並列タイトル等Wakayamaken no miryoku no kashika to koho senryaku ni okeru kyosei kyoryoku shisutemu
ワカヤマケン ノ ミリョク ノ カシカ ト コウホウ センリャク ニ オケル キョウセイ・キョウリョク システム
タイトル(掲載誌)Active learning project sequence report
1.1 Problem statements
As the background, in Wakayama, there are many assets, for example, incredibly rich and varied foods, the great nature and its longstanding history, that potentially attract people in not only Japan but also overseas. Best of all, World Heritage site "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range" is exactly considered the centerpiece of Wakayama's assets. Our proposer recognize this heritage as truly Japanese-mind's root for reason that it has inherit both of tangible and intangible culture by coexistence of the nature, human and their devotions. Therefore, they strongly believe that the World Heritage site deserves to be more highly valued globally.
The thing is, however, that its value is indeed touchy-feely and invisible, thus difficult to understand, unfortunately. Therefore, so far our proposer haven't managed to have the value enough well-known among people. As a result, it has not been entrenched as "Wakayama Brand" yet.
1.2 Purpose and Goal of Project
■We defined the purpose of our project as follows,
(a)We shall visualize the "Invisible" value of Wakayama with a focus on world heritage.
(b)We shall propose the publicity strategy that is optimal approach to instill the value in Japanese and Non-Japanese.
■We defined our goal statements as follows,
(a) "Invisible" value of what our proposer wants to instill globally are understood correctly.
(b) That value takes root in Japanese and Non-Japanese as the "Brand" of Wakayama.
(c) Proposed publicity strategy has a meaning that Wakayama is the "Pioneer".
1.3 Summary of Our Recommendation
We visualized the attractiveness of Wakayama as the absolute "Core Value" that all residents of Wakayama can agree share. As the result, we describe it as "和(WA) : Syncretic Harmony". We infused "和(WA)" with messages as follows (See 5.1.2 for detail);
1 That is the "Origin of Japan" that deeply reflected in Wakayama even now.
2 That is the "Model" for Happy Conforming Sustainable Society System.
3 That is the "Property" that could solve various social problems in the World.
4 Utilizing of the "Model" or "Property" is the "Mission" of Wakayama.
Under the result, we designed an "original" publicity strategy (⇒match goal(c)) (See 5.2.1for detail). In our strategy, Wakayama select "Key Players" working on a social problem as targets who are expected to spread "和(WA)". Then, Wakayama help them to solve the problem by utilizing of "和(WA)" as a solution. Our strategy will take Wakayama longer time to get effect, but they can expect important effects as follows;
1 Targets could realize the value of "和(WA)" very clearly. ⇒ match goal (a)
2 Targets could remember it very sustainably. ⇒ match goal (b)
3 Targets could recommend it very clearly strongly for others. ⇒ match goal (a) (b)
Student final reports
Group N
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)