並列タイトル等キンセイ ノウミン シャカイ ニ オケル イエ システム
Kinsei nomin shakai ni okeru ie shisutemu
The peasant family system in early modern Japan
This research has two objectives: first, it aims to create a database of household structures using Shumon Aratame Cho(SAC); second, it aims to analyse the structure of households through the use of this database. For this study, historical materials were used in creating the database consisting of SAC from 2 regions in north-eastern Japan (Aizu and Nihonmatsu) and 1 region in central Japan (Mino). During the creation of the database, we encountered some problems that needed our attention. Due to these problems, we were unable to complete the initially planned database, which in turn left some of the data entry and data cleaning tasks unfinished. However, for the task of analysing fundamental population and household structure indices, we were able to use complete databases from some villages. Using the results of our analyses, we published papers pertaining to marriage, solitaries and succession.
研究種目 : 基盤研究(C)
研究期間 : 2010~2013
課題番号 : 22530565
研究分野 : 社会科学
科研費の分科・細目 : 社会学・社会学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)