並列タイトル等In - Sodium tests of hard facing materials (IV); Effect of Exposure time in sodium on friction coefficient
In view of anti-self-welding and low friction, hard facing materials are applied to the sliding parts of "MONJU" components. But it is thought that the self-welding and friction behavior of these materials is affected by sodium corrosion during long-term application at high temperature. At present report, a friction test was conducted in sodium to investigate the effect of the exposure time in flowing sodium on friction coefficient. This report describes the friction test results for Stellite No.6, Colmonoy No.5, Inconel 718, LC-1C (chromium carbide/nichrome binder) and SUS 316 under the following test conditions : the test temperature of 600$^{\circ}$C, the cold trap temperature of 140$^{\circ}$C, the test duration of 2000 hrs., the sodium velocity of 0.7 m/sec, the contact stress of 0.3 Kg/mm$^{2}$, the sliding stroke of $\pm$5 mm and the sliding velocity of O $\sim$ 0.63 mm/sec, The results obtained are as follows. (1)All of test materials except for Colmonoy No.5 did not show the exposure time dependency of kinetic friction coefficient ($\mu$$_{k}$), (2)Degraded layer was appatently observed on the surface of Colmonoy No.5. (3)The coating method must be improved for LC-1C, because the LC-1C of 0.2 mm thick showed edge chipping. (4)The $\mu$$_{k}$ values were as follows. [Stellite No.6/self : 0.15 $\sim$ 0.35] [Colmonoy No.5/self : 0.15 $\sim$ 1.5] [Inconel 718/self : 0.65 $\sim$ 1.15] [LC-1C/self : 0.35 $\sim$ 0.55] [SUS 316/self : 1.0 $\sim$ 1.2]
一次資料へのリンクURL/PNC-TN941-79-105.pdf (fulltext)
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)
提供元機関・データベース日本原子力研究開発機構 : JOPSS:JAEA Originated Papers Searching System