並列タイトル等The results of the investigation on rock mechanics in MIU-2 borehole and the geomechanical conceptual model in Toki granitic body of hanging wall of Tukiyoshi fault
The geomechanical investigations have been carried out in surface boreholes with 1000m depth since 1998 as a part of the investigations in pre-investigation phase in MIU (Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory) project. The objectives of the investigation are: (1)to develop the geomechanical conceptual model in pre-investigation phase in MIU project, (2)to obtain the mechanical data of Toki granite for the design of MIZUNAMI Underground Research Laboratory. The geomechanical investigations in MIU-2 borehole were carried out in 1999 and the major reverse fault called Tukiyoshi fault approximately intersected at 900m depth in MIU-2 borehole. The investigations consist of three parts: (1)Laboratory tests for the mechanical properties of rock matrix. (2)Stress measurement in laboratory with AE method. (3)In-situ stress measurement with hydraulic fracturing. This report is described on the results of geomechanical investigations in MIU-2 borehole. Additinally, the integration of the results of the geological, geophysical and geomechanical investigations in AN-1, MIU-1 and MIU-2 is attempted to establish a geomechanical conceptual model in Toki granite. The results are summarized as follows: *In MIU-2 borehole, the distribution of each properties for Toki granite has different trend with each section, where are until 400m, from 400 to 600m, from 600m to 900 and over 900m. The difference of the rock mechanical properties over 900m is possible to be due to mechanical damage when Tukiyoshi fault was formed. The results of the seismic velocity measurements of the cores in two dimension show that a little anisotropy (the range is 5 to 20 percents) of rock matrix is detected and the gap of degree of anisotropy was found at 600m depth. The result of three dimensional seismic velocity measurement on rock matrix suggested that three major axis of the anisotropy are perpendicular each other and the axises are vertical and horizontal approximately. *In MIU-2 borehole, the ...
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連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)
提供元機関・データベース日本原子力研究開発機構 : JOPSS:JAEA Originated Papers Searching System