並列タイトル等Development of high power cw57-μm CH3OD laser
一般注記Far-infrared (FIR) gas lasers are useful optical sources for measurement system operating in the FIR wavelength region. For high-density and large-volume plasma as in ITER for example, such lasers generating radiation with wavelengths from 40 to 70 μm are suitable as optical probe sources for interferometers. From the point of view of the fringe shift, the refraction and vibrational effects these lasers are more appropriate compared with the 119-μm CH3OH laser and the 10-μm CO2 laser. We have developed a high power cw CO2 laser for pumping of a FIR laser. By pumping of the 9R(8) CO2 laser with output power 150W, a 57-μm laser (output power about 1.2 W) and a 47-μm laser (output power about 0.5W) have been realized. The details of the CO2 laser and the CH3OD laser will be reported.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)