並列タイトル等シンゾウ ハッセイ ノ アラタナ テンシャ セイギョ インシ ノ カイセキ
Shinzō hassei no aratana tensha seigyo inshi no kaiseki
Dissecting novel transcriptional networks of heart development
今年度は最初にCRISPR/Cas9システムを用いてZNF281欠損マウスES細胞を樹立した。このES細胞は心筋分化能を失っており、ZNF281は心筋分化に必要な因子であることが判明した。次に同様の手法でZNF281欠損マウスを作製したところ、ホモ欠損マウスは一匹も出生が確認できず、胎生致死であることが示唆された。そのため、我々はZNF281 floxed マウスラインを樹立し、心臓中胚葉、心筋前駆細胞、心筋細胞特異的にCreリコンビナーゼを発現するマウスと交配し、各心臓発生段階特異的にZNF281を欠損(KO)したマウスを作成した。その結果、心筋前駆細胞特異的ZNF281KOマウスは個体の大きさが野生型と比較して小さく、心臓に何らかの異常がある事が示唆された。また、心臓中胚葉特異的ZNF281KOマウスは出生が確認できず、胎生致死であることが示唆された。今後はこのマウスの表現型を解析し、ZNF281が心臓形成必須の因子である事を明らかにすることを目標とする。
During direct cardiac reprogramming, cardiogenic transcription factors (TFs) cooperatively reshape the epigenomic landscape by activating cardiac enhancers, which describe a common epigenetic signature between in vitro cardiac reprogramming and in vivo heart development. We thus hypothesized that direct reprogramming could be a useful tool to study novel transcriptional regulators in heart development. To test this hypothesis, we focused on ZNF281/Zfp281(Zinc finger protein 281), a pluripotency regulator which showed up as an unexpected strong cardiac reprogramming inducer from our previous unbiased screen.
We first generated Zfp281KO mouse ES cell lines by CRISPR/Cas9 system. These ES cells failed to differentiate to cardiomyocytes, suggesting an indispensable function for cardiac differentiation. Consistently, Zfp281 KO mice which we generated by CRISPR/Cas9 system were also embryonic lethal. Therefore, to study the impact of Zfp281 after cardiac lineage commitment, we established a ZNF281 floxed mouse line. We then generated multiple conditional Zfp281KO (cKO) mouse lines by crossing with different stage-specific Cre driver lines. Surprisingly, we found that mesodermal Zfp281cKO mice were embryonic lethal. In contrast, cardiac progenitor Zfp281cKO mice survived to adulthood, but showed reduced body size.
In conclusion, by using multiple genetic mouse models, we discovered that cardiac reprogramming inducer Zfp281 plays a pivotal role in heart development. Although GWAS studies have identified various disease-causing mutations, the etiology for the majority of congenital heart disease remains largely unknown and there are still such missing pieces to be uncovered in the interdependent cardiogenic transcriptional network. Our study demonstrates and highlights the impact and possibility of direct reprogramming as a novel approach to study cardiovascular biology.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)