並列タイトル等Influence of Thermodynamic Effect on Blade Load in a Cavitating Inducer
タイトル(掲載誌)宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発資料 = JAXA Research and Development Memorandum
一般注記Distribution of the blade load is one of the design parameters for a cavitating inducer. For experimental investigation of the thermodynamic effect on the blade load, we conducted experiments in both cold water and liquid nitrogen. The thermodynamic effect on cavitation notably appears in this cryogenic fluid, although it can be disregarded in cold water. In these experiments, the pressure rise along the blade tip was measured. In water, the pressure increase almost linearly from the leading edge to the trailing edge at higher cavitation number. After that, with a decrease of cavitation number, pressure rise occurred only near the trailing edge. On the other hand, in liquid nitrogen, the pressure distribution was similar to that in water at a higher cavitation number, even if the cavitation number as a cavitation parameter decreased. Because the cavitation growth is suppressed by the thermodynamic effect, the distribution of the blade load does not change even at lower cavitation number. By contrast, the pressure distribution in liquid nitrogen has the same tendency as that in water if the cavity length at the blade tip is taken as a cavitation indication. From these results, it was found that the shift of the blade load to the trailing edge depended on the increase of cavity length and that the distribution of blade load was indicated only by the cavity length independent of the thermodynamic effect.
形態: カラー図版あり
Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations
資料番号: AA0064648000
レポート番号: JAXA-RM-10-003E
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)
提供元機関・データベース宇宙航空研究開発機構 : 宇宙航空研究開発機構リポジトリ