タイトル(掲載誌)KEO discussion paper. G : 『アジア地域における経済および環境の相互依存と環境保全に関する学際的研究』
The paper focuses on rice production and the environmental challenges connected with rice production . Inparticular we exemplify the role of rice in the possible reduction of Japanese greenhouse gas emissionsapplying Life Cycle Assessment as a methodology. Rice is the most important agricultural commodity inJapan and Japan has an overproduction of rice. The problem of reducing the amount of rice has twopractical background considerations.i) It is expensive to support overproduction andii) The overproduction causes unnecessary environmental pollution.We are in particular interested in the second aspect, which is in fact closely related to the first one . Apractical background for the analysis is the intended reduction of greenhouse gases expressed by theJapanese government. During the COP3 event of December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan obliged itself to reducegreenhouse gas emissions by 6% relative to 1990 levels until the period 2008 to 2012. Agriculturalproduction should sign responsible for a great part of this reduction. We want to show the potential ofreducing CO2 in rice production by a life cycle assessment approach (LCA).LCA became a standard of Japanese industry in 1997. Hitherto LCA is not a common methodology in thefield of agriculture. However, a lot of environment related discussions in the agricultural sector could alsobe discussed on base of an LCA assessment. LCA assessments are supposed to give valuable informationof pollution loads in agriculture and their possible reduction. Today, there are many different LCAmethods available.There are two principle approaches, the bottom up approach and the top down approach. At the bottom upapproach information is collected at the source of origin, namely the different locations of production. Inthe case of rice we have more than 3 million producers in Japan, which requires many samples to get arepresentative picture from this approach. The top down approach, related to macro-economic modelling,allows assessing the problem quickly and is based on economic input output tables, The top downapproach is only suitable for major pollutants. It is a suitable approach to assess the global warmingpotential, but it can not adequate information concerning many pollutants covered in a bottom up approach.According to the availability of data, we first provide a top down approach, which we document in thispaper. Later on we intend to complete with a bottom up approach.In the first part of this paper, we will look at rice production from different viewpoints. First from theviewpoint of producers, second from the viewpoint of consumers and third from the viewpoint ofenvironment and resource use. As the three views are related to entire Japan, we provide additionalinformation concerning rice production regions in Japan and concerning structural patterns. In the secondpart of this paper, we describe first our LCA approach and its principles related to sustainability. Secondwe perform calculations concerning the average Japanese CO2 emissions related to rice and third wedifferentiate this average according to regions and structural factors.
表紙に"Research for the Future Program (RFTF), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)"の表示あり
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)