並列タイトル等ホウシュウ ケイヤク ノ コウチョクセイ ト カイケイ ジョウホウ ノ テキジセイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
Hōshū keiyaku no kōchokusei to kaikei jōhō no tekijisei ni kansuru kenkyū
Contract rigidity and earnings timeliness
本研究は、2期間のプリンシパル・エージェントのモデルにおいて、契約の硬直性と利益の適時性の関係を分析する。より具体的には、異なる2つの契約のもとで、利益の適時性の役割を分析的、実験的に検証した。柔軟な契約(Flexible Contract)のもとでは、プリンシパルは第1期と第2期で異なる固定賃金とインセンティブ係数を設定することができる。一方、定常的な契約(Stationary Contract)のもとでは、プリンシパルは2つの期間で同じ固定賃金とインセンティブ係数を設定しなければならない。
This research investigates the relationship between contract rigidity and earnings timeliness in a two-period principal–agent setting. We analytically and experimentally examine the role of earnings timeliness under different contractual settings. Under a flexible contract regime, a principal can set different fixed wages and incentive weights over the first and second periods. By contrast, under a stationary contract regime, a principal must set the same fixed wages and incentive weights over the two periods.
We compare the overall performance under these regimes for high and low timeliness and find the following results. First, earnings timeliness plays a key role under the stationary contract regime. Second, earnings timeliness does not matter under the flexible contract regime because a principal can accommodate it by adjusting the parameters of a compensation contract. Finally, overall performance under the flexible contract regime is better than that under the stationary one. However, our experiment shows the efficiency of the stationary contract exceeds that of the flexible contract. Overall, we provide evidence that the nature of accounting information becomes more important when contract incompleteness is pervasive.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)