並列タイトル等Evaluating Digital Humanities Practices at KU-ORCAS : From the Perspective of "Organizational Activities"
タイトル(掲載誌)KU-ORCASが開くデジタル化時代の東アジア文化研究 : オープン・プラットフォームで浮かび上がる、新たな東アジアの姿
一般注記出版タイプ: VoR
In the context of recent research evaluation, "research activities are now recognized as organizational activities conducted by research institutions, organizations, or networks such as collaborative research, rather than by individuals." In this context, Digital Humanities (DH) is essentially an "organizational activity" because it is an interdisciplinary research field, and in many cases, it is conducted as collaborative research. However, in the evaluation of DH research in Japan, the criteria for evaluating it as an "organizational activity" have not been made public yet, and the discussion has not progressed. I have been involved in various DH projects at the Kansai University Open Research Center for Asian Studies (KU-ORCAS) to lead the research branding project and promote research activities. Although I have published some papers or articles on the results of each project, I have not actively discussed the activities of DH as an "organizational activity". However, ending KU-ORCAS research activities without openness and evaluation of such activities and then starting up "organizational activities" again would not lead to the accumulation of experience for the Kansai University and would have a negative impact on DH research activities in the future. In this paper, I conduct a self-evaluation of the DH practices at KU-ORCAS from the perspective of "organizational activities" with this awareness of the above problem. By doing so, I aim to open up the work experience behind the digital works of KU-ORCAS and make recommendations to promote DH as an "organizational activity" in the future.
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)