並列タイトル等カイシャ ケイザイ ノ ジゾク カノウナ ガバナンス
Kaisha keizai no jizoku kanōna gabanansu
The sustainable governance of the corporate economy
Recently, corporations which can be taken as permanent associations function as engines of an economy. The corporate economy has to deal with a series of hierarchical problems, including sustainable competitive advantage in terms of corporate growth and sustainance in the VUCA age; how individuals achieve utility-maximization, promote wealth and longevity, and manage their family; the sustainability of regions and nations, the element of which is a corporation; and the global sustainability in terms of global warming and climate change. To solve these problems, cognitive capabilities, which includes human imagination and creativity, as well as dynamic capabilities at an organizational level are needed. Without these capabilities, corporations cannot perform daily operations well and produce innovations successfully. I attempted to understand how the issues on the sustainable governance of the corporate economy is going in theory and practice with emphasis on the role of institutions in facilitating the development of those capabilities. As a result, I argue that a deeper understanding on how individuals cognize and act in the world of uncertainty and how economic actors and institutions mutually construct is required.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)