並列タイトル等シナプス ノ コセイ オ ケイセイスル ブンシ キコウ カイメイ オ メザシタ ニンイ ノ シナプス ヒョウシキ・セイセイホウ ノ カクリツ
Shinapusu no kosei o keiseisuru bunshi kikō kaimei o mezashita nin'i no shinapusu hyōshiki seiseihō no kakuritsu
Establishment of a synapse labeling and purification method to reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic specificity.
Higher brain functions, including memory and learning, are regulated by complex neuronal circuits. Synapses are the connections between neurons, and synaptic transmission is used to transmit information between neurons. There are excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the brain, which can be further classified to various types based on their input and structure. Synapses are essential for the brain to function, and their abnormalities can cause various brain disorders such as developmental disorders and psychiatric disorders.
Synapses are composed of a transmitter (pre) and reciever (post). We hypothesized that a newly developed method by Dr. Takano (a collaborator of this project) called split-turboID can detect a specific synapse type, and label its components. In this study, we aimed to demonstrate that it is possible to label and purify the components of a specific synapse by this method, and to identify the components comprehensively.
First, we constructed viral constructs targeting excitatory synapses formed by Purkinje cells and parallel fobers of cerebellar granule cells (PF-PC synapse), which has long been the target of research in Yuzaki lab. AAV with the NT side of Split-TurboID under the L7 promoter and AAV with the CT side under the Cre-dependent Syn promoter were generated, infected in the mouse cerebellum, and their cell-specific expression was confirmed. In the future, we plan to confirm the labeling PF-PC synapses and optimizing AAV-infection conditions, and then purify synaptic components of PF-PC synapses.
In addition, in order to perform labeling synapses between molecular layer interneurons (MLIs) and Purkinje cells in cerebellum, we have created an MLI-specific expression system using a tet-off system and specific promoters, and have establish an MLI-specific gene expression system. Currently, we are constructing an AAV that consist of the CT side of Split-TurboID into this MLIs specific AAV.
申請種類 : 福澤基金研究補助
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)