poet and the Poetry Soc......figy / Lewis Grandison Alexander Heritage ; Line...