タイトル(掲載誌)Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan
一般注記Thermally induced gelation of polyacrylonitrile( PAN) solution in dimethylacetamide was studied through dynamic viscoelasticity measurements. PAN gel were prepared by the freezing( – 50 ° C) and thawing(25 ° C) method. The evolution of G '( ω ) and G "( ω ) da ta in the process of gelation i s observ ed and the critica l behaviour i s obtained around the sol - gel threshold in which the power law of G '( ω ) ~ G "( ω ) ∝ ω n holds. The evolution in the gelation can be interpreted thr ough the dynamic viscosity, in which characteristic frequency window is defined in connection with the formation of PAN network. The relation between the frequency and the corr elation length is also found. The correlation length characterise the size of the cluster formed by the aggreg ation of PAN chain in pre - gel state, and also characterise the size of regions within the network to follow the power law.
著作権情報Copyright(C)2013 The Matterials Research Society of Japan
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)