並列タイトル等カンヨウケイ カンサイボウ ニ オケル BMP2 / PPARγ シグナル クロストーク ノ カイセキ
Kanyokei kansaibo ni okeru BMP2 / PPARγ shigunaru kurosutoku no kaiseki
Signaling crosstalk between PPARgamma and BMP2 in mesenchymal stem cells.
Recent studies have revealed that PPARgamma's transactivation function is regulated by extracellular signals. Among these factors, BMP2 strongly induces bone formation, but the effect of BMP2 on PPARgamma function remains unclear. We examined the effect of BMP2 and PPARgamma in ST2 cells and found that PPARgamma activation affected BMP2's signaling pathway through epigenetic regulation. Although BMP2 did not interfere with PPARgamma-mediated adipogenesis, BMP2 increased mRNA expression levels of PPARgamma target genes (such as Fabp4 and Nr1h3) when cells were first treated with troglitazone (TRO). Moreover, PPARgamma activation affected BMP2 through enhancement of histone activation markers (acetylated histone H3 and trimethylated Lys4 of histone H3) on the Runx2 promoter. These results suggest that the order of treatment with BMP2 and a PPARgamma ligand is critical for adipogenesis and osteoblastogenesis switching in MSCs.
研究種目 : 若手研究(B)
研究期間 : 2011~2013
課題番号 : 23791662
研究分野 : 医歯薬学
科研費の分科・細目 : 外科系臨床医学・整形外科学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)