並列タイトル等Progress of the research and development on the geological disposal technology of HLW with aid of the industry/university collaboration system and fixed term researcher system
In JAEA, various systems associated with the collaboration with industries and universities are enacted. These systems have been operated considering the needs of JAEA's program, industry and academia, resultantly contributed, for example, to basic research and the project development. Activities under these systems contain personal exchanges, the publication of the accomplishments and utilization of those, in R\&D concerning geological disposal technology of HLW. These activities have progressed in PNC and JNC, through JAEA. The accomplishments from these systems have contributed to the advancement of the national program on the geological disposal of HLW. In this report, the progress of the R\&D under these systems was investigated from the beginning of their operation. The contribution to the R\&D on geological disposal technology of HLW was also studied. On the basis of these studies, the future utilization of the systems of the collaboration was also discussed.
一次資料へのリンクURL/JAEA-Review-2007-061.pdf (fulltext)
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)
提供元機関・データベース日本原子力研究開発機構 : JOPSS:JAEA Originated Papers Searching System