検索結果 2,432 件
- 要約等"Starting with the first "scienti...... book explores the treatment of the concept of capital in the history of accounting and economic thought. The book provides ...... juxtaposition of the reasoning, dis......e and writings of accountants an......ach highlights the ongoing struggle between these "uncongenial......talism. But if they are certainly......"uncongenial", the book also argu...... ever classify these two discipli......twins" because they have taken ve......s book will be of significant in......est to readers of history of economic thought, critical accounting and heterodox economics"--
- 内容細目Part One. The writings of the accountants: creators of the capital-debt c......cept Part Two. The writings of the economists on the concept of capital Part Three. The attacks against the concept of capital-debt
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 要約等"Shedding new light on how the histories of zainichi Korea......book addresses the roots of postwar debates concerning the wartime experiences of Koreans in Jap......ng an overview of the complicated hi......y, it explores the experiences of Koreans locate......ki, as well as the history and processes ...... prostitution. These debates and ...... demonstrates, they are deeply em......er. By tracing the roots of these debates in h......ngs from local history groups to zain......rposes and how they have lent sup......s and memories of past events across the political spec......s core, Voices of the Korean Minority in Postwar Ja...
- 内容細目Foundational narratives of forced recruit......d forced labor History and the politics of testimony: Kor......re/not victims of forced recruit......ntested spaces of ethnicity: Zai......orean accounts of the atomic bombing......rly narratives of enforced milit......tution Telling the story today: problematizing the so-called 'comfort women issu...
- 件名Koreans--Japan--History--20th century....... labor--Japan--History. Japan--Social conditions--19...
- 要約等"The languages indi......sity. Based on the premise that l...... a key role in the origin and transmission of ideas within l...... book examines the history of approaches to these languages through the lens of some of their most prominent properties. These properties i......nventories and the near absence of labials in Iro......for washing in the Iroquoian lang......es. By tracing the interpretations of the four examples ......ican scholars, the author illustrates their role in both lay and professional contex...... holistic view of the history of language study in North Ameri...
- 内容細目...ledgments List of Abbreviations List of Figures Introduction Aims of the book Terms and......ions Structure of the book The languages of North America ......languages Loss of the languages : It......tions Overview of structural cha......ructure Polysynthesis Noun incorp......ations Studies of the languages of North America ......issionary and other pre-modern so......From 1788 till the 1840s Since the second half of the 19th century W...... sounds Images of languages and ......peakers Images of languages -- Images of speakers Gende......entury Studies of Algonquian gender since the beginning of the 20th century Early 20th-c...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 内容細目...Fair value and the conceptual fra......ork Fair value accounting : a standard s......rspective Have the standard sette......ith fair value accounting? Shareholder v......ialization and accounting regulation : making sense of fair value adoption in the European Union...... evidence from the financial crisis Fair value accounting in financial i......and fair value accounting The use of fair value accounting in risk manage......velopment (or other title) The history of the fair value ter......s measurements The "fairness" of fair value accounting : marking-to-m......management Let the fox guard the henhouse : how relaxing the t...
- 件名Fair value--Accounting.
- 並列タイトル等(連結)Companion to fair value in accounting
- 要約等...ing feature in the construction of modern states,......main driver in the history of capitalism, an...... to empire and the rise and fall of a post-war world order, the problem of debt has never been the sole purview of closed economi......les. This book offers a key to understanding the centrality of public debt to......tical problems of public debt ha......bt as a source of fragility or e......iciency misses the fact that, since the eighteenth cen......tes to enforce their sovereignty and build their institutions......ially in times of war. It is nonetheless striking t......t were used in the past to smooth out public deb...
- 内容細目Part I Political Crises and the Legitimacy of Public Debts (......) 1. An Empire of Debts? Spain a...... and Politics: The Old Regime and the French Revolut......on 3. Politics of Credit: Govern......1860s-1914) 5. The Entanglements of Domestic Polit......rol: Reform in the Ottoman Empire 7. The Unforeseen Path of Debt Imperiali......, 1871-1914 9. The Domestic Effects of Foreign Capita......Local Debt and the Construction of the Modern State in the United States ......rance Part III The Great Transformation of Public Debts (......914-1970s) 11. The Financial Challenges of Total War: Bri......n, France, and Their Empires in the First World ...
