並列タイトル等ショクブツ シャシン ト キンダイ ケンチク : キンダイ ケンチク・デザインシ ケンキュウ ノ ホウホウロンテキ サイコウ
Shokubutsu shashin to kindai kenchiku : kindai kenchiku dezainshi kenkyū no hōhōronteki saikō
Plant photography and modern architecture. : a methodological reconsideration of the history of modern architecture and design.
具体的には、ドイツ近代庭園史・造園史研究にとって最重要な専門誌の一つ、園芸雑誌『庭園の美 Gartenschönheit』誌(1920年創刊)を近代植物写真の、その意味での展開にとってきわめて重要な発表の場と捉え、そこに掲載された植物写真とそれを撮影した写真家の創造的営みについて実証的に検討を加えた。同誌への着目には、その主宰者であり、20世紀ドイツを代表する多年生植物栽培家・庭園思想家カール・フェルスターKarl Foerster(1874-1970)自身の手により撮影された植物写真の写真史的意義を再考しつつ、同時に、植物写真をめぐる近代写真家のネットワークをほかならぬ庭園史・造園史研究に照らして浮かび上がらせるという点で必然性があった。その意味で、ヴァイマル・バウハウスにも接近した経緯のある植物写真家Paul Dobe(1880-1965)による活動をあらためて検証し、再評価するに至ったことは新たな成果と言える。
In the final year of this research, I conducted research focusing on the following points as one important aspect recognized in plant photographs at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The photographer who looks at the plant through the lens is pursuing "scientific objectivity" with the biological and botanical observation eyes there, as well as "aesthetic subjectivity" as the possibility of modern image expression of photography. This fact shows the characteristics as intermediate range between the modern "scientific objectivity" and "aesthetic subjectivity". This can be said to be an initiative to verify developmentally in relation to the "junction of art and natural science" over modern plant photographs, which has been confirmed through the results of last two year in this research.
More specifically, one of the most important journals for research on modern garden history and history of landscape architecture in Germany "Gartenschönheit" (first published in 1920) is very important for the development of modern plant photography in that sense. I considered demonstratively not only the plant photographs published there but also the creative activities of the photographer who took them. Focusing on this magazine was inevitable for reconsidering the photo historical significance of the plant photographs taken by Karl Foerster (1874-1970) himself, who was the most important German perennial plant grower and garden thinker in the 20th century. At the same time, it was also inevitable because of bringing the network of modern photographers over plant photographs out into the open, being reminiscent of the research on garden history and history of landscape architecture while reconsidering. In that sense, it is a new achievement to have re-evaluated the activities of the plant photographer Paul Dobe (1880-1965) who has been close to the Bauhaus in Weimar.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)