並列タイトル等ハッタツ ショウガイ ノ リカイ ニ ムケタ ショウノウ ノ ヒウンドウ キノウ セイギョ キコウ ノ カイメイ
Hattatsu shōgai no rikai ni muketa shōnō no hiundō kinō seigyo kikō no kaimei
Elucidating the role of cerebellum in non-motor behavioral regulation to understand the pathophysiology of developmental disorders
小脳からPFCへの投射経路を解剖学的に同定するために、①多シナプス型狂犬病ウイルス(Rabies virus: RV)、②単シナプス型RVと、③逆行性アデノ随伴ウイルス(AAV)の3種のウイルスベクター用い、トレーシング実験を進めている。①については、京都大学・霊長類研究所の井上博士の協力を得て、マウスのPFCにウイルスが導入できることを確認した。②については2018年度中に大臣申請を経て使用許可が得られ、現在はウイルス作成プロトコルの改良を進めている。③については、深部小脳核とPFCの両者から入力を受ける視床核を同定するために用いており、今後は統計的なデータを得るためサンプル数を増やしていく方針である。
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulty in social interactions and restricted interests. The prevalence of ASD is high and the incidence is still increasing, making it more important to understand the exact mechanism which leads to ASD. Based on the findings from the postmortem brains of ASD patients, it is likely that multiple brain areas are involved. However, pathology in the cerebellum has been reported repeatedly and consistently, suggesting that abnormality of cerebellum plays a key role in the ASD pathogenesis. Recently, functional imaging studies revealed that the brains of ASD patients have abnormal connectivity between the cerebellum and multiple brain regions which regulate higher cognitive functions. As these findings suggest that abnormal cerebellar connectivity may be the cause of ASD-related symptoms, we aimed to characterize anatomical pathways that connects cerebellum and prefrontal cortex (PFC). To achieve this aim, we have utilized multiple viral vector tracers, such as recombinant Rabies virus (RV) and retrograde AAV vectors, to visualize pathways which connect cerebellum and PFC. We are currently improving the protocols to generate RV vectors with higher titers. Tracing experiments using AAV vectors have been successfully performed and have we have started to obtain statistical data from the experiments. In order to clarify the physiological significance of cerebellar-PFC pathway, we have devised a new tool to analyze working memory in mice. Our new tool uses touch-screen based method and allows semi-automated analysis of working memory in mice, which are housed in a home-cage like environment. Combing these newly developed techniques, we will further pursue our aim to understand the significance of cerebellar-PFC connection.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)