並列タイトル等Effect of a particle diameter on the criticality of a MOX powder system
In the heterogeneous system of the mixed oxide fuel of uranium and plutonium, hereafter, MOX fuel, it was investigated whether the system could be modeled as a homogeneous system on the conditions which dealt with the MOX fuel of particle diameter 0.02mm or less in MOX fuel fabrication facilities in Japan. The infinite multiplication factor of the homogeneous system of the MOX fuel was first calculated, and the optimum moderation condition over the each ratio of PuO$_{2}$ was determined. It was verified that carried out critical calculation for the heterogeneous system of the MOX fuel in which the spherical fuel diameter in a cube unit cell increased, and an atomic number ratio of hydrogen to heavy metal fixed conditions, and the probability for neutrons to escape resonance by a spherical fuel diameter no less than 0.1mm, and analyzed critical conditions etc. using a contiguous energy Monte Carlo code MVPII and JENDL3.3. The details of these calculations are reported. These results are expected to be quoted in a revised edition of "Nuclear Criticality Safety Handbook."
一次資料へのリンクURL/JAERI-Tech-2005-056.pdf (fulltext)
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