並列タイトル等ロンゴス『ダフニス ト クロエー』ノ モノガタリ ブンセキ
Rongosu "Dafunisu to Kuroē" no monogatari bunseki
Narrative structure of Longus' Daphnis & Chloe
This research is the first year of the three-year project analyzing a narrative structure of Longus' pastoral romance, DAPHNIS & CHLOE (c. the end of the 2nd century). This romance has been very popular after the 18th century and much influenced modern literature and arts. However, serious studies had not been done until the late 20th century. This study tries to investigate the narrative structure of the love story from two different aspects and reveal how DAPHNIS & CHLOE is sophisticatedly constructed.
The first year of the research was a preparatory stage where I have reviewed previous studies and collected recent books and papers on related classical literature of the same period. Furthermore, as the first step of my research, I have been exploring the setting and background of the story, especially focusing on the description of nature and the allusion to classical literature, which I am planning to publish in the second year of my project.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)