並列タイトル等リョウシ イド コウゾウ ニ モトズク 2ジゲン キンゾク ハクマク エノ ジキ キノウ ノ ユウドウ ト ソノ オウヨウ テンカイ
Ryōshi ido kōzō ni motozuku 2jigen kinzoku hakumaku eno jiki kinō no yūdō to sono ōyō tenkai
Induction of magnetic function on two-dimensional metal thin film based on quantum well structure and its application
(100) PdとPt薄膜の磁気状態を実験および電子構造計算により検討した。両試料で量子井戸状態の形成に伴う膜厚に依存した強磁性が発現し、その機構を明らかにした。
Magnetic properties of (100) Pd and Pt ultra thin films were discussed based on experiments and electronic structure calculation. Both the films showed ferromagnetism depending on film thickness through the formation of quantum well states and the mechanism were elucidated.
The external methods, such as the change in Schottky barrier by electric field application between Pd thin film and semiconductor substrate and the strain application to the Pd thin film on ferroelectric substrate, modulated the magnetic properties of Pd. The modulation of magnetic anisotropy of Fe thin film deposited on Pd film was observed by modifying the electronic structure in Fe film through the changed in quantum well state in Pd depending on Pd film thickness.
By modulating the quantum well, it was revealed that ferromagnetism can be artificially imparted to nonmagnetic materials, and its magnetic state and the magnetism of adjacent metals can be externally controlled.
研究種目 : 基盤研究 (A) (一般)
研究期間 : 2015~2018
課題番号 : 15H01998
研究分野 : 磁気工学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)