- 関連情報Palgrave studies in the history of finance
- 要約等"Established in 1979 in the premises of the Khmer Rouge pr......ad a turbulent history, mirroring Cam......ansformations. The book brings together academics and......ple fields who offer novel persp......and sources on the site and reflect on the challenges the institution has faced in the past and will face in the twenty-first c......specially with the coming of the post-justice era in the country"--
- 内容細目...a Multifaceted History of Khmer Rouge Cr......e Porée M-13: the Rural Prototype of S-21 / Hang Ni...... Unique Series of Testimonies: Memoirs of S-21 Survivors......y Visitors and the TSGM Visitor B...... References in the Early Years of Tuol Sleng / C......in Tuol Sleng: the Issue of Nazi-Khmer Rou......anding S-21 at the Tuol Sleng Gen......m Listening to the Museum: Affect......ncounters with the Tuol Sleng Aud......epherd Threads of Evidence: Text......is Confronting the Dead: an Anthr...... Helen Worsnop The Haunting Image......nstruction for the 1.5 Generation......r Irradiations of Violence: Inte......ithy Panh When the Dead Bring the Living: the Gl...
- 件名...ide--Cambodia--History--20th century Cambodia--History--1975-1979 Parti communiste d...
- 内容細目Evolution of monetary arran......es: a critique of the Black-FAMA-Hal......stem A measure of value independent of commodities: d......conomics using the monetary theory of Schumpeter, Mi......rangements and the functional separation of money Seventee......lms Banco, and their consequences......tary evolution The emergence of the gold standard and the unification of the monetary funct......at happened to the functioning of the cashless payme......em using bills of exchange? Inte......gmentation and the gold standard restored: the crisis of 1929 compared with the crisis of 2008 Heuristics in the evolution of units of account...
- 件名Money--Baltic States--History. Money--Scandinavia--History. Banks and ban......Baltic States--History. Banks and ban......--Scandinavia--History.
- 関連情報Routledge studies in the history of economics
- 要約等"During the period of the Tokugawa shogu......t 1630 onwards there was very lit......teraction with theJapanese except through therestricted Dutc......ng Siberia and the Russian Far Ea...... Japan, and further exploration a...... encouraged by the Russian govern......culminating in the first official Russian ...... book examines the Russian discou......se on Japan in the period, tracing the gradual accumulation of knowledge, and the development of Russian views,......, about Japan. The book includes ......to English for the first time. The book is a prequel to the author's previ...... Russian Views of Japan, 1792-1913: An Antholog...
- 内容細目The Russian discovery of Japan Cosmography of 1670 Milescu: description of Japan (1676) A......snits: account of Japan (1722) S......erg: report to the Admiralty Coll......uller: voyages of Spanberg and W......Riumin: memoir of the Benyovszky adv......(1788) Laxman: the first Russian embassy to Japa...
- タイトル標目Routledge studies in the modern history of Asia ; 148.
- 内容細目Cover The Globe on Paper......ting Histories of the World in Renai......cem Europe and the Americas Copyr...... Contents List of Illustrations ......Historians and the World Old Worlds and the Globe Recoveri......ance Histories of the World 1 Geneal......ntiquarians in the New World The First Inhabitants of New Spain The Indian Descendants of Noah The Renaissance Ar......Berosus Across the Atlantic Inven......nealogies from the New World to C......inking Back to the Moluccas in a ......ital News from the East The Chinese Lesson of Empire Moluccan Tales The Renaissance of Travels A World on the Move Northern Obsessions with...
