タイトル(掲載誌)KEO discussion paper. G : 『アジア地域における経済および環境の相互依存と環境保全に関する学際的研究』
AbstractDegradation of the global environment and depletion of resources are threatening sustainabledevelopment of humankind. Under these circumstances, life cycle assessment (LCA) is expected to be apromising measure for us to evaluate environmental impacts associated with products or processes, so thatwe could improve our production systems or lifestyles for sustainable development.For this purpose, we first developed a novel mathematical model called Process-relational Model. Weimproved the principle of input-output analysis in economics that only one commodity is produced by oneprocess. Utilizing this model; we can overcome difficulties of LCA in retracing complicatedrepercussions among production systems and in allocating environmental emissions among multipleproducts.Then life cycle CO, emissions of electric vehicles (EV) and gasoline vehicles (GV) have been estimatedwith this model. We have shown that production and driving of EV result in less CO2 emissions thanthose of GV do. Our analysis has also indicated that the difference between EV and GV dramaticallychanges depending on traffic situation. Namely the difference becomes larger, as average velocity of thevehicles becomes lower. As far as EV are concerned, we have compared emission from production withthat from driving. The share of production was shown to increase in total CO2 emissions, as averagevelocity of EV becomes higher.In conclusion, we clarified the direction of research and development of EV and GV for reducing lifecycle CO2.
表紙に"Research for the Future Program (RFTF), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)"の表示あり
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)