一般注記International study of "Present state of the Javanese culture", palaces' historical documents in the period of Japan's military occupation, and "the First President of Indonesia, Soekarno"
Study Report(Main Session 13:10~15:55)Diah Kristina, M.A. Ph.D., Sebelas Maret University“Absence of pressure tactics in sales promotion letters of Batik production”Ahmad Adib,M.Hum Ph.D., Sebelas Maret University“‘Festival Jenang Solo’ : A Cultural Event with Multiplayer Effect towards Solo Tourism Destination Branding”Dr. Bagus Haryono, M.Si, Sebelas Maret University“The shifted idealism toward pragmatism and materialism in social exchange at marriage celebration in Surakarta City”Prof. Siswandari, M.Stat, Sebelas Maret University“The Mystical Number in Javanese Culture”M.Jakfar Idrus, Visiting Researcher and Lecturer, Kokushikan University“20世紀初頭オランダ領東インドにおける博覧会の開催とその意味 : ジャワ文化との関連を中心として”(Parallel Session1 13:10~15:55)Prof. Sigit Santoso, M.Pd., Sebelas Maret University“The Meaning of Buildings in Complex of Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace as a Human Life Guidance”Prof. MTh. Sri Budiastuti, M.Si., Sebelas Maret University“An environmental perspective of the Javanese traditional ritual ‘Bersih Desa’ ”Dr. Dewi Retno Sari, Purnami Widyaningsih, Sebelas Maret University“Javanese Batik Motifs and ornamentation as objects of aesthetics and generative art with pseudo-algorithm”Prof. Purwanto, M.S., Sebelas Maret University,Prof. H.S. Minardi, M.P., Sebelas Maret University“Meaning and expectation of wooing ceremony from Sultan Palace Culture of Yogyakarta Indonesia”Prof. Suntoro, M.S., Sebelas Maret University“Pranoto Mongso as Agricultural Calender a Javanese Cultural Legacy in the Middle Global Climate Change”(Parallel Session2 13:10~15:55)Prof. Sahid Teguh Widodo, M.Hum, Ph.D., Sebelas Maret University“Form and Associations of Contemporary Javanese Names”Dr. Mardiyana, M.Si., Sebelas Maret University“Ethnomathematics in the Javanese Culture”Prof. Widodo Muktiyo, Sebelas Maret University“Komunikasi Dalam Perspektif Budaya Jawa”Prof. Maridi, M.Pd., Sebelas Maret University“The Role of Javanese Local Wisdom to Increase Water and Soil Sustainability”Prof. Chatarina Muryani, M.Si., Sebelas Maret University“Culture and Local Knowledge of Javanese Society in Environment Conservation”
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)