並列タイトル等ドウキスル ノウ オ モチイタ キョウドウジョウ ノ ヒョウカ ト ソウセイ : ソウホウコウ ノウシンケイ カガク ノ カイタク ケンキュウ
Dōkisuru nō o mochiita kyōdōjō no hyōka to sōsei : sōhōkō nōshinkei kagaku no kaitaku kenkyū
Assessment and creation of collaborative space using synchronized brain : pioneering research of bidirectional neuroscience
The ultimate goal of our work is to explore the new research domain, interactive neuroscience, which aims to understand the mechanism of synchronized brain activities in collaborative tasks and its application to design and assess of effective collaboration. This research is conducted by a unique team, which is composed of researchers in the field of ICT to support brain activity measurement, neuroscience, psychology, and media arts. During this funded period, we developed an EEG measurement system that can be set to the subjects in a very short time with a low load and can measure the EEG for a long period of time. Brain activities during the collaborative tasks were investigated by fNIRS and the effective method for the analysis was developed. How to utilize the EEG information for media art applications was experimentally assessed. These achievements are fundamental and indispensable for the research of interactive neuroscience.
研究種目 : 挑戦的研究 (萌芽)
研究期間 : 2019~2020
課題番号 : 19K21947
研究分野 : マイクロ・ナノ工学
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)