並列タイトル等インジウム ハイ ノ シゼンシ オヨビ ハッセイ メカニズム ノ ケンキュウ
Injiumu hai no shizenshi oyobi hassei mekanizumu no kenkyu
Indium lung disease: Natural history and underlying mechanism
During the study period, we performed cohort studies at 10 ITO manufacturing and recycling factories, cross-sectional studies at 11 indium metal and alloy handling factories, risk communication activities, and serum or urinary biochemical researches for underlying mechanisms. The cohort studies revealed that heavily indium exposed workers showed aggravation of emphysematous changes on HRCT. The cross-sectional studies disclosed that workers engaging in high-temperature melting process of indium metal (>1000 degrees C) were high-risk population of lung effects. GM-CSF-related underlying mechanism was unlikely, and no health effects other than lung effects were discovered.
We believe that our indium studies and risk communication activities lasting from 2003 have greatly contributed to prevent new incidences of indium lung diseases, and to revise the Occupational Safety and Health Act enforcing on January 1st, 2014.
研究種目 : 基盤研究(A)
研究期間 : 2011~2013
課題番号 : 23249033
研究分野 : 医歯薬学
科研費の分科・細目 : 社会医学・衛生学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)