並列タイトル等コウツウ インフラ ノ「キンリン コウカ」ノ ケンキュウ
Kōtsū infura no "kinrin kōka" no kenkyū
"Neighborhood effects" of transportation infrastructure
一般注記出版タイプ: VoR
近年、自動車の燃費改善や電動化により燃料税収が減少し、アメリカの州政府レベルでは自主財源にあたる燃料税収入のシェアが低下した。州への連邦補助の原資は連邦燃料税であり、収入に占める連邦補助のシェアも低下した。1990年代には連邦と州をあわせて6割を上回っていた燃料税と連邦補助のシェアは4割程度に低下した。このような事情から、財源を確保するために燃料税を引き上げる州が多く、オレゴン州とユタ州は、道路利用課金(Road Usage Charging、RUC)を導入した。
In this year, I had the opportunity to present our research to date. And I added new findings from the literature survey and data analysis to it and prepared a paper. The first is a summary of the current research results, presented as Kato and Nakamura (December 2022). The second is a survey of the literature as well as data collected and summarized in Kato and Nakamura (November 2022). In recent years, fuel tax revenues have decreased due to improved fuel efficiency of automobiles and the increase in the number of electric vehicles. The share of fuel tax revenues, which is an independent revenue source at the state government level, has declined. The source of federal subsidies to the states is the federal fuel tax, and the share of federal subsidies (transfers to the states) in revenues has also declined; the share of fuel tax and federal subsidies, which together exceeded 60% of federal and state revenues in the 1990s, has fallen to about 40%. Given this situation, many states have raised fuel taxes in order to secure independent resources. And Oregon and Utah introduced Road Usage Charging (RUC).
Chen (2022) found a neighborhood effect in fuel tax increases. Chen (2022) points out that states with poor or deteriorating road and bridge infrastructure tend to raise fuel tax rates, and states with lower incomes tend to avoid raising fuel taxes. These decisions indicate the possibility that interstate disparities in road stock may widen in the future, which may have policy implications for road maintenance.
The states that have raised state fuel taxes are those with growing urban populations, such as Florida and California, for example. These states have introduced toll systems to finance road maintenance. I also continue research on this subject, and a paper will be published in April 2023.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)