並列タイトル等ニホン クウイキ ニ オイテ コウクウキ ニ エイキョウ オ アタエル ランキリュウ ノ トウケイ カイセキ
Nihon kūiki ni oite kōkūki ni eikyō o ataeru rankiryū no tōkei kaiseki
Statistical analysis of aviation turbulence affecting aircraft over Japan
過去に日本域で発生した乱気流の統計をパイロットによるレポート(PIREP)を元にまとめた。まずPIREPは独特の形式で保存されており、PIREPデータの整備を行った。次にPIREPデータを用いて、乱気流の発生箇所(緯度・経度・高度)や、季節、時刻別に統計解析を行った。そして航空機の便数のデータを用いて乱気流の発生数との比を取ることで、便数の多寡に関わらず、乱気流が特に発生しやすい地域、季節、時刻を特定した。本研究で得られた一連の解析結果をまとめ、米国気象学会の学術誌Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatologyに投稿し、現在査読修正中である。
The major cause of aircraft incident is aviation turbulence. Once aircraft encounters turbulence, it potentially results in severe injuries of passengers and consumption of extra fuel. Hence, it is important to predict location and time of occurrence of turbulence before departure of aircraft. However, there is no forecast system that can accurately predict the generation of turbulence. This is due largely to the lack of understanding of turbulence. In this study, we aim to reveal the statistics of aviation turbulence over Japan by analyzing past cases of turbulence.
We conducted statistical analysis on aviation turbulence that occurred over Japan from 2006 to 2018 and reported as Pilot Report (PIREP). First of all, the PIREP data was decoded to extract information that is required for analyses. Then, statistics of generation location, i.e., longitude, latitude, and altitude, and time, i.e., season and local hour, were analyzed. Finally, by normalizing the number of turbulence by the number of flights, the region, season, and local time, in which turbulence likely occurs were determined. The obtained results were summarized in a manuscript and it is submitted to a journal in American Meteorological Society, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)