並列タイトル等キョウカ オウダン ニ ヨル チュウガクセイ ノ ゲンゴ ノウリョク イクセイ オ ネラウ レンケイ カリキュラム ノ カイハツ
Kyōka ōdan ni yoru chūgakusei no gengo nōryoku ikusei o nerau renkei karikyuramu no kaihatsu
Development of a collaborative curriculum for the development of junior high school students' language skills through cross-curricular activities
一般注記出版タイプ: VoR
7月4・6日 合同授業①「三角ロジックを用いて天気予報を行う」(2時間)
12月7日 合同授業②「ハザードマップを用いて防災俳句を作る」(2時間)
3月10日 合同授業③「春のニュースを作る」(4時間)
10月 7日 広島大学附属福山中・高等学校
10月20日 広島大学附属中・高等学校
This research took a cross-curricular perspective and aimed to build a curriculum for language skill development, especially through collaboration between Japanese language and science education. The results of the research are described below.
Curriculum development and implementation(Participants: Second-year junior high school students)
July 4 and 6: Joint class 1 "Forecasting the weather using Triangle Logic" (2 hours)
→Group work was conducted to forecast the weather (assertion) from weather charts (facts) using the "Triangle Logic" , taught in Japanese education. The students also confirmed their existing knowledge in reasoning to connect facts and assertions, and performed a presentation. The students improved their logical language skills and learned how to use them. From the students' comments after the class, it was recognized that some of the students gained insights that they can transfer such a skill to social studies and mathematics.
December 7 Joint class 2 "Write Disaster Prevention Haiku Using Hazard Maps" (2 hours)
→Focusing on the disaster-preventive view of the "Mogami River" in "Okunohosomichi," participants composed disaster-preventive haiku using hazard maps, and shared their ideas through their presentations. In the process of embodying natural things and phenomena in words that would be inspiring the readers, the students learned how to connect their perspectives and ideas from both Japanese and science education.
March 10 Joint class 3 "Making Spring News" (4 hours)
→ Group work, to create "Spring News video crips" using a constructivist worksheet, was conducted, and shared through their presentations, with self-assessment. In working on a cross-curricular performance task, the students learned mainly following three abilities; collaboration, presentation, "seusitivity / expression / and creativity". Also, this practice became lessons for connecting learning across subjects through using of language.
Observation tour
October 7: Hiroshima University Junior and Senior High School, Fukuyama
October 20: Hiroshima University Junior and Senior High School
→The researchers observed the practice of utilizing multiple texts, focusing on learners' questions, and empirical practice of utilizing ICT and data, as well as year-round inquiry activities. Each of the lesson designs was based on subject goals and learner situations and elaborated on the content, and researchers gained perspectives on cross-curricular curriculum development and implementation.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)