タイトル(掲載誌)Proceedings of the CEReS international symposium = CEReS国際シンポジウム資料集
一般注記出版タイプ: VoR
[ABSTRACT]The vertical structure of the atmosphere particularly over tropics is essential for various applications in weather forecasting and space meteorology and it has been studied at NARL, Indian tropical station, Gadanki, with MST Radar, and other collocated facilities. Of them, the lidar technique has been found to be a potential remote sensing method for probing the earth's atmosphere from troposphere to mesopause region. The portable lidar nocturnal observations over Gadanki, usually showed a thick aerosol layer in the lowermost atmosphere, which corresponds to the local mixing layer. However, on several occasions during winter 2005, a thin aerosol layer was observed above the local boundary layer, in the free troposphere, between 3 and 4 km heights Using Mie and Rayleigh backscattering lidar system, regular observations of upper tropospheric clouds, aerosols at stratospheric heights and atmospheric temperatures in the range from 30 to 80 km have been made. Several tropical cirrus cloud structures having low to moderate ice content and occasionally, thin sub-visible cirrus in the vicinity of the tropical tropopause have also been detected. Rayleigh-scattering lidar observations revealed the temperature inversions at mesospheric heights, significant warming in the lower mesosphere associated with a consistent cooling in the upper stratospheric heights particularly in the winter season, during the events of sudden stratospheric warming (SSW).The formation and decay of the sporadic sodium layer at mesospheric heights is studied using newly augmented Resonance lidar. Many interesting features such as temperature climatology, Gravity wave activity etc are studied using long data base and results are compared with other centers corresponding values .
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)