著者・編者只浦, 寛子
遠藤, 幸子
橋本, 杏子
三原, 利江子
鴨田, 玲子
石垣, ひで
上田, 笑子
Hiroko, Tadaura
Sachiko, Endo
Kyoko, Hashimoto
Rieko, Mihara
Reiko, Kamota
Hide, Ishigaki
Emiko, Ueda
国家公務員共済組合連合会 東北公済病院
Miyagi University School of Nursing
Tohoku Kosai Hospital
並列タイトル等8. The Relations among Factors of Preventing Discharge and the Regulated Factors to the Term of Hospitalization
一般注記出版タイプ: NA
This study focused on the relations among factors of preventing discharge and the regulated factors of the term of hospitalization for patients in long-term and short-term hospitalization. We selected randomly 50 patients in long-term hospitalization and 50 patients in short-term hospitalization from a chronic hospital ward. Our analysis used the standard screening of high risk patients. We analyzed each factors by statistics. The regulated factors of the term of hospitalization was analyzed by multi-valiate analysis. The results of the study indicate that; it is important to consider cases of care needed patients, terminal stage patients and the patients without a care person, who have discharge problems. It is important to have good teamwork among medical members and community medicine teams.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)
提供元機関・データベース公立大学法人宮城大学 : 公立大学法人宮城大学学術機関リポジトリ