並列タイトル等ノゾマシイ ケイザイ・コウキョウ セイサク オ イカニ ジツゲンスル カ?
Nozomashii keizai kōkyō seisaku o ikani jitsugensuru ka?
How to create and implement appropriate economic and public policies?
Whether the traditional approach based on rationality or the behavioral economics approach that focuses on irrationality is more explanatory is a matter that requires empirical verification, not a matter of belief. In that sense, the expertise gained from experimental economics will become increasingly important in the future.
For example, in laboratory experiments on the supply of public goods, studies was conducted to explore differences in national character based on differences in experimental results between Japanese and American university students. The findings gained some considerable impacts on the institutional design issues. This is because, if institutional performance depends on national character and other social factors, the prior experiments will be quite important.
For natural field experiments, for example, the cost performance of programs related to poverty reduction, education training, and health was verified. Researches has also been conducted on the reasons for the success of microfinance, which raises questions about the conventional belief that the joint and several liability system has avoided the problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. Based on the above, the effectiveness of the analytical methods has been highly evaluated, and it has supported "evidence-based policy making."
Furthermore, in order to correct the defects of the so-called "silver democracy," experimental researches have been conducted on the domain voting system in which children are given voting rights and their parents are voting on behalf of them.
Finally, I would like to mention that even if the so-called "technological singularity hypothesis" is correct, it does not mean that all policy decisions can be left to AI. Following the AI's judgments without giving any reason means a sharpening of consequentialism in social decision making. In this case, the judgment made by AI falls into the modern version of the oracle of Delphi.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)