並列タイトル等センゴ ニッカン セイジ・ケイザイシ ト ロッテ ザイバツ ノ ハッテン : シン キョクホ (シゲミツ タケオ) ノ ジダイ
Sengo Nikkan seiji keizaishi to Rotte zaibatsu no hatten : Shin Kyokuho (Shigemitsu Takeo) no jidai
History of Japan-Korea relations and the development of Lotte Group : the era of Takeo Shigemitsu
一般注記出版タイプ: VoR
本研究(3年計画)では戦後日韓政治・経済史の中でのロッテの発展を、創業者・辛格浩(シン・キョクホ:日本名・重光武雄)の企業家活動を中心に分析する。基礎準備作業(2019年度)、学会発表・論文執筆(2020年度)などを経て、2021年度(最終)に書籍の執筆を計画していた。しかしコロナ禍の状況にあって訪韓調査が全くできないため2020年度の計画を変更して2020年度末に単著『ロッテ創業者 重光武雄の経営 国境を超えたイノベーター』(日本経済新聞出版)を刊行することとなった。
This study (3-year plan) analyzes the development of Lotte in the history of politics and economy between Japan and South Korea after the war, focusing on the entrepreneurship of founder Shin Kyuk-ho (Japanese name: Takeo Shigemitsu).
This research started in 2019, and after basic preparation work (2019), and academic presentation and thesis writing (2020), I planned to realize the writing of books in 2021. However, due to the situation of the Corona disaster, the investigation into visiting Korea was not possible at all, so the 2020 plan was changed. At the end of February 2021, "Lotte Founder Takeo Shigemitsu's Management: Innovator Across Borders" (published by Nihon Keizai Shimbun) will be published.
Because of the corona disaster, there was only a limited number of domestic investigations. Interviews in Korea were never realized, and only exchanged e-mails and conducted telephone interviews several times. I revealed Takeo Shigemitsu's entrepreneurial side by organizing the collected literature, records, and internal documents such as company history and company newsletters published by Lotte Japan and Korea Lotte. I was able to clarify one part of it in the form of a work.
In conclusion, Lotte is probably one of the most dynamic companies founded in Japan after the war. Lotte, which has grown into a general confectionery manufacturer by successfully manufacturing and selling chewing gum using original methods, has established a strong brand image among Japanese consumers as "lover of mouth". After the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea, the company started its business in its home country, Korea, and diversified widely from confectionery to hotels, department stores and even petrochemicals to form Lotte, one of the five largest conglomerates in Korea.
Management success in both Japan and South Korea was created by Shigemitsu's strong practice of founder spirit. He maintained the management of the owner, focusing on reciprocating between Japan and South Korea, taking risks and making quick decisions. While placing importance on prior research and data, he valued sensitivity and pursued his dreams. He was an entrepreneur who found pleasure in creating new businesses rather than borrowing-dependent methods such as corporate expansion and M&A.
申請種類 : 福澤基金研究補助
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)