並列タイトル等A Study on Changes in Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Bentonite-based Materials
In the safety assessment, of a radioactive waste repository, near-field hydrology is one of the important environmental conditions for the alteration of engineered barriers as well as the nuclide transport. Moreover, changes in chemical conditions and transport properties in near-field originate in the reaction of underground water and cement-based materials which is much used in a TRU waste repository. Near-field hydrology has mutual influences with its chemical conditions in such a way. Thus, the relationships between the hydraulic conductivity and alteration of barriers need to be set to evaluate the transition process. In this study, we referred to several reports on chemical or mechanical effects on hydraulic conductivity of saturated bentonite-based material, a mixture of bentonite and sand or gravel, which is used as a buffer or a backfill. The relationships were empirically formulated to evaluate long-term transition of near-field hydrology. The measured effects referred herein can be summarized as below; (1)The influence of cation exchange (Na to Ca) is expressed by decrease of Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP). (2)The change due to salt concentration in solution is shown in the increasing equivalent ionic concentration. (3)The effect of mineralogical change is described by smectite partial dry density. (4)The consolidation and swelling deformation are also explained by smectite partial dry density. The empirical relationships set with these indices made possible to well evaluate the alteration of the engineered barriers and near-field hydrology.
一次資料へのリンクURL/JNC-TN8400-2005-029.pdf (fulltext)
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)
提供元機関・データベース日本原子力研究開発機構 : JOPSS:JAEA Originated Papers Searching System