並列タイトル等コウドウガクテキ・セイリガクテキ データ オ モチイタ セイシン ショウジョウ ノ テイリョウカ ギジュツ ノ カイハツ
Kōdōgakuteki seirigakuteki dēta o mochiita seishin shōjō no teiryōka gijutsu no kaihatsu
Development of a technology to quantify psychiatric symptoms utilizing behavioral and physiological data
Since there is no established biomarkers that reflect the severity of psychiatric disorders, there are problems such as low diagnosis agreement, difficulty in understanding the therapeutic effect in psychiatry. In this study, we examined whether it is possible to develop an machine learning algorithm for quantifying psychiatric symptoms using voice and images analyses. We interviewed patients with major depressive disorder/bipolar disorder and videotaped it. Machine learning was performed based on the collected voice/facial image data, and it was found that the presence or absence of depressive symptoms, its severity could be estimated with a certain degree of accuracy.
研究種目 : 挑戦的萌芽研究
研究期間 : 2015~2017
課題番号 : 15K15434
研究分野 : 精神神経科学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)