- ジャンル・形式用語History
- 件名...raphy--Europe--History--To 1500 Historians--Europe--History--To 1500 Renai......istoriography--History--16th century
- 内容細目State-sponsored history after 1945: an......and legislated history Laws governing the historian's fr...... Baets Writing history through crimin......emory laws and the ambivalence about the meaning of colonialism / ......a Löytömäki History watch by the European Court of Human Rights /...... Broux and Dorothea Staes Legislated history in post-Commun......es, agency and the state / Trudy ......hives to close the past: Bulgaria...... disclosure on the road to Europe......tate-sponsored history: a dual state approach using the case of the "migrated arch......hael Karabinos The "cleansing" of Croatian libraries in the 1990s and beyond or how (not)...
- ジャンル・形式用語History.
- 件名History, Modern--20th ......memory. State, The--History--20th century. History, Modern. State, The. Geschichtspol....... Staat. 15.60 history of continents and countries.
- 内容細目Setting the scene Nature and purpose of corporate fina......ng to c.1800 : the theory Financial r......ng to c.1800 : the practice Ninet...... companies and the double account...... Company law Profits, dividends ...... Falsification of accounts Selec......s Standardized accounting statements Group accounts Profits, provisions......e fixed assets Off-balance sheet financing Accounting for changing prices Cash and ...
- 件名Corporations--Accounting--History. Corporation reports--History. Financial statements--History.
- 内容細目Introduction : The Quest for an A......dvik UNHCR and the Complexity of Accountability in the Global Space /......bility through the Law of International ......myr Narratives of accountability......Universalizing the refugee catego......countability : the every-day work of eligibility officers within U......eas von Känel Accounting for the Past : A history of refugee management in Uganda,...
- 件名Office of the United Nations......s--Evaluation. Office of the United Nations......s--Management. Office of the United Nations High Commissio...
- 並列タイトル等(連結)United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the struggle for accountability
- 要約等"This book dispels the common impress......o. Focusing on the era between 19...... wrestled with the challenges of evaluating hig......y a century. Professors contributed to the development of evaluation instruments such a...
- 内容細目Grading the college Teachi......Accountability The evaluation of teaching and learning since H...
- 件名...udents--Rating of--United States. Universities ...
- 要約等...aker activist, theorist of liberty of conscience, an......entral role in the movement for r...... on both sides of the Atlantic for m...... presents, for the first time, a ......olarly edition of Penn's politic...... writings over the course of his long publi......from his early theorisation of religious tole......on and liberty of conscience in ......leading member of the Society of Friends during the 1670s, to his ......ersial role in the years leading up to the 1688 Revolution, and the ongoing consequences of that Revolutio......ng window into the increasingly s......nt for liberty of conscience in the early modern world."--
- 内容細目Introduction: the political thought of William Penn (......718) – Note on the texts – Part 1......al Liberties : The peoples ancien......at interest in the choice of the new parliament (1679) The great and popu......ection against the repeal of the penal laws & t......on and Liberty of Conscience : The great case of liberty of conscience (1670) The proposed compr......ne project for the good of England (1679)......: Some account of the province of Pennsilvania i......America (1681) The fundamentall constitutions of Pennsilvania (......, summer 1681) The frame of the government of Pennsilvania...together with certain laws agreed upo...
- 件名...uthors Freedom of religion--Earl......o 1800 Freedom of religion
- 内容細目The relentless reinvention of the American schoo......Emily M. Hodge The geo-spatial distribution of educational at......Hodge Crossing the line? : school......phic change in the South / Genevi......vic capacity : the varied desegre......n trajectories of metropolitan s...... Erickson From the district to the state to the nation : how a......istrict became the testing ground......mily E. Straus The limits of top-down versu...... reform during the Great Depressi......trict reform : the Oakland case /...... Institutional theory and the history of district-level school reform ...
- 件名...United States--History--20th century ......United States--History--21st century ......United States--History--20th century ......United States--History--21st century
- 要約等...ed 2nd edition of Voices of Early Modern J......omikos Vaporis offers an accessible collection of annotated hist......ical documents of an extraordina......od in Japanese history, ranging from the unification of warring states......gawa Ieyasu in the early 17th century to the overthrow of the shogunate just after the opening of Japan by the West in the mid-19th centu......se examination of primary sources from "The Great Peace", ......ating textbook offers fresh insights into the Tokugawa era: ......n uncover from the words of ordinary peopl...... new selection of maps and visua......mined in light of the latest scholarship Update...
