並列タイトル等ツウジョウ ノ ガッキュウ デ マナブ シカク ショウガイジ エノ ゴウリテキ ハイリョ ト キョウイク ノ シツ ノ コウジョウ オ シエンスル システム ノ コウチク
Tsūjō no gakkyū de manabu shikaku shōgaiji eno gōriteki hairyo to kyōiku no shitsu no kōjō o shiensuru shisutemu no kōchiku
Development of a support system to provide reasonable accommodation for pupils with visual disabilities who are enrolled in regular classes
To provide a reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities have become a more urgent issue after the "act for eliminating discrimination against persons with disabilities "took effect. Especially, on the area of professionalism, not only to prepare braille or large print textbooks and teaching materials but also to provide orientation and mobility training is required to educate children with visual impairments. Teachers in regular classes often have difficulty with teaching children with visual impairment who have a lower incidence and a wide variety of disabilities. The reason why we developed the following system is to provide reasonable accommodation for children with visual impairments who are enrolled in regular classes. The system consisted of 1) a portal website for educational consultation, 2) assistive technologies for education, and 3) teachers training program.
研究種目 : 基盤研究 (A) (一般)
研究期間 : 2016~2018
課題番号 : 16H02072
研究分野 : 視覚障害教育 知覚心理学 視覚科学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)