並列タイトル等ケイヤクホウジョウ ノ タンポテキ セイド ノ グタイテキ コウサツ
Keiyakuhōjō no tanpoteki seido no gutaiteki kōsatsu
Analysis of institutions under contract law that fonction as guarantee
The results of this research are, first, that I was able to present the analytical perspective, that the institutions under contract law that fonction as guarantee, are the systems to realize the correct performance scheduled by the contract. Second, I was able to show that there are two theories underlying the function of setoff as guarantee: the expectation of setoff and the connectivity between the claims. Third, I have examined in detail whether the cancellation of contracts can be effected after insolvency proceedings. Fourth, I was able to clarify that the purpose of the right of direct action under French law was protection of the third party debtor.
研究種目 : 若手研究
研究期間 : 2019~2022
課題番号 : 19K13550
研究分野 : 民法
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)