- 内容細目...0) and Letters of Divorce (1857, Undated) The Consequences of Adultery: "The Eavesdropper W...... Onna Daigaku (The Greater Learni......hara Saikaku's The Japanese Famil......a, 1688); List of Clothing Prohi......: Prohibitions of 1615 and 1645 ......r Seventh Year of Kaei (1854): S......ways and Diet: The Accounts of Joao Rodrigues......iken (1832-36) The Communal Bath:......kitei Sanba's "The Women's Bath" ......ation: General The Japanese Home:......ca Made During the Years 1770 177......reigner's View of the Battle of Osaka: Richard......ocks's Account of the Fall of Osaka Castle (......der: "Laws for the Military Houses" (1615, 1635)...
- ジャンル・形式用語History Sources
- 内容細目Introduction Theoretical and ex......state and farm accounting Merchants' acc......and management accounting Industrial dev...... c.1760-c.1870 The second industr.......1870-c.1918 Professionalisation...... to management accounting c.1919-c.1970 Reflections.
- 件名Accounting--Great Britain--History. Managerial accounting--Great Britain--History.
- 要約等"Marking the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's C......nt challenges. The collection, pr......ers, shows how the people, politi......act with each other in advancing,......, and remaking their Constitution. It examines the local context, parliamentary history, and interpret......ols adopted by the Supreme Court ...... understanding the Constitution as well as the future prospect of constitutional......and practices. The work brings together legal professionals and c......to encapsulate the panorama of the country's cons......nal evolution. The authors look back to the history of constitution-m...... critically on the present in light of the found...
- 内容細目Introduction : the fifty years of Bangladesh's c......dhur Emergence of Bangladesh's l......and a new rule of recognition / Nafiz Ahmed The Constitution of Bangladesh and......m and Islam as the State Religion......ionalism, Rule of Law, and Judic......hapter V: Rule of Law within the constitutional...... perspective / The Hon. Justice S......licy-making by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh / M......and separation of powers : is on......ontingent upon the other? / Chowdhury ......accountability of the executive powe......ain Parliament of Bangladesh : c......cal parties in the process of constitution-m......nal protection of economic and human rights : i...
- 件名Constitutional history--Bangladesh Co......Constitutional history Constitutional law Bangladesh
- 内容細目Key to map of parishes Introduction: A new history of the Great Fire of London Part On...... brief account of the Great Fire Reb......movement after the Great Fire Lon......pography after the Great Fire Cul......l reactions to the Great Fire Conclusion: The impact of the Great Fire.
- 件名...gland--London--History--17th century.......gland--London--History--17th century.......gland--London--History--17th century.......gland--London--History--17th century.......don (England)--History--17th century. London (Englan...
- 関連情報Routledge research in early modern history
- 要約等"The starting point......ai law is that the framing and understanding of contemporary i......much rooted in the past. This muc......should be true of legal history, or even for that matter of history in general, an......As we see from the contributions ......it seems truer of Thai law than ...... expect, given the enormous changes over the last one and a......we study legal history? Is it in orde...... understanding of law in the past, which co...... understanding of history and how we got...... understanding of law in the present? In the implicit view of the contributors t......s volume, each of these reasons appears to be b...
- 内容細目...n Siam's legal history by Chris Baker......k Phongpaichit The history of the initial royal ...... reflection on the legal and political contexts of kingship and the modern State i......t influence on the ancient Siames......m Ayutthaya to the 21st Century, ......kulrungruang A history of the Thai Lèse-Maj......tish judges in the Supreme Court of Siam, by Surut......nd Adam Reekie The fundamental misconception in the drafting of the Thai Civil and......ommercial Code of 1925, by Munin Pongsapan The modernisation of Thai Criminal Law : From the 1908 Penal Code to the 1956 Criminal ...... Popattanachai The history of Thai family laws :...
- 件名Law--Thailand--History