並列タイトル等カイケイ リエキ ト カゼイ ショトク ノ イッチ ノ テイド ト カチ カンレンセイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
Kaikei rieki to kazei shotoku no itchi no teido to kachi kanrensei ni kansuru kenkyu
The degree of book-tax conformity and value relevance of accounting earnings
This research investigate how a degree of book-tax conformity (BTC) affect a value relevance of accounting earnings. The pros and cons of requiring BTC have been discussed more than a decade ago. However, there have been little previous studies in this area. The results of this research are as follows. If the degree of BTC is high, the value relevance of accounting earnings is increasing in the tax audit probability. On the contrary, if the degree of BTC is low, the value relevance is decreasing in the tax audit probability. Further, if the uncertainty of cash flow is high and/or the uncertainty of manager's type is low, BTC enhances the value relevance.
研究種目 : 若手研究(B)
研究期間 : 2011~2013
課題番号 : 23730441
研究分野 : 社会科学
科研費の分科・細目 : 経営学・会計学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)