並列タイトル等イデンシ ケンサ オ コウリョスル ガン カンジャ ノ タメ ノ タイワガタ ケッテイ シエン プログラム ノ カイハツ
Idenshi kensa o kōryosuru gan kanja no tame no taiwagata kettei shien puroguramu no kaihatsu
Development of a support program to determine in consultation with nurses whether cancer patients should undergo genetic testing or not
The first, two leaflets for use in the support program and the education program for nurses were created, and the validity and feasibility of the content were evaluated. The validity and feasibility of the support program were investigated for consented Health care providers. The result suggests that this program has highly validity and feasibility.
Through the present pilot study, it was suggested that nurse intervention helps to provide patient readiness, and improve the rate of genetic counseling. Ongoing follow-up for patients in whom genetic counselling is delayed, and re-evaluation of the timing should be examined. We found a clear problem in the implementation of practices caused by doctor-nurse cooperation. In order to implement and manage nursing intervention efficiently, a system needs to be established that includes cooperating medical professions.
研究種目 : 挑戦的萌芽研究
研究期間 : 2015~2018
課題番号 : 15K15839
研究分野 : 臨床看護学(母性看護学・助産学, 遺伝看護学)
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)