並列タイトル等シュッセイ チョクゴ カラ ノ センセイ イリョウ オ メザシタ、ヨウスイ カンサイボウ ニ ヨル ナンチセイ ソウザン ガッペイショウ ノ チリョウホウ カイハツ
Shussei chokugo kara no sensei iryō o mezashita, yōsui kansaibō ni yoru nanchisei sōzan gappeishō no chiryōhō kaihatsu
Development of the novel theraphy for intractable preterm birth complications using amniotic fluid stem cells
In Japan, there are 50,000 preterm deliveries per year, about 40% of which are caused by intrauterine inflammation. The development of the novel therapy for preterm birth and its complications is an urgent issue in the perinatal field.
We injected lipopolysaccharide into the peritoneal cavity of P3 rats and created rat model of neonatal sepsis. We investigated the effect of human amniotic fluid stem (hAFSC) on the neonatal sepsis rat. The improvement in survival, reduction of proinflammatory cytokines in the blood, and inhibition of inflammatory multiple organ injuries were observed by hAFSC treatment only before lipopolysaccharide administration. Intraperitoneal cell aggregates, which contain hAFSC and macrophages, were assumed to contribute to the therapeutic effect.
研究種目 : 基盤研究 (B) (一般)
研究期間 : 2017~2019
課題番号 : 17H04236
研究分野 : 産婦人科
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)