タイトル(掲載誌)Algebraic analysis and around : in honor of professor Masaki Kashiwara's 60th birthday
一般注記Kato, Kazuya; Nakayama, Chikara; Usui, Sampei. Classifying spaces of degenerating mixed Hodge structures, I: Borel–Serre spaces. Algebraic Analysis and Around: In honor of Professor Masaki Kashiwara's 60th birthday, 187--222, Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2009. doi:10.2969/aspm/05410187. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aspm/1543447760
Advanced studies in pure mathematics, 54
Let D be the classifying space of mixed Hodge structures with polarized graded quotients. We construct a real analytic manifold with corners DBS which contains D as a dense open subset. This is the mixed Hodge theoretic version of the Borel-Serre space in the case of pure weight constructed by Borel-Ji and Kato-Usui.
一次資料へのリンクURLaspm54_187.pdf (fulltext)
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