並列タイトル等キンゲンダイ イギリス ニ オケル コスモポリタンテキ ユイビ シュギ ノ テンカイ ト ソノ セイシンシテキ イギ ノ サイコウチク
Kingendai Igirisu ni okeru kosumoporitanteki yuibi shugi no tenkai to sono seishinshiteki igi no saikōchiku
Remapping the development of cosmopolitan aestheticism in modern British literary culture and its place in the history of ideas
1)研究資金を活用し、本研究計画の進展に不可欠な19世紀後半の英国唯美主義関連の最新の一次文献(校訂版)と二次文献(研究書等)の収集・分析を行うことができた。とりわけ、Oxford University Pressから2019年より刊行が始まった新しいウォルター・ペイター全集(全10巻予定)の既刊分に加え、私も所属する国際ウォルター・ペイター協会やその他の研究組織を牽引する第一線の研究者の新刊本も調達でき、同作家や同時代英国のコスモポリタン的知識人の複雑なネットワークをさらに探る上での貴重な知見を得ることができた。
Below is an outline of my major research activities and output during the fiscal year of 2020 (i.e. the first year of my ongoing three-year research project/proposal):
1) Progress on my research into the nature and development of cosmopolitan aestheticism in late nineteenth-century Britain, with reference to the latest historical/critical resources made available by my successful application to the Keio Academic Development Funds 2020. These included the published volumes of the ongoing Oxford University Press edition of The Collected Works of Walter Pater (2019-), as well as a number of new academic monographs and studies by leading scholars in the field. A close examination of these various resources has helped shed new light on the complex intellectual networks of both major and minor cosmopolitan aesthetes who linked British Aestheticism and Decadence with the age of Modernism.
2) (Based on the above) Publication/presentation of my work to a wider academic audience, both in English and Japanese. Last year, I was invited to deliver an academic talk on 'British Aestheticism and Curiosity' in an online meeting hosted by the Keio Research Center for the Liberal Arts, of which I have recently become a Fellow. This talk successfully attracted a wider network of Keio academics from various disciplines, who have in turn invited me to participate in the following new academic forums: The Nineteenth-Century Literary Society (with a focus on realism) and The Charles Taylor Reading Group (with the aim to explore the development and place of secularism in the modern age). In terms of my written output, I have since written and contributed two articles to the following ongoing book projects: (1) an article on 'Walter Pater' for inclusion in The Dictionary of Victorian Culture, which is now being prepared by The Victorian Studies Society of Japan, and (2) an essay on Cleanth Brooks, New Criticism and close-reading, for inclusion in the Festschrift in honour of Professor Tatsumi Takayuki (forthcoming in 2021). I have also started discussing my future research plans and publishing opportunities with some of the leading academics overseas in order to make my coming years in academia as productive as possible.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)