並列タイトル等マルクスハ サイテキ セイチョウロン ト マルクスハ スウリ セイジ ケイザイガク ノ テンカイ
Marukusuha saiteki seichōron to Marukusuha sūri seiji keizaigaku no tenkai
Marxian optimal growth theory and Marxian formal economics on politics
Research on the Marxian theory of optimal growth was continued with this fund as revision work for the fourth edition of my book: Marxian Economics (Third Edition) in 2020, which is the culmination of this research. Specifically, I wrote a paper to the Mita Gakkai Zasshi (Mita Journal of Economics), Vol. 114, No. 1, which mathematically developed Marx's theory of land rent, and Chapter 6, Section 2 for the fourth edition of Marxian Economics, which is not yet published, explaining the history of the Japanese fishing industry. Furthermore, I prepared a revised version of Appendix 3 of Marxian Economics which is a rewrite of the model of changes in firm size inequality by extending the Analytical Marxists' capital lending model. This last one is a further generalization of Shunya Yoshii's paper in Political Economy Quarterly, No. 110, 2018, which partially generalizes this Appendix 3 model, and clarified that uneven development of capital accumulation leads to uneven development of employment size. This was also very useful for my master course student's research to analyze the historical variation of size disparity among health care institutions.
In addition, with the support of the Keio Economic Society, I published a book: Marxian Formal Economics on Politics from Keio University Press. In this book, I followed up some researches on the mechanism and problems of majority rule politics, theory and practice, and especially in this year, I focused on how Lenin's theory of imperialism is expressed in the real world economy (the central problem is the friction between the U.S. and China), and how to formalize the ancient imperialism linked to slavery in ancient Rome. After the publication of this book, I have also been conducting a research on the conditions under which the "four classes" defined in the two-dimensional four quadrants can form stable alliances. This research is currently being submitted to an academic journal. In connection with this research, I also wrote a paper on Hong Kong and Xinjiang issues to demonstrate the problems of nationalism and exclusionism that obscure class relations.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)